The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1197: Investigate a molester

After listening to Liang Yan's words, Li Xiran was even more ashamed. At this time, he lowered his head and did not dare to answer.

However, Liang Yan suddenly smiled and said again: "Speaking of which, this girl is somewhat similar to me. She has deliberately deceived the 'Boundary Break Talisman' from you in order to escape one day, out of our control. ......Tsk tsk, if she is really my disciple, she must be able to pass on my mantle."


Li Xiran thought he was laughing at him, so he let out a weak cry and peeked at him, but he didn't seem to see the mocking color.

"Haha, I'm joking for the teacher."

Liang Yan patted Li Xiran on the shoulder and said softly, "You and your senior sister each have their own merits, and your future achievements are limitless, as long as you stick to your own path."


Li Xiran nodded, but he was a little more curious about this "elder sister" who had never met before.

"The matter of Ji Hang is also very important as a teacher."

Liang Yan sighed softly at this time: "I thought it would be safe to leave this girl in the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce, but I didn't expect her to be secretly planted, so she had to oppose us. If it wasn't for me, I happened to be in a forbidden area. Killing Song Huaiyu in the middle, I'm afraid she didn't use the 'Breakthrough Talisman' you gave, but Sun Buer's 'Breakthrough Talisman', and finally sent it to the Luowang Chamber of Commerce."

"Being bewitched by race?"

Li Xiran was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, with an extremely surprised expression on his face.

"Master the Scented Chamber of Commerce?" Li Xiran asked in a low voice.

"That's right, there are traitors in the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce!"


Li Xiran couldn't hold back for a while, and blurted out, but she immediately realized that something was wrong, and immediately lowered her voice and said: "The management of our Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce is very strict, especially these monks in Guangling City are old subordinates of the Chamber of Commerce. People are loyal and will never do such a thing."

"Humph! Nothing is impossible."

Liang Yan sneered and said: "A person will have weaknesses, and Sun Bu'er is best at seeing people's hearts! Countering his opponent's subordinates, setting up traitors, and sneaking in in disguise, these are his favorite methods! , there must be someone who is his grandson!"

After listening to Liang Yan's analysis, Li Xiran couldn't help opening his mouth, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

"You stupid apprentice, it's too easy to trust others." Liang Yan shook his head and sighed: "With the support of the big tree of the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce, you can be safe. But if one day, the big tree of the Chamber of Commerce falls. Now, your cultivation path will be in danger.”

"Will the Chamber of Commerce collapse... Besides, isn't there a master..."

Li Xiran murmured in a low voice, revealing a rare charming look.

"As a teacher, it is impossible to always be by your side. You must learn to grow, and the future cultivation path must be in your own hands." Liang Yan suddenly said with a serious expression.

Li Xiran and Liang Yan had known each other for a long time. They had always been friends before. Although they became masters and apprentices later, they still had a vague feeling in their hearts.

Therefore, she was not very restrained in front of Liang Yan, nor did she have the courtesy of master and apprentice, and Liang Yan was not angry because of it, but still treated her like a friend.

The two have been together for many years, until today, Liang Yan has the strictness of his master for the first time.

Looking at Liang Yan's serious expression, Li Xiran couldn't help pursing his lips. After a moment of silence, he gave a serious salute and said:

"Disciple understands, thank you Master for your teaching!"


Liang Yan nodded slightly, and then said lightly: "Then I will come to test you as a teacher. Since I know that there is a traitor in the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce, what method should I use to find this person?"


Li Xiran thought for a while, and said slowly: "Ji Hang lives in my house, and there are restrictions around it, even the monks in the Profound Realm can't sneak in.... The people who gulled her and attacked her must have been people who visited me before. Just ask my guards to see who has been there before, so that after narrowing down the scope, you can check them one by one."

After listening to Li Xiran's analysis, Liang Yan's expression was noncommittal, he smiled and said:

"Your method does have merit, but the person who instigated and instigated may not come in person, and it is also possible that he has a high status in the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce and uses a guard to enter the courtyard instead of himself, so how can you go? check?"


Li Xiran's face was blank, his mouth opened, but he didn't know how to answer.

