The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1213: The role of the Rakshasa Demon Bull

When Liang Yan came out from Gan Long, it was already midnight.

He looked preoccupied, and did not go to Li Xiran, but returned directly to his guest room.

After sitting down on his futon, Liang Yan recalled today's events again.

For some reason, he always had a feeling that everything that happened today seemed a little strange. From the trip to Tianxiangfang City to the present, there seemed to be an invisible vortex that involved himself.

If it was before today, he would never have participated in the royal struggle in Xuanyuan City, but after today, he would not only be involved in it, but would also tend to get deeper and deeper.

"Where is the problem?"

Liang Yan reviewed the day's experience and always felt that something was wrong, but when he scrutinized it carefully, he couldn't find anything suspicious.

"Xuanyuan Qi, Pei Xinhai, Gan Long...Are some of you lying, or are there other people behind the scenes? What's the benefit of getting me involved?"

Liang Yan murmured to himself, a look of confusion in his eyes.

But soon he came back to his senses and thought to himself: "I know too little information now, thinking about it is useless... Since we have already entered the game, there is nothing to back down, no matter what. Who is secretly planning, sooner or later, he will reveal his minions, and then he can see the tricks."

He made up his mind in his heart that in this royal struggle in Xuanyuan City, he did not seek merits, but he wanted no faults, as long as he did not bring harm to himself.

If he can't get the fire of pure Yang, at least he still has a way out, that is, the unheard incense of the Smelling Incense Chamber of Commerce. As long as he is willing to participate in the 'Wentai Doubao Conference', Li Xiaosong will still be saved.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan's heart moved, and he pinched a magic formula with one hand, and the whole person turned into a gray light and drilled into the Taixu gourd.

In the inner space, on the top of the towering mountain, Li Xiaosong was falling asleep in the form of a monster.

She was sealed with gold needles by Gan Long, and her whole body was completely petrified, and the strange black fire was burning thirty-three gold needles with all her strength.

After this day, the length of the golden needles has been shortened by one point. Now it seems that Gan Long is right. The golden needles can only last for a hundred days at most. After one hundred days, these golden needles may be gone. saved.

At that time, the backlash of the black fire will be even more powerful, and Li Xiaosong will have no chance of surviving!

"Xiao Song, this is the path you chose by yourself. I wonder if you regret it now?"

Liang Yan looked at the sleeping civet cat, pondered for a moment, took out a strange stone from his sleeve, raised his hand and played a few tricks, sending it to Li Xiaosong's side.


As the magic formula was printed, the strange stone cracked violently, and a fire of pure yang burst out from it, like a mighty beast, roaring fiercely on the top of the mountain.

At the same time, the "Yin Candle Fire" in Li Xiaosong's body also seemed to be attracted by it, and a ray of black flame rushed out. Although it was silent, it was not afraid of the pure yang fire like a beast. Instead, it moved upwards.

Two groups of flames, one red and one black, one yin and one yang, started a battle on this mountain top. Countless flames were scattered, and almost the entire mountain was burned to the ground.

Seeing this, Liang Yan hurriedly took out the flying sword, and used the sword's light to stop the two flames, preventing the aftermath of their fight from spreading out, thus saving his cave.

The fierce battle lasted only a few breaths.

After a few breaths, the two flames that seemed to be immortal were actually entangled with each other, and the originally violent momentum began to gradually soften.

"It actually started to merge! Gan Long really didn't lie to me!"

Liang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a hint of excitement on his face.

"The extreme yin is called yang, and the extreme yang is called yin! If there is too much difference in strength, one of them will be eliminated by the other, but if the strength is similar, the fire of extreme yin and the fire of pure yang will eventually merge with each other!"

Seeing this scene with his own eyes, Liang Yan finally completely believed Gan Long's speculation.

Just as he was excited in his heart, the two flames had already merged with each other, turning into red and black flames, with the soft feeling of extreme yin and the violent power of pure yang.

The next moment, the newly-born flame slowly sank into Li Xiaosong's eyebrows.

The black fire that originally burned the golden needles frantically, after the flame entered the body, the burning speed was obviously slower.

Liang Yan observed it for a while, and had already calculated the result in his heart. With the help of the fire of pure yang in this strange rock, Gan Long's golden needle sealing acupoint can be extended for at least another month, which is more helpful to rescue Li Xiaosong. A bit of a grasp.

