The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1332: Mysterious Ghost Repair

In the lock demon tower, the sword energy is flying, and the corpses are scattered all over the sky.

Liang Yan sacrificed two sword pills and started a massacre on the top of the Suoyao Pagoda. In just half a cup of tea, nearly one-third of the Kuntooth people were beheaded.

But the remaining Kunto people were still not afraid of death, and rushed towards him one after another.

Liang Yan knew that these were all chess pieces being manipulated, and he really didn't need to take risks, so he kept fighting and retreating, and in a blink of an eye, he was already close to the west of the Lock Monster Tower.

There is only one window here, and there are not many Kuntooth people around. Liang Yan has already made up his mind to kill the surrounding enemies first, and then jump out of the window.

As long as you are outside the Demon Lock Tower, the terrain is open, you can advance or retreat, and you will not be so passive.

Seeing that the window was within 30 feet, Liang Yan raised his sword light and displayed his might again, killing twenty or thirty Kuntooth people in a row with his powerful sword energy, clearing the surrounding area, and opening the door to the window. the way.


Liang Yan grabbed Hongwu's shoulder with one hand, pinched a sword trick with the other, turned into a gray light, and flew out of the window.

Seeing that he was about to run away, the Kunto people all screamed in a hurry, and they all opened their teeth and danced their claws, and the speed was much faster.

But Liang Yan didn't give them a chance at all. Zi Lei and Hei Lian broke through the air, stopped behind him, and killed more than ten Kunto people one after another.

Seeing that he was about to cross the window, a black light suddenly flashed from behind the window. It seemed that he had been waiting here for a long time, and flew over to meet Liang Yan.

"It smells so bad, that's what I smelled just now!" Hongwu yelled.

Liang Yan also reacted, and saw a dark ball of light blocking in front of him, and the stench inside could not be concealed, like the smell of rotting corpses, making people nauseous.

"No, it's a hit!"

Liang Yan suddenly woke up, no wonder the Kunto people appeared less in the west of the lock demon tower, it turned out to be a "three missing one" plan, the purpose was to guide him to escape from this direction.

Seeing the black light group in front of him, Liang Yan did not hesitate, and directly sacrificed his strongest sword, the Mayfly Sword Pill.


A cyan sword light, mighty, cut through the void and landed on the top of the black light group.

The black light group was obviously a little unexpected. Deterred by the sword light of the mayfly sword, it took a step back involuntarily.

Just this momentary gap was enough for Liang Yan.

The golden light of the Taixu gourd around his waist flashed, and Lao Jin spread his wings, carrying Liang Yan out of the window, and flew to the world of ice and snow outside.


Just as Liang Yan and the black light group passed by dislocation, a cold snort sounded directly in his mind.

This cold hum was like a thunderbolt from the blue. Not only did Liang Yan lose his mind for a moment, but even Lao Jin felt that the back of his head was hammered heavily with a hammer, and the speed of Fei Dun immediately slowed down.

"No, it's a divine soul attack!"

Liang Yan was the first to react, and the "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" in his body quickly revolved, Buddhist spiritual power poured into his consciousness, and the dizzy feeling was instantly expelled. At the same time, he tapped the back of Lao Jin's head lightly, and a golden spiritual power poured out from his palm, which also suppressed the fluctuation of his soul for Lao Jin.

However, as a result, their flying speed also slowed down for a moment. The black light group seized the opportunity and split into two in mid-air, bypassing the mayfly sword light and approaching Liang Yan from left and right.

"The ghost doesn't go away!"

Liang Yan scolded secretly in his heart, and then pinched the sword in his hand again. The three sword pills, Mayfly, Zilei, and Black Lotus were summoned at the same time, and flew towards their master quickly.

At the same time, on Liang Yan's waist, a white light flashed in the Taixu gourd, and a snow-white civet cat appeared in front of him.


Li Xiaosong and Liang Yan were in the same mind, and of course they knew that the situation was critical at the moment. After coming out, there was no nonsense.

The five-colored flames burned roaringly, turning into a sea of ​​flames, wrapping the two groups of black light after the split.

Being burned by Li Xiaosong's divine fire, the smell in the black light group became more foul-smelling. .

"Smelly face, what the **** is this, why is it so disgusting?" Li Xiaosong frowned and asked in disgust after a mouthful of flames.

Liang Yan did not answer, but narrowed his eyes, staring at the two black lights surrounded by the sea of ​​​​fire.

