The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1287: capture the suzerain

Yun Suyi was sealed by Liang Yan's sword energy, and the spiritual power in her body was chaotic.

She gritted her teeth and glanced at the gray-clothed man in the air, her face finally showing fear.

"This talent is only in the late stage of Tongxuan, but he has such strength! Seeing that he has never been in a hurry, is there any other means that he has not used?"

Thinking of this, Yun Suyi couldn't help shivering.

The reason why she spoke unkindly to Liang Yan was because she felt that the other party's cultivation base was not enough, and she was just a hairy boy. Otherwise, as the palace owner of the other party's Bihai Palace, she would never dare to be so rude.

After the first battle, it was discovered that Liang Yan, the "Palace Master", was probably the most despised Palace Master in all dynasties!

What kind of hairy boy is this, he is clearly a black-faced evil star!

When Yun Suyi arrived at this time, she finally knew why Liang Yan came to kill him. This was because he wanted to make himself powerful!

"Damn, the hands and feet of the Eight Great Sects are not clean. Why did this evil star meet me Su Xinzhai as soon as he came back? It hit him!"

Yun Suyi scolded inwardly, but now is not the time to complain. Seeing that her natal magic weapon "Huankong Zhan" was sealed by the opponent's sword energy, her face changed again and again.

The next moment, the Suxinzhai Sect Master actually left his sect disciples and the magic weapon of his life, turned his head and ran, rushing towards the mountain gate of Suxinzhai.

Liang Yan was slightly taken aback!

He really didn't expect that Yun Suyi, who looked elegant and refined, was also the master of a sect and a master of a generation, was so shameless!

But in just a moment of effort, he has come to his senses.

"Want to run now? Too late!"

Liang Yan snorted coldly, the light all over his body suddenly rose, chased behind Yun Suyi out of the bamboo forest, and flew in the direction of Danfeng Valley.


At this moment, at the mouth of Danfeng Valley, Ning Xuanqing, Lin Cuiyu and other Taoist nuns are still hanging in the air. Some of these people are ashamed, some are indignant, and they all seem to be holding their breath.

"Hey! As the eldest disciple of Su Xinzhai, I didn't expect that one day I would be hanged at the gate of my own sect. That evil thief named Liang, who humiliated me so much, might as well kill me with a sword!" Ning Xuanqing angrily.

After hearing this, Lin Cuiyu, who was beside her, rolled her eyes secretly, and said, "I was caught by that surnamed Liang at that time. Didn't you lead him here by aggressive tactics? Now this will pretend to be Zhenlie and give What about us as junior sisters?"

Even though she thought so, she didn't really say it. Instead, she persuaded her: "Senior sister, I can't do it! I'm not afraid of running out of firewood to stay in Qingshan. It's better than being killed by him with a single sword. , You should have felt it just now, the master has already left the valley, I believe it will not be long before the thief named Liang will be captured, and then we will be rescued."

"Hmph, even if the master goes out, ten people surnamed Liang can't stop it! It's just that I am not good at studying and I have fallen into the prestige of Suxinzhai. This time when I return to the sect, I must concentrate on retreat and practice the magic method of the sect." Ning Xuanqing put it out. Taking the appearance of a senior sister, he taught all the junior sisters.

Those Taoist nuns are also very sensible, and they immediately flattered when they heard the words.

"Yes yes yes! Senior sister is right!"

"Senior sister is unparalleled in power, in fact, it is not lost to that surnamed Liang. It's just that we are not good at learning skills, and we are holding back senior sister!"

"Yeah, if we hadn't been held hostage by that surnamed Liang, senior sister wouldn't have used such despicable methods. I want to say that the surnamed Liang is really despicable and shameless, knowing that she is not as good as senior sister!"


A few Taoist nuns, your words and my words have blown Ning Xuanqing to the sky.

"Yes, that surnamed Liang is nothing special!"

Ning Xuanqing was a little more at ease at this time, and said with a smile: "This time when the master leaves the customs, he can kill the surnamed Liang with ten moves, making his so-called 'Palace Master' a joke in the entire Peerless Domain!"

"Wrong, wrong! How can I use ten moves, I can see three moves!"

"Three moves? You are too angry with others, aren't you? You can do it with one move!"



While these several Taoist nuns were laughing and chatting, they suddenly glanced out of the corner of their eyes and saw a flash of light rushing out of the bamboo forest.

The figures in the shadows were disheveled, and their faces could not be seen clearly, but the speed was extremely fast. They passed by them in a blink of an eye, without even looking at them, they plunged straight into the valley.

After this escaping light entered the valley, after just a moment of effort, another escaping light rushed out of the bamboo forest, followed by an extremely fast speed, and also entered the valley.