"Gan Long is right, the fire of pure Yang can indeed save Li Xiaosong, but unfortunately the flame in this strange rock is a rootless fire, which is only a drop in the bucket for the current Xiaosong, if you want to save him, you must find The source of this pure yang fire must be fused with the 'yin candle fire'."

Liang Yan pondered in his heart, after what happened just now, he had a little more hope for rescuing Li Xiaosong.

"I will try my best to help you, but whether you can survive or not depends on your own good fortune..."

Liang Yan murmured to himself, glanced at Li Xiaosong for the last time, turned and flew out of Taixu's space.

And not long after he left, the civet cat on the top of the mountain, although the whole body was petrified, but the closed eyelids blinked slightly, as if they heard the words just now......

After Liang Yan came out of the Taixu gourd, he meditated cross-legged in his room.

At noon the next day, he received the exercise and was about to go out, but someone came to his courtyard first.

A soft knock sounded on the door, Liang Yan glanced outside the house, and said lightly, "Come in."

The next moment, the door was pushed open, and a woman of two decades came in. It was her apprentice, Li Xiran.

"Master! Don't tell me when you come back! Before I sent someone to investigate the details of the Taoist Chamber of Commerce, but I found that I couldn't find its origin, which made me worry for a whole day, and finally ran to Elder Gan, I want to ask him to support you, and it is only at the end that I know that you have returned."

This little apprentice was obviously a little angry, and complained rarely.

After hearing this, Liang Yan smiled slightly, waved his hand and said, "It's my teacher's fault. When I came back, I had something on my mind, so I didn't go to you."

"Okay." Li Xiran's face showed a hint of helplessness. After thinking about it, he said: "By the way, Master, a friend from outside the Chamber of Commerce sent you a letter."

"Oh?" Liang Yan was surprised and asked, "Who is the messenger?"

"I don't know." Li Xiran shook his head. "That person seems to have used the disguise technique, left a letter and left, looking a bit mysterious."

"Show me the letter."

With a thoughtful look on Liang Yan's face, he stretched out his hand to take the letter from Li Xiran, and immediately opened it up.

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"It's him?"

Liang Yan saw the contents of the letter clearly, his expression remained the same, but his brows were slightly wrinkled.

"It's good now. I haven't gone to them yet. They've come to me first... Anyway, let's go and see what's going on."

Liang Yan received the envelope and casually instructed Li Xiran on the exercises for the afternoon. After sunset, he ordered the apprentice to go back to enlightenment by himself, and he left the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce leisurely.

After wandering around the streets of Guangling City for a while, he passed an alley and came out as a dark-skinned young man.

After using the spell to disguise, Liang Yan stopped wandering around, but went all the way north along the most deserted street, and soon came to a teahouse.

As soon as he entered the teahouse, a middle-aged scholar walked over.

"Tan Daoyou, why did you suddenly ask me to meet today?"

Liang Yan pretended to be a familiar friend and came forward to say hello, and the person standing opposite him was Xuanyuan Lingwei's capable subordinate, Tan Youli.

The scholar was stunned for a moment, and his eyes swept over with some vigilance, but immediately he understood that the dark-skinned man in front of him was Liang Yan!

"Fellow Daoist Liang, it wasn't me who made an appointment with you. Your Highness has been waiting for a long time. Please follow me upstairs." Tan Youli lowered his voice and stretched out his hand in a "please" gesture.

Seeing that he was so vigilant, Liang Yan could not help frowning slightly, glanced upstairs, pondered for a moment, and finally followed Tan Youli to the restaurant.

On the second floor of the tea house, Xuanyuan Lingwei was sitting on a wooden chair, with Zheng Gongbu and Ye Shan standing behind them, their faces were not very good, and they seemed a little worried.

"Fellow Daoist Liang is here!"

Seeing Liang Yan's arrival, Xuanyuan Lingwei immediately stood up and forced a smile.

"Hehe, Your Highness, stay safe!"

Liang Yan smiled slightly, his eyes swept over everyone, and suddenly said: "Daoist fellow Ling Wei, if Liang remembers correctly, every meeting in the past was in your Princess Mansion or the other courtyard of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce. Why did you choose such a place this time?"

As soon as he said this, there was an unnatural expression on the faces of everyone present.

"Fellow Daoist Liang doesn't know..."

