The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1188: Join hands with Fang Jun

When Liang Yan heard Dou Fa's voice, he immediately lowered his escape light, covered his breath with the Heavenly Secret Bead, and quietly approached the Dou Fa venue.

Not long after, he saw all kinds of magical powers in midair, and the two groups of cultivators were fighting with each other.

One of them was Xuanyuan Lingwei, Sun Qianli and the others, and the ten black-clothed cultivators who were besieging them were all above the Tong Xuan realm.

Liang Yan watched it carefully for a moment, and found that Xuanyuan Lingwei and others formed a defensive formation at this time, and Sun Qianli was protected by everyone because his strength was only in the Jindan period.

He was not idle either, holding a jar in his hand, constantly chanting spells, and manipulating a patch of orange-colored poisonous insects to harass the black monks.

However, the difference in numbers between the two sides is too great. If it wasn't for Zheng Gongbu, Tan Youli, and Ye Shan, the three of them would have been won by the other side long ago.

However, Xuanyuan Lingwei's side is still in jeopardy. Many people have seen blood on their bodies. As long as they are not careful, they may be broken by the other party at any time.

Looking at the other side, Fang Jun was fighting endlessly with a black-robed man in the battlefield of the cultivators in the transformation robbery.

Fang Jun's magical power turned into a towering mountain, and the rocks continued to pour out, rushing towards the opponent like a shooting star, and the man in black robes relied on a half-moon scimitar to walk among these earth-rock meteors, and he seemed to be calm.

Liang Yan only looked at it for a while, and already understood that Fang Jun and the black-robed man were probably evenly matched. It was not the first time that the two sides had fought each other.

After taking a panoramic view of the situation on the field, Liang Yan turned his eyes to the place behind everyone, dozens of miles away.

There is a bronze-colored towering giant tree, and countless thunderbolts are constantly being born and destroyed around the giant tree. Even after such a long distance, there is still the power of the thunder rolling in, which makes people feel a sense of solemnity.

"What a strong thunder attribute aura, this tree is not simple!"

Liang Yan secretly sighed in his heart. At this moment, his thoughts turned, and he suddenly wanted to understand one thing.

"Is this the lightning-type spirit that Sun Buer is looking for?"

Looking at the golden barrier around the giant tree, the more Liang Yan thought about it, the more likely it became.

"No wonder he went everywhere to find the cultivator with the 'Five Thunder Pole Devourer', I'm afraid Ji Hang is the key to open this barrier!"

In addition to ambushing himself and assisting the second prince to kill Xuanyuan Lingwei, Sun Buer should have another goal in this trip, which is to take this divine tree away.

"What a good Sun Buer! No wonder he led someone to rob me and kill me alone. He wanted to grab Ji Hang so that he could swallow this divine tree for himself!"

Thinking of this, Liang Yan secretly released his consciousness again and carefully searched the surrounding area for several miles.

"There are no other monks. It seems that the people of the second prince are all mixed up among the ten black monks!"

Liang Yan thought about it for a while, and he already had a countermeasure in his heart.

He turned the Heavenly Secret Bead to the extreme, and the figure of the whole person seemed to be indistinct, and he couldn't see any trace at all. At the same time, he patted the wooden house around his waist and released Lao Jin and Ji Hang.

"Ji Hang, do you still remember what my teacher said to you before?"

"Remember." Ji Hang nodded with no surprise on his face.

"Okay, now I want you to do me a favor and bring me back that divine tree." Liang Yan pointed to the giant thunderbolt tree in the distance.

Ji Hang looked in the direction he pointed, and his expression changed slightly.

"Master...that thing is not easy to handle. I can't get close to such a powerful thunder force."

"It's okay, those thunders won't have any effect on you."

Liang Yan patted Ji Hang on the shoulder and comforted: "Besides, there is Lao Jin, he will send you safely to the side of the divine tree, you just need to rely on your own instinct to subdue this divine tree."

"This... well, I will try my best." Ji Hang reluctantly agreed.

Liang Yan nodded and said to Lao Jin, "I will act according to my signal later, and we must protect Ji Hang's safety. If it is really dangerous, it's okay to take her out first."


Lao Jin nodded. Since he regained his physical body, he has become more concise and concise. He doesn't like talking like he just met before.

Liang Yan ordered properly, and then looked at the battlefield not far away.

He focused most of his attention on the black-robed man, patiently waiting for the moment when the man revealed his flaws.

