The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1329: Lin Fan

"Is there another human monk?"

Liang Yan's complexion changed slightly. At this time, the human monk who appeared here... It is almost certain that he must be one of the top ten peerless talents invited by the ghost hand scholar!

"Does he think the 'Monster Lock Tower' can be repaired?"

"At least that's what Bouchard said." Hongwu replied.


Liang Yan was silent, glanced at the Kunto people around him, and secretly analyzed the situation in front of him.

Obviously, these alien races are by no means good. The reason why they have not attacked themselves now is entirely due to their patriarch's control. If they directly reject his request, then these alien races may not be so peaceful.

As for the lock demon tower, Jiu Hanwu......

If what Bouchard said is true, then their request is consistent with their own goal, repairing the demon lock tower and re-suppressing the Jiuhanwu, so that they can safely cross the Wuzhou, otherwise they will be unable to move.

After pondering for a moment, Liang Yan had already made a decision in his heart.

"You tell the old patriarch for me that Liang is honored to be able to do this, and I only hope that after repairing the Demon Lock Tower, I can safely pass through Wuzhou."


Hongwu nodded and turned to translate to Bouchard.

"Ugua, Ugua!"

After receiving Liang Yan's affirmative reply, the old patriarch of the Kun-tooth tribe seemed a little overjoyed, and even learned the etiquette of the human race and bowed his hands to him.

Immediately afterwards, countless Kunto people split a path and gave him a big vacancy.

Liang Yan knew that they were showing him the direction, so he walked forward along the road. At the same time, the Kunto people around him also acted at the same time, still surrounding him, slowly advancing in the direction of the road .

Obviously, although the patriarch of the Kuntooth clan was grateful to Liang Yan, he did not completely trust him. The clansmen surrounding Liang Yan were there to prevent him from escaping.

In this way, Liang Yan and Hongwu, surrounded by the Kunto people, walked for about half an hour, until a city of wind and snow appeared in the distance.

Calling it a "city" is actually an exaggeration, because most of the cities are low-rise igloos with roofs less than Liang Yan's waist, and some buildings similar to ice crystal tents are also extremely short.

There is no city wall and no restrictions on the periphery, only a long blue river surrounds it. It is strange to say that the surrounding ice and snow do not melt, only the long river is fast and it is not frozen into ice.

"The river is highly poisonous. It is the place where the Kunto people practice. Bouchard tells you not to touch it easily." Hongwu said beside Liang Yan.

Liang Yan nodded. Accompanied by the Kunto people, he walked across a bridge of ice and snow and came to the place where the Kunto people lived and practiced.

Although the houses in this city are small, the area is extremely large. There are countless Kunto people walking on the streets and alleys, more than ten times more than the group of people who went out to hunt before.

"Fortunately, I didn't turn around at that time. Otherwise, if so many Kunto people came to take revenge, I would have no way to break through. I could only choose to quit Wuzhou and find another way..."

Liang Yan sighed secretly in his heart, followed Bouchard and other high-level Kuntooth clan leaders, walked all the way to the depths of the city, and came to a huge white jade square in a short time.

In the middle of the square, a few white tents were set up. Judging from the size of the tents, they did not look like they were built for the Kunto people, but for the monks of the human race.

Behind the tent, a red flame rose, and around the flame, there were hundreds of Kunto people, all of them imitating the appearance of the human race, sitting cross-legged on the ground, listening intently.

In front of them, sitting a young human race man, wearing a set of coarse linen clothes, with a simple black ring on his hand, of ordinary height and ordinary appearance, was talking endlessly at this moment, eloquently, to the hundreds of people What are the clansmen of the Kunto tribe talking about.

Surprisingly, the human man spoke the language of the Kunto, and Liang Yan couldn't understand a word.

At this moment, Bouchard coughed softly, and all the Kunto people who were sitting around the torches and listening to the fascination all came back to their senses, got up each, and bowed respectfully to the old patriarch, slowly dispersed.

The young human man naturally sensed the arrival of the crowd, Shi Shiran stood up, his eyes swept over the crowd, and finally fell on Liang Yan naturally.

"Hehe, I didn't expect someone with the same path to come so soon." The man in linen smiled slightly, giving people a feeling like a spring breeze.

The moment he saw this person, Liang Yan no longer had any doubts, because the other party's cultivation realm was the same as his own, which was the peak of Tong Xuan!

