The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1170: 9 peak killing array

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These four black lights, just one of them, instantly wiped out all Jindan cultivators present, and its power was terrifying.

Seeing one of the black lights coming straight towards him, Wen Biyun's face was extremely solemn. He pinched a magic trick on the spot, and then shook the bamboo basket behind him, and dozens of vines immediately protruded from it.

These vines grow in midair against the wind, and in the blink of an eye, they each turned into towering giant trees dozens of feet tall, blocking their heads like a forest.

It's just that the roots of this forest are all rooted in the soil in Wen Biyun's bamboo basket. If you look at it from a distance, it looks like he is carrying the entire forest on his back!


The black light fell from mid-air and hit the top of the forest. It was blocked by the branches, leaves and tree trunks, and could no longer fall halfway.

Seeing this, Wen Biyun pinched the magic trick in his hand again. A large piece of blue silk emerged from the forest in an instant, twisting the black light on the spot, and immediately turned it into countless fragments......

Meanwhile, on the other side of the valley.

Luo Haotian's eyes twitched, and fear flashed in his eyes.

He is the chairman of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, and he has experienced many storms and waves on weekdays, but this is the first time that such a strange thing is happening today.

Facing the black light galloping towards him, Luo Haotian did not neglect him in the slightest. With a pinch of the tactic in his hand, the spiritual energy gathered in mid-air, and a khaki-colored shield was instantly condensed.

This shield frantically absorbed the earth-attribute aura of the entire space, and even the nine surrounding peaks were shaken. Thousands of strands of aura gathered in forms that were invisible to the naked eye, and finally all drilled into him. khaki shield.


A loud bang came, and the black light was blocked by the shield condensed by Luo Haotian with his supernatural power. Circles of halo spread around, shaking the nearby rocks to the left and right.

Luo Haotian's face was red, his forehead was sweating, and he gritted his teeth desperately to mobilize the spiritual power in his body, so he barely used his supernatural powers to resist the strange black light.

Seeing that the crisis was resolved, he breathed a sigh of relief, then glanced around and found that there were only four people still alive!

In addition to himself, there are Wen Biyun, the owner of Bimuju, Yuan Baisheng, the president of the Cihang Chamber of Commerce, and...the maid behind him?


Luo Haotian screamed in his heart and couldn't help but stare at it.

I saw that "Yuan Baisheng" was floating in the air, his sleeves were bulging, his bloated body was protecting his maid behind him, and he even pinched a sword in his hand!

Looking at the top of this person's head, there are actually three swords surrounding them, divided into purple, silver, and black, galloping vertically and horizontally, with awe-inspiring sword intent!

The powerful black light was slashed by these three swords, and it was broken into countless pieces long ago. At this time, there is no trace at all!

"So this person is a master!"

Luo Haotian's heart moved, and he couldn't help shouting loudly: "Two Taoists, it's so strange here, we need to work together to have a chance!"


Wen Biyun, who was in the distance, obviously noticed this, his eyes swept over, and finally fell on "Yuan Baisheng", and shouted: "Yuan Daoyou, why don't I meet up first and find a way out of trouble together? "

The two called a cultivator in the Golden Core Realm "Daoyou", obviously respecting them. However, this "Yuan Baisheng" ignored them and only looked at the nine nearby mountains, and his eyes were full of light. , seems to be silently measuring something.

Seeing this, Wen Biyun and Luo Haotian showed dissatisfaction on their faces.

They looked at each other, converged in one place, and flew towards the location of "Yuan Baisheng" together.

"do not move!"

Just when Wen Biyun and Luo Haotian were halfway through the flight, "Yuan Baisheng", who was silently calculating, suddenly turned his head and snorted.

"What's the meaning?"

Both Wen Biyun and Luo Haotian frowned slightly. The other party's cultivation base was obviously lower than their own, but now they dared to scold them like this, which made both of them feel a little unhappy.

Among them, Luo Haotian couldn't help but said: "Fellow Daoist Yuan, we know that you have some means, but the situation is full of dangers now. If we can't work together, we will be defeated by the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce sooner or later!"

Liang Yan looked at Luo Haotian who was "good words to persuade" him, but shook his head secretly, instead of approaching the two of them, he pulled Li Xi and took a few steps back.