Just after half a cup of tea, the black-robed man and Fang Jun fought more and more fiercely. Giant stones fell from the sky, carrying violent earth attribute spiritual power, almost blocking his retreat.

There was also a trace of solemnity in the eyes of the black-robed man. With a backhand knife in his right hand, the violent knife energy instantly slashed out, smashing the three boulders above his head, and then the whole person rose into the sky, and instantly approached Fang Jun's hundred feet. within.

"It's my turn to attack!"

The black-robed man sneered, and hurriedly pinched the magic trick in his hand. He actually transformed into ten identical self in mid-air, each holding a machete and slashing forward.

Violent saber aura, slashing from different angles, instantly arrived in front of Fang Jun.

Seeing this, Fang Jun knew that it was too late to dodge, so he gave a loud shout, put his hands flat, and lifted them up.

With the operation of his mana, a large ocean was born out of thin air around him, as if it was transferred by him with his great magical power, and he didn't know where it was born and where it rushed.

The violent waves swept all around, instantly involving the ten blade qi, forming ten huge vortexes on the sea.

No matter how fierce and ferocious those blade qi were, they dashed left and right in the sea, but they could not break through the vortex's blockade, and were firmly imprisoned in the depths of the ocean.

" actually practiced it!"

The ten black-robed men in the air made a sound at the same time and pointed at Fang Jun in the distance, with surprise in their eyes.

Looking at Fang Jun again, his face was a little pale at this time, it seemed to be caused by excessive consumption of spiritual power.

However, he didn't hesitate at all. With a pinch in his hand, the majestic mountain in mid-air immediately fell and went to suppress the top of the ten black-robed cultivators!

"Huh? This person's cultivation technique is a bit mysterious. He can control the two magical powers of earth and water at the same time, and they cooperate tacitly with each other. There is no sense of disobedience!"

Liang Yan hid in the dark, saw the fight between the two clearly, and gave a heartfelt praise at this time.

Fang Jun is not simple!

While thinking about it, the towering mountain in mid-air has fallen, pressing on the heads of the ten black-robed monks.

boom! boom! boom!

A series of explosions came, and the nine black-robed monks were all crushed into smoke by the power of the back soil of the high mountain, and only one figure escaped from it.

This person looked a little embarrassed, his black robe was damaged, and several pieces of flesh were wiped with blood by the power of the back soil. Relying on the black light emitted by a banner, he barely escaped Fang Jun's trick. Gu Chi

And the direction in which he fled at this time, coincidentally, was where Liang Yan was.

"It's now!"

Liang Yan had been waiting for this moment for quite a long time. At this moment, Lao Jin understood immediately, spread his wings, carrying Ji Hang and flew in the direction of the Lightning Sacred Tree.

At the same time, Liang Yan himself rushed into the air, and with a pinch of the sword in his hand, the mayfly sword pill immediately slashed towards the black-robed cultivator.

"Anyone else?"

The black-robed cultivator had just escaped Fang Jun's ultimate move, and when he was exhausted, he never thought that there was another person waiting for him here.


Qingmang pierced through the sky and slashed at the black-robed cultivator with a sharp sword energy.

Seeing that Jian Wan was about to land on top of his head, the black-robed cultivator's body suddenly twisted strangely, and the whole person turned into a cloud of black mist, allowing Jian Wan to stab in.


Liang Yan was stunned for a moment, and when he released his spiritual sense, he found that the aura of the black-robed monk had disappeared, and the black fog was even more strange and inexplicable. There was a faint power of space, and he seemed to want to drag his sword pill into the air. in the abyss.

"Be careful, that's his 'Wonderless Magic Flash', don't let your flying sword be sucked in by him!"

Fang Jun's voice came from far away, and Liang Yan was startled, and hurriedly moved his sword, trying to recall the Mayfly Sword Pill from the black fog.

However, he had just made a move, and there was another black fog behind him.

In the black fog, a slender arm stuck out, holding a half-moon scimitar in his hand, and slashed towards Liang Yan's back.

This knife is silent, except for the slight spatial fluctuation at the beginning, there is no trace at all!

If it were another cultivator, I am afraid that he would really be hit by this knife, and even if he was lucky enough to survive, he would definitely be seriously injured.

But Liang Yan had eight Yan Yuan in his body, and he could not hide any subtle movement from his eyes and ears, and he had already noticed it almost as soon as the black fog appeared behind him.

He escaped with light all over his body, and the whole person rushed to the sky, just dodging the life-threatening knife, and at the same time changing the magic formula in his hand, the three swords flew out at the same time, and instantly reached the top of the black fog.

brush! brush! brush!

