The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1313: The teacher returns to the city

The reason why Liang Yan didn't kill the people in Seven Star City also had his own considerations.

Now that the Bihai Palace is in decline, it is time to employ people, and Xuanyuanyu and his party also let him know that there will be a **** storm in the near future in the Antarctic Xianzhou.

According to Wei Wenxiang and Li Yuxian's words, it's just a matter of time sooner or later.

Now that he knew the news, Liang Yan had to make plans earlier.

The first thing, of course, is to improve your realm strength.

But in addition, to develop Bihai Palace, maybe it can also become a big help for himself.

Therefore, he went out this time, one is to make a name for the Bihai Palace, and the other is to recruit people. The four suzerains of the Anti-Monster Alliance are all tested and trustworthy people, and they will definitely appoint important positions when they return.

And these True Monarch Tongxuan and Jindan cultivators in Seven Star City can also be used for their own use, but they can never become confidants, they can only be pawns.

Of course Ma Laoliu and the others knew their fate, but at this time they had no choice but to agree to Liang Yan's request.

"Situ Kuangsheng, Cang Yueming, Song will each choose a True Monarch Tongxuan as your second-in-command. From now on, these seven people will be commanded by you."


Situ Kuangsheng and others nodded and stepped forward to the front of Tongxuan Zhenjun in Seven Star City. These cultivators had already accepted their fate and took the initiative to let go of their souls and let them plant a soul imprint in their bodies.

As for the remaining more than 300 cultivators in the Jindan realm, Liang Yan also divided them among the others in turn, and even the four suzerains of the Anti-Monster League each got ten cultivators in the Jindan realm as their subordinates.

At this point, the originally mighty Seven Star City army led by the ancestor Huangshi no longer exists, but the Bihai Palace army led by Liang Yan has grown stronger.

"The purpose of this trip has been achieved, pass my order, and the teacher will return to the city!"

Liang Yan gave the army an order, and then took out the "cloud-piercing and wave-breaking car". He entered the car, his mana was running, and the huge water movement force was surging around. .........

After half a month.

In Wushuang City, above Zhengyang Palace.

A female nun in a blue robe came floating up.

The woman landed on the square of Zhengyang Palace and walked straight to the gate. Daotong, servants, and guard disciples along the way did not dare to step forward to stop her, but instead stood in place and bowed in salute.

When they reached the gate of Zhengyang Palace, two disciples who were guarding the gate finally stepped forward and stopped the female cultivator in blue.

However, they also looked respectful, daring not to be slighted, bowed their heads and said:

"Senior, please stay, my master is retreating and refining alchemy, and we will not see outsiders for now."

"Shut up?"

The blue-clothed female cultivator seemed a little amused, she shook her head and said, "Come on, I don't know what kind of temper Feng Xuanzi's bull nose has? Where does he shut up, what kind of pills do he practice? right?"

The last sentence used supernatural powers, which was spread far into Zhengyang Palace.

But no one in the palace answered.

The two gatekeepers were a little embarrassed. They stood on the spot and rubbed their hands. They didn't know whether to persuade the blue-clothed female cultivator to leave, or keep silent.

Just when the two were tangled, the blue-clothed female cultivator spoke again:

"Niubi, don't hide from me, I count three times, if you don't come out again, I will smash your alchemy room where you hide your wine!"

Although the sound was not loud, it was clearly transmitted into the palace.




"Oh, don't! Don't! Don't!"

The blue-clothed female cultivator had just counted to two when a man's voice came from the Zhengyang Palace, followed by an old Taoist priest wearing a nine-gong Taoist robe with a peach wood sword on his back, running out barefoot.

The old Taoist was dressed a bit sloppily, his nose was reddish, and there was a pungent smell of alcohol on his body. It seemed that he had indeed woken up from the wine country.

"Oh, Ning Xia, what kind of wind is blowing you here? I heard that Bihai Palace has been busy with palace affairs recently, why do you still have time to come to my Zhengyang Palace?" The old Taoist said graciously.

Ning Xia saw that he was full of alcohol, and she couldn't help frowning and said, "Feng Xuanzi, Palace Master Yang is out and handing over the Zhengyang Palace to you to take care of it. Why do you stay away from business and drink in the palace all day?"

"How do you know I'm not doing the right thing?"

Feng Xuanzi felt a little guilty, and he used his eyes to drink away the guards on both sides, and then whispered: "Ning Xia, my aunt, don't care about your good Bihai Palace, what are you doing here with me? I'm hiding in Zhengyang Palace and drinking. You can't tell Palace Master Yang about this!"

Ning Xia glanced at him. Although it was a little funny, she held it back and shook her head: "Well, I'm here to ask you for help this time."

"What help?"

Feng Xuanzi's face was vigilant and he took a step back.

