
Seeing that Yu Linglong and Hu Chenyu, the two peerless beauties, made a move, Yu Dongyang couldn't help but clapped his hands and praised, then jumped up and jumped into the air.

He stretched out his palm, five red threads wrapped around his fingertips, and the other end shot into the surrounding ghost group.

As the five fingers fiddled, the red silk also became long and short, constantly shuttling among the thousands of evil spirits, and not long after, a red rope tied a evil spirit.

"Haha, it's you!"

Yu Dongyang laughed loudly, picked up his finger lightly, and the red thread retracted, coiling up an evil spirit and slicing it into pieces in mid-air.

After the evil ghost died, a red light fell and was swept back by Yu Dongyang's magic weapon. It was a "ghost stone".

With these three people taking the lead, the rest of the crowd were not to be outdone.

I saw Lin Fan rushing into the air, with a strange purple glow in his eyes, he quickly locked onto an evil spirit, and then opened his mouth to spit out a fire of divine fire, which quickly wiped out the "Yu Yu" in the evil spirit's body. Ghost Stone" was burned.

Li Changshou used his hands to pinch and chanted words in his mouth. Following his spell, the ground under his feet suddenly split open, and countless cyan vines burst out of the ground, instantly piercing through hundreds of ghosts in the air.

Fang Ruhui also took out a Buddha lamp from the storage ring and sacrificed it on top of his head.

As the light of the Buddha lamp shone down, the reality of the surrounding ghosts was clearly illuminated. Fang Ruhui's figure flashed, and he rushed to the top of an evil ghost's head in an instant. With a bite, the ghost was cut in half with the palm of his flesh, and then he reached out and grabbed the "Ghost Stone" in his hand.


The big monk used his five fingers to force, and the ghost stone immediately shattered into powder and fell from the air.

The ten arrogant talents, each showing their magical powers, each has their own unique way to find the "Ghost Stone" hidden in the group of evil ghosts, and then destroy it with the power of thunder.

At this moment, Liang Yan also flew into the air.

He didn't use any special means or magic weapon, but just pushed the "Eight Parts of Yanyuan to the extreme. Under the supernatural power of "Bodhi Mirror Image", the surrounding evil spirits could not escape his eyes and ears.


The Zilei Tianyin Sword flew out of the sky, instantly beheading an ordinary-looking evil spirit, followed by a surge of sword energy, smashing the "Ghost Stone" dropped from the evil spirit's body into pieces.

Trapped in the "Ghost Domain Ten Kills" formation, Liang Yan certainly couldn't stay out of it, but he wouldn't do his best.

Regarding this point, the other nine people also have the same idea.

Because this time is the best opportunity to observe other people's magical means. You must know that the ten people present are all peerless geniuses. In addition to their profound cultivation, their scheming methods are also first-class. Any leak of a little breath may be inferred by others. When you observe others, others are also watching you secretly!

Liang Yan only used a flying sword, that is, the Zilei Tianyin Sword. Other than that, he did not use any means.

The Zilei Tianyin Sword absorbed the power of the thunder and lightning laws of the "Nine Heavens God Leimu". It was originally the nemesis of these ghosts. Coupled with the activation of the sword baby in Liang Yan's body, it could easily kill a large number of ghosts.

While he was shooting, he had been secretly observing the other nine people.

Tianjiao's methods are different, and each has its own mystery, among which three are the most noteworthy.

One of them is Luo Qing. This person seems to have a clear understanding of the operation of the "Ten Kills in the Ghost Realm" array. He doesn't use any magic weapon at all. Just using a scroll of spiritual energy, he can accurately find the meaning among thousands of ghosts. The demon of the "Ghost Stone".

The other person was Li Changshou. This person seemed to specialize in wood-based Taoism. More and more vines were drilled out of the cracks in the ground, covering almost the entire formation. And every time the vines roll into the air, they can accurately find the evil ghost containing the "Ghost Stone", drag it from the air into the ground, and finally smash it to pieces.

Liang Yan looked at Yang Jianying the most.

This person was suspended in mid-air, and with a wave of his left sleeve, dozens of talismans were thrown out, and a small sword was depicted on each talisman.

The talisman flew high into the sky, spontaneously ignited without wind, and finally turned into dozens of small golden swords, swimming around like a swimming fish.

These little swords were extremely fast and seemed to have spirituality. They soon found a few evil ghosts in mid-air and drilled them into their bodies. After they came out, there was a "Ghost Stone" on the tip of the sword.