Wen Biyun's eyes narrowed slightly, and just as he was about to speak, the nine surrounding mountains suddenly vibrated violently.

Yin Feng and evil spirits roared wildly around, the whole space became dark and dark, endless murderous intent spread from the surrounding nine peaks, and finally all locked on Wen Biyun and Luo Haotian.

"how so?"

Luo Haotian looked flustered, his body was hurriedly practicing, and layers of back soil armor covered his body. It looked indestructible, but it couldn't eliminate the fear in his eyes.

"You just walked around randomly and committed the killing in this formation. Now you can only rely on your own supernatural powers to fight the killing of the entire formation!" Liang Yan shook his head, with a hint of sympathy in his eyes.

Since he just entered the formation, he has been secretly studying the mystery of the formation here, and found that the nine peaks here are very similar to the mural he saw behind the main hall.

Each of the nine peaks contains infinite murderous intent, like nine sharp swords that have not yet come out of the body.

He also just noticed one or two changes in it, and when he saw Wen Biyun and Luo Haotian flying towards him, he immediately reminded him.

It's just that these two people somewhat distrusted themselves, and they didn't stop escaping immediately, so they fell into the calamity of these nine mountain peaks.


The tops of the nine mountain peaks, and at the same time shoot thousands of feet of green light, are actually authentic Taoist supernatural powers, like the vast and ruthless heaven, sweeping over the heads of Wen Biyun and Luo Haotian.

In the face of this overwhelming and crushing momentum, how dare the two of them dare to take it hard, and use the divine tree magical power and earth shield magical power again, while escaping in the opposite direction.

However, although their speed was fast, the speed of the azure glow was even faster. In just a blink of an eye, they had already caught up with the two of them, swiping at the divine tree and the earth shield, and immediately broke their magical powers.

Wen Biyun and Luo Haotian were both shocked. Although they knew that they couldn't resist, they didn't expect that their natal supernatural powers would be broken so simply, and they couldn't even stop a breath!

The next moment, the blue glow swept in, like an invisible sickle, sweeping across hundreds of meters, covering Wen Biyun and Luo Haotian at the same time.

boom! boom!

With two muffled sounds, although Wen Biyun and Luo Haotian were still galloping forward, the brilliance in their eyes had dimmed.

The breath of the two gradually disappeared, and their bodies became extremely rigid, like two pieces of wood, falling from the air...

Liang Yan just glanced at it from a distance, and knew that the two of them had been dissipated by Qingxia, and now there are only two empty shells left, which can be regarded as completely removed from this world.

"It's a very spicy method! If one step is wrong, it will cause this nine peaks to kill, even I can't handle it!"

Liang Yan's pupils shrank slightly, facing this strange and inexplicable array, he was extremely vigilant in his heart.

Li Xiran was guarded by him, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he was also frightened.

"Master...what exactly is this place?"

Liang Yan didn't answer, just shook his head slightly, patted the wooden hut on his waist with his hand, and called Lao Jin out of it.

"Lao Jin, help me protect Xi Ran, don't let her have any trouble!"


The golden lion camel transformed by Lao Jin snorted and landed beside Li Xiran, and said solemnly: "This pattern is not simple, and I can't see the truth, so you have to be careful! As for your apprentice, I I will take good care of her."

After listening, Liang Yan nodded, and then instructed Li Xiran: "The murderous intentions here are one after another, don't walk around randomly, you just wait here, wait for the teacher to go to break the formation!"

"As ordered!"

Li Xiran is not a stupid person. Knowing that helping here with his own cultivation realm will only cause trouble, he immediately nodded and agreed.

After settling down his own disciple, Liang Yan no longer had any worries. As soon as he pinched the magic formula in his hand, it turned into a gray light and flew towards one of the mountain peaks.

In the process of flying away, he continued to make calculations and demonstrate the movement trajectory of the formation in his mind. While testing, he thought about the method of breaking the formation.


One of the peaks seemed to have found something unusual, the top of the mountain turned slightly, and a human face appeared after a while.

That is the face of a Buddha!

The Buddha lowered his eyes, with compassion in his eyes, his lips opened and closed slightly, and a golden light shot out from his eyebrows, and he came to Liang Yan in an instant.

Feeling the power in the golden light, Liang Yan's pupils shrank. He didn't dare to be too big. He raised his hand and sacrificed the Mayfly Sword Pill from the Taixu Gourd.

brush! brush! brush!