"Meeting is fate, I don't know what to call friends?" Liang Yan clasped his fists and smiled.

"Under Lin Fan, there is an unknown pawn! Dare to ask your friend's name?"

"Liang Zhidao!"

"It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Liang, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

The two were polite to each other, and their hearts were like mirrors, knowing that the other party must also be one of the top ten talents who participated in this Shattered Void Mountain discussion, so no one dared to underestimate the other party.

"Sura Wushen"

Under the leadership of the old patriarch of the Kunto clan, Liang Yan, Hongwu, Lin Fan and the others entered a huge tent one after another.

After the greeting, Liang Yan went straight to the topic.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, I heard from the old patriarch that you have already inspected the Demon Lock Tower. How confident are you that it will be repaired?"

"At least seven points!"

Lin Fan said with great certainty: "The Demon Locking Tower here is divided into two towers, north and south, which echo each other. After I went to check, I found that the Demon Locking Tower itself was not damaged much, just the breath of each other. The connection was forcibly destroyed, as long as the connection between the two demon lock towers can be restored, the Nine Cold Qi in this place can be repressed."

"Forcibly damaged?" Liang Yan frowned and looked at Bouchard, the patriarch of the Kuntooth tribe.

"Help me ask the old patriarch, how did the two lock demon towers get damaged?"

"it is good!"

Hongwu did not hesitate to translate Liang Yan's words.

After hearing this, Bouchard showed an angry look on his face, actually stood up, opened his arms, and shouted something like "Ugua, Ugua".

After a while, the head of the Kuntooth clan calmed down a little and sat back in his seat again, but his face was still not very good-looking.

"What's going on?" Liang Yan asked Hongwu next to him, a little puzzled.

"He said that the Demon Town Tower was destroyed because of the cunning human race."

Hongwu curled his lips and said, "Just a few months ago, when most of them were out hunting, two human monks, a monk and a layman, broke into the depths of Wuzhou, where there was a big battle, and the lock demon was actually killed. The tower was destroyed. Since then, the nine cold air has erupted in large numbers, and the living environment of the kentooth has been greatly threatened, and finally had to shrink the territory, and now it is difficult to even catch the prey."

"Of course."

Hongwu said here, and added: "That Bouchard said at the end that he will not take anger on you because of those two human monks, as long as you and Lin Fan can help repair the demon lock tower, he will definitely order the clansmen, Let you pass Wuzhou safely."

"I see......."

Liang Yan figured out the ins and outs of the matter, and his face showed contemplation.

Could it be that the one monk and one vulgar that Bouchard said was also the arrogance who participated in the Daoist discussion on the Shainxu Mountain this time? I don't know what kind of grievances the two have, but they actually started on the road and broke the two lock demon towers here.

After thinking for a moment, Liang Yan turned his gaze to Lin Fan, who was facing him. He smiled and said, "Daoyou Lin has great powers, but unfortunately Liang has no knowledge of the art of refining, so he doesn't know how to repair the Demon Locking Pagoda?"

"Simple, I will teach you how to repair the demon lock tower, you just need to follow my steps to repair it. The key is the last step! We both must inject spiritual power at the north and south ends at the same time to replace the two locks. The demon tower reopens the link channel, and as long as the connection between them is restored, it can function normally."

When Lin Fan said this, he raised his hand and waved his sleeve, and a bamboo slip flew out of his sleeve.

Liang Yan stretched out his hand to take the bamboo slip, unfolded it, and it turned out to be the steps to repair the Demon Locking Pagoda.

He is also a smart person. Although he is not proficient in refining tools, he can understand some of the methods of others.

Although the repair method in this bamboo slip is simple, it is hidden and mysterious, which opened his eyes.

"Good trick!"

Liang Yan secretly praised, and until the end, it really needs to pour spiritual power on both sides at the same time to open up the link for the two lock demon towers.

"With the repair method of fellow Daoist, Liang has a certain degree of certainty. It is not too late. Let's divide our troops into two ways. Let's go to repair the demon lock tower?"

"Haha, fellow Daoist Liang, don't be impatient."

Lin Fan waved his hand and exchanged a few words with Bouchard next to him in the language of the Kunto tribe, and then said, "According to what the old patriarch said, the two demon lock towers are now surrounded by the 'nine cold air', and the environment is very dangerous. , you may risk your life if you go rashly."

