The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1168: 9th House Chamber of Commerce

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When the two of them arrived at the door, the maid took the initiative to step forward and handed a greeting to the guard at the door, and said with a smile: "My master is the chairman of the Cihang Chamber of Commerce, and I have heard the name of the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce for a long time, so I came to visit this time. "

There are eight guards at the door, and one of the monks in a white robe stepped forward to take the invitation, and said with puzzled eyes:

"Cihang Chamber of Commerce, I haven't heard of it, do you know?"

A few people behind him thought about it for a while, and one person answered: "I heard this name before... It seems to be a small business association in Xuanyuanyu, and did not participate in this 'Wentai Fight' Treasure Conference'."


The leading white-robed cultivator listened, nodded slightly, and then asked, "Why are you coming to the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce?"

"I heard that the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce has a lot of rare treasures in the hands. In addition to cultivating, I also like to collect some rare magic treasures. I came here to open my eyes. If you have a good eye, I plan to make a deal with the Gui Chamber of Commerce. "The bloated golden-robed member said with a smile from behind.

"make a deal?"

The white-robed cultivator looked him up and down, and said lightly, "If you want to buy any treasure, just go directly to the business of our Chamber of Commerce. This is the place where the cultivators of the Chamber of Commerce live, and they don't usually meet outsiders."

"That's different. I have admired the chairman of your chamber of commerce for a long time. This time I came here not only for trading, but also for making friends with the monks of the Nine Palaces Chamber of Commerce. I also ask your Excellency to be accommodating."

The golden-robed member laughed, reached out and took out a small cloth bag from his sleeve, and secretly stuffed it into the hands of the white-robed cultivator.

"I have prepared a lot of greetings, please help me spread the word, saying that Yuan Mou sincerely worships the village, and brought treasures such as 'Linglong Water Mirror', 'Tianzhu Huiqi Dan', 'Purple Sand Crystal', and only hope Get to know your fellow Daoists."

"Yuan Baisheng, right?"

The white-robed cultivator weighed the small cloth bag in his hand, swept his consciousness inside, and said with a wide-eyed smile: "Your Excellency is quite prepared, okay! I'll pass it on for you, as for the chambers of commerce. Whether the elder is willing to see you or not is not up to me."

"Of course I know this, it's hard work."

The golden-robed cultivator chuckled, then withdrew his maid to the side and waited quietly outside the door.

To talk about the identities of these two people, it is naturally Liang Yan and Li Xiran who came from Yi Rong.

The Cihang Chamber of Commerce was originally a branch of the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce in Xuanyuan. Li Xiran used a little relationship and quickly helped Liang Yan get the title of President of the Cihang Chamber of Commerce.

Now Liang Yan's pseudonym is Yuan Baisheng, revealing that his cultivation is in the early stage of Jindan, while Li Xiran's pseudonym is "Ling'er", revealing that his cultivation is the middle stage of Juyuan Realm.

The two of them waited outside the door for a long time, when they saw the white-robed cultivator leaving and returning, they cupped their hands and smiled: "Congratulations, the eight elders of our chamber of commerce are willing to meet you, please follow me to the living room and wait. ."

"Okay! Then Lao will lead the way." Liang Yan chuckled.


The white-robed cultivator said politely and turned to lead the way.

The two followed him into the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce's mansion, passed through the bamboo forest courtyard inside, and soon came to a magnificent hall.

The whole body of this hall is pure gold, and the treasures are shining brightly, and even the wall bricks are made of extremely rare treasure-refining materials.

Liang Yan looked up and saw a plaque hanging on the lintel, with a letter: "Nine Gates Enter Treasure!" in four big characters.

"It's here."

The white-robed cultivator led the two outside the hall, bowed slightly, and made a "please" gesture.


Liang Yan nodded, still smiling, but there was a glint in his eyes.

His "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" does not need to activate the consciousness to perceive the abnormality around him. Although it is only separated by a door, he has already discovered that there is more than one aura in this hall!

"It seems that things are not as simple as I thought."

Liang Yan pondered in his heart, but there was nothing strange on the surface.

His current strength is not what it used to be. Not only does he have powerful trump cards such as the Mayfly Sword Pill, the prototype of Jianying, Tianxiang Shenmu, and "Wuxiang", but he also has the help of Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Jindan in his body. Enough to make him challenge the ancestor of the robbery realm!