The mayfly Jianwan's sword energy is vertical and horizontal, slashing three times in the air, and each time it slashes the nearby void, and the golden light shot from the Buddha's eyebrows is also smashed by Jianwan!

Liang Yan broke the supernatural power of the Buddha on the top of the mountain, but there was no sign of joy on his face, instead he pondered: "Following the supernatural powers of the demons and the supernatural powers of the Taoism, is this time the supernatural powers of Buddhism? I didn't expect this small array to be so unexpected. There are so many changes, who is in charge of the formation outside?"

As his thoughts turned, the nine mountain peaks had a feeling, and only nine Buddha faces appeared on the peaks of different mountain peaks at the same time, the lips opened and closed, and the sound of Buddhist Brahma chant resounded through the heavens and the earth.

"not good!"

Lao Jin gave a secret cry, spread his wings behind him, and protected Li Xiran under his own wings, which barely blocked the interference of Buddha Yin.

In mid-air, Liang Yan's face was calm.

He pinched the magic art in his hand, and a layer of faint golden light enveloped his body, which was exactly the "emptiness of all dharmas" in the angry monk's "Eight-step Yanyuan"!

When Buddhist Sanskrit touched this layer of golden light, it immediately stirred up layers of ripples, as if there was an infinite force hitting the water waves, and there was nowhere to focus.

Seeing that Sanskrit couldn't hurt the person who broke the formation, the expressions of the nine Buddhas changed at the same time!

As if being provoked, the originally drooping eyes opened, and golden palms protruded from the depths of the mountain, all of them shot towards the place where Liang Yan was!


The mountain moved, the Buddha's light shone, and the nine huge golden palms were as fast as lightning in the air. The target was Liang Yan who was breaking the formation!

At this time, Liang Yan had sacrificed all three swords, Zilei, Dingguang, and Heilian, and guarded them with the Mayfly Sword Pill. between.

If someone looks at it from a distance, they can see such a scene. The nine groups of golden light are overwhelming, as if crushing all the divine might, sealing all the vitality of this world.

But in the golden light of the nine circles, there is a small gray dot, sometimes tumbling upwards, sometimes sinking downwards, no matter how the nine bergamot hands fiddle, they still can't catch him......

Such an anxious situation lasted for an entire hour.

Until the little gray dot in mid-air stopped dodging blindly, and started to fly in one direction!

The little gray light that Liang Yan turned into seemed to have found some flaws. While dodging the attacks of the surrounding bergamot, he approached one of the nine mountain peaks.

The nine Buddhas also seemed to have discovered his purpose, the sound of the Brahma chants between heaven and earth was louder, and the attack of the golden giant palm was more violent.

boom! boom! boom!

Nine Buddha's giant palms came from different directions at the same time, and the golden light swept across the sky, locking the figure walking alone in it!

Liang Yan's face was dignified, and the sword in his hand was eagerly grasped.

Of the nine palms, eight were cut off by Liang Yan's sword, but there was the last one left. When he was out of the sword, he stretched out a palm from behind and grabbed him directly in his hands!


Li Xiran saw it from a distance behind, his face was pale with fright, and he couldn't help crying Shut up! " Lao Jin quickly reminded.

Just now, because Li Xiran's voice was so loud, the surrounding mountains vibrated gently, and a wisp of murderous intent filled the air. Fortunately, Lao Jin responded very quickly, and hurriedly covered the breath of the two with his great supernatural power, which did not cause the surrounding restrictions.

"Don't worry, your master is not only capable of this, he will be fine." In Li Xiran's mind, Lao Jin's voice came leisurely, apparently using the technique of sound transmission.

At this moment, the golden palm holding Liang Yan was hovering in the air, neither advancing nor retreating.

If someone looked at it closely, they would find that although the golden palm was held inward, it was not completely closed, as if it was clenched in a virtual fist, and it was stiff there.

In the palm of his hand, Liang Yan stood upright.

A crack opened on his forehead, revealing a vertical eye, which is the "celestial eye" obtained from the demons!

A black brilliance shot out from this demonic eye and fixed the golden Buddha palm in place. Although it could only last for a short period of time, it was enough for the current Liang Yan.

I saw a blue sword light slashed out from the Buddha's palm and slashed straight towards the giant peak in front of me......

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