At this moment, the black light suddenly twisted and wriggled, and a large withered hand stretched out from one of the black lights, and with a light tap above the flames, it actually suppressed Li Xiaosong's five-color sea of ​​fire.

At the same time, another group of black light was also changing constantly. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a grimace and rushed towards Liang Yanmeng.

"It's ghost magic!"

Liang Yan's child hole shrank slightly, and the sword in his hand was eagerly grasped.


The sword light broke through the air, and the cyan sword energy was surging. Before the black grimace could react, it was choked into two halves by Mayfly Jianwan's sword.

However, before Liang Yan and the others could breathe a sigh of relief, the black grimace that was cut in half actually regenerated quickly, turning into two identical grimace, and continued to rush towards Liang Yan.

Liang Yan's expression changed, and he hurriedly manipulated the two swords of Zi Lei, Hei Lian, and Mayfly into one place. The three sword pills galloped vertically and horizontally. The grimace was cut into countless pieces again.

However, something terrifying happened.

Those grimace fragments that were cut into extremely small pieces twisted and wriggled in mid-air, but in the blink of an eye, countless identical grimace were born!

These reappearing grimace filled the air, densely packed, countless, like stars in the sky, shrouding Liang Yan's figure in it.

"How could this be!"

Liang Yan's face changed greatly, and his eyes were full of surprise.

You must know that spells such as broken arm rebirth are not uncommon, but the wound clearly has its own sword qi remaining, even a monk in the transformation realm can hardly recover in a short time, why does this grimace have such a face in front of him ability?

Facing the dense and overwhelming grimace, Liang Yan's expression became extremely serious.

This opponent is far stronger than he imagined. It shouldn't be Lin Fan. Unless he has the ability to clone himself, he cannot travel from the north to the south from the Demon Locking Tower in such a short time.

There was no time to think about it, hundreds of grimace had already rushed around, Liang Yan could not avoid it, he could only rise up with divine might and urge the nine-turn Jindan and Jianying in his body to the extreme.

brush! brush! brush!

A series of three swords, purple, blue, and black sword lights, formed a sharp sword energy storm around Liang Yan, smashing all the faces that were close to the surrounding into powder.

Just as he was fighting fiercely with Grimace Man Tian, ​​Lao Jin suddenly opened his mouth and said:

"Liang boy, they are not entities, your random attacks like this will have no effect!"

"It's not an entity.... You mean..." After listening to Liang Yan, he vaguely guessed something, and his eyes showed an incredible look.

"Hmph, you guessed right! Your opponent has long since died, and it was because of the ghostly magic that he retained a trace of his remnant soul, so he was barely able to support it until now!" Lao Jin directly broke through Grimace's heels.

Liang Yan is not stupid, on the contrary, he has a clear mind, and what he lacks is only experience. At this time, he was reminded by Lao Jin and woke up instantly.

"No wonder he didn't dare to attack head-on just now! Instead, I used the Kunto people to distract me first, and then suddenly attacked when I passed the window. It turned out that he was just a remnant of the soul, trying to enter my body to take the house! "


Lao Jin's voice continued: "This ray of remnant soul is very cunning, he hid in his own ghostly energy, and used ghost magic to split into countless pieces. If you can't find the location of this ray of remnant soul, just There is no way to completely kill this person!"

After Liang Yan heard this, his face became even more solemn.

"A ray of remnant soul has such strength, it seems that the cultivation base of this life is unfathomable, we must not be careless!"

Thinking of this, he pinched the magic formula in his hand, took back the three swords of Zilei, Heilian, and Mayfly to his side, followed by the rapid rotation of the nine-turn golden elixir in his body, converting all the spiritual power in the meridians into Buddhist spiritual power, and then converting the "Eight" Bu Yanyuan's "emptiness of all dharmas" was displayed.

With the sound of Buddhist chants, golden Buddha light burst out from the back of the head, and instantly enveloped the surrounding ten-zhang square, blocking the nearest grimace from the golden light.

When those grimace met the golden light, they immediately made a sound of "Zi!Zi!Zi!", and in just a few breaths, they were melted into black smoke by this layer of Buddhist golden light.

"It seems that Buddhist Golden Light is their nemesis!"

When Liang Yan saw this scene, his heart was cheered up, and his spiritual power flowed in his body.