Xuanyuan Lingwei sighed and said leisurely, "The Princess Mansion has been stalked, and some people have even been turned against. Now, apart from Daoyou Liang and the three people around me, I don't believe anyone!"

"Eyeliner, rebel?"

Liang Yan was stunned for a moment, and doubts flashed in his eyes.

"Who has the guts to put eyeliner in His Royal Highness's mansion...Wait! Could it be the second prince?"


Xuanyuan Lingwei nodded, with a wry smile on her face: "Second brother has arrived in Guangling City now! He and I are already like water and fire, and I am investigating a secret matter related to him recently, which has been completely torn apart. Shame. There are many eyes and ears in my princess mansion. In order to prevent our secret conversation from being discovered, I chose to meet in this place. "

Hearing this, Liang Yan was even more certain of Xuanyuan Qi's judgment. It seemed that the sixth princess, Xuanyuan Lingwei, was also investigating the matter of the second prince, just like him.

"If I guess correctly, what His Highness is investigating is the disappearance of the female cultivator in Xuanyuan Yu?"

"Huh? How do you know?"

Xuanyuan Lingwei's face was surprised, obviously she didn't expect Liang Yan to be able to reveal his details in one sentence.

"Look at this and talk about it."

Liang Yan did not answer, but directly took out a jade box from his sleeve and threw it to the other party.

Xuanyuan Lingwei took the jade box and looked at the eight talismans at the seal, her face condensed slightly.

"It's actually him..."

After muttering to herself, Xuanyuan Lingwei raised her hand and played several magic tricks, untied the eight talismans one by one, the jade box was opened from the inside with a click, and a golden light burst out, directly submerging between her eyebrows.

"It turns out that the fourth brother has also come to Guangling City. Like me, he is also investigating the second brother..."

Xuanyuan Lingwei read the information contained in the golden light with a thoughtful look on her face.

"I didn't expect the fourth brother to have already investigated so much evidence, um... With these things in hand, the second brother's suspicion is inextricable, plus the ones I investigated, this time When the father leaves the customs, it is the day to overthrow the second brother!"

Liang Yan has been observing secretly, although he is the messenger, but because of the relationship between the eight talismans, there is no chance to open the box.

"Even Xuanyuan Lingwei said the same thing, it seems that the second prince has indeed violated the laws of Xuanyuan City..."

Liang Yan pondered in his heart, looked at Xuanyuan Lingwei, and said with a smile, "It's a coincidence, Liang was originally entrusted by Xuanyuan Qi, and was about to go to His Highness to discuss the matter, but he didn't expect to leave yet. , Your Highness sent someone to find me first, is it for the same thing?"

"Not bad." Xuanyuan Lingwei's eyes seemed to look, and she smiled slightly: "I came here this time, in fact, I want to ask Fellow Daoist Liang to help me deal with my second brother."

After listening to her request, Liang Yan's face was a little strange. He didn't expect that Xuanyuan Qi and Xuanyuan Lingwei would ask for help at the same time, and the purpose was to deal with the second prince who had never met.

"Want my help? Your Highness, why don't you talk about your plan first?" Liang Yan asked noncommittally.

"Fellow Daoist Do you still remember the Rakshasa Demon Bull we caught in the Luofeng Temple situation?" Xuanyuan Lingwei's mouth raised slightly.

"Rakshasa Demon Cow? Of course I remember, His Highness put in a lot of hard work for this spirit beast, but didn't he get his wish in the end?" Liang Yan shrugged.

"Actually, there are two reasons for me to capture this demon cow. One is that I intend to use it to assist in cultivating a lightning-type secret technique, and the other is that I have a fancy for an innate magical power of this demon cow."

"Talented magical powers? Could it be related to your investigation?" Liang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yes, the Rakshasa Demon Bull has a keen sense of smell for some peculiar spiritual roots. You must have heard Xuanyuan Qi say that the second brother is cultivating an evil practice. This practice requires a large number of female cultivators as a cauldron to learn from them. The essence of the spiritual root, thereby changing his physique."

When Xuanyuan Lingwei said this, she paused for a moment and looked at Ye Shan beside her, only to see the woman's expression angrily, her two little hands clenched tightly into fists.

"Actually, I started investigating this matter from a very early time, because I used to have a trusted subordinate, Zizhu, who is the twin sister of Yeshan. The two are rare twins, but Zizhu mysteriously disappeared 30 years ago. ........"

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