The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1376: black long worm

In the eyes of Wuxin and Liang Yan, the strength of the Sky Rat does not threaten them.

But the appearance of this monster is really strange. If you don't figure out the reason, you may encounter even greater danger.

The two looked at each other without any hesitation, and shot at almost the same time.

Liang Yan rode the Purple Thunder Sword Pill, attacked from the left, the sword energy broke through the air, and the sound of thunder pierced his ears, and in just an instant he arrived near the left side of the Drilling Mouse, and slashed towards its shoulder with a sword.

Don't look at the dazed eyes and dull expression, but the reaction is surprisingly fast.

At the moment when Liang Yan's sword light just arrived, the drilling rat opened its mouth and exhaled a cloud of turbid air, causing the speed of Zilei Jianwan to slow down slightly, while it rolled on the ground and quickly to the right. dodge.


Jianguang almost brushed the rat's fur, and didn't hurt its body.

At the same time, Wuxin's long sword condensed with demonic energy also shot from the right side, and when the Drilling Mouse was dodging, it just rolled under her demonic sword.

"Good day!"

Wuxin's eyes flashed, and the right hand pinched a magic trick, and the magic knife immediately fell, slashing at the mouse head of the drilling mouse.

Right at this moment, the two claws of the Sky Rat were raised at the same time, and they swelled several times in an instant. The golden light covered the claws, and even blocked the unintentional magic knife.


A look of surprise appeared on Wuxin's face.

"Purple Flower Magic Sutra is transformed from the heart, and the magic knife is condensed by her magic energy. Although it seems to be random, it actually contains the mystery of the secret cultivation method of Tianmo Mountain. This knife is an ordinary transformation. The cultivator was not easy to resist, but he was blocked by this unremarkable mouse.

"The most powerful thing about the Sky Rat is his pair of claws, and he needs to avoid its edge!"

Liang Yan's voice sounded in Wuxin's mind.

"Yo, can't tell, you still have a lot of research on monsters?" Wuxin smiled, the magic in his hand changed, the magic knife instantly melted, and it turned into pure magic again.

"Seal me!"

The unintentional plain hand separated a little, and the demonic energy immediately changed on the spot, and instantly turned into a word "sealed", bypassing the claws of the squirrel, and imprinting it on its forehead.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

The squirrel screamed again and again, turned from the ground, trying to avoid the unintentional seal.

However, it had just turned around, and behind it was another strong sword qi.

This time, it was unavoidable to attack from back and forth, and the drilling mouse had no choice but to leap forward, first dodging Liang Yan's sword energy, then holding his head with both claws, and forcibly rammed into Wuxin's demonic energy." seal" word.

The "Purple Flower Magic Sutra" is a secret cultivation technique of the Tianmo Mountain. It is very mysterious. Just as soon as the drilling mouse landed, the word "sealing" was firmly attached to its forehead.

Endless demonic energy poured into his mind frantically. If it was an ordinary person, he would be destroyed by consciousness and reduced to a walking corpse within three breaths.

However, the drilling mouse in front of him did not.

It rolled on the ground, with the word "Feng" on its head, and climbed up as if nothing had happened, and threw the mud off its body.

"how is this possible?!"

Wuxin saw this scene, and his face was extremely surprised.

She is very confident in her own tricks. This is the "magic seal" in the "Zihua Magic Sutra", which can destroy the opponent's consciousness and seal the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness.

Although it is said that this move is not easy to hit the enemy, as long as it hits, the opponent is generally difficult to resist. She has used this sneak attack to kill several difficult opponents, and it can be said that she has tried a hundred times.

I didn't expect that the magical power I was proud of would not work on the weird mouse in front of me!

At the same time she was surprised, she was stunned for a moment, and the next moment she heard Liang Yan's voice coming from behind: "Be careful, don't let it run away!"

Wuxin was startled, came back to his senses, and looked forward.

I saw the squirrel rolling and crawling. Although it was funny, its speed was extremely fast. Now it has reached the exit of the room.

Obviously, this dagger has its own judgment. Seeing that Liang Yan and Wuxin's methods are so powerful, they have no plans to continue the fight, but flee to the next room.

In the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda, there is no way to fly, and everyone runs on their legs. In contrast, the Drilling Squirrel has a great advantage.

"No! There must be something tricky here, we can't let it run away, let's chase it!"

