The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1205: split up

"Master! Uncle Gan! You guys came out... How is Komatsu?"

Li Xiran looked at the two who reappeared with a look of hope on his face.

Liang Yan's face was a little better than before, and he nodded slightly at this time.

"Elder Gan's injection went well and temporarily sealed the black fire on Xiaosong's body, but if you want to completely eradicate it, you have to use the two methods mentioned before."

"It's good to seal it temporarily, at least it can buy us a little time..."

After listening to his answer, Li Xiran temporarily let go of the heart that had been hanging before. At this time, he let out a long sigh and said, "Although the pure yang fire of the sub-sage level is extremely rare, it does not mean that there is no such thing. There are hundreds of chambers of commerce, large and small, in Guangling City, and some of the things we missed may be in the hands of other chambers of commerce. Just like the holy spirit of mountains and rivers before, didn’t they also appear in Guangling City?”


Liang Yan nodded, looked at Gan Long on the side, and asked, "Elder Gan, what are the specifics of this sub-sage-level pure yang fire?"

"The innate pure yang fire includes the 'Sanqing Shengyan', the 'Haoran Shengyan' and the 'Nine Suns Holy Fire'. These are pure yang fires with sub-Saint power at the beginning of their birth, which can be said to be very precious. It is also extremely difficult to find, and I am afraid it will not appear in this Guangling City."

Gan Long said while pondering, and after a while, he said slowly: "To save Li Xiaosong, you don't necessarily need this kind of innate fire of pure yang. Although some acquired flames are ordinary, they are constantly cultivated in the body of monks or monsters. , eventually grows and grows, and can reach the power of the sub-sage level. For example, even the most common 'Three Talents True Fire', if it has been cultivated in a sub-sage for thousands of years, then it will have the same The power of the innate divine fires, such as Qing Shengyan and Haoran Shengyan."

"I see."

Liang Yan nodded after hearing this. The information that Gan Long said was very important. Some acquired flames, as long as they had cultivated in Yasheng's body for thousands of years, could also save Li Xiaosong.

"It's not too late, let's split up. Elder Gan, please use the power of the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce to help me search to see if anyone wants to sell the fire of Chunyang. Li Xiran, you can go with me to the city in the city. , to see if other chambers of commerce have news of the fire of pure yang."


Li Xiran and Gan Long nodded at the same time, and had no objection to Liang Yan's arrangement.

Next, the three of them acted separately. Gan Long convened the worship of the Chamber of Commerce in Guangling City and issued a mission to them, while Liang Yan and Li Xiran left the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce and went to the largest town in the city." Tianxiangfang City" went.


Two hours later, Guangling City, Tianxiangfang City, in a magnificent attic.

"Fellow Daoist, you have already seen the fire of pure yang of our chamber of commerce, haven't you been satisfied yet?" A tall, thin old man with a clear face said slowly.

There were two people standing opposite him, a man and a woman, who looked about in their early twenties. The man had dark skin and a sturdy figure, while the woman's face was numb and her head was tied in double braids.

"The shopkeeper's... these pure yang fires are really good, but they are not what we want." The dark-skinned man shook his head with a hint of pity on his face.

The old man Qingzun frowned, lowered his voice and said, "The request from fellow Daoists is too high, isn't it? This is the 'Red Lotus Demon Fire'. After it is completely refined, its power is comparable to the transcendence of a catastrophe. Difficult attack! To be honest, in the entire Tianxiangfang City, there are only a handful of chambers of commerce that can get this level of pure Yang fire. …”

"Feel sorry!"

The dark-skinned man shook his head apologetically, clasped his fist to the old man and said, "Most of the fires of pure yang collected by your Chamber of Commerce are extraordinary, but the flames you are looking for are a bit special. You really don't have what I want here, so I won't live here. Excuse me, goodbye!"


Seeing that the other party was about to leave, the old man Qingzun suddenly stopped him and asked in a low voice, "Fellow Daoist may wish to reveal what kind of fire of pure yang you are looking for, you must know that our Yongtai Chamber of Commerce is not only dealing in treasures, but also at the same time. It also changed hands of various news, although some things are not available in the chamber of commerce, but they can tell you where to get them."

After listening to the words of the old man Qingzun, the dark-skinned man was silent for a while, then suddenly turned around and said, "The shopkeeper, I'll be honest, the fire of pure yang that I'm looking for must be at the sub-sage level or above!"


The old man Qingzun thought he had heard it wrong, so he was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became strange.

