The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1355: mountain monster

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It still feels like the sky is spinning, and there are constant space forces around to tear his fleshly body.

But this time, Liang Yan didn't feel much discomfort.

In just a few short days, he has experienced three spatial teleportations, and he is too familiar with this feeling.

I don't know how long it took, the power of the surrounding space gradually stabilized, and the rays of light gradually dissipated.

When everything calmed down, Liang Yan slowly opened his eyes.

Looking around, I saw an ancient palace.

The palace is made of boulders. The stone walls are covered with moss and vines. There is no gold, silver and precious lights around, and there is no gorgeous haze. It looks like a fallen ancient palace.

"Is this the third floor..."

Liang Yan muttered to himself, stood where he was, and looked around, but did not act immediately.

Because he knew that the customs clearance task on this floor would appear in front of him immediately.

Sure enough, not long after, a white light flashed on the stone pillar in front, followed by three big characters:

"The Palace of the Mountain!"

And below these three big characters, there is a line of small characters, which is the customs clearance task of this layer.

What Liang Yan did not expect was that the customs clearance task on this floor was actually very simple. There were only four words, that is: "Arrived at the top of the mountain!"

"The Palace of the Mountain? Reaching the top of the mountain?"

Liang Yan frowned, a look of contemplation on his face.

Although the mission goal of this layer is simple, the process will definitely not be simple!

I'm afraid that on the way to the top of the mountain, there will be unexpected tests...

Thinking of this, Liang Yan suddenly remembered what the Confucian scholar in Tsing Yi said on the previous floor.

According to the information he disclosed, there are a total of three peak masters in the "Top of the Cloud", that is to say, at this moment, in addition to himself, there are probably two others who have also entered the third floor.

Except for the three of them, the other Tianjiao who want to enter the "Palace of the Mountain" will have to wait two days at the earliest.

"One step first, step by step! Now it seems that the chance at this level is between the three of us!"

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes. Although he didn't know who the other two were, at this point, he would never back down.

On this floor, he has to get the key to the clearance before the other two!

Thinking of this, Liang Yan became more cautious and began to look around carefully.

It didn't take long for him to discover that the palace seemed to be made of special materials, and there were strong restrictions around it. It would take a long time to break the palace with brute force alone.

"The clues say that to 'reach the top of the mountain', you must first get out of this palace... But the material of the palace is so strong, and there are restrictions and guards around, how did the disciples of the Tianji Pavilion crack it? ?"

Thinking of this, Liang Yan walked around the palace and finally came to the only stone gate.

This stone gate is about twenty feet high and five feet wide. In the middle is a depiction of a warrior with a yellow scarf, holding a giant axe, cutting mountains and rivers, so majestic!

Liang Yan stared at the image of the Yellow Turban Warrior for a while, and suddenly realized something, urging the spiritual power in his body to pour into the image of the Yellow Turban Warrior.

As soon as the first spiritual power poured into the stone gate, a golden light shot out from the eyes of the Yellow Turban Warrior, and then the arm exerted force, and the giant axe in the painting slowly sank a little.

"Sure enough!"

There was a hint of joy in Liang Yan's eyes, without the slightest slack.

After being infused with spiritual power, the Yellow Turban Warrior seemed to have come to life completely. He swung the giant axe in his hand and slowly chopped it towards the middle of the stone gate.

Although the action is slow, the momentum is heavy, as if it is an organ that has been dusty for many years, and it is slowly opening.

Liang Yan knew in his heart that the first level of the "Palace of the Mountain" was to push open the stone gate of the palace, and to open this stone gate, one must have strong spiritual power.

Obviously, there is nothing fancy about the assessment at this level. It is to test the cultivation and strength of the disciples in the sect. If the cultivation is not enough and the spiritual power does not reach the standard, there is no way to pass this test.

However, this test was the least difficult for Liang Yan.

He has a rank nine golden core in his body, and the spiritual power of the four major lineages is fused into one within his body.

With the influx of huge spiritual power, the giant axe in the hand of the Yellow Turban Warrior also slowly fell, and finally chopped in the middle of the stone gate.


A loud bang came, and the ancient stone gate, which had been covered in dust for many years, finally opened slowly under this axe!

The dazzling sunlight shone in from outside the door, and at the same time expelled the cold air in the palace.