Taking a step back, if there is really any conspiracy here, even if he can't beat him, he will be able to take Li Xiran out of the house.

Therefore, even if he noticed the abnormality in the hall, Liang Yan did not flinch at all, still smiling, he stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the hall.


With a light sound, the door was slowly pushed open, and in the hall, dozens of eyes swept across in an instant, all of which landed on Liang Yan.


Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, pretending to be surprised, and asked, "Why are there so many people? Are they all monks from the Nine Palaces Chamber of Commerce?"

"No, like you, they also came to see the elders of the chamber of commerce."

The white-robed cultivator laughed softly beside him: "The eighth elder has something important to do, and it will take a while to arrive. Please President Yuan rest here for a while, and I will see you later."

"I see."

Liang Yan nodded slightly, and without hesitation, walked into the hall with Li Xiran.

I saw that the seats in the hall were divided into two rows, and there were seven or eight people sitting on the left and right. Most of them were in the middle and late stages of Jindan. Among them, there were two monks in the Xuantong realm, sitting on the left and right. the first place.

Liang Yan was a bloated member of staff at this time. He was smiling all over his face, and he was in a good mood. As soon as he entered the door, he bowed his hands to the monks on both sides.

"Under the Cihang Chamber of Commerce President Yuan Baisheng, what do you call fellow Taoists?"

"It turned out to be President Yuan, disrespectful and disrespectful, next..."

The monks sitting on both sides, some of whom were easy to get along with, all stood up and saluted him at this time, and reported their home.

But there are also some withdrawn, who have been sitting on their seats with a cold face, turning a deaf ear to Liang Yan's greetings, as if they have not seen him.

Liang Yan wasn't angry either. He knew that people who cultivated self-cultivation had their own temperaments. Now that he was playing the role of a friendly businessman, he naturally wouldn't care about it.

He picked an empty seat and sat down at the end on the left, while Li Xiran stood obediently behind him.

Through the brief communication with those people just now, Liang Yan knew that the monks here come from all over It is to make friends with the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce.

Liang Yan changed his mind and looked forward again.

I saw the monk sitting in the first place on the left hand, an old man in sackcloth with a gray beard. Behind him was a bamboo basket, which contained many herbs and medicinal materials. Ong.

As for the monk sitting at the top of his right hand, it was a man in yellow, with a thin body and prominent cheekbones. He wore a khaki-yellow jade bracelet on his right wrist, and there was a faint glow.

The cultivation realm of these two people is in the late stage of Tongxuan, so they have no interest in the early Jindan cultivator like Liang Yan. In the.

Liang Yan was naturally so happy, he sat down in the most inconspicuous corner, but looked at everyone secretly with his eyes.

This matter seems a bit strange. Why are so many people visiting the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce at the same time, and what is the purpose of these people?

Liang Yan thought for a while, and silently started the "Bodhi Mirror Image", and after a while, his brows suddenly wrinkled slightly.

Now that he has broken through the profound entrance, he has achieved profound knowledge, and the power of the "mirror of Bodhi" is even stronger than before, let alone a junior in the Jindan realm, even if he is in the profound realm, it is difficult to hide from his eyes and ears.

At this time, it was just a thought, and the exercise was running, and it was discovered that these people actually had a spiritual power with similar attributes circulating around them!


A strange color flashed in Liang Yan's eyes, and he secretly said: "These monks seem to have one thing in common... They are all practicing earth-based exercises!"

This discovery made him a little surprised. He must know that the monks in this hall come from all over the world, and there are monks from all sects, families, and chambers of commerce. How can it be so coincidental that they are all practicing the same attribute?

At this moment, he has become the most special person in this hall.

"Master, these people..." Li Xiran suddenly said from behind.

"No need to say more, let's keep our troops on hold and see what their goals are."

Liang Yan gave an order, his face was calm, he sat still in his seat, and looked into the depths of the hall again.

After entering the door just now, all his attention was on the monks in the main hall. It was only at this time that he noticed that there was still a picture hanging on the wall at the rear of the main hall.

There are nine mountain peaks on the painting, each of which is majestic and magnificent, and there is a breath of air between them, which seems to coincide with a certain rhyme.