The two escaped lights appeared one after the other, looking like they were chasing and fleeing, the one in front was embarrassed, and the one in the back was calm.

The Taoist nuns at Taniguchi of Danfenggu all opened their mouths wide and their eyes were dull, as if someone had knocked a stick one by one from the back of their head.

It was a long time after the two escaped lights disappeared, and then a Taoist nun said weakly: "Just now...I read it right? The person who escaped seems to be.... .........."

When she spoke, she turned her head and looked at the group of seniors and sisters, with a look of disbelief on her face.

"It seems to be the master!"

I don't know who told the truth, but everyone looked panicked, even Ning Xuanqing, Lin Cuiyu and other senior sisters in the profound realm became dumb at this time, and fear flashed in their eyes, no longer dared to dare Make a little noise.


Inside Danfeng Valley, Liang Yan fluttered and followed behind Yun Suyi.

Although his fighting skills were not weaker than those of the cultivators in the Tribulation Realm, he was still only in the Realm of Tong Xuan Realm, and he was slightly inferior in terms of escaping speed.

But Yun Suyi had three sword qi penetrated by Liang Yan in her body, which blocked nearly half of her meridians. At this time, she could only barely run her spiritual power, but the speed was not as fast as Liang Yan's.

The two chased and fled, and the distance kept shrinking. After entering the valley, Liang Yan was about to catch up with Yun Suyi after only half a cup of tea.

At this moment, Yun Suyi, who was flying in front, suddenly took out a yellow talisman from his sleeve, lit it with real fire, and threw it into the air.

The talisman burned out in an instant, turned into four rays of light, and rose into the sky, instantly disappearing into the surrounding green mountains.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Yun Suyi's voice shouting loudly: "Elder Sifang Jingtang, Elder Eighteen Point Incense, Seventy-two Mountain Guardian disciples, and all Suxinzhai disciples obey orders! ', help me defend against foreign enemies!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a thunderous explosion in the air.


The mountains shook, the astral winds were blowing in all directions, and countless strands of spiritual power poured out from the mountains, and finally they all gathered in the air.

Liang Yan looked up and saw that there were a large number of black monks on the surrounding mountains. They were all disciples of Su Xinzhai. Following Yun Suyi's order, these disciples also used the magic formula to pour their own spiritual power into the great power. in the array.

"Cleansing the dust, Shenfeng, come out!"

Yun Suyi pinched a magic trick in her hand, and over the green hills to the north, the mana condensed and transformed into a white jade blade, which was a hundred feet long and had a powerful momentum.

"Qianhuan Shenfeng, come out!"

"Bing Xin Shen Feng, come out!"

As Yun Suyi's tactic continued, the green hills in the south and the green hills in the east each transformed into a blade, both of which were a hundred feet long. The former was colorful and gorgeous, and the latter was full of jasper.

The three blades were all transformed from the guardian formation, condensing the spiritual power of the entire Su Xinzhai, and their power was very powerful.

"Liang Yan, this is my Suxinzhai sect-guarding formation. It is extremely powerful. I once killed the ancestors of the transformation realm! I advise you to stop now and quit my sect. We can talk about the matter here."

Yun Suyi's voice came from high up in the sky. Although he was threatening Liang Yan, his tone was obviously not as confident as before.

"Guardian Great Array?"

Liang Yan raised his brows, looked around carefully, and suddenly said with a smile: "There is not much mystery in this formation, three gods, let me break it with one sword!"

As soon as the words fell, the mayfly sword pill was already unsheathed, and a blue sword light shot straight to the sky, and instantly reached the sky over the valley.

Yun Suyi's face changed greatly, she hurriedly pinched a magic formula, and shouted:

"Cleansing the dust, Divine Front, slash!"

As soon as the word "slash" came out, the disciples in the north of the valley choked at the same time, and the white jade blade moved in response, falling from the sky and slashing above Liang Yan's sword light.


A loud noise came, what Yun Suyi could not have imagined was that the imposing white jade blade only lasted a few breaths in the blue sword light!

The next moment, the "Cleansing Divine Front" disintegrated, turning into countless fragments and falling down.


On the green hill to the north of Luofeng Valley, hundreds of Su Xinzhai's disciples spit out blood at the same time. Some people were stunned and fell to the ground. Some people even lost consciousness and rolled down the hillside thousands of feet high.

Yun Suyi's face was horrified, she could never have imagined that Liang Yan's strength was so amazing that she broke her "cleansing dust" with just one sword!

But it wasn't over yet, the sword light broke through the "Cleansing Divine Front", the momentum still did not weaken in the slightest, and it rose from the sky and slashed towards his position with a sword.

"Qian Huan, Bing Xin, cut me off!"