"Are you kidding little old man? The fire of pure yang at the sub-sage level, hahaha! What a big tone! Not to mention whether this kind of thing is circulating in the market, even if it is, buy it again with your net worth. Can you afford it?"

This old man was both angry and funny. He clearly believed that the person in front of him was here to look for trouble. The polite attitude he used to have disappeared. At this time, he waved his hands again and again and shouted:

"Go, go! Go to other people's houses when you have nothing to do, don't come to our Yongtai Chamber of Commerce and disturb the peace of this old man!"

Seeing that the old man ordered the expulsion, the dark man smiled helplessly, as if he had expected it and was not angry, he pulled the pock-faced girl beside him out of the attic of the chamber of commerce.

"Humph! The dog's eyes look low! What's so great about their Yongtai Chamber of Commerce, a second-rate chamber of commerce, and they say we can't afford his things!"

As soon as she went out, the pock-marked girl spat, her face full of anger.

To talk about these two people, it is naturally Liang Yan and Li Xiran after the disguise.

Two hours ago, Liang Yan and Gan Long split up, and Gan Long dispatched the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce to investigate any clues about the fire of Chunyang, while Liang Yan brought Li Xiran here to try his luck.

Tianxiangfang City is the largest square city in Guangling City, and it is also the place where the Chamber of Commerce gathers the most. Now it is getting closer and closer to the holding of the "Wentai Doubao Conference". Not all Chambers of Commerce are qualified to compete for the top positions, but This does not prevent them from turning this place into a large trading event.

Therefore, Tianxiangfang City is bustling day by day, and all kinds of cherished treasures appear here one after another. Liang Yan also came here to search for the fire of pure yang with the mentality of giving it a try.

However, he was not familiar with the major chambers of commerce, nor did he know the inside story, so he took Li Xiran with him and let her act as his guide.

As the eldest lady of Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce, many people in other chambers of commerce knew her. In order to avoid embarrassment, the two disguised themselves, changed their appearances, and entered Tianxiangfang City as two foreign monks.

"Hehe, it's actually normal. We have two masters and apprentices, one is in the middle stage of Tongxuan, and the other is in the late stage of Jindan. As a result, we have to find the fire of pure Yang at the sub-sage level. Everyone thinks that we are deliberately making trouble, of course not. It will give a good look." Liang Yan smiled helplessly beside him.

"Hmph, then you can't turn your face if you turn your face! It's the basic rules of the chamber of commerce! The shopkeeper of the Yongtai Chamber of Commerce has this kind of virtue, no wonder he is always a second-rate chamber of commerce!" Li Xiran muttered a few times, obviously there were still some Not convinced.

She is the eldest lady of the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce, and even if she goes to other chambers of commerce, others will give her a bit of face, and she is naturally very unhappy when she has experienced such bird anger.

"Not every chamber of commerce is the same as the Scented Chamber of Commerce."

Liang Yan shook his head, stopped talking, and took Li Xiran back to the streets of Tianxiangfang City.

Tianxiangfang City, as the name suggests, the streets are indeed floating in the sky, and the Yongtai Chamber of Commerce they just walked out of is also suspended in the air.

The streets are criss-crossed, interspersed, and there are various attics and shops on both sides. Most of the chambers of commerce Liang Yan have already been there. Li Xiran acts as a guide and introduces him dutifully.

"There is the 'Hundred Spirits Chamber of Commerce', which is known for selling all kinds of high-quality spirit beasts; the latter is the 'Pill Saint Chamber of Commerce', the most treasured are all kinds of medicinal pills. It is said that the chairman of the chamber of commerce is an alchemist who has overcome difficulties. ; There is also the 'Xinghai Chamber of Commerce'. It is said that this chamber of commerce collects various ancient books, many of which are nameless exercises, and no one has ever practiced them without any origin. Buyers rely on their own eyesight. I heard that some people have learned here before. When it comes to ancient secret techniques, I don't know if it's true or not..."

Li Xiran explained to Liang Yan the chambers of commerce on both sides of the street in detail, Liang Yan nodded slightly, but his face was not very good-looking.

Before that, the two of them had been to more than a dozen chambers of commerce, not to mention finding the flame of pure Yang, and even the gossip about this flame had not been inquired.

The fire of pure Yang is rare, and it is even more difficult to find the fire of pure Yang at the sub-sage level. Although Tianxiangfang is a big city, Liang Yan and the two are a little discouraged now.

