The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1348: ghost in buddha

Although Jin Guangfo was imprisoned in place by the sound of the piano, his two eyes were still wildly rolling.

As if being summoned by him, the lotus throne came galloping.

The golden light of the lotus leaves shone down, covering his whole body, and the sound of the piano melted instantly, making the Golden Light Buddha regain his freedom.

"Hahaha! Wuyin is just a small way. I advise you to take refuge in my Buddha and return to the right way!"

The Golden Light Buddha laughed, descended from the sky, and slapped it with a palm.

This palm, like a hill, sealed all Yu Linglong's retreat, and even the space was compressed and twisted.

At the same time, Yu Dongyang's "Drunken Red Dust", Liang Yan's Zi Lei and Dingguang Double Swords also attacked from both sides, and wanted to kill Yu Linglong with Jin Guang Buddha.

Facing the joint strike of the three, Yu Linglong's complexion changed, and she instantly made up her mind, opened her mouth and spat out a piece of pure white jade pendant.

The jade pendant rushed into the air and turned into a white dragon with its head held high. When it roared to the sky, the golden palm print on the top of its head was instantly shattered.

At the same time, the white dragon swung its tail, first knocking Yu Dongyang's "Drunken Red Dust" away, and then two white jade rays of light shot out from the dragon's eyes, shrouding Zilei and Dingguang's double swords, smashing the two sword pills. Press in place.


When Jin Guangfo saw the white dragon, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

However, his reaction was also extremely fast. Since it was impossible to attack Yu Linglong by force, he would change his target.

I saw the golden light Buddha waved his big hand, and the lotus throne rushed into the air, shooting out boundless golden light, as if a huge bowl would be buckled upside down in the Dongyang cage.

Yu Dongyang was injured by Liang Yan's death energy just now. At this time, half of his palm has not recovered, and he was covered by the magical power of Golden Light Buddha. His face was extremely ugly.

However, the more difficult his situation is, the more the other two will take action against him.

Yu Linglong snorted coldly. Just now, Yu Dongyang even attacked her. Now that there is a great opportunity, how could she let it go?

Seeing this woman's two-handed tactic, Xiao Bailong immediately released Liang Yan's two sword pills and charged straight in the direction of Yu Dongyang.

"What a strange magic weapon!"

Liang Yan glanced at the jade-like white dragon, and secretly exclaimed in his heart.

The rays of light shot from the white dragon's eyes just now actually imprisoned his two flying swords. Although Liang Yan had a way to break free, Yu Linglong's trump card still surprised him.

At this moment, the chaos in the hall was extreme.

Obviously, in the hearts of the three great arrogances, the Golden Light Buddha is nothing to be afraid of.

What they are worried about is the other two geniuses. As long as they kill the two people who came together, this level can be passed smoothly.

Therefore, no one will attack the Golden Light Buddha. On the contrary, if the Golden Light Buddha attacks anyone, the other two will fall into trouble!

Now Yu Dongyang is trapped under the lotus throne of the Golden Light Buddha, and he will not be able to escape for a while, so he naturally becomes a target for everyone.

Yu Linglong's white dragon and Liang Yan's purple and silver swords attacked Yu Dongyang almost simultaneously.

These series of changes were all between lightning and flint, and Yu Dongyang did not expect that he was still attacking Yu Linglong just now, and he became the target of siege in a blink of an eye.

Facing the joint strike from the three, Yu Dongyang suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped the back of his head, and a red glow burst out from the top of his head, rushing into the air and turning into a huge blood-red vortex.

brush! brush! brush!

With several sounds of breaking the air, Liang Yan's purple and silver swords, and the exquisite white jade dragon, rushed into this blood-red vortex one after another.

For a moment, as if they were in a quagmire, the magic weapons and magical powers of the two of them became slow, and the speed was nearly doubled.

Yu Dongyang's figure flashed, calmly dodging the attack of the two.

At the same time, there was another ray of red glow in the vortex, which rolled down Yu Dongyang, pulled him into the vortex, and disappeared in an instant.

There was one less person in the hall, Liang Yan and Yu Linglong frowned slightly.

Neither of the two spoke, and both were secretly guarding their surroundings.

Suddenly, Liang Yan's eyes lit up, and without turning his head, he punched with a backhand.

The golden light shot out, and the divine power of "Three Thousand Phases of Sin" surged out, distorting the void behind him.


