The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1285: Battle Jade Dragon!

In the bamboo forest, there were waves of noise, and Liang Yan stood with his hands behind his back.

From beginning to end, he did not move a step, as if listening to the subtle changes in the rhythm.

The sound of wind and sand passed through the bamboo forest and fell in his eyes, but it became a battlefield with thousands of troops!

The drums shook the sky, the flags shook, and murderous auras came from the dark, locking on many vital points in Liang Yan's body.

However, Liang Yan seemed to have anticipated it. The next moment, he tapped his toes on the ground, and flutteringly avoided a killer move from the dark.

Next, Liang Yan kept changing his position, as if he had anticipated all of Yu Xiaolong's attacks in advance.

After dodging a few breaths like this, Liang Yan suddenly landed on a chariot, his right hand hidden in his sleeve moved slightly, a cyan sword light swept out from his waist, and slashed towards the chariot under his seat!


In the chariot, there was a light hum.

As the sword light fell, the frame was torn apart, and then a charming female cultivator sprang out from the ruins. It was the Yu Xiaolong who had disappeared before!

This woman has bright eyes and a heroic spirit. Holding an emerald green bamboo flute in her hand, she laughed softly in the air:

"As expected of the Lord of the First Palace, he really has some means. Since that's the case, please let Palace Lord Liang appreciate my 'Hundred Birds into the Battle Song'!"

As soon as the words fell, the flute sounded, and the voice was high-pitched and passionate, mixed with the sound of the drums and the fighting on the battlefield, and actually played a different kind of music.

Liang Yan's pupils shrank, knowing that this woman was going to use her real skills. He always liked to strike first. Seeing Yu Xiaolong playing the flute, where would he give the opponent a chance, he immediately raised his sword light and killed him with one sword.

Before the sword light arrives, the sword energy has arrived.

Yu Xiaolong was not flustered, and there were colorful auras all over his body, as if a feather coat was wrapping her.

The next moment, Liang Yan's mayfly sword pill fell from the sky and slashed on Yu Xiaolong's body, but he saw the figure floating and the void distorted. Liang Yan felt that the sword could not exert any force, as if it was slashed on a ball of soft cotton.


Liang Yan's brows wrinkled slightly, and he let out a sigh. The sword formula in his hand changed sharply, and countless sword qi scattered out, turning all the soldiers on the nearby battlefield into flying ashes.

But even so, Yu Xiaolong was still nowhere to be found.

Only the crisp and melodious flute has never been interrupted, and it came slowly from the void.

"hold head high!"

As the flute became more and more high-pitched, hundreds of halos of different colors appeared in the air, and a neigh sounded from it.

Liang Yan looked up and saw a divine bird appearing in each halo. Among them were the psychic purple phoenix, the Nanming vermilion bird, the three-legged golden crow, the yin and yang peacock, the golden-winged Dapeng, the ghost-headed crow, and the wind mysterious bird. ........

Each of these divine birds is extremely rare in the outside world, and some even only appear in ancient legends, but at this moment, they are all gathered here, there are hundreds of them!


Liang Yan was shocked, but she immediately reacted. If this Yu Xiaolong can really control so many divine birds, wouldn't she want to dominate the entire Antarctic Immortal Continent?

Obviously, these are all magical powers that she evolved using the way of rhythm. Although they are not illusions, they are not real divine birds.

"What a 'Hundred Birds into the Battle Song'!"

Liang Yan laughed loudly, and a bit of fighting spirit also appeared in his heart.

By now, the strength of this Jade Xiaolong has been shown, and it has already exceeded the limit of Tongxuan Realm, and it can even be comparable to a monk in the Tribulation Realm!

This is also the first time that Liang Yan has met a monk who can be called an "opponent" in the same realm since he became a Sword Infant!

"Since a hundred birds have entered the battle, then I will also enter the battle with sword qi to see who has the better supernatural powers!"

As soon as the words fell, Liang Yan raised his hand and pinched a sword trick.

Hundreds of birds enter the battle, facing the battlefield where the sword qi is vertical and horizontal, and the thousands of troops and horses turn into a battle between the divine bird and the sword qi!

Yu Xiaolong, who was hiding in the dark, didn't say a word, but the sound of the bamboo flute was even louder. Hundreds of birds fell from the sky and slaughtered at Liang Yan's location.

In mid-air, divine birds such as the psychic purple phoenix, the yin-yang peacock, and the three-legged golden crow were imposing and majestic, and were arranged to attack from the front.

The Nanming Suzaku, Golden-winged Dapeng and other divine birds were guided by the flute to attack from the left and right wings due to their extremely fast speed and powerful power.

