The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1369: past (1)

The latest website: The third floor of the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda is called "The Palace of the Mountain". It is a mysterious and unpredictable mountain. There are many palaces and caves on the mountain.

Near the mountainside, at the end of a small stream, there is a cave, inside which is the cave where Yunhua layman sat.

Suddenly, outside the entrance of the cave, the dense branches and leaves of the woods separated to both sides, and a nine-tailed fox with yellow fur came out of the woods.

Sitting on the fox's back is a young man and a woman. The man has bright eyes and a tall figure.

The two were one after the other, riding a nine-tailed fox, and slowly came to the front of the cave.

"This is the place where Senior Yunhua sits. Not long ago, I got a chance here, but after I came out, I was chased and killed by Xuanxuan and Lin Fan." Liang Yan looked at the cave in front of him and said.

"Hmph, those two pickled scumbags, the next time I meet them, they must not survive or die!"

A sharp color flashed in Wuxin's eyes, but the next moment, her face calmed down again. She looked around and said softly: "Forget about those people now, your injury is important, hurry into the cave for healing."


Liang Yan nodded, got off the nine-tailed fox, and walked into the cave with unintentional support.

Since the puppets along the way had been destroyed by Xuanxuan, the two of them came to the deepest part of the cave without any hindrance, that is, the secret room with the portrait of lay Buddhist Yunhua.

This is also the entrance to the land of inheritance.

Liang Yan received the inheritance of the Yunhua layman, and naturally knew how to enter. He raised his hand and patted the Taixu gourd on his waist, and Hongwu immediately flew out.

"Hongwu, open the space channel for me."

"As ordered!"

Hongwu didn't hesitate, and a white jade glow appeared in his eyes, which landed on the portrait of layman Yunhua, and soon a colorful futon flew out.


Liang Yan stepped on the colorful futon together with Wuxin, and the power of the surrounding space circulated rapidly, and it didn't take long for them to be teleported outside the cottage of Yunhua layman.

"This is the cave residence of the senior Tianji Pavilion you said?" Wuxin looked around curiously.

"Yes, this place is isolated from the outside world. For so many years, Wuya Shenjun has not been able to break into this place. We are safe enough to stay here."

Liang Yan nodded, walked into the grass hut, sat cross-legged on a futon, and began to exercise to repair the injury in his body.

As for Wuxin, he also sat cross-legged behind Liang Yan, made a seal on his hands, and poured his spiritual power into Liang Yan's body endlessly to heal his wounds.

The two of them sat cross-legged in the grass hut, one after the other, without any conversation.

It wasn't until two days later that Liang Yan received his power and slowly opened his eyes.

Due to the existence of the blood essence of the "undead dragon", his body's recovery ability far exceeds that of a monk of the same level.

Although Divine Monarch Wuya's methods are powerful, Liang Yan was not attacked by him, but actively confronted him.

He first used his four sword pills to cut off most of the power in the supernatural powers, and then urged the "all dharmas" of "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" to protect the vital points of the whole body with the golden light of Buddhism. A blow from Yashenjun.

In fact, when the attack of Wuya Divine Monarch came to Liang Yan, its power was less than 30% of the initial power, so Liang Yan would not be injured as badly as Fang Ruhui, plus the existence of the blood of the "undead dragon", he recovered quickly come over.

Today's Liang Yan has recovered as before, and his strength has returned to the peak.

He was in good spirits, and was about to speak, but suddenly he felt a scent coming from behind him, and then, a snow-white catkin passed through his waist and gently hugged him from behind.


Liang Yan's emotions were surging, and he couldn't help himself, but there were thousands of words, and there was only one sentence left:

"How have you been all these years?"

Wuxin didn't answer, but wrapped Liang Yan's waist from behind, and then the whole person leaned up, the grass hut was quiet and tender like water.

After a long time, Wuxin was the first to break the silence.

Her hand drew a circle on Liang Yan's chest, and a gentle voice came from behind: "I really didn't expect that, in just over a hundred years, how did you become the palace master of Bihai Palace in Peerless City?"


Liang Yan sighed, flashes of reminiscence flashed in his eyes, and said slowly, "After I left Nanchui, I encountered wind and waves on the Soul Falling Sea, so I veered off course and landed on the south coast of the Seven Star Region."

In the quiet cottage, Liang Yan's voice was calm.