At this time, Yun Suyi was terrified to the extreme, and in a panic, he manipulated the formation and chopped down the two blades that contained the power of the entire sect.

But even "Qianhuan Shenfeng" and "Bingxin Shenfeng" couldn't stop Liang Yan's sword light.

His sword, simultaneously activating the power of Jianying and Jiuzhuan Jindan, has already used 80% of his strength. Although Yun Suyi's guardian formation is powerful, in the end, her own cultivation is average, and it is difficult for her to exert all her power.

"Thousand Illusions" and "Bingxin" were broken, and the entire Su Xinzhai disciples were attacked by the formation, either unconscious, or spitting blood, and screaming on the cliff, which was horrible to see.

Liang Yan broke through the entire mountain gate of Su Xinzhai with one sword, and the sword light still did not stop, rushing straight up, and in an instant in front of Yun Suyi.

Seeing that this sword light was about to fall on the opponent, Yun Suyi's panicked voice came from mid-air:

"Hold it up, put it down! I've got Yun Su's clothes, please, Palace Master Liang, take over the magical powers!"


Liang Yan frowned, his mind moved, and the Mayfly Sword Pill hung on top of Yun Suyi's head, only three inches away from her forehead.

The cyan sword energy swiped across Yun Suyi's cheek, scaring the Su Xinzhai Sect Master so pale, sweating like rain that he didn't even dare to utter a word.

"Palace Master Liang, I'm really convinced! Please stop, I'm willing to go with you to Wushuang City to apologize!"

In mid-air, Yun Suyi lowered her eyebrows and lowered her head, her tone extremely humble.

Even the head of a sect made this gesture. Around the valley, those Jingtang elders, incense elders, mountain guardian disciples, etc., had no scruples at this time, and they all knelt on the ground and said in unison:

"Unparalleled City Shenwei, Liang Palace Master Fa Li Taotian, I will worship!"

The sound shook the valley and resounded in all directions!

Liang Yan glanced at Yun Suyi and shook his head slightly.

As the head of a sect, this woman's own strength is only average. Compared with the Confucian **** general Ling Chongxiao, there is a clear gap in strength.

Cang Yueming said that she was good at dancing with long sleeves and secretly colluded with a lot of forces, but now it seems that this woman has fallen behind in her own practice. The so-called upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. Under the influence of Yun Suyi, the entire Su Xinzhai disciples are also doing their best to sway the horses. When they see their suzerain lose, they immediately wave the flag to cheer for the other party, without even a trace of shame. .

However, although Liang Yan sneered in his heart, he did not intend to kill Yun Suyi.

The reason for his trip is to establish prestige, not to provoke disputes.

The nine major factions surrendered to Wushuang City. This situation is very delicate, and it can be said that it affects the whole body.

Sixty years ago, Xuanguang Villa was destroyed, and now that Su Xinzhai was destroyed by himself, the rest of the seven sects would surely panic. When the seven sects unite, pressure, rebellion, escape, etc. are all possible things.

Liang Yan is not alone now, he is the master of Bihai Palace, and he represents Wushuang City outside, and every move must consider the consequences.

Therefore, he will not kill Yun Suyi, let alone Su Xinzhai. According to his plan, the ultimate purpose of this trip is to **** Yun Suyi, Ning Xuanqing and others who violated the order of the city lord to Wushuang City. Shura Palace convicted.

In this way, it will not trigger the turmoil of the seven major factions, but also demonstrate the prestige of the Peerless City.

Seeing that Yun Suyi was soft in public, and the entire Su Xinzhai monks bowed their heads together, Liang Yan decided not to shoot anymore, stopped the sword light, and said lightly:

"Since Sect Master Yun has confessed his guilt, then please seal it up and follow me back to Peerless City to wait for the outcome."


Yun Suyi lowered her eyebrows and lowered her head, let go of her body-protecting aura, without any When Liang Yan saw this, he raised his hand and played a tactic, completely sealing the meridians in Yun Suyi's body, and using magic power A rope was transformed into a rope, which bound the head of Su Xinzhai just like Ning Xuanqing and Lin Cuiyu were bound before.

At this time, Yun Suyi was disheveled and extremely embarrassed. No matter how powerful he was to imprison him, he didn't dare to resist, and he was completely different from the appearance he appeared in the valley Taniguchi before.

Liang Yan looked around with his sword, and on the surrounding green hills, although there were many disciples of Su Xinzhai, they were all afraid of the sword in his hand.


In the silent valley, only Liang Yan spit out a word coldly, followed by a gentle pull on his right hand, hanging Yun Suyi like this, turned and flew out of the valley.

"Respectfully send Palace Master Liang!"

The Su Xinzhai disciples on the surrounding green hills said in unison.


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