As for the mysterious birds such as Feng Xuanniao and Guitou Crow, because of their strange supernatural powers and unpredictable changes, they were regarded as strange soldiers, ready to attack the rear in the war.

A small bamboo flute, playing the five-tone change, actually coincides with the way of killing on the battlefield!

Liang Yan's sword light rushed into the battle, as if he was caught in a dangerous battlefield. With the flute ups and downs, the movements of the birds were unpredictable, and all kinds of supernatural powers emerged one after another, which actually caused him to give birth to an unpredictable kind of unpredictable. feel come.

"Weird, weird!"

Liang Yan was amazed again and again in his heart, but the expression on his face did not change at all.

In the Hundred Birds Formation, although he would not know how to crack it for a while, but as long as the Mayfly Jianwan is by his side, no matter how the opponent attacks, he can remain invincible!

The two of them had magical powers, one attacked and the other defended. They fought each other for about ten moves. Liang Yan's eyes narrowed, and he finally understood each other's moves.

"It turns out that the way of the five-tone is to change. Stillness leads to death, and movement leads to life!"

Muttering to himself, Liang Yan's breath suddenly soared, and the Mayfly Sword Pill turned from defense to offense, and his moves were peculiar.


A sword light floated past, caught the three-legged Golden Crow, gently circled above its head, and cut the divine bird into the formation in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the sword light whistled, as if to see through the tune of "Hundred Birds Entering the Battle". Every time a sword is used, it can kill a divine bird in the battle, but in just a few notes, there are already eight. The divine bird died under Liang Yan's sword.

In the void, the flute sound became more and more urgent, and it was no longer as calm and calm as before.

However, no matter how Yu Xiaolong's tune changed, Liang Yan could always see through the flaws in her magic. Every time the sword light came out, a divine bird would be slashed by the sword.

The two sides fought more than ten more moves. Seeing that more and more divine birds were beheaded by Liang Yan, the flute sound suddenly stopped in the void, and only Yu Xiaolong's shocked and angry voice came out:

"How can you be so clear about my way of changing the rhythm! And what kind of sword move you are, how does it have the same effect as my spell?"

Liang Yan was a little funny after hearing this. He couldn't say that the superior exercises of your sect, the secrets that are not passed on, have been searched by me, and I have also evolved a set of my own according to the content. Sword move.

If this is spread out, I am afraid that the monks in Yuzhu Mountain will be half-suffocated!

So in the face of Yu Xiaolong's questioning, Liang Yan's face remained unchanged, and he said with a haha: "Is this difficult? In my opinion, the way of the five sounds is just that. When you and I fought just now, I already saw your The essence of the transformation of spells, and now I use the same way to do it, let you see if what I have learned is authentic!"

After speaking, his thoughts moved, and the mayfly sword light shot out one after another, and more than ten divine birds fell into the battlefield.


Yu Xiaolong seemed to be provoked by him, and he shouted in secret: "Since you look down on the way I have learned, don't blame me for being merciless! The next move is the strongest I have learned through hundreds of years of practice. One trick, today I will show you the magic of my Yuzhu Mountain exercise!"

As soon as the voice fell, in midair, all the divine birds stopped attacking, soared upwards, and soon gathered together.

As the flute sounded again, these divine birds began to rapidly merge, and in just a few breaths, the remaining seventy divine birds disappeared, replaced by a colorful divine sword.

This sword is hundreds of feet long, gorgeous and extraordinary, and the killing energy blooms from the sword body, filling the sky and the earth!

Liang Yan raised his head and glanced at it, knowing that the long sword was not an entity. Since the entire battlefield was condensed by the law of sound, then the long sword was the specific manifestation of the sound of the opponent's killing.

"The sound of killing, transformed into a sword, is somewhat meaningful!"

Liang Yan smiled lightly, the exercise in his body was still running, and it was still the "Thirteen Great Swords", but with the power of the sword baby in his body, the same sword had different powers!

I saw the Mayfly Sword Pill's sword intent skyrocketing, facing the colorful giant sword condensed by Yu Xiaolong with the sound of slaughter without fear.


In the void, Yu Xiaolong was not to be outdone, the flute sounded melodious, the sound of slaughter bloomed, and the colorful giant sword slashed into the air, colliding with Liang Yan's cyan sword light.


The huge sound shook the sky, the violent sword qi flew in all directions, and the sound of killing roared in the air.

The battlefield with thousands of troops disintegrated at this moment, everything disappeared, the surrounding scenery changed, the sky was spinning, and the stars were moving.

The next moment, when Liang Yan opened his eyes again, he had already returned to the bamboo forest.