He talked about his experiences over the years, including how he was hunted down by the disciples of the ancestors of Huangshi; how to get the ancestral things of the old house; how to break the pill and rebuild it to achieve the golden pill of rank nine, how to get involved The sages played games and absorbed the luck of the eight great sects with the foundation of heaven; how did they come here because of the jealousy of the heavens.

As for Wuxin, he didn't hide most of the things, and chose to tell the truth, but the secret of "Dragon Immortal" was not revealed.

It's not that Liang Yan can't trust the other party, but that this matter is very important. Xuanyuan Potian lost the blood of the "undead dragon", and he must be investigating this matter strictly over the years.

The sage's means are difficult to guess. As a living dead, Liang Yan is not afraid of calculation, but Wuxin is different. If she is told about this, it will only bring her endless danger.

As Liang Yan recalled the past hundred years, Wuxin's face was constantly changing.

When she heard that Liang Yan had just arrived in the Antarctic Xianzhou, he was chased and killed by the disciples of the ancestors of Huangshi, and her face flashed with indignation. , vent for Liang Yan.

When she heard that Liang Yan's broken core was rebuilt, and she achieved a rare rank nine indestructible golden core, which was rarely seen in tens of thousands of years, there was a proud and smug expression on her face. That feeling was as if she had achieved something by herself. Peerless supernatural powers in general, overjoyed.

When she heard that after Liang Yan was blessed by misfortune, he was planted by the strange old monk in yellow. Later, when Ye Mubai told him that his life was not long, there was worry and distress on his face again, and his slender hands were gentle. He stroked Liang Yan's chest, as if he wanted to see if the restriction was still in his body.

Until I heard the end, Liang Yan also entered the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda because of "heavenly jealous", and when he reunited with himself, Wuxin's face gradually calmed down.

Liang Yan turned around, the two embraced each other, leaned against his chest unintentionally, and whispered, "Sure enough, things are impermanent and turbulent, this is the road to self-cultivation! If you don't have enough strength, you can't control your own destiny, and you will eventually become someone else. The chess piece. The road to the road is slow, you and I should encourage each other."


Liang Yan deeply agreed with the unintentional words.

After being silent for a while, Liang Yan asked again, "I've finished talking about my experience, it's time to talk about you, when did you leave Nanchui? How did you become the holy son of Tianmo Mountain? Broken Void Mountain, when the Ten Great Talents gathered, why didn't you tell me your identity through voice transmission?"

"My case is more complicated."

Wuxin sat up from Liang Yan's arms, stroked his hair, and his blurred eyes gradually became clearer.

"If you want to make it all clear, you have to start from my background. When I was in the Nether Realm, you and I entered the chess game of Lu Beiyou together. I believe you have also seen some of my past. I come from the true demon family. The Yu clan, my father is the demon king of the Yu clan."

"Although the Demon Race and the Human Race have been fighting constantly, since the disappearance of the Demon Lord, the Demon Race has also been torn apart. There are hundreds of large and small races. Some of these races are strong, some are weak, and they are constantly attacking each other. , and our feather clan is one of them.”

"The Yu clan will not devour other living beings. We have our own way of cultivation, and we have always been in peace with the surrounding. Until one day, there was a rebellion within the Yu clan, and my father was betrayed by the most trusted person. The army was brought into the city, and together with several demon lords, they shot my father to death. Since then, the Yu people have been ruled by foreigners, and everyone is like livestock, without the slightest freedom and dignity, and reduced to the upper class of demons. A tool for practice and pleasure."

When Wuxin said this, it seemed that he was remembering the past that he didn't want to think about the most, and there was a hint of sadness in the depths of his eyes.

Liang Yan didn't interrupt, just held the unintentional soft weed and listened to her past quietly.

"Before my father died, I tried my best to get some of the clan to escape, and I was one of them. Since then, I have been running around, secretly contacting my father's old ministry, and trying to restore the country, but unfortunately it has little effect."

"In the end, I realized that without strong combat power, only some low-level demons will never be able to stand up. The so-called asking for others is better than asking for myself. Only when my own strength is strong enough, can I lead the compatriots of the Yu clan. Return to the country."

"But the entire feather clan has become a prisoner of foreigners, and even I am wanted. It is impossible to move in the territory of the demon clan. It is a fool's dream to compete for resources and improve strength, so I will look at the human clan. mainland."