Ning Xia knew that he was lazy by nature and was most afraid of trouble, so she didn't want to run this trip, but this incident really made her a little worried, so she had to come to Zhengyang Palace for help.

"You should know that not long ago, I, the master of the Bihai Palace, personally took command and went to the southwest border to quell the rebellion of the demon clan."

"Well, I did hear it."

Feng Xuanzi nodded and said with a smile: "I have heard about your Palace Master Liang, although only in the Profound Profound Realm, he can beat Yun Suyi, the head of Su Xinzhai, by leaps and bounds. In the future, the revival of Bihai Palace is expected."

"I didn't come here to tell you this." Ning Xia shook her head and sighed: "The plague of the demon race has been around for a long time, and this sudden outbreak, I am afraid there is something tricky in it. Our Palace Master Liang is Linghu. The city lord himself canonized, if there is something wrong, how will you explain it to the city lord Linghu in the future?"

"Then what do you mean..." Feng Xuanzi had a bad premonition.

"I want to invite fellow Daoists to come out and go to the southwest border to help our Palace Master Liang."

"Why are you looking for me!" Feng Xuanzi looked like he was stepping on shit, and waved his hands again and again: "Old Daoist is the cultivation base of half a bucket of water, you should go to the Shura Palace and Yunjin Palace for this kind of thing, in short, you shouldn't come. old way."

"Feng Xuanzi!"

Ning Xia said solemnly: "Bihai Palace and Zhengyang Palace, one is the main attack, the other is the main defender, they are the spear and shield of the unparalleled city. The two palaces have been passed down to this day, and they can be said to have deep roots. Now the master of the Bihai Palace is in trouble, and I can't Leave, I can only ask you for help."

"This..." Feng Xuanzi touched his chin with a brooding look on his face.

At this moment, outside the Zhengyang Palace, a disciple came in a hurry, riding a cloud, and landed on the square.

Feng Xuanzi recognized this person and knew that he was specially in charge of communication. Looking at his hurried appearance, he couldn't help but ask, "What's so urgent?"

"Report to the palace master, an army of monks has come from outside the city, it is..."

The disciple looked up and saw Ning Xia beside Feng Xuanzi. After hesitating for a moment, he said truthfully, "It's Palace Master Liang of Bihai Palace who has returned."

"He is back?"

Ning Xia looked happy, but then she thought of something, and asked in a deep voice, "Since Palace Master Liang is back, it should be good news, why did you hesitate just now?"

"Because...because in the army of Palace Master Liang, there are not only the monks of Bihai Palace, but also the monks of the sect on the southwest border, and..."

"And what, finish the words in one breath!" Feng Xuanzi couldn't help but scolded.

"Yes!" The disciple of Zhengyang Palace nodded and said, "And the monks of Seven Star City!"


As soon as the disciples of Zhengyang Palace finished speaking, Ning Xia and Feng Xuanzi's expressions changed slightly.

"What's the matter? Didn't you, Palace Master Liang, go to pacify the rebellion of the demon clan? How did you bring the monks from Seven Star City back?" Feng Xuanzi asked first.

Ning Xia didn't answer. After pondering for a moment, she asked, "What kind of cultivation are those monks in Seven Star City? How many are there in total?"

"Reporting to the seniors, there are more than 300 monks in Seven Star City, and their realms are not weak. Even the worst ones are in the Golden Core Realm, while the highest cultivation is in the Profound Opening Realm."

After Ning Xia heard this, a thoughtful look appeared on her face.

Seeing her pondering, the Zhengyang Palace disciple couldn't help but ask Feng Xuanzi: "Acting Palace Master, can we open the city gate under this situation?"

Zhengyang Palace is responsible for the defense of the city. If Liang Yan only leads the army of Bihai Palace back to the city, he naturally does not need to report, but now Liang Yan's army has people from Seven Star City, and the disciples of Zhengyang Palace can't make the decision and can only come to ask for instructions. Feng Xuanzi.

"Go, go and see!"

Feng Xuanzi couldn't make a judgment either. He glanced at Ning Xia next to him. The two of them choked at the same time, turning into two escape lights and flying out of the city.

The Peerless City is built on the rolling hills, surrounded by a great defensive formation, and the only entrance is the Feihe Peak in the east of the city.

There is an ancient poem saying: "When the old man Feihe comes, the peach blossoms in the city are blooming." This is the Feihe Peak.

At this moment, two escaping lights roared, and within a few moments, they reached the top of Feihe Peak.

The escape light dissipated, revealing the figures of Feng Xuanzi and Ning Xia. The two of them looked into the distance at the same time and saw a black army outside Feihe Peak.

"Is that the army of Bihai Palace?"

Ning Xia's face was surprised. She had to know that the army that Bihai Palace had set out for this expedition was recruited by her. There were only less than one thousand in total. How did they come back with more than two thousand?

