The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1320: wolf into sheep

Wan Gaoming was extremely depressed at this time.

He really can't figure out, where is the problem?

The wine glass was filled with the strange poison "Soul Ice" unique to the Kunshan region. It was colorless and odorless. Even if an ordinary cultivator came, it would be difficult to find flaws without careful observation.

But the "Liang Zhidao" in front of him clearly only has the cultivation of the Tong Xuan Realm, so why can he see through the poison in the wine?

There are also thousands of monks who are ambushed outside. They are all elites of his family. They have the lowest cultivation base and are in the Golden Core Realm. They also used the secret treasures of the family to cover up their aura.

In the face of Liang Yan's questioning, Wan Gaoming could no longer hide it, his face changed suddenly, the kind attitude he had just disappeared disappeared, and he was replaced by a ruthless and indifferent color.

"Liang Zhidao, you are from Peerless City, our City Lord Xiao was killed by Linghu Bai, do you really think this matter can be written off? It's just your own stupidity to come to our Kunshan Region alone, this is not a self-introduction What is the net?"

As soon as Wan Gaoming finished speaking, Liang Yan hadn't spoken yet, and Yu Dongyang, who was beside him, laughed and said, "Old thief Wan is so shameless, if you kill someone to get a treasure, you will kill someone to get a treasure. With a high-sounding title, in fact, didn’t you take a fancy to the treasure on this little brother?”

"Yu Dongyang! Don't talk too much, I guarantee you will die ugly today!" Wan Gaoming made no secret of the killing intent in his eyes.


Yu Dongyang laughed: "Wan old thief, you didn't say that when you tried your best to keep me here yesterday. You even asked your daughter to sell her looks, but I didn't expect that it would be a fake show in the end, right?"


Wan Gaoming couldn't bear it any longer, his spiritual energy gathered in front of him, turned into a small mountain, descended from the sky, and went to the top of Dongyang's head to suppress it.

At the same time, Wan Hai, Wan Jinglong, and Wan Linger also shot at the same time.

That Wan Hai clenched his hands, and a blue halo appeared behind his head, rising into the sky and turning into a monstrous wave!

Wanjinglong condensed his spiritual power, and a colorful spear appeared out of thin air on his chest, with an amazing momentum, and broke out of the air!

As for Wan Ling'er, he threw out a roll of gossip charts, on which the spiritual power of Daomen was scrolling uncertainly, and the cyan rays of light spread out, instantly surrounding Yu Dongyang in the middle.

The four Tongxuan True Monarchs of the Wan family all seemed to know how powerful Yu Dongyang was, so they would do their best as soon as they made a move.

All kinds of magical powers roared and shrouded Dongyang, leaving him no way out.

"The Wan family cooperated so skillfully. It seems that they have done more to bully the less and kill people to win treasures, right?"

Yu Dongyang was not panicked at all, and he always had a playful smile on his face.

Facing the joint strike of the four Tongxuan True Monarchs, Yu Dongyang's sleeves flew out with red lines, and it grew long in the air, but in just a short time, the slender red light had spread all around him.


The mountain peaks that Wan Gaoming condensed with his spiritual power descended from the sky, and he was about to hit the top of Dongyang's head, but he was tightly entangled by these red lines.

The earth movement spiritual power on the mountain peak was drawn out by the red line at a speed visible to the naked eye. The originally huge mountain peak shrank rapidly, and in just a few breaths, it has become similar to the rockery in the yard.

At the same time, Wan Jinglong's colorful spear and Wan Ling'er's gossip cyan light were also entangled by these red threads. The original invisible magical powers now showed traces, and the red thread locked their lifeline. Can't go half a step forward anymore.

Only Wan Hai's water movement spiritual power is unpredictable, bypassing the blockade of the red line and rushing forward, trying to involve Yu Dongyang.

However, Yu Dongyang was not in a hurry. He hooked his right finger slightly, and immediately dozens of red lines rolled back, laying on the surface of those water-moving spiritual powers, pulling in different directions, actually dividing the stormy waves into countless trickle!

brush! brush! brush!

The huge water movement spiritual power disintegrated, scattered away, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"how so?"

Wan Gaoming, Wan Hai, Wan Jinglong and the others all changed their expressions, and looked at the white-robed man in the hall in disbelief.

In order to capture Yu Dongyang in one fell swoop, the four of them didn't hold back at all, and they all used their supernatural powers.

But the other party locked the magical powers of the four Tongxuan True Monarchs with just one red thread?

Wan Gaoming's complexion changed, and he suddenly shouted: "What are you waiting for? This person has been restrained by us, and now there is no power left to resist, you all quickly take action and destroy this thief!"