"Sword Talisman?"

Liang Yan squinted his eyes, but he had heard of this kind of supernatural power. It was not a supernatural power handed down by ancient swordsmen, but was created by later generations.

Only the monks in Jianyingjing realm can mobilize the sword talisman. With a trace of Jianying's spiritual power poured into the talisman, they can condense talismans similar to "puppets". These talismans contain both the sword intent of the flying sword and the spirit of the master. Knowledge can replace the deity to explore some dangerous places.

Yang Jianying was obviously unwilling to use his divine sense to investigate one by one, so he simply used the magical power of the "Sword Talisman" to turn one into ten and save energy.

Liang Yan's practice in kendo has already surpassed those of his peers, and his vision and knowledge are naturally top-notch.

"So it turns out, this is the 'Sword Talisman'! Although I have learned about it in the Bihai Palace's Book Collection Pavilion before, it is the first time I have seen it... There are indeed many mysteries in it. If I can learn this magical power, I can also have another method in some special cases."

Liang Yan was secretly interested in Yang Jianying's "Sword Talisman" supernatural power, but this idea was only in his heart. At this moment, everyone was fighting against the "Ten Killings of the Ghost Realm", no matter whether they tried their best or not, on the surface work is still to be done.

In this way, ten Tianjiao cultivators from different places, each performed magical spells, cooperated with each other in the "Ghost Domain Ten Kills" great formation, and killed the darkness.

The number of evil ghosts that fell from the air was as numerous as the hair of a cow, and the stumps and arms fell down. In the end, they were absorbed by Li Changshou's ivy and turned into wisps of dust.

It took half a day like this.

Although there are countless evil ghosts killed by the top ten talents, the red mist around the enchantment is still tumbling, and every time the red mist is swallowed, thousands of evil ghosts will definitely rush out. Although the strength is not strong, but It's better in numbers.

These evil ghosts surrounded Liang Yan and the others, facing swords, lights, swords, magic weapons and magical powers, without any fear at all, they all charged forward without fear of death until they were beheaded by a certain genius.

"Strange, why is it endless?"

Lin Fan, who was fighting with the evil ghost, frowned, and his face looked a little bad.

"Yeah, doesn't it mean that as long as the 'Ghost Stone' is destroyed, the formation can be cracked? Now that we have destroyed hundreds of 'Ghost Stone', why haven't we seen the power of this formation weakening?"

The person who spoke was Xuanxuan. Although this person was rough in appearance, he was suspicious by nature. Since the battle, he had long been suspicious in his heart.

Therefore, as soon as Lin Fan opened his mouth, he immediately agreed, and even accepted the supernatural power, no longer slaying ghosts, but protected the whole body with the aura of body protection, and retreated back to Shattered Void Mountain.

In fact, he is not the only one who has doubts in his heart. Now someone has pointed it out, and the others have given up the fight one after another. They only use magical magical powers to protect their whole body, and slowly retreat back to the Shattered Void Mountain.

There are few ghosts on Shattered Void Mountain, and when everyone has a little free time, they can hear Yang Jianying's voice ringing in the crowd: "Friend Luo Qing, what's going on? You taught us the way to crack the 'Ghost Domain Ten Kills' formation. Yes, everyone worked hard to break through the formation, why did it not work for so long?"

"Yeah! You kid, keep a secret, is there something you're hiding from us?"

Different from Yang Jianying's prudent personality, Xuanxuan had a bad temper, and was already full of anger at this time, so he questioned Luo Qing directly.

As for the other monks, they also looked at Luo Qing.

After all, none of them knew this formation, only Luo Qing knew, and he also taught the method of breaking the formation.

Everyone has been trying to kill for a long time. Both the spiritual power and the power of consciousness have been consumed a lot, but the number of ghosts in the formation has not decreased in the slightest. Every time a piece is killed, new ghosts will emerge from the red fog. , this situation is completely different from what Luo Qing said before.

"Luo Qing, you don't have ulterior motives, do you want to consume our spiritual power and consciousness?" Lin Fan squinted his eyes, with a bad look on his face.

"Yes, fellow Daoist Luo Qing, you'd better explain." Yu Linglong also stared at Luo Qing, clasping her slender jade hands on the strings of the guqin, as if the other party didn't give a reasonable explanation, she might turn around and start .

In the face of everyone's questioning, Luo Qing's face was always calm as water, and there was no wave at all.

"It's not that the method is wrong, but that some people don't want to let everyone break the line."