"Master, what if you can't find the Pure Yang Fire that meets the requirements? Komatsu... Is she just..." Li Xiran's face was a little sad , couldn't help asking Liang Yan's voice transmission.

"Don't worry, the car must have a way to the front of the mountain. Even if we can't find Chunyang Fire, maybe we have other ways."

"Another way? Does Master mean to ask the sage to take action?" Li Xiran shook his head and said, "But in the entire Xuanyuan Region, apart from the Xuanyuan City Lord, there is no other sage. I want to ask that warrior to take action. It's hard!"

"Perhaps there is more than one saint here?"

Liang Yan raised his eyebrows. He knew about the existence of Unwenxiang. The reason why Gan Long sealed the acupoints with gold needles was to delay the time to see if Unwenxiang would participate in the "Wentai Doubao Conference".

However, if you get it wrong, then Li Xiaosong may really be helpless......

Liang Yan sighed, and was about to say something again, when he glanced out of the corner of his eye, but suddenly stopped his mouth, and his face became cold again.

At this moment, a man in a burlap robe walked over from across the street, just in front of the two of them.

"Two seniors, please stay!"

The man smiled slightly and bowed his hands at Liang Yan and Li Xiran, looking very polite.

Li Xiran took a look at the man, and saw that he was short and thin, with skinny cheeks and a nose that was raised forward. Although he was smiling at this time, his smile was a bit wretched.

"Who are you and why are you blocking our way?" Li Xiran asked directly.

"Hey, two seniors, I see that you have been in Tianxiangfang City for a long time. It should be that the things you want to buy are too scarce, and you haven't started yet, right?"

This short man's cultivation realm is only in the early Juyuan period, and he can't tell what the cultivation realm of Liang Yan and Li Xiran is, but he also knows that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in Guangling City, so he calls everyone senior when he sees them.

"What does it have to do with you, have I acquired treasures?" Liang Yan glanced at the man and said lightly.

The short man laughed dryly, he didn't care about Liang Yan's lukewarm attitude, and still said, "The younger generation is named Li San, he is a loose cultivator near Guangling City. What treasures are you looking for, please tell me, maybe there is an unexpected harvest?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Liang Yan coldly say, "Forget it."

Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Li San's face was a little anxious, and he hurriedly lowered his voice and said, "Senior, don't rush to leave, my cultivation is really low, and I can't get in touch with what my senior needs, but I'm just a guide, here. There is a secret chamber of commerce in Guangling City, and the treasures in it are not comparable to those on the streets."


Liang Yan stopped and looked at Li San carefully.

"You mean, there are hidden chambers of commerce in Guangling City?"

"Exactly, exactly, senior really understands people!"

Li San nodded hurriedly, swept his eyes around vigilantly, and then said to Liang Yan: "Senior, you have a high realm, you have been vertical and horizontal for many years, you should know something like the Chamber of Commerce, there are bright ones and dark ones... .... Hey, some treasures are good, but their origins are not visible, they are not suitable for sale in the public, they can only be traded in the shadows. And these hidden chambers of commerce need inconspicuous guides like the younger generation. "

After listening to Liang Yan, he nodded slightly.

This is not the first time he has encountered this kind of thing. The dark market held near the city lord's mansion before is a similar trading place, and his holy spirit of mountains and rivers is also a clue obtained in that dark market transaction.

It's just that this kind of trading opportunity is very rare. Wei Wenxiang told Liang Yan personally that time, otherwise he would never find the entrance to the dark market. He didn't expect to meet someone who took the initiative to find him this time.

"What's the name of the chamber of commerce you said" After being silent for a while, Liang Yan suddenly asked.

"Taojiao Chamber of Commerce." Li San lowered his voice.

"The gluttonous chamber of commerce?"

Liang Yan frowned slightly, and looked at Li Xiran beside him, but saw his apprentice shaking his head slightly, with a bewildered look on his face.

"I haven't heard of this chamber of commerce, at least among the hundreds of chambers of commerce that participated in the 'Wentai Doubao Conference' this time." Li Xiran said with great certainty.

"Hey, it's normal that the two seniors haven't heard of it, because this 'gluttonous chamber of commerce' doesn't participate in any treasure fighting conventions. Many members of this chamber of commerce are disciples of the great sect, and some even stole from the sect. The secret treasure is exchanged for resources, and no one wants to reveal their identity, let alone participate in any competition. This time I came to Guangling City, just to seek some benefits..."

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