The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1305: 7 star army

Ye Tianling's self-titled "Lingxiao Zhenjun" and practiced "Tianshi Fantasy World".

Of the four people who were on the run at this time, none of them dared to say that they could single out Ye Tianling, but it was such a stunning and brilliant person who was actually beheaded by the "Palace Master Liang" who was also at the Tong Xuan Realm.

Everyone took a deep breath after hearing this.

Even the Black Tiger True Monarch, who had clamored to give Liang Yan some color before, closed his mouth at this time, and fell silent with interest.

"Liang Yan not only has a high level of cultivation, but also has the Bihai Palace army by his side. The four of us are definitely not his opponents. Now that the action has failed, we can only temporarily withdraw from the Wushuang Domain and make plans after reuniting with the army." Hong Yun True Monarch said with all his strength to urge Dunguang while he pondered.

"What you said is good, the gray area between the two cities is immediately ahead. The army that our Seven Star City is responsible for is there. As far as I know, there is an ancestor of Huangshi in the army!" A bald head with a naked upper body The big man said by the side.

"Patriarch Huangshi?" After listening to True Monarch Black Tiger, he laughed and said, "It was Patriarch Huangshi himself! It's better that the guy named Liang doesn't chase after him. If he dares to chase him, he'll have no return!"

The rest of the people did not refute his words. Obviously, they all agreed and felt that the strength of the ancestor of Huangshi would definitely crush Liang Yan.

Only a woman in an emerald green dress frowned and said slowly: "As far as I know, Ye Tianling is the direct disciple of the ancestor of Huangshi, and we can't blame him for his death during this mission. Just go back like this, Huangshi Patriarch must not pick up our skins?"

This sentence woke everyone up.

The ancestor of Huangshi has a hot temper and is the most short-tempered. Back then, because a descendant of a named disciple died in Nanchui, the ancestor of Huangshi was so angry that he actually sent someone across the sea to Nanchui Island to catch the murderer. Fortunately, at that time, Liang Yan also crossed the sea to Xianzhou, Antarctica.

The descendants of a mere named disciple have made Patriarch Huangshi make such a big move. Now if he learns that his most proud direct disciple died in Wushuang Domain, then their fellows will definitely be implicated.

At that time, it would be considered light to knock down the cultivation base, and I was afraid to find an excuse to frame them for the crime of collaborating with the enemy and betraying the city. After all, the ancestor Huangshi was the commander-in-chief of the three armies and had the ability to reverse black and white.

"Then what should we do? If you flee back, you will die. If you don't flee, you will die. Are we in a dilemma now?"

Among the four, only True Monarch Hongyun had a calm expression on his face.

"Don't panic, the old man has a solution!"

After pondering for a while, True Monarch Hongyun said slowly, "Since Patriarch Huangshi likes to anger others, we have to find a target for him to vent. Ye Tianling died in Liang Yan's hands. Ancestor Huangshi should be asked to find Liang Yan's bad luck! As long as he can kill Liang Yan himself and avenge his apprentice, then his anger can be quelled, and the four of us will naturally be safe."

"Huh? Daoist Hongyun is right. This is a plan to drive away tigers and swallow wolves. It's wonderful! It's wonderful!"

The green-clothed woman clapped her hands and laughed, but she was only halfway through her laughter, frowned slightly, and said hesitantly, "The problem is that Liang Yan's army of Bihai Palace is still thousands of miles away, while Huangshi Patriarch is on the border, and the two are so separated. So far, how to make them bite together?"

"It takes a little risk."

True Monarch Hongyun touched his chin, hehe said with a smile: "In the army of Bihai Palace, there must be capable people who can lock our direction according to the traces of the void left by me. All we have to do is to slow down a little bit, Let the army of Bihai Palace catch up with us, take Liang Yan to the ancestor of Huangshi, and then tell the ancestor of Huangshi that he killed Ye Tianling with his own hands, and everything will be a matter of course......"


After listening to True Monarch Black Tiger, he laughed and said, "In this way, isn't this 'Palace Master Liang' just rushing to be a scapegoat for us?"

"As it should be!"

True Monarch Red Cloud, the bald man, and the green-clothed woman looked at each other and all laughed......


At this moment, five hundred miles away from the four of them, the army of Bihai Palace is advancing rapidly.

Liang Yan used Bihai Palace's magic weapon "Crossing Clouds and Waves", and the huge tidal mana carried the entire army, chasing in the direction of True Monarch Red Cloud.