This painting hangs grandly in the hall, which is incompatible with the surrounding furnishings, but since there is no spiritual flow on it, not a single monk in the field is looking at it.

After all, no matter how good the pictures are, they are only mundane things, and people who cultivate self-cultivation do not see them.

Only Liang Yan's eyes stayed on the painting for a moment, and there was a thoughtful look in his eyes......

Although there were many monks in the hall, they were unfamiliar with each other and did not talk to each other. This quiet atmosphere lasted for half a cup of tea, until a hearty male voice broke the silence.

"Hahaha! All of you have come from afar, my Jiugong Chamber of Commerce is full of glory! Feng Mou has made a mistake, and I hope to forgive him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a tall cultivator in a blue robe walked in.

This person has white eyebrows and red eyes, and his arms are very long. Although he looks a little strange, his cultivation is a genuine Tongxuan early stage.

"You are Feng Changqing, Elder Feng of the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce?"

In the hall, the old man with a bamboo basket squinted his eyes and asked.

"It's down!"

Feng Changqing clenched his fists towards this man and said with a smile, "It turns out that it is the owner of Bimuju, Wen Biyun, who has been looking up to him for a long time! I don't know why Zhenjun Wen is here, why is he so precious?"

"Hey, let's not speak secretly, I believe everyone present, including President Luo Haotian Luo of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, are here for the holy spirit of mountains and rivers, right?"

Wen Biyun smiled, and when he said the words "Luo Haotian", he looked at the other True Monarch Tongxuan in the field, the man in yellow in the first place on his right hand.


Luo Haotian nodded and said, "The reason why we came here is not because of the instructions of Fatty Wang. He said that if you want the holy spirit of mountains and rivers, you must come to the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce in person."

As soon as he said this, many people in the audience immediately echoed it. Everyone said something to me. After listening for a while, Liang Yan understood it completely.

It turns out that these monks who came to the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce have all injected their spiritual power into Fatty Wang's stone. Although the stone didn't shine in the end, Fatty Wang still pointed to a clear path, that is the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce!

"I said why so many people came to visit at the same time. It turns out that these people are also here for the holy spirit of mountains and rivers. This is a coincidence!"

Liang Yan pondered in his heart, and then turned his attention to Feng Changqing at the entrance of the hall to see how this person answered.

"Hehe, don't be impatient, everyone!"

Feng Changqing shook his head, opened his mouth and said with a smile: "You said that the holy energy of mountains and rivers is in the Nine Palaces Chamber of Commerce, this matter is purely non-existent and hearsay! You must know that the holy energy of mountains and rivers is one of the seven innate fortune qi, even if The concentration is not high, and it is not easy to get it. If our Jiugong Chamber of Commerce has this kind of treasure, UU reading will never leak the news, just wait for the 'Xuanyuan Doubao Conference' to open and then take it out, it will be a blockbuster !"

As soon as his voice fell, a voice said coldly:

"Humph! Maybe someone in your Jiugong Chamber of Commerce leaked the news?"

The person who spoke was Luo Haotian, the president of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

At the same time, Wen Biyun also opened his mouth and said: "Yes, Fatty Wang doesn't seem to be someone who is open-minded. If the Guishang Association really has the holy spirit of mountains and rivers, there is no need to hide it. Wen only needs a wisp of it. , the reward will definitely satisfy you!"

"Elder Feng, I only need a wisp of holy energy from the mountains and rivers to complete the "Royal God's Back Earth Art" that I practiced. If the Guishang Guild can succeed, then Wang would not hesitate to go bankrupt!"

"Yes, so am I!"

The cultivator in the hall said every word you said, and the expression of eagerness and eagerness appeared on your face.

Liang Yan had been watching from the back, but at this moment, he had come to his senses. No wonder the monks in the hall had all practiced the earth-attribute exercises. I'm afraid they were all the result of Fatty Wang's selection of the stone.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

In the entire hall, only myself is the only exception.

Because he didn't pass Fatty Wang's assessment at all, he came uninvited, but the guards here were preconceived and regarded him as someone like Wen Biyun and Luo Haotian, so he brought him into this hall.

"It seems that all of you have already decided that this holy spirit of mountains and rivers is in our Jiugong Chamber of Commerce?"

Feng Changqing squinted his eyes, and his expression suddenly became a little weird.

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