Liang Yan took a deep breath and slowly walked out of the gate of the palace.

However, before he could take a closer look at the surroundings, there were countless powerful forces surging from all directions, as if a majestic mountain descended from the sky and pressed directly on top of his head!

Being caught off guard, Liang Yan almost fell to the ground!

Fortunately, his reaction was extremely fast, and he immediately used the mental method of "Eight Parts of Yanyuan". The golden light of Buddhism covered his whole body, helping him to support this invisible pressure.

"What a strong ban!"

Liang Yan took a deep breath and was secretly surprised.

He looked around and found that he was in the middle of the mountains, surrounded by green forests like the sea, misty waves, and there was no end in sight.

Like the first two layers, the consciousness of this layer is also restricted and can only spread within a radius of a hundred zhang.

It was also at this moment that he finally understood why the mission of this level was only to reach the top of the mountain.

Because the entire mountain is shrouded in a powerful force, as long as you exit the palace gate just now, you will be ruthlessly suppressed by this force!

It is extremely difficult to climb to the top of the mountain under such circumstances. If there are more puppets on the way to climb, it must be a fierce battle!

"It seems that there is no way for this layer to be opportunistic anymore. You have to rely on your own hard power to pass the customs. I don't know... Where are the other two geniuses now?"

Thinking of this, Liang Yan suddenly felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

Tianjiao who can reach the third floor is definitely not a general generation. Maybe the other two have already climbed to the middle of the mountain. If you don't move faster, you may be left behind by others!

Thinking of this, Liang Yan immediately took a big step, the spiritual power in his body was running, and he maintained the Buddhist golden light of "Eight Parts of Yanyuan". While resisting the invisible pressure around him, he climbed towards the top of the peak... .....

The mountain peaks are green and the scenery is magnificent, but it is a pity that Liang Yan has no intention to appreciate it.

There is no ready-made road on the entire mountain, only endless weeds and forests. Due to the special restrictions on this layer, Liang Yan is not only unable to escape, but also has to withstand a huge force of suppression, so he can only act like an ordinary mortal. Climb up the hillside.

He went through all the obstacles and walked for about half an hour. He didn't encounter any puppets along the way, but he saw many ancient stone rooms and palaces, and it seemed that someone once lived here.

Because of the limited consciousness, Liang Yan has always been very careful and did not enter these stone chambers and palaces rashly, in order to avoid triggering any mechanism.

But even so, he hurried all the way, still did not see the end of the mountain.

"Could it be that there is some mystery in this layer?"

Just as Liang Yan was thinking about it, a slight noise suddenly came from the woods ahead.

Although the sound was very slight, he had already been careful, so he reacted immediately.


Liang Yan frowned, a look of vigilance in his eyes.

He secretly ran the Heavenly Secret Bead, covering his breath, and then slowly walked towards the direction of the sound.

After a while, Liang Yan pushed aside the grass and saw the source of the sound.

Although he has been practicing Dao for more than two hundred years, the scene in front of him still surprised him!

I saw a "weird person" lying on the ground and crawling forward.

It may be inappropriate to use "people" to refer to them. Although this thing also has the basic appearance of people, it is extremely distorted!

There were three strange hands of different sizes on the same face as people, respectively extending from the forehead, cheeks and temples, and constantly scratching around.

The mouth is long on the neck, and it is now separated to the sides, revealing a row of fangs, and the ears drop down to the position of the shoulders. As for the eyes, they can no longer be regarded as eyes. Shaking his face from side to side.....

This is just his facial features. If you look at the whole body, it is even more twisted to the extreme. It can't be regarded as a human being at all, but only a mass of "flesh and blood".

"What is this........."

At the moment of seeing this group of "flesh monsters", even if he was as calm as Liang Yan, he felt disgusted in his heart.

Taking a closer look, I found that this thing seemed to be very painful. At this time, I was screaming and screaming, trying to alleviate my suffering.

"Thousand Machine Magic Pagoda is the trial ground for the core disciples of the Tianji Pavilion, how can there be such a twisted thing? Look at his appearance... It doesn't look like a person, and it doesn't look like Puppet, what is it?"

Liang Yan's face showed contemplation, but before he could think about it, the "flesh monster" in front suddenly turned his head and looked straight at his location.

This time, Liang Yan was taken aback!