Liang Yan smiled slightly and said: "This person can hide so deeply in the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce, and he must be very cautious. After Ji Hang's matter is exposed, he will do everything possible to erase the evidence he left behind. It's more difficult to check, why don't you think about what he will do next?"

"What will you do next..." Li Xiran murmured and said, "As the master said, the next step must be to erase his own crime in secret, so that no one doubts him. , and then keep lurking."


Liang Yan nodded and said, "Knowing this person's true colors, maybe only Ji Hang is alone. If Ji Hang suddenly appeared at this time, do you think he would be anxious?"

"Ji Hang? Master means..." Li Xiran was obviously still a little unresponsive.

"Hmph, although Sun Bu'er arranged it very well, unfortunately he didn't expect me to kill Song Huaiyu. By accident, Ji Hang was freed from his grasp. Now the whereabouts of this little girl are unknown, but she is a lurking person. heartbroken!"

"I see!"

Li Xiran seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly said, "Even if this lurking traitor has cleaned up his evidence, if Ji Hang is found by us, he will still be able to testify against him!"

Speaking of this, her face showed a hint of doubt again, and she asked, "But the 'Boundary Breaking Talisman' is sent randomly, and we don't know where Ji Hang is?"

Liang Yan smiled, reached out and tapped Li Xiran's forehead, and said slowly, "You don't need to really find Ji Hang, you just need to make this traitor think we have found it."

Seeing that Li Xiran still didn't understand, Liang Yan said again: "You immediately issue an order to use the power of the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce to go out of the city to search for Ji Hang, and secretly release the news after ten days, saying that the girl's trace has been found. You and Ji Hang Didn't you exchange tokens when sworn in? Order a few confidants to bring back her token, and make the movement louder, so that everyone in the chamber of commerce will know."


After hearing this, Li Xiran showed a sudden realization, and hurriedly shouted: "The apprentice understands, this trick is called 'Please enter the urn'! This traitor will definitely not let Ji Hang be caught by us, so he will act in advance, and we deliberately put Ji Hang. Hang's location leaked out, but it was actually an ambush nearby. Let's see who will come in the Chamber of Commerce and who is the traitor!"

"Okay, I've learned to answer quickly."

Liang Yan smiled, but shook his head slightly and asked, "After Ji Hang's accident, we all guessed that there were spies inside the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce. If you were the spies, wouldn't you have any doubts? Under the circumstances, how dare you act rashly?"

Li Xiran was poured a basin of cold water by him, the originally bright smile froze on his face, and said embarrassingly: "Yes... Xiran wants to be simple, this traitor looks like a cautious person, now On the cusp of the storm, it will never be easy to shoot."

"It should be said that this person will not take action in person, but he can borrow the hand of others." Liang Yan said lightly.

"Lend someone else's hand?"

"Have you forgotten that the Luowang Chamber of Commerce is behind this person?"

Liang Yan squinted his eyes and continued: "After the news of Ji Hang's whereabouts was found, this person will definitely ask the Luowang Chamber of Commerce for help, and let Sun Buer's people arrest Ji Hang for him, so that it will not be exposed. own identity."

"So when you bring back the token, don't tell the exact location where you found Jihang's trace, then call all the people who may have contact with Jihang, and give them a unified mission, and let them go somewhere to arrest Jihang. . But remember, the exact location everyone gets has to be different!”

Hearing this, Li Xiran immediately reacted.

There was a hint of excitement on the woman's face, and she slowly said: "So that's how it is... As long as we send people to surveil, and see where there will be people from the Net Chamber of Commerce, we will get the corresponding task location. This person is a traitor hidden in our Scented Chamber of Commerce!"

"You're not stupid."

Liang Yan smiled slightly and said, "Now that you know, let's do it as soon as possible, and find out this traitor in the chamber of commerce as soon as possible, you and I can feel at ease."


Li Xiran nodded excitedly, and after bowing to Liang Yan, he hurriedly pushed the door and walked out, obviously planning to carry out this mission.

Liang Yan saw that after she went out, she did not stay at the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce. If this traitor is not eliminated for a day, it is not good for him to stay here. It is better to return to the inn.

He pinched the magic trick, and the figure disappeared again in place...  