When he said this, everyone was slightly taken aback.

"What do you mean by this, fellow Daoist?" Yu Linglong asked with a frown.

"It literally means that some people don't want to let everyone break the line, so they stumble in secret, and this person is among us." Luo Qing shrugged.

"How is that possible? You mean, among the ten of us, there are people who don't want everyone to see the ghost hand scholar?" Yu Linglong asked in surprise.


The word "ran" has just been exported, and among the top ten talents, someone has shot.

It wasn't just one person who started.

A purple thunder sword light, a golden palm print, and a powerful demonic energy all hit the same person!

And this person is actually Li Changshou!

This change was unexpected. The three who shot it seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they used the thunderbolt method almost at the same time. When the rest of the people saw this, they all flew backwards, avoiding Li Changshou.

The sword light, palm print, and demonic energy all fell on Li Changshou's head at the same time.

I saw a strange look on Li Changshou's face, three points of regret, three points of doubt, and four points of happiness.

The next moment, hundreds of cyan vines rose from the ground, surrounding Li Changshou, intertwined, like a huge pagoda, firmly protecting him inside.


A series of loud noises came, and the purple flying sword fell first, breaking more than ten vines in an instant, but the remaining vines quickly swarmed and wrapped around the flying sword, making the flying sword seem to be stuck in a quagmire Among them, there is no way to go any further.

At the same time, the golden palm print and the purple magic energy also fell one after another.

Although the golden palm prints are powerful, these vines seem to have a peculiar power that can absorb the true energy in the palm prints. In just a moment of effort, all the Buddha's light is dissolved, and in the end, only scattered energy is left, which turns into streamers and disperses in all directions. .

As for those demonic energy, they were cunning and vicious, divided into countless small clusters of purple fluorescent light, trying to penetrate through the cyan vines and directly invade Li Changshou's body.

But Li Changshou seemed to be prepared. Just as the demonic energy approached, strange runes lit up on the ivy. It seemed that he was naturally the nemesis of these demonic energy. The opponent's supernatural powers cannot advance.

Li Changshou single-handedly resisted the sneak attack of the three arrogances, and then he turned around, and the person had appeared a hundred feet away.

"Three fellow Daoists, we have no grievances and no grudges, why should we sneak attack?"

Although he was sneak attacked, Li Changshou's face always had a gentle smile on his face.

He looked forward, and the three people who had just attacked him were Hu Chenyu, the holy son of Tianmo Mountain, Liang Yan, the master of Bihai Palace in Peerless City, and Fang Ruhui, Luo Tianshan's "martial idiot".


Liang Yan and Hu Chenyu didn't speak, but Fang Ruhui sang a Buddha's horn, and said in a sullen voice: "What is the intention of the donor, why don't you let us go to see the ghost writer?"

As soon as he said this, the expressions of the others changed.

"Fang Ruhui~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What do you mean..." Xuanxuan seemed to understand something, gritted his teeth, and looked at Li Changshou with a fierce look in his eyes!

Yu Linglong looked at Li Changshou, and then at Fang Ruhui, Liang Yan and the others, with a hesitant expression on his face.

"Great monk, what basis do you have for saying that there is something wrong with Li Changshou?"

"Jade benefactor, Taoist friend Luo Qing's method of breaking the formation is actually not wrong, but have you ever thought about it, we have destroyed hundreds of 'Ghost Stones', why the ghost qi here can still circulate, The evil spirits are constantly reborn."

After Yu Linglong heard this, she was slightly taken aback.

"Yeah, why..."

"Because this person restored the 'Ghost Stone' and sent it back to the great formation!"

This time it was Liang Yan who answered.

He pointed to the cyan vines drilled from the ground within a radius of 100 miles, and said: "These vines appear to be magical powers to kill evil ghosts, but in fact, they secretly took back those 'Ghost Stones' that had turned into powder, Then restore it with a secret method, and then send it back into the great formation."

While speaking, the Zilei Tianyin Sword cut through the sky and slashed towards the nearest green vine.


The ivy was cut open, and a red glow rolled out from it, which was actually an intact "Ghost Stone"!

"It really is!"

The moment they saw the "Ghost Stone", everyone believed that there was definitely something wrong with this Li Changshou!

"Li Changshou! You are also one of the top ten arrogances, trapped in 'heaven's jealousy'! Why use this method to prevent us from seeing the ghost hand scholar?"

"Yes, Li Changshou, what is your intention?"

"Tell him so much, this person must have a plan, let's capture him first!"


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