The Wanjia cultivators who were originally guarding outside the main hall took orders at this time, took the magic weapon, and rushed towards the direction of Dongyang.

Yu Dongyang glanced at the crowd and found that there were two monks in the Profound Realm and more than 30 monks in the Golden Core. He couldn't help but smile and said, "It seems that the elites of the ten thousand families are all here. In order to deal with this Little brother, it's a painstaking effort!"

When he said this, he turned his eyes and looked at Liang Yan again.

"Little brother, the Wan family is a den of thieves. I'm used to killing people and stealing treasures. Why don't you help me, let's rush out together?"

"Ha ha."

In the face of Dongyang's invitation, Liang Yan put his hand behind his back, without any intention of making a move.

"Fellow Daoist Yu is joking. Now you are the one the Wanjia cultivator has to deal with. Why should Liang be involved?"

Yu Dongyang frowned slightly when he heard this, and there was a hint of anxiety on his face.

While manipulating the red line to resist the attack of the crowd, he said solemnly: "Little brother, Wanjia has ulterior motives, if I don't come, the ambush set up here will be used against you. And once Yu is defeated, you will be alone. I'm afraid it's hard to cry alone, right?"


Liang Yan raised his eyebrows with a profound expression on his face.

"With the means of fellow Daoists, even if the cultivators of the Wan family go together, what's there to be afraid of? But I advise you not to play too much. The Wan family is the ancestor of the robbery realm, and now you may have heard the wind. I'm rushing here. Liang will not accompany him, so I'll take a step first."

As soon as the words fell, Liang Yan took a step outside the city, and in a blink of an eye, he was a hundred feet away.

Hearing his words, Yu Dongyang's eyes narrowed slightly, and the originally "anxious" face disappeared, replaced by an inscrutable smile.


Looking at Liang Yan's retreating back, Yu Dongyang muttered to himself.

As for Wan Gaoming, Wan Hai, Wan Jinglong, and Wan Ling'er, they exchanged a few words with each other through voice transmission, and instantly unified their opinions.

The most urgent task is to do everything possible to take down Yu Dongyang in one fell swoop, and then go after Liang Yan.

Without the customs clearance documents, Liang Yan would be chased and intercepted along the way. Even if he was able to pass the customs, his speed would be affected.

Once Yu Dongyang is cleaned up, it will not be too late to go after him!

The four of the Wan family made up their minds to join the rest of the monks who came from the siege, only to hear Wan Hai shout: "Everyone from the Wan family listens to the order and forms a great formation of 'Tiangang Baosha'!"


The more than 30 Jindan cultivators of the Wan family and the five Tongxuan True Monarchs took orders at the same time, each of them clenched their hands, and saw a wave of evil spirits emerge from the top of everyone's heads, condensed in mid-air, and finally turned into hundreds A long blood-colored sword hangs above Dongyang's head.

"Oh? Wanjia's method of condensing evil? It's a bit of a way!"

Yu Dongyang looked at the blood-colored long knives above his head that were condensed from evil spirits, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

"Yu Dongyang!"

Wan Gaoming's eyes were wide open, like an angry vajra, and he shouted loudly:

"You are arrogant and insulting my daughter. You deserve to die! Now give you a chance, as long as you hand over the storage ring and the red thread magic weapon, we can let you go!"

"Let it go?" Yu Dongyang laughed and said, "How can you be so kind when you eat people and don't spit out your bones? Are you still afraid of my 'drunk red dust'? You want to take my treasure first, get rid of my minions, and then Skin me and cramp, otherwise how will you dispel the hatred in your heart?"

Wan Gaoming was drunk by him, and his expression changed slightly, but he was not angry, instead he smiled gloomily: "Yu Dongyang, you are smart, you know that you can't leave today. But even if you see through it, what if you see it through? Under the siege and suppression of so many people in your family, even if you have the ability to reach the sky, you will not be able to fly!"

"Not necessarily!"

The word "must" has just been exported, and Yu Dongyang's figure has disappeared in place.

Wan Gaoming, Wan Hai and others had already regarded him as a turtle in a urn, but at this time they found out that the other party had suddenly disappeared, and they couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

"This kid wants to run!"

"Release your spiritual power, search for this person, and don't let him get sick!"

"No matter what else, the 'drunk red dust' on that kid must be mine!"


Everyone in the ten thousand families had their own thoughts. At this time, without exception, they all released their spiritual consciousness and began to search for every corner around them.