The next morning, a portrait was posted in the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce in Guangling City. All the monks were tasked with going out of the city to hunt down a little girl named "Jihang".

The organization of the Chamber of Commerce is relatively loose, and the announced tasks are generally rewarded tasks, and only people who are motivated by interests will perform them.

This mission is no exception, but the poster is a bit special, the eldest lady of the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce, so the reward is very generous, causing a large number of monks to rush to do it.

For ten days in a row, the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce set off a wave of people looking for people, but unfortunately, despite these monks coming out, they could never find any signs of Ji Hang.

On the tenth day, a small group of monks returned, claiming to have found Ji Hang's trace in a valley, and brought back Ji Hang's personal belongings.

After the news came out, Li Xiran immediately stopped the large-scale search, and instead summoned 23 competent worshipers from the chamber of commerce and asked them to go to the Chiyan Mountains to conduct a secret investigation.

However, these twenty-three people did not know that the specific location and departure time that each of them got were different!


It was a dark and windy night, and the sparse moonlight passed through the clouds and shone on a muddy mountain road.

On the mountain road, a tall and thin figure was on his way.

This man wears a black robe, has black face and white hair, and carries a long stick behind his back. He looks a bit like a secular warrior, but every time he takes a step, he can walk forward more than ten feet, obviously not an ordinary warrior. .

Suddenly, the black-robed figure stopped.


His voice was very alert. In the dark night, his eyes swept around and seemed to find something unusual.

On the quiet mountain road, it was empty, and there was no sound to respond to him.

"If you haven't shown up yet, do you have to ask the old man to 'invite' you to come out?"

The figure in the black robe bit the word "please" extremely hard, his right hand slowly reached behind him, and he pulled out the long stick he was carrying.

At this moment, a sigh came from the dark night, followed by a woman's voice slowly:

"Uncle Hei......I didn't expect that this actually you."

Hearing this voice, the body of the black-robed figure trembled slightly, as if he couldn't believe it.

As soon as the voice fell, a man and a woman came out at the corner at the end of the mountain road.

The tall man walking in front was Liang Yan, and the woman in Taoist robe behind him was naturally Li Xiran.

"Little...Miss? Why are you here?"

A touch of moonlight passed through the clouds and shone on the pitch-black mountain road, revealing the face of a figure in a black robe. It was actually the leader of the guards Liang Yan saw at the door when he first came to the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce in Guangling City, Uncle Hei!

"Uncle Hei......" Li Xiran sighed softly, with a complex expression of disappointment and confusion on his face.

She was reluctant to speak, but Liang Yan said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist obviously received an order to come to 'Chiyan Mountain' to search for Ji Hang, why not fly in the air, and still pace slowly here, is it Aren't you afraid that Ji Hang will run away?"

The black-robed old man glanced at Liang Yan and said coldly: "I have my own way, the Chiyan Mountains are so large, that Ji Hang may have left his original position long ago, what do I have to do around here, old black? Is there a problem? It's you, hum! An outsider, don't think that if you are favored by a young lady, you can point fingers at our Smell Fragrance Chamber of Commerce! I have worked for the Chamber of Commerce for hundreds of years, but I don't want to eat your way!"


Liang Yan was not angry, he said with a haha: "Daoist friend is so relaxed, I'm afraid I already knew that Ji Hang had already been taken first, right?"

"What? That girl Ji Hang has been taken away by someone else?" The black-robed old man's face showed a look of, but there was a hint of joy in the depths of his eyes.

"Hmph, why do you need to pretend? Not long after Ji Hang's whereabouts were informed, the Luowang Chamber of Commerce secretly sent a cultivator to search. Didn't you leak Ji Hang's clues?" Liang Yan said lightly.


The black-robed old man glared at him and said angrily, "Among the chambers of commerce, we know that there are still twenty-two worshippers of Ji Hang in Chiyan Mountain, but it's not just me, the old black! Why do you say that I leaked the news?"

As soon as his words fell, Li Xiran sighed and said:

"There are indeed twenty-two people who know that Ji Hang is in Chiyan Mountain, but those who know that Ji Hang is in Cangsong Cave in Chiyan Mountain...but you are the only one, Uncle Hei!"

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