"How is that possible? I have the cover of the Heavenly Secret Pearl, how can this monster discover my existence?"

The surprise on his face was only fleeting. He looked around and immediately realized that it wasn't that the monster saw through the shield of the Heavenly Secret Bead, but that he had entered someone else's trap.

At this moment, around Liang Yan, the trunks of more than ten big trees all lit up with faint rays of light. There were all kinds of strange runes in the rays of light, forming a small formation between them.

It looks like a trap set by a hunter in the forest, and he is the prey targeted by the hunter.

"Good guy, is this waiting for the rabbit..."

Liang Yan shook his head. Now that his whereabouts have been discovered, he simply no longer hides it. As soon as he pinched the sword in his hand, he immediately sacrificed the Zilei Tianyin Sword.

The Purple Thunder Sword Pill contains the power of the law of lightning and is the nemesis of ghosts. Liang Yan can't see the details of the monster in front of him, so let's treat it as a ghost.

The group of "flesh monsters" let out a low roar, lying on the ground, charging back with both hands and feet, and then bounced up, opening the **** mouth on the neck and lunging towards Liang Yanmeng.

Before they got close, there was a stench coming from the nostrils, which made people want to vomit.

In the face of this strange monster, Liang Yan did not dare to be careless at all. At this moment, he held his breath, and under the control of his mind, Zilei Jianwan immediately turned into a thunderbolt and slashed forward!


The sword light slashed across the monster, as if it had fallen into a swamp mud.

I saw that the monster's chest was gradually twisted, a vortex of flesh and blood appeared, and a powerful and strange force came out from it, actually dragging Zilei Jianwan into his body continuously.

"how is this possible?"

Although Liang Yan had already guessed that this monster was not easy to deal with, he didn't expect it to be so tricky. Not only was he not afraid of his own sword energy, but looking at this posture, it seemed that he was going to devour his own sword pill!

When it was in danger, a crack suddenly opened between Liang Yan's eyebrows, the celestial eyes were exposed, and a jet of black light shot out, instantly setting the flesh-and-blood monster in the air.

At this moment, the monster was less than ten feet away from Liang Yan, and Zilei Jianwan was about to be sucked into the body by it.

Due to the unknown situation, Liang Yan did not dare to use the sword pill to confront the enemy, raised his hand and first took the Zilei sword pill back into the Taixu gourd.

Immediately afterwards, the spiritual power in his body circulated, and the golden light in his right hand was released.

The huge golden fist shadow contains the mighty power of Buddhism to subdue demons, and it comes from the sky.

At the same time, the flesh-and-blood monster also got rid of the shackles of the celestial vision. Seeing that the golden light of the Buddhist gate covered the, he did not have a trace of fear, and he still did not dodge or avoid it, and rushed forward.

The two sides collided and made a loud noise. The powerful force destroyed all the surrounding trees, and at the same time revealed the magic circle hidden in the woods.

brush! brush! brush!

Dozens of rays of light suddenly appeared, containing a powerful murderous aura, and shot at Liang Yan at the same time.


Liang Yan's face showed a look of surprise, because these rays of light came from the magic circle in the forest, and this magic circle was set up so cleverly, it was hard to believe that this magic circle came from the hands of the monster in front of him. ?

However, the current situation did not allow him to think too much. Seeing that the surrounding rays of light were approaching, Liang Yan could only temporarily stop his attack and run the "Empty Phases of All Dharmas" to resolve these rays of light one by one.

On the other side, the flesh-and-blood monster resisted Liang Yan's "Criminalization Three Thousand" with his flesh. Half of his body, from his shoulder to his right arm, was beaten to ashes, and his face was smashed to pieces by Buddhist golden light. It looked even more horrific.

However, this monster seems to be not very sane, or it is very eager for Liang Yan, dragging its mutilated body, still charging forward, as if to swallow Liang Yan into his body.


Liang Yan snorted coldly and stood still, but his right eye gradually turned gray.

As Tong Kong shrank slightly, a ray of gray death energy appeared on the flesh-and-blood puppet's chest, and quickly spread around.

"Harsh...... Harsh......"

A series of indistinct sounds came out of the monster's mouth, and it seemed to be screaming.

A short distance of ten feet, when it rushed to Liang Yan, it had already turned into a pile of rotten bones......

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