Underfoot is the thick land, surrounded by the evening wind in the forest, rustling bamboo leaves, as if the footsteps of lost travelers.

Suddenly, there was a sound of "Bang!" and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came from behind.

Liang Yan turned his head to look, and saw Yu Xiaolong with a gray face, messy hair, and broken clothes, sitting down in a dirt pit.

"It seems that your killing voice is still inferior to my killing sword."

Liang Yan looked at the pretty woman in front of him and laughed softly: "This is only the twenty-eighth move, and it's still two moves away from the agreed thirty moves."

After Yu Xiaolong heard this, his face turned blue and red.

The contract of thirty moves was originally intended for the other party. At that time, he boasted that as long as Liang Yan could take thirty moves, he would win the fight.

Unexpectedly, before the thirty moves, the one who lost was actually himself!

Yu Xiaolong has outstanding talent and unparalleled elegance. He has been recognized as the arrogant son of heaven since he began to practice Taoism. In addition, the elders of Yuzhu Mountain have given her a lot of love, so he naturally develops a bit of arrogance and domineering air.

However, she has a good temperament and did not do anything out of the ordinary. She just doesn't like the rules and regulations of the sect.

Over time, Yu Xiaolong's reputation has become very famous, especially in the area near Yuzhu Mountain, almost no one knows, no one knows, most of the cultivators of the same generation run away when they see her, and no one dares to fight again.

That's why Yu Xiaolong will travel through mountains and rivers this time, and come to the unparalleled domain that he is not familiar with.

She originally didn't believe that anyone of her peers could beat her. Until just now, when the strongest move she had cultivated for a hundred years was smashed by the opponent's sword, Yu Xiaolong finally understood the truth of "there are people outside people, there are heaven outside people".

"I lost this time. Long'er's skills are not as good as others, and I have nothing to say... As long as you Liang Yan is in Wushuang City for a day in the future, I will never set foot in Wushuang Domain for half a step!"

"it is good!"

Liang Yan nodded, he didn't actually hate Yu Xiaolong. On the contrary, the battle just now also made him understand a lot of the mysteries of the five-tone way, and also saw many deficiencies in the "Thirteen Swords of Taiya".

Yu Xiaolong, this Jade Bamboo Mountain disciple, although she fought against others with the song "A Hundred Birds Entering the Battle", her real foundational Daoist method is "The Pure Heart Three-layer Dance Fetal Immortal"!

It is for this reason that Liang Yan was able to see through the essence of her spells!

Originally, Liang Yan practiced this practice by himself, and there were still many things that he didn't understand, but today's fight with Yu Xiaolong made many of his puzzles clear up. Speaking of which, he had to thank the other party for giving birth to the improved "Daya" Thirteen Swords" idea.

"Maybe one day, I will go to Yuzhu Mountain..."

With this thought in his mind, Liang Yan didn't want to be aggressive anymore, and smiled slightly at this time: "In the duel, you can do anything! Just now I exaggerated, not really belittling the noble practice, I just want to disturb you. The mind. In fact, the way of the five sounds is infinitely mysterious. How can Liang dare to make false judgments?”

Yu Xiaolong felt uncomfortable at first, but after listening to Liang Yan's words, his face improved slightly, and he nodded and said, "Yes, it's because my Yu Xiaolong is not good at learning and my skills are not as good as others. But to be holy, if I learn 10% of the methods of the mountain master, I won't be so embarrassed......"

Having said that, Yu Xiaolong climbed out of the pit and cupped his hands to Liang Yan: "In today's battle, fellow Daoists are far superior to me in terms of supernatural powers and mindfulness. "

" you won't stop me?" Liang Yan said with a smile.

"Long'er is a defeated general under You, how dare you stop it?"

Yu Xiaolong shrugged innocently and said, "Although Yun Suyi is my friend, I don't like some of her actions. The reason why I took action this time is because I want to find someone to fight, but I didn't expect you to do this. Awesome... It seems that the master is right, I have to go back to cultivate my self-cultivation."

After finishing speaking, Yu Xiaolong said goodbye to Liang Yan, and Liang Yan did not stop him in the slightest, letting the woman turn into a light and leave the bamboo forest.

Yu Xiaolong's strength is already comparable to the monk who has overcome the two difficulties in the realm of transformation, and he is also the only monk who Liang Yan has encountered, who can compete with himself at the realm of opening the profound realm.

After Fang Yu Xiaolong left, Liang Yan turned his eyes and looked at the void somewhere outside the bamboo forest.

"Sect Master Yun, you should show up after watching the show for so long, right?"


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