A muffled sound came, and Yu Dongyang's figure flew out of the void and took dozens of steps back, until he wrapped the red thread in his hand around the beam of the hall, barely able to stabilize his figure.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect Brother Liang to be not only a sword cultivator, but he also tempered his physical body. I'm afraid that the power of this punch is not as good as yours?" Yu Dongyang narrowed his eyes and said slowly.

"Hehe, each other! Your concealment skills are indeed brilliant. If you hadn't acted too hastily and exuded a murderous aura when you approached me, I'm afraid I would be hurt by you too."

Liang Yan let out a haha, his eyes kept on the other two, his face was very vigilant.

After a fight just now, although the three Tianjiao seemed to be in danger, he knew that this was only the surface, maybe everyone was hiding their cards and didn't play them.

However, when the three of them fought, they all seemed to ignore the Golden Light Buddha.

At this moment, Jin Guang Buddha's face was gloomy, he looked at the three of them, and suddenly said with a sneer: "A few monsters, who broke into my Jin Guang Temple, dare not take me seriously, do you really think this seat is easy to provoke? ?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he clasped his hands together and began to chant something in his mouth.

With the casting of Golden Light Buddha, in the hall, an invisible pressure descended from the sky, pressing on the top of everyone's heads, like a giant peak that lifts the sky, making it hard to breathe.


Before everyone could react, the door of the hall was closed inward, and the candles in the hall were extinguished one by one.

"Thousand-hand Buddha!"

Golden Light Buddha shouted, and after the fat body, thousands of arms actually grew.

Some of those arms are delicate, some are withered, some have knotted muscles, and some are sallow and thin. They don't look like Jin Guang Buddha's own arms, but like thousands of monks' arms spliced ​​together on his body.

At the same time, a darkness spread around this person, and the originally brightly lit golden hall turned into boundless darkness in an instant.

"Hmph, what Buddha, it turned out to be an evil ghost wearing a Buddha's cassock!"

At this time, the three Tianjiao no longer had any doubts in their hearts, and the Golden Light Buddha in front of them was the person who "had a ghost" in their hints.

At this moment, Liang Yan was also shrouded in this darkness.

"I'm too careless.... Although the Golden Light Buddha's ability is not good, but I forgot that this is in the Golden Light Temple, and the Tianji Pavilion has set a ban. The strength is different..."

Liang Yan secretly regretted it in his heart. If he killed Jinguang Buddha with thunder at that time, he might not have had the opportunity to initiate a ban in the temple.

But after thinking about it, even if I do it all over again, I should still deal with the other two first. The top ten talents are originally competitive. Even if they kill Jin Guangfo first, if they are attacked by these two people, it will be done for others. wedding dress.

"Hmph, since that's the case, let's see who breaks his 'Thousand-hand Buddha' first."

Liang Yan also had a desire to win in his heart, and with a pinch of a tactic in his hand, the "emptiness of all dharmas" circulated throughout his body, and a golden halo covered his surroundings.

That is to say, the moment he just used the "empty appearance of all dharmas", the wind whistled above his head, and something came quickly in the dark, hitting the golden light directly above his head.


With a loud noise, Liang Yan's body protection golden light was almost twisted and shattered, and a powerful force rushed from the top of his head, making him unsteady.

"What a powerful force!"

Liang Yan was surprised, and when he looked up, he saw that a pitch-black palm descended from the sky and slapped the golden light on his body protector.

Before he could take a closer look, there were wind whistling on the left and right sides. It was obvious that the "Thousand-hand Buddha" had more than one palm. In the darkness, overwhelming power came from all directions.

Liang Yan knew that the golden light of his body protection was already crumbling, and if he was attacked two more times, he would probably collapse completely.

He didn't think much about it, urging the power of Jianying in his body, Zilei Jianwan and Dingguang Jianwan stabbed left and right respectively.

boom! boom!

There were two loud noises again, and in the darkness, something seemed to be injured by Jian Maru and shrank back.

But before Liang Yan could breathe a sigh of relief, countless palms galloped from all directions, slapping or grabbing, all attacking his position.

"Sword come!"

With a low voice from Liang Yan's mouth, Zi Lei and Dingguang swords flew back upside down, revolving around him, forming a silver and purple sword energy tornado.

brush! brush! brush!

Countless swords swarmed out, instantly smashing the palms approaching around them.

Under the impetus of Jianying's power, Liang Yan was like a broken bamboo, relying on the sharpness of the two sword pills, rushing all the way, attacking and killing the position in his memory.

But even so, there are still countless palms dormant nearby in the dark, half of them are frantically blocking Liang Yan, the other half are waiting for the opportunity, as long as his sword vortex shows the slightest flaw, these dormant palms will swarm up. !