I have only heard that the number of people is getting smaller and smaller, but I have never heard that the number of people is getting more and more.

Looking up, I saw a vast number of cultivators. There were more than 1,500 people in the Yuanyuan realm, more than 600 people in the Jindan realm, and 21 people in the Tongxuan realm!

In the middle of the crowd, Liang Yan's hearty laughter came from inside the azure-blue Luan car:

"Fellow Daoist Ning, fellow Daoist Feng Xuanzi, stay safe!"

As soon as the words fell, a gray light flew out of the car and landed in front of the two in a blink of an eye. It was the current palace master of Bihai Palace, Liang Yan!

"Meet Palace Master Liang!"

"I have seen Palace Master Liang!"

Ning Xia and Feng Xuanzi bowed at the same time.

"Palace Master Liang, what's going on here? You went to the border to pacify the demon clan, how did you bring the monks from Seven Star City back?" Feng Xuanzi looked at the army in the distance and had too many questions in his heart, so he couldn't help but ask road.

Liang Yan glanced at him and knew that the other party was the ancestor of Hua Jie of Zhengyang Palace. Zhengyang Palace was responsible for the defense of Wushuang City. Of course, it was necessary to ask clearly.

"Daoist Fengxuanzi doesn't know that the rebellion of the demon clan is fake. It is true that Seven Star City conspired to provoke a war between Tianhe and Wushuang cities. The reason why the demon clan has risen is because the forces of Seven Star City are secretly helping each other! "

"There is such a thing!"

"Sure enough!"

After listening to Liang Yan's explanation, Feng Xuanzi and Ning Xia showed completely different expressions.

Feng Xuanzi's face was shocked, but Ning Xia seemed to have expected it.

"The rebellion of the demon clan is only on the surface. The relationship between the three cities is delicate. It seems calm now, but in reality, undercurrents are surging..." Ning Xia narrowed her eyes and said.


Liang Yan nodded and said again: "Seven Star City not only instigated the demon clan to disrupt our unparalleled domain, but also sent a large army to suppress the realm, and the Huangshi ancestor of the earth evil star was in command!"

"Ancestor Yellowstone?!"

When Feng Xuanzi and Ning Xia heard this, their expressions changed slightly.

They have heard of this person's name for a long time. He is a cultivator who has survived one disaster and five calamities. His magical powers are on the same level as the two of them. With Liang Yan's peak cultivation realm, how did he get his hands on him? escape?

Before they could say anything more, the content of Liang Yan's words made them even more shocked.

"Old Ancestor Huangshi led his army to cross the border of the Unparalleled Domain, which has already broken the three-city covenant. Liang Mou killed him according to the rules. As for the remaining monks in the Seven Star City, they will either be abolished by me, or they will surrender. Yu Bihai Palace. The things you see are now people of Bihai Palace."

"What...what did you just say?" Feng Xuanzi and Ning Xia, the two ancestors of the Tribulation Realm, were stunned at the same time.

"You killed the ancestor of Huangshi?" After a while, Feng Xuanzi seemed to want to confirm, and asked again.

"Not bad!" Liang Yan shrugged.

After receiving his affirmative answer, Feng Xuanzi and Ning Xia took a deep breath at the same time.

Although the content is extremely absurd, every word of Liang Yan, the entire Bihai Palace army can testify, and it is absolutely impossible to speak nonsense.

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That is to say, the ancestor of Huangshi, the dignified cultivator who crossed the five hardships, was actually killed by a cultivator in the Xuantong realm?

What kind of insane means is this?

"I admire you!"

Feng Xuanzi was the first to break the silence, and smiled with his hands behind him, "The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and there are talented people in the country! City Lord Linghu really knows the pearls! !"

Ning Xia also had a happy expression on her face, but she was reserved and reserved. She was not as eloquent as Feng Xuanzi. She just smiled lightly and bowed her head in a salute, "Congratulations to Palace Master Liang for defeating the enemy and winning the first battle!"

"Ha ha."

Liang Yan smiled slightly, nodded and said, "My Bihai Palace has a great reputation in this battle. I believe that many people will come here because of it, but it is a pity that Liang wants to retreat to realize the opportunity to break through the catastrophe, so he has no time to worry about it, so he can only trouble Ning. Fellow Daoist is in charge of the overall situation."

"Palace Master Liang, rest assured! Ning Xia will handle the trivial matters of Bihai Palace properly, and Palace Master Liang will retreat with peace of mind. Breaking through to the Tribulation Realm as soon as possible is a major event!"

After receiving Ning Xia's reply, Liang Yan was very relieved.

After he let the army enter the city, the rest was left to Ning Xia, while he himself returned to the Bihai Palace......

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