In the chariot, Liang Yan sat still on the main seat, a woman in white stood in front of him, holding a hexagonal compass in her hand, as if she was constantly calculating the direction.


The white-clothed woman suddenly let out a snort, and there was a hint of doubt on her face.

"What's wrong?" Liang Yan opened his eyes from the meditation and looked at his named disciple, Bai Qingruo.

"It's a little strange..." Bai Qingruo frowned slightly and said slowly, "Since just now, True Monarch Hongyun's escape route has changed a bit, instead of choosing the best route, he went around. A little detour."


After Liang Yan heard this, a contemplative expression appeared on his face.

He was also a little puzzled, this True Monarch Red Cloud, if he didn't step up his escape, wouldn't he still be strolling through the scenery along the way?

Bai Qingruo continued to cast spells for a while, and then said again: "Because he wasted a lot of time like this, our army took the opportunity to shorten the distance. I think in half a day, we should be able to catch up with them."

"How far is it from the border of Wushuang Domain?" Liang Yan asked thoughtfully.

"It's about half a day's work." This time it was Xiong Jie who answered him.

The head of the Tuotian Sect had the highest cultivation level among the four sect masters of the Anti-Monster League, and was also the one who most responded to Liang Yan's call, so he was appointed to an important position to convey orders to the monks of the Anti-Monster League on his behalf.

"Half a day's work... time is running out."

Liang Yan squinted his eyes and said solemnly, "Go ahead and march quickly! Set aside the Fengxiang army formation, and while chasing and attacking, you must also guard against possible accidents!"


Xiong Jie took the order, turned and walked out of the car.

After he left, Liang Yan suddenly sighed.

"Why does the master sigh?" Bai Qingruo was a little puzzled.

"True Monarch Hongyun is old and cunning, he is so rambunctious, I'm afraid it's not because of suspicion, but because of intentional delay." Liang Yan said slowly.

"Deliberately delaying?" Bai Qingruo's face showed doubts. "No way, Master? He saw Ye Tianling being beheaded by you. He should know that he is not your opponent. How dare he make a fool of himself?"

After hearing this, Liang Yan shook his head and said with a smile: "Silly apprentice, what if a powerful ancestor of Huajie came to Seven Star City?"

"Ancestor Hua Jie?!"

Bai Qingruo's eyes widened, and his face was full of incredible color.

To know how rare the monks in the robbery realm are, even if it is a force like the Seven Mountains and Twelve Cities, there are only ten or so in each city. These monks usually either retreated and practiced asceticism, or comprehended the wonderful Dharma, and seldom appeared in front of people.

The friction between the two cities generally has a default rule, that is, the ancestors of the robbery realm cannot intervene.

As long as the ancestors of the robbery realm don't take action, everything can be regarded as a small fight, and the two sides can sit down and negotiate peacefully afterwards.

But if there is the participation of the ancestors of the Tribulation Realm, then this kind of dispute and friction can easily rise to the war between the two cities, such as the battle between Xuanyuan City and Liangyi City.

"Eternal God Emperor"

This time, if Seven Star City only sent True Monarch Lingxiao and True Monarch Hongyun to provoke the demon clan in the dark, it would only be a small friction between the two cities at most, but if there is an ancestor of the Tribulation Realm Going to the battlefield in person, then the nature of this matter is different.

"Seven Star City sent Hua Jie Patriarch, aren't you afraid of provoking a war between the two cities?" Bai Qingruo asked in disbelief.

"The Antarctic Immortal Continent is surging, who can be spared?"

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes in the Luan car, showing a meaningful expression. "The Unparalleled Region, the Seven Star Region, and the Tianhe Region, these three regions border each other and have been living together peacefully for thousands of years. It seems that some people are finally unable to sit still..."

Bai Qingruo's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he said in a low voice: "If the ancestor of Hua Jie really came in person, wouldn't it be dangerous for us to chase after him so rashly?"

"It's okay!"

Liang Yan showed an indifferent expression, waved his hand and said: "This is the key battle for us to enhance the prestige of Bihai Palace. If we win this battle, there will be an endless stream of monks who will join Bihai Palace in the future. Let's take a look first. If the opponent's army is an ordinary cultivator in the Tribulation Realm, then the teacher still has the strength to fight. If the opponent's strength is too high, then I will use the Taixu gourd to take you and the Bihai Palace army in, and then use the Taixu. The power of Gourd's Space Law will lead you to escape."

There was another point that Liang Yan didn't say directly. He absorbed Xuanyuan Potian's blood essence and made it into a "Dragon Immortal Body". As long as the other party was not cultivated to survive more than two disasters, he would not be able to kill him at all. So he fights when he wants to, and leaves when he wants to.

