The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1194: Jingyuan's history

After everyone left, only Liang Yan and Jing Yuan were left in the field.

"Little donor, I know you have a lot of questions in your heart. Let's look back at Xianya with me first."

Jing Yuan folded his hands together and proclaimed the Buddha's name. The whole person turned into a ray of light and rose into the sky, flying towards the direction of Wang Xianya.

Liang Yan followed Jing Yuan, flew all the way, and returned to the entrance of the forbidden area not long after, looking at Xian Ya.

The terrain here is towering, surrounded by clouds and fog, and in the depths of the vast fog, there is a cave with a square foot and a square.

According to legend, the strange monk who had the grace of preaching and teaching the first generation of Luofeng Temple lived in this cave.

"Let's go in."

The two stopped at the entrance of the cave, Jing Yuan's tone was indifferent, without any hesitation, he walked directly into the cave.

Liang Yan stopped outside to watch for a while. Although he couldn't explore it with his spiritual sense, he was very curious about the origin of the little monk's identity. In the end, he couldn't hold back and followed the other party into the cave.

The two went all the way along the narrow passage, and after a while, they suddenly saw a faint light appearing in the darkness ahead.

When I got closer, I realized that it was the light of a candle.

Under the candlelight, sitting cross-legged, an old monk with eight eyebrows and copper bell eyes looked fierce and vicious, not like a Buddhist monk, but like a murderous executioner.

"There's actually one more person here?!"

The moment he saw the old monk's face, Liang Yan became vigilant.

"Who is he and why is he here?"

"Amitabha, don't get excited, the donor, he has lost his vitality, and his life is not long." Jing Yuan put his hands together and looked at the old monk in front of him, a complex color flashed in his eyes.

With Jing Yuan's reminder, Liang Yan also released his divine sense, and he found that the aura in the old monk's body was like a candle, swaying in the remnant wind, and it looked very weak.

Liang Yan would not be surprised at all even if this person sat here in the next moment.

"He's really dying..."

Liang Yan muttered to himself and looked at the old monk's waist again.

I saw a hemp rope tied around his waist, and on the hemp rope hung many palm-sized Buddha statues, each of which was carved from stone.

Looking at these Buddha statues carefully, they are completely different from the Buddhas in the temple. They are either grinning, grimly smiling, full of anger, or murderous.

In short, none of them are kind-hearted, but they have a bit of ferocity!

"This it a butcher or a monk?"

Looking at the strange old monk in front of him, Liang Yan couldn't help but ask.

Jing Yuan, who was on the side, sighed and said, "It's both a butcher and a monk."

Liang Yan raised his brows and looked at the little monk beside him.

"Why do you say that? What's your relationship with him?"

"you ask me?"

Jing Yuan smiled slightly, his eyes were very calm, and he said lightly: "The reason is very simple, because he is me, and I am him!"


Liang Yan's brows furrowed even deeper, with a hint of deep doubt in his eyes, obviously not understanding what the little monk was talking about.

Jing Yuan no longer answered, but stepped forward and sat down beside the strange old monk.

Liang Yan looked from a distance and saw two monks, one big and one young, sitting side by side, but not long after the young monk Jingyuan sat down, the breath and vitality of his body dropped rapidly, like a mass The fire was quickly put out, and only a few sporadic flames remained.

At the same time, the old monk's body regained its vitality, and the breath that was about to be exhausted became huge again.

Liang Yan watched this scene from beginning to end, and was really shocked to the extreme.

This feeling is very strange, it is like two candles, one of which has a weak flame and is about to go out, and the other, although the flame is strong, but all the flames are transferred to the previous candle, igniting the other party, and letting myself The candles are extinguished......................

Just under his doubtful gaze, the old monk slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing the moment he woke up, Liang Yan instinctively took a few steps back, put his hand on the Taixu gourd around his waist, and asked cautiously, "Who is Your Excellency?"

"Liang Xiaoyou don't have to worry, the poor monk is Jingyuan." The old monk coughed a few times, and seemed a little tired.


Liang Yan looked beside him, the little monk who had closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep, wondered, "Why do you have two bodies?"

"This is the poor monk's way of transcending the calamity. The old tree sprouts and the dead wood regenerates. Only by abandoning the old skins can there be any possibility of regaining a new life." The old monk said indifferently.

"The law of robbery?"

