The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1367: Exotic Reunion

Back then, in the inheritance cave of the Yunhua layman, the other party had told Liang Yan that the gatekeeper puppet on this floor, calling himself "Shenjun Wuya", was a ruthless character who was dissatisfied with the status quo and tried to cultivate as a puppet.

The flesh-and-blood puppets I saw on the mountain road before were actually the product of this person's experiments.

In order to be closer to the twelve serious and extraordinary meridians of the human race, Wuya Shenjun has been experimenting with dead bodies over the years, and he is even more interested in these geniuses who broke into the magic tower.

At this moment, this strange-looking puppet's three eyes kept turning, and finally looked at the two who were fighting in midair at the same time.

"not good!"

Liang Yan reacted almost instantly. Although this Boundless Divine Sovereign is just a puppet, he is extremely scheming. He must have been in ambush nearby, and only when the two sides are fighting fiercely, he will make a sneak attack!

Sure enough, seeing the two heads of the Wuya Divine Monarch open their mouths at the same time, aiming at Wuxin and Fang Ruhui in mid-air respectively, the terrifying power radiated out, and even Liang Yan felt the season of heart.

"Stop now!"

Liang Yan didn't care about the sound transmission, and shouted directly.

At this moment, in mid-air, the fierce battle between Fang Ruhui and Hu Chenyu had reached the most critical stage.

Fang Ruhui's infuriating qi was like the Yangtze River, galloping and galloping, while Hu Chenyu's demonic qi was endless. The two sides fought fiercely for a long time, but could never break the other's supernatural power.

The two held their palms in the air, the golden infuriating energy and the purple demonic energy collided, and they refused to give in to each other.

Right at this moment, Divine Monarch Wuya shot out red and black beams of light from the two mouths, hitting Hu Chenyu and Fang Ruhui respectively.


Hu Chenyu and Fang Ruhui, who were fighting, were both shocked.

They put all their attention on their opponents, and it was not until Liang Yan reminded them that they knew that someone was lying in ambush in the dark and attacked them.

But it was too late at this time, the two fought with all their strength, and at such a dangerous juncture, no one dared to withdraw the magical power without authorization.

Because once he withdraws his magical powers, but the opponent does not stop, he will be severely injured by the opponent in an instant.

Hu Chenyu and Fang Ruhui didn't trust each other, so it was impossible for them to stop at the same time.

And at the moment when they hesitated, the red and black beams of light, containing terrifying power, had already broken through the mountains and forests!

What Hu Chenyu was facing was a red beam of light, and the brilliance contained a strong corpse aura, as well as a **** killing aura.

Affected by the breath, the spiritual power in her body began to rush wildly, her heart was chilled, and her scalp was numb.

"What a powerful force, this method... has exceeded the level of the top ten talents!"

Hu Chenyu was shocked. At this moment, most of her spiritual power was resisting Fang Ruhui's true energy, and she had no time to resist this red beam of light, so she could only watch the magical power hit her.

At this moment, a figure flashed in front of him, and a tall body stood in front of him.

At the critical moment, Liang Yan stepped forward!

His face was dignified, and his hands were in a hurry. He first covered his whole body with the Buddhist golden light of "emptiness of all dharmas", and then cut out the four sword pills of Mayfly, Zilei, Black Lotus, and Dingguang at the same time.


The flying sword pierces the air, and the sword energy is vertical and horizontal!

In the blink of an eye, the red beam of light had already been cut by most of his four sword lights, but even so, a part of the power still passed through the blockade of the sword lights and came to him.

The front is the strange attack of "Shenjun Wuya", and the back is the person whom he has missed for a long time.

Liang Yan's eyes flickered, and after a while, he made up his mind, and he chose to resist!


The remaining power of the red beam of light fell on Liang Yan's body-protecting golden light. It was only blocked for a moment, and the golden light was shaken to pieces, and then rushed forward, all hitting Liang Yan's body!


Liang Yan raised his head and spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.

"Liang Yan!"

When Hu Chenyu saw this scene, Tong Kong shrank rapidly, and his face showed panic for the first time.

Perhaps because she was too impatient, she forgot to cover up with her magical powers when she shouted, and her original voice was revealed, which was very different from the voice of the Son of Heavenly Demon Mountain before.

Although there are flaws, at this moment, other people have no intention to care about him.

Another black beam of light from Wuya Divine Monarch also hit Fang Ruhui at the same time.