At this moment, Wan Hai glanced out of the corner of his eye, and seemed to see something on the top of Wan Jinglong's head. When he took a closer look, his face changed greatly, and he exclaimed:

"Jinglong, be careful!"


Wan Jinglong turned around with a puzzled look on his face, completely unaware of the abnormality above his head.

When he saw Wan Hai's eyes and horrified expression, he subconsciously looked up, but at this time, it was obviously too late.


A red line appeared out of thin air without warning, and the speed was surprisingly fast. It pierced Wan Jinglong's throat in just an instant, leaving him no time to react.

After this red thread passed through the throat, it continued to spread downwards, passing in and out of Wanjinglong's body, as if there was an invisible big hand threading a needle and thread through him.

But in the blink of an eye, Wan Jinglong's body was torn apart by the red thread. After the body was shattered, a strand of Primordial Spirit wanted to break through the air and escape, but was tightly bound by the red thread.

The next moment, the red line shrank inward, and the primordial spirit disappeared.

Poor Wan Jinglong, the dignified True Monarch Tongxuan, the pillar of the four major families in Kunshan, was completely killed by a strange red thread!


Wan Gaoming, Wan Hai and the others all had expressions of grief on their faces, but before they grieved for a while, Yu Dongyang's figure disappeared again.

"Rats who hide their heads and show their tails have the guts to come out and fight me fairly with this despicable means of sneak attack!" Wan Hai shouted.

"Hehe, just now you both poisoned and ambush. Why don't you call yourself despicable when you beat more and less? Now I'm just a little trick, and you guys are arguing for a fair duel?"

Yu Dongyang's voice came from all directions, from far and near, making people unable to guess his location.

"That's right! All of you families always hope that others are upright gentlemen. In this way, you can be a sinister villain with peace of mind. But, who am I in Dongyang? All the fellow Daoists respect me. A 'prostitution thief', since it is a 'prostitution thief', then of course the most important thing is the movement technique and the escape technique..."

Before he finished speaking, there were a few more screams in the air, but the three cultivators of Wanjia who came to support were pierced through their chests by the red thread, strung together like a string of candied haws, without even the primordial spirit inside. escape.

This time, the shot is even more bizarre. Among the thousands of people, the monks who have not cultivated to the Primordial Gathering Realm have not even seen the traces of spell fluctuations, and several True Monarchs who have reached the Tongxuan Realm have only seen the red light. In a flash, Yu Dongyang didn't even see the figure.

Looking at the several corpses that were hung together in the air, everyone in the Wan family couldn't help but panic, and they didn't dare to make a sound for a while.

When Wan Gaoming saw the scene in front of him, he immediately shouted: "Don't panic! This person is just relying on the weirdness of his movement and escape technique, and wants to break us one by one! But his cultivation realm is no different from ours. , as long as we stabilize our will be able to kill this thief!"

Everyone in the Wan family was originally panicked, but when they heard Wan Gaoming shouting loudly, they all recovered, and their hearts were much calmer.

Wan Gaoming saw this, and then issued an order:

"Everyone moved closer to me, using the 'Tiangang Baosha' great formation to condense the evil into a knife, first protect the whole body, and then use the evil spirit to find the hiding place of this fellow!"

This time, the cultivators of the Wan family moved very quickly. Almost as soon as Wan Gaoming spoke, they approached in a very tacit understanding. They clapped their hands together, and a powerful evil spirit condensed and formed around them, turning into a colorful tiger. The phantom that enveloped everyone.

Undoubtedly, although the Wanjia cultivator could not see Yu Dongyang, as long as Yu Dongyang dared to launch a sneak attack, he would immediately be attacked by this tiger.

At the same time, everyone from the Wan family made concerted efforts to pour their spiritual power into the great formation.

Those **** knives that were condensed from evil spirits fell from the sky, slashing every inch of space indiscriminately and without dead ends, trying to find the figure of Yu Dongyang......

It was when Toyo confronted the entire Wanjia.

In the north of Longevity City, Liang Yan was quietly flying out of the city.

It stands to reason that the cultivators of the Wan family calculated him, and according to Liang Yan's temper, they should have killed all these people.

But when he saw Yu Dongyang, he changed his mind.

"This person's supernatural powers are unfathomable. Although he is only at the peak of Tongxuan, the pressure on me is no less than that of the Confucian generals of the year. I am afraid that he has a great background.... He is here. , I don't need to take action, the Wan family will suffer too!"

Considering that Wanjia has Tongxuan ancestors in charge, killing the younger ones and attracting the old ones, this transaction is not worthwhile, so it is better to leave it to Yu Dongyang, and he should leave Kunshan Region and rush to Shaishu Mountain.

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