Even the ancestor who survived the second disaster would not be able to kill himself without killing himself for three days and three nights in a row. By that time, he would have used the Taixu gourd to escape.

Bai Qingruo had seen Liang Yan's mind and methods before, and he was quite confident in him. At this time, he nodded and said, "Since it is the matter decided by the master, the disciple will definitely try his best to help you complete it."

After speaking, Bai Qingruo began to concentrate on casting spells, trying his best to track the whereabouts of True Monarch Hongyun.


The two sides chased and fled, and half a day passed quickly.

At noon, four tiny figures finally appeared in front of the Bihai Palace army.

Although there is still some distance, Bai Qingruo quickly locked one of them through the tracking of the power of the void, and it was they who tracked True Monarch Hongyun for three days!

"Old thief in the red cloud, you are instigating the demon clan and planning turmoil at the border of my unparalleled domain, which has violated the thousand-year agreement between the unparalleled and seven-star cities.

The loud voice echoed in the sky, and the one who shouted loudly was one of the eight Tongxuan True Monarchs brought by Liang Yan, Hao Dawei.

This person cultivates a sound of thunder and has a very loud voice.

Zhenjun Hongyun and the other four who flew in front of him almost roared Dunguang down by his voice.

Fortunately, these four people used their spiritual power in time to stabilize their escape.

"Close your ears, don't listen to his nonsense, speed up, our army of Seven Star City is coming soon!"

Everyone's face was solemn, not only did not weaken the escape light, but pushed the escape technique to the extreme at this moment.

Not far ahead, is the border of Wushuang Domain, Huangliang Daze!

In the depths of Huangliang Daze, clouds covered the fog, and the miasma filled the air. Although the whole picture could not be seen clearly, dense figures could be vaguely seen.

"Ancestor Yellowstone! Save me!"

Seeing the army of Bihai Palace approaching, Liang Yan's Luan Cha has also entered the field of vision, and the Black Tiger True Monarch finally couldn't hold back and shouted loudly.

"Ancestor Huangshi, your direct disciple, Ye Tianling, was just beheaded by the man behind us!" True Monarch Hongyun also shouted loudly.

"What? Who is so daring to actually kill my disciple!"

In Huangliang Daze, there was a loud shout.

Immediately afterwards, countless figures flickered, and cultivators one after another flew out of Huangliang Daze, and also crossed the borderline of Wushuang Domain.

I saw that it was an army no less than Bihai There were ten cultivators in the Xuanxuan realm, more than 300 cultivators in the Jindan realm, and countless cultivators in the gathering yuan realm.

The army pulled up a big flag and wrote a few big characters: "Earth evil star, the ancestor of Huangshi!"

"It's the Yellowstone ancestor of Earth Fiend!"

Song Ru was surprised. She was afraid that Liang Yan would not know about it, so she immediately said to Luan Car:

"Just like our Wushuang City has five palaces, the Seven Star City also has seven famous stars. These seven stars are 'Tianzheng Star', 'Earth Evil Star', 'Kuidou Star', 'Gui Zang Star', and 'Longevity Star' , 'Wu Que Xing', 'Luo Feng Xing'! Except for 'Tianzheng Xing' and 'Earth Demon Star' who each have two ancestors in the robbery realm, the rest of the five stars have only one ancestor in the robbery realm."

"Earth evil star, Yellowstone ancestor?"

Liang Yan frowned in the chariot. He also heard the call of the Black Tiger True Monarch just now. This Huangshi ancestor seemed to be the master of Ling Xiao True Monarch.

"It's really a young man and an old man. Could it be that among the people who wanted me back then, there was also this old Huangshi ancestor?"

Thinking of this, Liang Yan couldn't help but ask Song Ru through a voice transmission: "Do you know the cultivation realm of this ancestor of Huangshi?"

"This...I only know his name. This person is relatively low-key, and the specific cultivation realm is unknown. However, he is not in charge of the earth evil star, and the cultivation base should not have survived the second disaster."

After listening to Liang Yan, there was a thoughtful look in his eyes, and he was about to continue to ask questions, but there was a loud noise from the surrounding earth.


As the earth shook, the army of the opposite Seven Star City suddenly spread out to the left and right, and then a giant peak that lifted the sky emerged from the ground.

This mountain peak is very strange. Although it is 10,000 meters high, there are five stone pillars on the top, like five fingers, and there are dense cracks on the mountain wall, just like the lines in the palm.

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