This so-called "Wu Chi" Luo Tianshan Tianjiao was engulfed by a black beam of light, and everyone could not see the scene inside, but only heard the crisp sound of "quack, quack", which seemed to be the sound of bones breaking.

Without Fang Ruhui's entanglement, Hu Chenyu's pressure was greatly reduced, he hurriedly withdrew his magical powers, and ran away in the direction of Liang Yan.


Liang Yan slammed back into a huge ancient tree, smashed the ancient tree at its roots, and rolled on the ground for a dozen laps before barely stopping.

His face was as pale as paper, blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth, and his aura was extremely sluggish.

Before he could get up, there was a fragrant wind blowing towards his face, Hu Chenyu fell beside him and gently lifted him up with his simple hands.

Liang Yan opened his mouth, and just as he was about to speak, he felt a few fragrant medicinal pills stuffed into his mouth.

When the medicinal pill entered the abdomen, a gentle medicinal force dissolved, and instantly entered all parts of his body, repairing the damaged meridians and internal organs.

"This is the 'Lingxi Pill', the secret medicine of Tianmo Mountain, how do you feel now?" Hu Chenyu's voice was hurried, and there was a rare anxious look in his eyes.

"Fortunately, I can't die......"

Liang Yan took a deep breath, silently activated his spiritual power, refining some of the medicinal power, then opened his eyes and said to Hu Chenyu: "The one who attacked you is the Wuya God, it is the guard puppet of this layer, its strength is unfathomable, Now the situation is not good for us, it is better to go first!"

"it is good!"

Seeing that Liang Yan was seriously injured, Hu Chenyu didn't hesitate, flipped the palm of his hand, and a purple ball appeared in his palm.

This sphere is very strange. The inside is full of demonic energy, but there are several lightning patterns on the surface. It is reasonable to say that the sky thunder and the demonic energy are not compatible with each other, but in this sphere, it seems to be very harmonious.


Hu Chenyu threw his hand, and the purple ball shot out, heading straight for the boundless **** in the woods.


Halfway through the road, the ball had already exploded, and I saw a purple magic thunder explode in mid-air, like a thunder in a dry land, resounding through the entire mountain.

The powerful force swept all around, destroying the dry and the rotten, even the top ten talents, I am afraid it is difficult to resist this devastating blow!

After throwing the purple lightning ball, Hu Chenyu hugged Liang Yan in her arms, hooked her right hand lightly, and a nine-tailed fox with yellow fur appeared beside her.

"let's go!"

Hu Chenyu hugged Liang Yan and rolled over onto the back of the nine-tailed fox. The nine-tailed fox immediately understood and carried the two of them towards the depths of the forest.

Just as Liang Yan and Hu Chenyu were leaving, in mid-air, under the shroud of a black beam of light, an extremely subtle golden glow escaped from it.

Although this ray of light was weak, it was condensed like a substance. It was obviously caused by Fang Ruhui's infuriating energy being concentrated to the extreme.

This person is also a powerful person. Without preparation, he took the blow of Wuya Divine Monarch, but he has not completely died.

I don't know what magical means he used. Although his body was severely injured, his soul was preserved by this ray of infuriating energy!

The golden infuriating energy escaped, fluttered, and rolled onto Xuanxuan, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground. Like Liang Yan and Hu Chenyu, he drilled into the depths of the forest and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

As for Lin Fan, this person is cautious and cautious. Seeing the wind and steering the rudder, seeing that the situation is not right, he is already in good health.

In such a short period of time, the battlefield that used to be fiercely fought has now become quiet...  

Above the ancient tree, the Boundless Divine Sovereign, who only showed half of his body, didn't say a word from beginning to end.

He was not in a hurry to chase, the three eyes on his face turned, and he seemed to be thinking about something, and it didn't take long for him to make a decision.

With a flash of light in his eyes, Divine Monarch Wuya's body slowly sank into the tree trunk......

The time for half a column of incense has passed.

In the dense forest, a yellow-colored nine-tailed fox, carrying a man and a woman, shuttled quickly through the forest.

"Liang Yan, how are you?"

Hu Chenyu's face was worried and his heart was numb. He didn't care to let out his consciousness to be alert to the surroundings, but just stared at the man in front of him.

"No problem..."

Liang Yan leaned on the fox's back, coughed, and suddenly laughed: "The Son of Heavenly Demon Mountain is ruthless, tsk tsk, this role is really suitable for you."

Hu Chenyu spat: "It's this time, you still have the heart to joke!"

After that, his face became solemn again, and he put his hand on Liang Yan's meridian to carefully check the injury in his body.