In the darkness, he ran for hundreds of feet. According to his previous memory, the Golden Light Buddha should be hidden nearby.

When he got here, Liang Yan couldn't help but slow down his pace. His consciousness was limited, and in the darkness, he could only identify his position by listening.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden vibration on the ground under his feet, followed by a chilly air that traveled up the soles of his feet, instantly invading his internal organs.

"not good!"

Liang Yan was taken aback, he had been extremely careful in the process of advancing just now, how could the opponent's magical powers be so strange that he could break through his own sword qi blockade?

Before he could react, there was another overwhelming force in front of him, and it was in front of him almost instantly.

Liang Yan's complexion changed several times, and suddenly his mind moved, a cyan sword light flashed from the Taixu gourd, and he slashed forward in the darkness.


This azure glow is like the dawn of dawn, cutting the boundless darkness in half.

The darkness quickly faded to both sides, and at the end, a pitch-black figure stood with a thousand arms behind him, with a hideous face and a hideous appearance.

Judging from the body shape, it can be vaguely recognized that this evil ghost should be the previous Golden Light Buddha!

On both sides of him, there are two huge black cages, trapping Yu Linglong and Yu Dongyang respectively.

Liang Yan swept his eyes and found that the arm of the evil ghost was constantly reaching into the cage, launching a fierce attack on the two of them.

Obviously, the palm that attacked him just now was also from this evil ghost. However, Liang Yan had already broken the cage and escaped from the barrier, while Yu Dongyang and Yu Linglong were still trapped in it.

The evil ghost also saw that Liang Yan had escaped, with an unbelievable look on his face.

"This is Jinguang Temple, how can you break my barrier?"

Faced with the questioning of the evil ghost, Liang Yan had no plans to respond at all.

Because he saw that the jade-like white dragon on the jade pendant came and went, with a mighty momentum, and the black cage was already crumbling under the impact of the white dragon.

Obviously, Yu Linglong is about to get out of trouble soon!

There was not much time left for Liang Yan.

So he didn't have any nonsense, the sword baby in his body was urged, he raised his hand and waved, the three sword pills, Mayfly, Zilei, and Dingguang, blasted away in different directions!

Among them, the mayfly sword pill is the most powerful, and a sword slashed to the evil spirit at the end of the darkness.

The Zilei Tianyin Sword was the fastest, but it slashed towards Yu Linglong on the left side of the evil ghost. As for the fixed light sword, it was silent at this moment and ran towards Yu Dongyang on the right side of the evil ghost.

Rare opportunity, fleeting!

Liang Yan's three swords came out at once, and the power of the sword baby in his body has been pushed to the extreme. There is no reservation in this blow, and it is about to take the head of the three!

brush! brush! brush!

The three sword pills cut through the sky at the same Among them, the mayfly sword pill was powerful and unstoppable. The blue sword light flashed, and only one sword cut off the head of the evil ghost.

At the same time, the fixed lightsaber also came to the black cage imprisoned in Toyo.

This flamboyant and flamboyant man had just gone through a fierce fight, but the darkness around him suddenly faded away, replaced by a silver sword light.

He didn't have time to react at all, this silver sword light was already in front of him, and it was lightly circled around his neck.

Without any resistance, Yu Dongyang opened his eyes wide, his face full of surprise and unwillingness.

The next moment, his head rolled off his neck and landed on the floor of Jinguang Temple, making a muffled "Bang!".

The silver sword light didn't stop at all, and the next moment it stabbed into Yu Dongyang's headless body, and countless sword energies scattered out, completely stirring his body into powder from the inside out... ..

On the other side, Zilei Jianwan also stabbed into Yu Linglong's black cage at the same time.

But this woman's perception ability seems to be stronger than that of Yu Dongyang. As early as the moment Zilei Jianwan approached, she had already sensed it.

So she took precautions in advance, and with a light touch of the guqin in her hand, the white flood dragon immediately turned around and shot out a white jade-like glow from the dragon's eyes, just covering the Purple Thunder Tianyin Sword that came to sneak attack!


Liang Yan's face was slightly surprised.

Between life and death, there is no room for hiding at all. If you look at it this way, Yu Linglong is better than Yu Dongyang!

However, that's all!

Now that both Jin Guangfo and Yu Dongyang have been destroyed by him, Liang Yan has no longer cared about it. With a pinch of the magic trick in his hand, the mayfly and the Dingguang double swords have all circled back and slashed at Yu Linglong at the same time!

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