Liang Yan squinted his eyes. He had already heard that the three disasters and nine calamities of the cultivators in the transmutation realm were very terrifying. calamity.

Like this situation, it may not be unusual.

"Who are you, the great patriarch of Luofeng Temple, or the little monk Jingyuan?" Liang Yan temporarily pressed his sword intent and asked in a deep voice.

"Amitabha, the two you mentioned are the same person."

The old monk folded his ten and said softly, "When I retreated here, I just wanted to cut off my inner demons so that I could survive my own calamity. Unfortunately, my previous killings were too heavy, and the inner demons had long been nourished and grown. Even if I recite the scriptures and worship the Buddha every day, I will not be able to stop the evil thoughts in my heart.”

"Later that kid Xuanqing came here and got my permission to set up a sect here and founded the 'Luofeng Temple'. Unfortunately, his deadline was approaching, and he knew that his time was short, so he entrusted me with his only apprentice. Let me teach the exercises. In exchange, his body after death is at my disposal." Gu Yan

When the old monk said this, he glanced at the young monk beside him, and said indifferently: "Jingyuan is Xuanqing's flesh, but it was refined by me with a secret method, and it was rejuvenated and turned into a childish appearance."

"I see."

Liang Yan nodded, with a hint of stunned expression on his face, and said, "Parasite rebirth? Do you want to transfer three souls and seven souls to this new body to avoid your own catastrophe?"

"It's not that easy!"

The old monk shook his head again and again, with a wry smile on his face.

"Three calamities and nine calamities are part of the cycle of heaven. Do you think the little trick of Jin Chan's shelling can hide from heaven? I did this just to delay the outbreak of the calamity, because my calamity must be on the demons of the heart, only Only by weakening the power of inner demons to the maximum extent can we survive this catastrophe."

"What did you do before, how can you have such a powerful demon?" Liang Yan glanced at the old monk who was sitting cross-legged, only to feel that the man was full of suffocation, like a butcher who kills without blinking. The appearance of a high-ranking monk.


The old monk let out a long sigh and said slowly, "You guessed it right, the poor monk was indeed a butcher! When I was not yet enlightened, I was born in a scholarly family in a small secular country. My parents loved me, my brothers and sisters were harmonious, and I was originally It’s been a quiet time. Unfortunately, the birth of a strange treasure in the city led to a war between good and evil. The entire city was slaughtered, and my parents and relatives were no exception. Only I was lucky enough to escape......”

"Later, by chance, I joined the Soul Eater Sect. Because of my outstanding talent, I was quickly appreciated by the head and the elders, and I cultivated a true magic method. In order to take revenge, I did not hesitate to sacrifice my soul and practice. All kinds of forbidden techniques have finally been accomplished, and the two factions of good and evil who participated in the massacre of the city back then, up and down, regardless of their cultivation, men, women and children, whether they were at fault or not, were all killed cleanly and happily."

The old monk's face turned red when he said this, and his eyes rolled around, as if he had a sense of madness.

But soon, a golden light appeared from the back of his head, majestic and solemn, like an invisible big hand, pressing down the madness on his body.

"Cough! Cough!"

The old monk coughed a few times, and his flushed face gradually returned to normal.

"I'm sorry, it's an old problem. It's easy to be invaded by inner demons when I mention things back then. If it weren't for the Buddhist seal behind me, I'm afraid I would have gone crazy."

The old monk seemed to have a look of guilt on his face, and he calmed down, and then said: "I killed two sects from top to bottom, and there are many disciples in the Qi training period. It was not long before they joined the sect. I didn't participate in the massacre of the city back then, but I ended it with one knife."

"The secret magic sword of the Soul Eater Sect takes a slant and relies on sacrificing and refining the soul to strengthen itself. It is understandable to kill people. But in that battle, I was too obsessed with killing so many people that I lost myself and finally failed to suppress the heart in the body. Demon, completely reduced to a lunatic who only knows how to kill... If I hadn't met that senior later, I'm afraid my life would have ended here."

When Liang Yan heard this, for some reason, his heart suddenly jumped, and he asked eagerly:

"Who is that person?"

The old monk glanced at Liang Yan with a deep meaning in his eyes, and said with a laugh, "This person has a lot to do with you."

"What are you talking about... Angry monk?" Liang Yan was excited and couldn't help but take a step forward without even realizing it.

"Yes, it is Senior Angry Monk!"