"Your meridians are damaged in many places... The evil energy has invaded your heart, and you must cultivate and recover in time..."

Hu Chenyu's tone was hurried, but before she could finish her words, she felt a hand stretched out from her waist and hugged her into her arms.

"Haha, with the beauty on the side, what's the point of a mere injury?"

Liang Yan laughed loudly, and launched "Tianlong Immortal" silently, leaning back against the nine-tailed fox and hugging Hu Chenyu tightly in his arms.

"Liang Mou has seen many decent fairies in the past few years, but he has never seen a demon girl from the Demon Sect. Today, the Holy Son of Tianmo Mountain is in his arms, so he must taste it!"

Hu Chenyu was hugged by him, her face flushed, and she wanted to break free, but found that Liang Yan was extremely strong, her right hand wrapped around her slender waist, and she couldn't move at all.

Thinking that Liang Yan was seriously injured, Hu Chenyu was afraid that if he moved, it would affect the injury in his body, so he gradually gave up resistance and let the other party hold him in his arms.

It's just that her face is still a little blushing. This feeling has never been experienced since the one time more than a hundred years ago. She is clearly proficient in seduction, but she has nothing to do with the man in front of her.

"Stinky brother, you can't be gentle..."

Hu Chenyu gave up resistance, and her voice became like a docile kitten.

"I'm afraid......"

The teasing look on Liang Yan's face gradually disappeared, and the hands holding Hu Chenyu became even more forceful.

"I'm afraid that all of this is fake. I've entered someone else's illusion, and as soon as I let go, you will disappear."

After Hu Chenyu heard this, her face became more gentle, she didn't speak any more, she just snuggled into Liang Yan's arms.

In the quiet forest, a nine-tailed fox, two young men and women on their backs, embraced each other, said nothing to each other, and quietly enjoyed this rare moment.

After a long time, Liang Yan looked down at the beautiful woman in his arms, and called out softly:



Hearing this title, Hu Chenyu responded immediately without any hesitation.

At the same time, her appearance is also changing, she is still tall and charming, but it is a little different from the previous Holy Son of Tianmo Mountain.

Today's Hu Chenyu, with a heroic spirit in the enchanting, is like a strange flower. From a distance, it looks like a graceful Manzhu Shahua. When you get closer, it looks like a plum in the snow in an independent world.

"When did you leave Nanchui, and how did you become the Holy Son of Tianmo Mountain? Also, when you were in Shattered Void Mountain before, why didn't you tell me your identity through voice transmission, so that we could join forces in advance. "

The moment he recognized Wuxin, the joy in Liang Yan's heart almost made him a little lost, but after sobering up, he had too many questions in his heart.

It's just that he was in a dangerous situation just now, surrounded by powerful enemies, and the danger came one after another. Liang Yan didn't have the chance to ask Until now, there was no one around before he remembered these questions.

Wuxin looked up, glanced at him, and said faintly: "Idiot, now is not the time to let down your guard, let's find a safe place to heal your wounds, and then I'll tell you everything, okay?"

"it is good!"

Liang Yan has a wealth of experience, and of course he knows the priorities of things. The most important thing at the moment is to repair the injury and restore the lost spiritual power. Otherwise, once the danger arises, not only will it be difficult for him to resist, but it may also drag Wuxin down.

After thinking for a moment, Liang Yan said: "I once met the residual spiritual sense of a monk from Tianji Pavilion, and he told me that this floor is actually the tomb of the disciples of Tianji Pavilion, and many disciples of Tianji Pavilion are staying here. After the inheritance, those stone palaces and caves in the mountains are where their inheritance lies, and the materials used are very strange, which can shield the outside from the prying eyes."

After Wuxin listened, he immediately understood what he meant.

"According to what you said, these inheritance caves are perfect places to hide, but there are so many palaces on the mountain, which one are we going to?"

After listening to Liang Yan, he pondered for a moment, and then said, "I entered a cave dwelling before, but it was left by the master Yunhua of Tianji Pavilion. The organs in there have been destroyed, and there is no danger. They definitely don't count, and I'll be back there, so it's safe enough."

"it is good."

Hearing what Liang Yan said, Wuxin nodded and said, "Just go to the place you said, heal your injury first, and then make the next step after the injury is healed."

As soon as the words fell, Wuxin stretched out a plain hand and gently stroked the neck of the nine-tailed fox.

The nine-tailed fox immediately understood, carrying the two people on his back, and following Liang Yan's instructions, he drilled into the depths of the forest...

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