Several huge golden fist shadows slammed into the surrounding black ghost faces in the air, and I saw the Buddha's King Kong demon power rushing out, mighty and unworthy!

boom! boom! boom!

A series of explosions came, and the dense black grimace in the air was instantly smashed by hundreds of them under the divine power of Liang Yan's "criminal three thousand" appearance.

Moreover, these ghost faces that were blown up were washed away by the golden light of Buddhism, and they disappeared without a trace in an instant, but they did not regenerate and recover like before!

After tasting the sweetness, Liang Yan simply took the sword pills by his side, no longer attacked with flying swords, but converted all the spiritual power in the body into Buddhist spiritual power, and punched the "three thousand sins" phase with one punch after another. , and quickly blasted nearly one-tenth of the black grimace in the air.

However, after Liang Yan used "The Eight Parts of Yanyuan's magical powers, the black grimace in mid-air did not show a look of fear, but seemed to see the enemy of life and death, and his eyes immediately turned blood red.

After Liang Yan blew up some of the grimace with the "criminal three thousand" image, the remaining grimace became completely crazy, one after another on the golden light of his body protector, even if the grimace in front was evaporated by the golden light It turned into smoke, and the grimace behind him still did not turn back, and kept hitting Liang Yan's body with golden light.

"Even though Babu Yanyuan can restrain the secret arts of ghosts, it also depends on the strength of both parties, just like water can put out a fire, but if only a cup of water is poured into the sea of ​​fire, it will be evaporated into smoke in an instant.

At this moment, all the ghost faces launched a fierce attack at the same time, and the ghost energy in the sky condensed on the top of Liang Yan's head, like a huge cauldron, to forcibly refine his golden pill.

"Not good! This person's strength is too strong, and my Buddhist golden light is almost unable to withstand it!"

Liang Yan was anxious, glanced around, and suddenly said, "Lao Jin, Xiao Song, let's attack together and break through to the west!"

"it is good!"

Lao Jin and Li Xiaosong of course followed his lead, and without hesitation, they both showed their own housekeeping skills.

I saw Li Xiaosong open his mouth and spit, and five-color flames spurted out of his mouth, burning in the air, and finally turned into five majestic flame giants.

These five flame giants are very powerful. Under the control of Li Xiaosong's mind, they simultaneously slapped their palms, and the power of powerful flames flourished, condensing a huge five-colored palm print in mid-air, hitting the encirclement from the west. grimaces come.

At the same time, Lao Jin also opened the lion's mouth, and the powerful force of the back earth rushed out, converging into a khaki vortex, sucking the surrounding ghost faces into it, and then slowly smashed it. ........

When Liang Yan defeated the ancestor of Huangshi, he got a yellowstone seal that the opponent had practiced for thousands of years and his life was tied, and gave it to Lao Jin.

After Lao Jin got the Yellow Stone Seal, he followed Liang Yan in seclusion for more than 30 years. With his ten thousand years of great demon funds, he finally broke through from the peak of Tongxuan to the realm of good fortune, which is equivalent to the realm of human beings.

At this moment, Lao Jin is not only faster than before, but his magical powers have also greatly improved!

His earth-based Dao method changes mysteriously, and the yellow vortex he spit out contains extremely strong sealing power, not only inhaling the ghost faces, but also sealing the ghost energy inside, reducing their regeneration speed to the extreme, as long as the Within the scope of the magical power, I am afraid that it will be difficult to restore to the original for half a year.

As for Liang Yan himself, of course, he had used enough spiritual power to operate the "Three Thousand Sins" phase to the extreme, and threw several punches at the grimace in the west!

One person and two demons, working together.

The palm prints of the five-color flames, the vortex of the power of the back earth, and the golden fist shadow containing the power of King Kong to subdue demons, all hit in one direction at the same time.


With the loud noise coming from the sky, all kinds of halos exploded in the air, and thousands of black grimace, originally surrounded by them, were hit by the combined force of the three to create a big gap.


Liang Yan saw the timing and shouted, Lao Jin and him were in the same mind, and they flew high almost at the same time.

A golden streamer pierced through the sky at an unbelievably fast speed, escaping from the gap in the grimace in an instant.

After rushing out of the grimace, Liang Yan did not turn his head, urging Lao Jin to continue galloping west.

And behind him, the thousands of grimace were obviously not reconciled, and they were still chasing after him, and they didn't seem to want to let Liang Yan go......

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