When Liang Yan heard this, he finally understood why Wuxin came to the Terran Continent, but he was still puzzled and couldn't help asking: "The Terran Continent is vast and has countless opportunities, why did you go to a small land like Nanchui? "

"This starts with a legend of our Yu clan."

Wuxin sighed and said slowly: "It is said that a long time ago, our feather clan used to be one of the most powerful races. At that time, there was a sacred artifact in the clan, which was passed down from generation to generation to protect the prosperity of our clan. But later, This holy artifact was stolen by a clan, whose strength is unfathomable, equivalent to the cultivation of a saint of the human race. In order to recover the holy artifact, the devil at that time sent several confidants to arrest this person, in an attempt to recover the holy artifact. Retrieve the holy artifact."

"But the clan who stole the holy artifact was very cunning. He knew that the demon king was angry, and he was very likely to come out of the nest, so he did not choose to stay in the demon clan, but crossed the sea secretly, and sneaked across the border between the human and the demon clan. Came to the human race continent."

"Because the matter involved the human race, it was impossible for the Demon Lord at that time to send a large army to hunt down, and the clansmen didn't want to fight the human race, so most of them chose to evacuate. There is only one senior, who is like a rock and has a firm will, and he did not follow suit. Everyone returned, but with two subordinates, they also sneaked into the Terran Continent and continued to hunt down the traitor who stole the Holy Artifact."

"According to the records left by the clan, after the senior arrived on the Terran Continent, he quickly traced the traces of the traitor, and then caught up with the traitor several times, and started a fierce battle."

"Although the strength of the senior is slightly better, the traitor does not fight him head-on, and every time he tries to escape halfway through the fight. After several battles, the senior has never been able to kill the traitor and regain the holy artifact, just like this. Fighting and walking away, after the two of them came to the Antarctic Immortal Continent, the clan completely lost contact with that senior."

"Later the Yu clan was destroyed. The only way I could think of to restore the country was to retrieve the lost sacred artifact of our Yu clan, help me to cultivate and improve my strength, and then gather the old clan before my father to counterattack and oppress our foreign clan together!"

"So you came to the Antarctic Immortal Continent?" Liang Yan asked softly.


Wuxin nodded and said: "My father once had an old relationship with a demon monarch. Although the demon monarch couldn't help me restore my country, he could promise me a condition, promising to help me escape from the demon race and sneak into the human race continent. Through this With the help of people, I came to Xianzhou, Antarctica smoothly."

"After I came here, I started to search for the whereabouts of the senior according to the records of the ancient books in the clan and some special methods. It didn't take long for me to find clues. The senior of the year, I don't know what The reason is that it is very likely that he was seriously injured, and he crossed the sea and went to a small island in the middle of the south."

"It's also for this reason that I searched the Nanchui Islands, and it was there that I met you."

"I see."

Listening to Wuxin's eloquent talk, and thinking of the fragmented fragments he saw in Lu Beiyou's chess game, Liang Yan seemed to be there, experiencing the rise and fall of the Yu clan.

From the prosperity of the family to the weakening, from the prosperity to the collapse of the country, from the noble royal family to the prisoner of foreigners, from the princess who is dedicated to cultivation and does not understand the world, to the vicious and cruel witch.

Liang Yan was both a spectator and a person involved, looking back on Wuxin's past life earnestly.

He couldn't help feeling pity, and at the same time, there was a kind of love.

After experiencing the change of Yixing Pavilion, Liang Yan originally resisted and even hated this but Wuxin is like gentle spring water, melting the ice in his heart, touching each other with the softest The place.

"In the chess game at that time, many pictures were fragmented and flashed by in a flash. After listening to your story today, I realized that you are still carrying such a heavy burden."

Liang Yan's voice was very soft. He could imagine Wuxin's helplessness when everyone betrayed her relatives and separated, and he could also imagine the intrigues and intrigues she had encountered over the years.

The clansmen were imprisoned, their families were destroyed, and they were wanted from a long time ago. If there was no hard-heartedness and cruelty, I am afraid that Wuxin would have died hundreds of times.

Perhaps it is because of this that Wuxin named herself "Wuxin".

But even so, this alien woman still has her lovely side.

Her love and righteousness, her informality, her tenderness are like water, her...

There are so many things that Liang Yan can think of, and everything has been deeply imprinted in his mind.

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