The old monk nodded and sighed: "I killed too much back then, coupled with the evil sect of the Soul Eater Cult, I was finally invaded by my inner demons, and I became a walking corpse who only knew how to kill. Fortunately, I encountered it later. Senior angry monk, he subdued me and sealed the inner demon for me, otherwise I don't know how many mortals I will slaughter and completely become the type of monk I hate the most."

"Senior Angry Monk sealed my demons with the seal, and let me study the Dharma in a secluded place isolated from the world to purify the hostility in my body. It's a pity that I have not been able to penetrate the essence of the Dharma for so many years. There are many statues of Buddha, all of which are fierce and vicious in the past... and the inner demons that were sealed in the body as my cultivation level improved, their strength also continued to grow, and finally became a catastrophe that I had to face. "

"I see........."

After listening to Jing Yuan's words, Liang Yan finally had an understanding of the ins and outs of the whole thing.

"It's embarrassing to say it." Jing Yuan sighed deeply: "Back then, when I became a demon, I slaughtered the two major sects into a river of blood. It only took three days, but now I want to put down the butcher's knife, but I have to endure all kinds of hardships, and I am afraid that this life will not be able to fulfill my wish.”

After listening to Jing Yuan's words, Liang Yan shook his head and said:

"Senior don't need to sigh, the past is right and wrong, kindness and resentment, it's hard to say. But you killed so much, you didn't punch you to death with the master's temper, you must see that there is still desire in senior's heart. With a heart of good repentance, as long as you let go of the killing in your heart from now on, and devote yourself to studying the subtleties of Buddhism, you will eventually be reborn one day."

"Master?" Jing Yuan's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "You are indeed the disciple of Senior Angry Monk! I saw it when you first arrived at Wang Xian Ya. Divine power has opened the 'Qianyan Lock', how can I let you enter the forbidden area of ​​the valley."

"It turns out that the lock is really related to "Eight Parts of Yanyuan"! No wonder I easily opened the mechanism lock after I used 'Criminalize the Three Thousand Phases'."

Liang Yan pondered in his heart, and then asked, "What is the origin of this 'Qianyan Lock', and why does it have to be opened with the magical power of an angry monk?"

"Because this is what Senior Angry Monk left behind."

Jing Yuan looked at Liang Yan with a complex look in his eyes.

"The reason why the poor monk chose to hide from the world and cultivate here is because he was entrusted by the angry monk. He left something in this valley, saying that his disciples will come to take it in the future, and the poor monk is this the gatekeeper."

"Master left?"

Liang Yan was interested, and hurriedly asked: "What is it, can you take me to see it?"

"You can't see it."

Jing Yuan shook his head and said, "As early as ten years ago, someone came here and took away what your master left behind."

"Ten years ago?" Liang Yan was stunned for a moment, and then reacted. "Is it Master Lianxin?"


Jing Yuan sighed and said slowly: "I thought the angry monk had only one apprentice, Master Lian Xin. Although he knew that this person violated the rules of the angry monk, he opened the "Qian Yan" with "Eight Parts of Yanyuan". Lock', I can only let him in to take the treasure. But I didn't expect to see you again today, only then did I know that the angry monk has two disciples......"

When Liang Yan heard this, he was disappointed. After thinking about it, he asked, "What did Master leave behind?"

"Holy Buddha Yunguo." Jingyuan replied.

"What? Isn't that a kind of congenital dao fruit?"

Liang Yan was remembered that Shouwenshi had mentioned to himself the holy Buddha Yunguo, Jiutian Hanjingguo and Biluo Huangquanguo, all of which are a kind of congenital dao fruit. .

"Haha, why do you think the 'Golden Thunder Fruit' can be born in this small forbidden valley?"

Jing Yuan said slowly: "Because the angry monk brought a handful of breath soil here, and used his great supernatural power to change the spiritual energy of the entire forbidden area, 'Jiuxiaojin Leiguo' and 'Holy Buddha Yunguo' were both cultivated by his old man. , among them 'Saint Buddha Yunguo' is for my later disciples, and 'Jiuxiaojin Leiguo' is for me to get rid of my inner demons......"

"According to the previous observations, it is at least two years before the 'Jiuxiaojin Leiguo' will bear on the tree, but the child you brought in with the 'Five Thunder Pole Devouring Body' made the 'Jiuxiaojin Leiguo' ' was born two years earlier."


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