"How about that?" Liang Yan frowned.

"It is said that the 'Nine Cold Qi' will have a low tide every ten days. According to the old patriarch, the next low tide should be three days later, when the 'Nine Cold Qi' will weaken slightly. Although it is impossible to cross the Wuzhou, it can at least Persevere until we repair the demon lock tower."

After listening to Liang Yan, he remained calm on the surface, but secretly asked Hongwu Sound Transmission:

"Is everything he said true?"

Liang Yan didn't understand the voice of the Kunto people, but Hongwu was very proficient. He listened to the conversation between Lin Fan and the old patriarch without a word, and nodded without a trace at this time, which was a response to his question.

After receiving a positive answer from Hongwu, Liang Yan's doubts in his heart disappeared a lot, and he pondered: "Since the next ebb of the 'Nine Cold Qi' is still three days away, then we don't have to rush for a while, just wait here for three days before taking action. Bar."

"Yes, the Fifteen Continents of Flying Fish are very dangerous, we have to be as careful as possible." Lin Fan nodded in agreement.

Hongwu translated the conversation between the two to Bouchard, who nodded in agreement.

The old patriarch of the Kunto clan clapped his hands, and immediately someone from the clan entered the tent and stood respectfully in front of Liang Yan and Lin Fan.

Seeing this, Hongwu hurriedly said: "The old patriarch said that you are guests from afar, and he will give you his patriarch's palace to rest for a few days."

"No, it's good to be in this tent."

Liang Yan didn't care about this, and Lin Fan also smiled slightly.

Seeing that they agreed, Bouchard was no longer polite, got up and slowly left the tent with the support of his own men.

Seeing the Kunto people leave, Lin Fan smiled slightly and looked at Liang Yan opposite.

"Fellow Daoist Liang, let's not speak secretly. Fellow Daoists came here this time for the Daoist agreement of the Shattered Void Mountain, right?"


In the face of such a direct question, Liang Yan did not hide, but admitted it generously.

"Liang was trapped in a bottleneck and suffered unbearably. He heard that there is a chance to break through the mountain, so he came here from thousands of miles. About this, I think fellow Daoists are the same, right?"


Lin Fan sighed and said, "Lin has also been trapped in a bottleneck for a long time! No matter how he cultivates, he will never get the slightest sense of heaven and man......"

After he sighed, he thought about it and said: "If I guessed correctly, Brother Liang should have received that letter, Fengducheng, a ghost-hand scholar, Lin has never heard of this person before, I don't know if Liang Daoyou can Have you heard of it?"

"Ghost Scholar..."

Speaking of this person Liang Yan was also at a loss, so he could only tentatively express some of his own guesses.

In the tent, both of them listed some characters they had heard of and could think of, but in the end they found that none of them could match the number.


Lin Fan took a long sigh and said, "As the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a wall of danger. We know that this trip is full of dangers and there are too many unknown risks, but we still have to travel this muddy water... .. can only say that this 'Ghost Scholar' held our lifeline, after all, this 'Jealousy' he said may really be the crux of our problems."

"Yeah, who doesn't want to take their own cultivation to a higher level? The desperation of not being able to break through the bottleneck is really unbearable." Liang Yan nodded in agreement.

"Brother Liang!"

Lin Fan suddenly got up from his seat and said to him, "There is not only one road leading to the Broken Void Mountain, if the two of us can meet here, it is fate! The risk of this trip to the Broken Void Mountain is unpredictable. , the other eight arrogances are even more difficult to distinguish between enemies and friends, it is better for the two of us to form an alliance in advance, no matter what sudden danger we encounter at that time, we can advance and retreat together. What do fellow Daoists think?"

Lin Fan suddenly asked for an alliance. Although Liang Yan was a little surprised, he was not surprised.

He looked at the other party again, stood up as well, and said with a haha, "Young Daoist Lin is right, the top ten talents are enemies or friends, and it's hard to predict now, it's better for us to secretly form an alliance than to take risks alone. Much more."

"Haha, heroes see the same thing!"

Lin Fan was overjoyed, stepped forward, stretched out his right hand, and wanted to give Liang Yan a high five.

The corners of Liang Yan's eyes twitched slightly, but the surface was calm. He also stretched out his right hand and gave Lin Fan three high fives in midair......

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