Liang Yan and Wuxin glanced at each other, without any hesitation, they followed closely behind the Drilling Rat and left the room at the same time.

However, just as their feet stepped out of the room for a split second.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise of "Boom!", and then the surrounding walls began to move, and even the ground under their feet moved at the same time.

"not good!"

Liang Yan was the first to react and hurriedly turned around, wanting to return to the room just now.

However, the gate behind him has disappeared, replaced by a thick wall, and all the surrounding roads are blocked, and the only way to continue is to continue on the road ahead......

"how so........"

Wuxin frowned slightly, at this moment, she had completely calmed down, standing in the same place like Liang Yan, and did not act rashly.

"Did we trigger some mechanism? Could it be a bait?" Wuxin asked.


Liang Yan's face showed a look of contemplation, and he suddenly thought of something, and said to Wuxin: "You can use the 'Yingshan Bird' to calculate again to see if the result is the same as last time?"

"it is good!"

Wuxin nodded, raised her hand and waved, Yingshan Bird flew out of her sleeve and pecked a few grains again.

Seeing the grain left behind this time, Wuxin frowned slightly, as if he was a little unsure, and he quickly pinched his right hand for a while.

"No, the route out of the labyrinth seems to have changed... The result of this calculation is completely different from the previous one!"

Wuxin's face was full of puzzlement, and he looked at Liang Yan, as if asking for his opinion.

"It seems that the labyrinth we are in is actually a 'living labyrinth'. Tianji Pavilion is a Confucian master and is proficient in the techniques of Qimen. It is not surprising to have such a method." Liang Yan expressed his opinion.

"A living maze... You mean, this maze is changing at any time, and there is no fixed route?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Since changes are happening all the time, how to measure it?" Wuxin was puzzled.

After listening to Liang Yan, he smiled and shook his head: "If you can't even calculate it, then I don't know even more. It can only be said that the Tianji Pavilion has higher requirements on the measurement ability of its disciples, and the exam questions on this floor are better than ours. It's much harder to imagine."

"If that's the case, then this layer is too difficult. There are labyrinths that change at any time, powerful monsters and various unpredictable traps..." Wuxin's face was very solemn. , After thinking about it, he asked again, "What should we do now?"

"There's no good way for now, but I'm still very interested in that drill rat. Maybe I can find something on it, or should we continue to track it?"

"This..." Wuxin hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded and said: "Well, anyway, my calculation technique is not working now, so I can only find other clues. The squirrel is indeed a little weird, let's go and see?"


Liang Yan did not hesitate, and together with Wuxin, he quickened his pace and walked into the next room.

There are several simple traps in this room. I don't know if it's because of the age. They are all exposed at this time. Liang Yan and Wuxin can easily find them, and naturally they won't touch them.

There is a fork in the back of the room, with four roads. Liang Yanhe Wuxin carefully checked the traces on the ground, and quickly determined a passage, and followed the traces left by the squirrel to the next room.

Three more rooms were passed in this way, and when they reached the fourth room, the living creatures appeared again.

This time, five monsters appeared at the same time, but judging from the breath, the strength is not very strong, and it should not have reached the level of robbery.

Among them is a "five-colored peacock", which was supposed to be bright in color, but now all its feathers have fallen out, and its eyes are as demented as the "Drilling Rat". There is also a double-faced ghost vulture, which was originally ferocious and extremely aggressive, but at this moment, it did not attack Liang Yan and Wuxin, but wandered in place.

Not only the two of them, but also the fish-scale beast, the magic wind scorpion, and the purple electric sable. Wandering unconsciously in this room, like a walking corpse.

"These monsters.... are the same as the drilling rat! The Tianji Pavilion has been destroyed for many years, how can so many monsters survive?" Wuxin frowned.

"It's not exactly the same. The dwarf rat took the initiative to attack us, and these monsters seem to act by instinct. As long as we don't get close, they won't attack..."

"Be careful!"

Before Liang Yan could finish speaking, Wuxin let out an exclamation.

From her point of view, the wind and sand gathered behind Liang Yan, and a blue-eyed blue tiger appeared. At this time, it was opening its **** mouth and biting towards Liang Yan's neck.

"Get out of the way!"

Before he could say more, a magical energy condensed in Wuxin's palm and patted him behind him.

Liang Yan was also a little surprised, he didn't expect that he would be approached by a monster, but although he was not confused, he immediately pinched a magic trick, used "all the laws of the sky" to protect the whole body, and at the same time turned slightly sideways, letting go A careless slap.