The three sword gangs slashed down at the same time, forcing the right hand in the black mist to retreat. A series of coughs sounded, and the black mist gradually dissipated, revealing the figure inside, which was the black-robed cultivator who had just disappeared.

But at this moment, his face was very pale, and there was a deep bone wound on his cheek, extending from his chin to his neck.

"Looks like I hurt him just now!"

Liang Yan knew in his heart that the wound on the other side's face was the wound of his own mayfly sword pill.

At this time, he communicated with Jianwan with his mind. After several attempts, he finally escaped from the shroud of the black fog, but there was still a little filthy aura near Jianwan, and he gradually recovered when he illuminated it with a golden light. come over.

"As expected of a cultivator who has overcome two difficulties, this person and Fang Jun are not fuel-efficient lamps, and their strength is much higher than that of Song Huaiyu!"

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes, the strength of the black-robed cultivator in front of him obviously exceeded his expectations.

You must know that the sword he just made and then moved, was when the black-robed cultivator and Fang Jun were fighting the most fiercely, and only after seeing the flaws he showed, did he use the sword.

But even in this desperate situation, the black-robed cultivator still has magical powers to turn things around, which shows how strong he is.

"It seems that after reaching the Tribulation Realm, every time I overcome a difficulty, my strength will increase greatly. With my current strength, I don't know if I can kill this opponent who has overcome the second difficulty..."

Thinking of this, Liang Yan felt a sense of war in his heart, and without waiting for the black-robed cultivator to speak, he pinched the sword in his hand, and the mayfly sword pill killed the opponent again.

The black-robed cultivator was in shock and was about to ask a question, but seeing that Sen Ran's sword qi was already approaching, he could only swallow the words that were on his lips.

He dodged several sword lights in mid-air, and then escaped from Liang Yan's sword qi coverage. At this time, he became calm and did not counterattack immediately, but shouted: "You are Liang Yan? Where is our young master? ?"


Liang Yan sneered and said, "Your young master brought a cultivator from the robbery realm to kill me, but I am fine now. How will your young master end up, so I don't need to say more?"


The black-robed cultivator stared, his blood was clearly surging, and he wanted to say something, but Liang Yan didn't give him a chance.

"No! With the woman Song Huaiyu by the Young Master's side, even if she dies, she will protect the Young Master from leaving, and with the Young Master's wit, it's so easy to get into trouble, this person must be bluffing and trying to mess me up! "

The black-robed cultivator had been in battle for a long time, and when his mind moved, he immediately thought through it.

He was also undisturbed by Liang Yan. As soon as he turned the exercise in his body, seven black lights condensed beside him, turned into seven dark fingers, and pointed at the sword pill in mid-air at the same time.

boom! boom! boom!

A series of explosions came, Liang Yan's sword ball was firmly held down by seven fingers, and the mayfly's sword energy rolled upwards in an attempt to smash these black fingers.

But there was a cloud of black mist around the fingers, which actually sucked all Liang Yan's sword qi into it. No matter how he moved Jian Wan, the opponent's seven fingers remained motionless. in the fog.

"Maha finger?"

Fang Jun had already rushed over at this time, and his expression changed slightly when he saw this scene.

"This old thing's magic power is a little weird. The more you stimulate the sword energy, the more he will absorb it, and you can't crack it with brute force!"

"so what should I do now?"

Liang Yan is also a little bit difficult to ride a tiger at this time. If he withdraws his sword at this time, he will definitely be injured by the opponent's fingers, but if he continues to fight with the opponent, those sword qi will all sink into the abyss. You will still be at a disadvantage.

"Condense all the sword energy a little, as long as one finger is broken, all seven fingers will be scattered!"

As soon as Fang Jun said Liang Yan suddenly realized.

He wasn't stupid either, but it was the first time he saw this kind of magical power just now, and he was a little confused. At this time, when I looked intently, I found that the seven fingers were connected by black filaments, which was obviously a whole.

"Old thief Fang! You and I have fought twelve times, but you can't beat me, but today you ask a junior for help?"

The black-robed cultivator was obviously a little embarrassed when Fang Jun told him the details of his magical powers.

Liang Yan didn't care about him, and with a pinch of the sword in his hand, all the sword qi condensed into one point and slashed towards the finger closest to him.

At the same time, Fang Jun also moved all the majestic mountains and the vast ocean, sandwiched the black-robed cultivator in the middle, and severely suppressed the past......


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