The unintentional palm wind swept across his hair, hitting the blue-eyed blue tiger behind him, making a muffled sound.


The blue-eyed blue tiger flew backwards, landed on the ground, turned into sand again, and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, a familiar breath came from Wuxin's feet, Liang Yan's face changed slightly, and he understood it almost instantly.

A sneak attack on oneself is just a sheep attack, and Wuxin is their target!

Before he could think about it, a crack opened on Liang Yan's forehead, and the celestial eyes were revealed, shooting a jet of black light, hitting Wuxin's feet.

The next moment, the ground cracked open, and a golden-haired rat rushed out. It was the "Drilling Rat" who had escaped before!

However, it just showed up, and it was covered by Liang Yan with the black light of the celestial vision, and the body could not move for a moment, and was locked in the air.

Wuxin took advantage of this opportunity to dodge and dodge. At this time, when he looked back, he was also afraid for a while.

To say that this zombie-like monster, although its strength is not high, its methods are very insidious, and it is good at hiding its breath, and it will be attacked by them if it is not careful.

Seeing that the drilling mouse was restrained by Liang Yan, the surrounding wind and sand rolled around, and the blue-eyed blue tiger appeared again.

This monster was expressionless. Like the surrounding monsters, its eyes were blank, and the corners of its mouth were drooling, but its target was very clear. As soon as it came up, it rushed towards Liang Yan, who was casting spells.


Liang Yan snorted coldly and pinched the sword in his hand, but this time he didn't keep his hand. The three sword pills, Zilei, Dingguang, and Heilian, were unsheathed at the same time and slashed at the oncoming blue-eyed blue tiger.

The blue-eyed blue tiger's innate supernatural ability can be transformed into sandstorms, shaped with objects, and gathered and scattered by heart.

Seeing that Liang Yan's sword light was ferocious, it turned around on the spot, and wanted to repeat the old tricks, using the innate magical power to avoid the flying sword.

However, Liang Yan seemed to have expected it long ago. At this moment, his mind moved, and the "Stainless Golem" transformed by Hongwu appeared directly behind the blue-eyed blue tiger. The huge palm fell from the sky, and the surrounding sand was fixed in place. .

The "Stainless Golem" is an earth-based puppet carefully refined by the ancestors of Yellowstone. It has the ability to control wind and sand, and the blue-eyed blue tiger's innate magical powers are completely invisible in front of the golem.

It tried several times, but it couldn't turn its body into sand, and wanted to dodge in a hurry, but Liang Yan's sword pill had already whistled.


Violet, silver, and black sword light slid across its neck at the same time, and the huge tiger head rolled onto the ground, making a "gurgling" sound.

Just when Liang Yan thought the monster was dead, something unexpected happened.

I saw the headless body of the blue-eyed green tiger fell to the ground, but it didn't fall to the ground, but trotted all the way to find the tiger's head that had been cut off, and held it up with both claws.

Next, it desperately tried to put the tiger's head back on its neck.

It's just that it took the tiger's head upside down and couldn't connect it all the time. Instead, it stuffed half of the tiger's head into its neck.

Seeing this funny and funny scene, there was no smile on Liang Yan's face.

His eyes turned to the other side. With the help of the "Heavenly Ephemeral God's Eye", Wuxin had also killed the dwarf squirrel, but the squirrel was also dead and not stiff. Even if the limbs and head were cut off, it was still alive The ground kept rolling, as if trying to find his amputated limb.


Liang Yan's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly thought of something. With a pinch of the sword in his hand, this time he directly pointed at the vertebrae of the blue-eyed blue tiger.


Liang Yan's sword light pierced the flesh, and the sword glow lifted upwards, the vertebra of the blue-eyed blue tiger broke in an instant, and then a long, twisted black worm was picked out from the spine by the sword glow.

"Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!"

The black long worm was stabbed by the sword light, its body kept twisting, and the mouth screamed again and again, and it seemed that it wanted to rush in the direction of Liang Yan.

And at the moment when the black long worm left the blue-eyed blue tiger's body, this monster, which had lived for thousands of years, actually aged at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few breaths, the body of the blue-eyed blue tiger has turned into a beach of yellow sand, which was blown away by the wind and dissipated without a trace, leaving only a pile of bones on the spot...... .

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