The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1385: The battle of the jade box

Due to the sudden appearance of Luo Qing, the relationship between the people in the hall has undergone subtle changes.

Liang Yan and Wuxin were naturally on one side, and Yang Jianying and Liang Yan had a covenant long ago, so they also stood beside him at this time.

The remaining two, Luo Qing and Yu Dongyang, although they did not know each other, but in this case, it seems that the only way to compete against the other three who have the dominant number is to form an alliance.

Yu Dongyang's eyes flickered a few times, and he slowly closed the heart of "Chitong Firescale".

No one wants to die together unless it is a last resort.

"Ghost boy, old shadow, swordsman, fragrant girl, come back!"

Following Yu Dongyang's order, the four puppets who had fought against Liang Yan and Wuxin before returned to Yu Dongyang at the same time, protecting him behind him.

Without the entanglement of the puppet, Liang Yan also raised his hand and took the four sword pills back to his side.

Now the situation in the hall has changed again. With the addition of Luo Qing, although Liang Yan still has the upper hand, it is not an absolute advantage.

In Dongyang's heart, as long as he joins forces with Luo Qing, even if he can't beat the three opponents, he will be able to return the whole body with some confidence.

In contrast, Liang Yan was not in a hurry.

Because he didn't know Luo Qing's strength, he could only test it out first.

"How are treasures divided?"

After listening to Liang Yan's words, Luo Qing smiled and shook her head: "Everything hasn't been unsealed yet. Your Excellency is too impatient. Do you think the seal here is so simple?"

"Oh?" Liang Yan frowned, looked around, and asked, "I have to ask your Excellency to clear up your confusion. Could it be that there is another mystery here?"

After Luo Qing heard this, she smiled slightly and didn't answer. She just raised her hand a little, and a ray of light shot out from her fingertips.

This ray of light turned into a snow-white crane in mid-air, spread its wings, made a clear sound, and slowly flew towards the platform in the middle.

Seeing this, Wuxin's face changed slightly, and he was about to step forward to stop it, but was stopped by Liang Yan.

"It's not that simple, let's take a look first."

"What if he steals the treasure?" Wuxin was a little worried.

"He doesn't dare, Yang Jianying's White Scaled Sword has locked him, and my Dingguang Sword Pill is also nearby. If he dares to seize the treasure, Yang Jianying and I will attack immediately!"

"it is good........"

After listening to Liang Yan's words, Wuxin took back the steps he took and stepped back.

In this moment of effort, the crane that Luo Qing had transformed into with his spiritual power had already flown to the vicinity of the building, and the Spirit Separation Formation was activated instantly, trying to block the crane from the outside.

But there were two red lights in Xianhe's eyes, and it actually tore a crack in the intact Spirit Separation Formation.

"A good Luo Qing, the means are not bad!"

When Liang Yanhe Wuxin saw this, they were a little surprised, and at the same time, they secretly raised their vigilance.

You must know that the Spirit Separation Formation is extremely mysterious. The two of them tried for a long time and could not crack it, but this Luo Qing was very easy, and was skillfully resolved with a strange crane.

After the crane entered the platform, it seemed to be under some pressure, the speed began to slow down, and it flew up slowly along the stairs.

Just when it flew halfway, a blue glow suddenly shot out from the top of the platform, spread rapidly in mid-air, and finally turned into a blue vortex.

A powerful and strange force spread out from the vortex. Even if they were far away, Liang Yan, Wuxin, Yang Jianying, and Yu Dongyang could feel a burst of heartbreak.

Luo Qing's crane did not move forward, but turned around and wanted to fly out of the building.

However, a big hand stretched out from the blue vortex, grabbed the neck of the crane, dragged it back, and finally sank into the depths of the vortex, and there was no movement at all.

Poor this crane, it didn't even have a chance to resist and struggle, so it just disappeared.

After everything subsided, the building was quiet again, as if the goal was lost, the blue vortex in the air became more and more dazzling, and finally dispersed slowly.

"There is really a ban!"

Liang Yan was secretly amazed, and Wuxin looked at each other, and both saw a trace of fear in each other's eyes.

If, after destroying the ice coffin figurines and the strange faces, instead of recovering from their injuries, they would go all out to retrieve the treasures, I'm afraid the end would be similar to this crane.

"The organs here are really linked together, and it is impossible to guard against it. The person who set the seal at the beginning is definitely not simple." Wuxin said secretly.

"Not bad..." Liang Yan agreed, but there was one thing he couldn't understand. The Heavenly Secret Pavilion had already been destroyed. Who the **** set the seal here?

Just when the two were communicating through voice transmission in secret, Luo Qing coughed and said slowly: "Everyone, you have seen it too, this is the mysterious dust formation of the Confucian sect, if Luo guessed correctly, in Before I came, you should have killed a guarding formation spirit."

"indeed so."

Facing Luo Qing's question, Liang Yan did not hide it, and said truthfully: "There was an ice coffin here before, and there was a stone figurine in the ice coffin, which should be the guardian spirit you mentioned."

"That can't be wrong."

Luo Qing nodded and said: "Ordinary big formation, if the formation spirit is destroyed, the power will definitely be greatly reduced, but this Xuanxin dust formation is a strange formation of the Confucian sect. After the formation spirit is destroyed, the mana will disperse into

In the formation, it feeds back the big formation, giving birth to new magical powers. Some monks who don't know their heels, after finally destroying the guard array spirit, immediately break into it, they will be subjected to this kind of plot, and finally die inexplicably. "

If Luo Qing's remarks were put before today, Liang Yan would only think that he was talking nonsense, but seeing it with his own eyes today, in addition to being amazed, he is more afraid of this person.

"Your Excellency in the formation method is really rich from ancient times to the present, not to mention the ten killing formations of ghosts and scholars on Shattered Void Mountain, and even the formation methods left by the ancient Confucian sect like Tianji Pavilion, you know it like the back of your hand, which is really admirable. Ah!" Liang Yan said slowly, staring at Luo Qing.

"Haha, it's just a weird trick, thanks to the praise from fellow Taoists." Luo Qing responded lukewarmly.

"Since fellow Daoists have learned so much about the formation, then please tell me how to decipher this mysterious dust formation in front of you?" Liang Yan continued.


Luo Qing pointed to the surroundings of the building and smiled: "The Xuanxin Dust Formation has five eyes, which are located in five directions: east, south, west, north, and center. Whenever one of the eyes is attacked, the remaining four Each formation will send spiritual power at the same time to repair the attacked formation. If you rely on the power of only one person, it will be difficult to break the formation. But now we have five people, just follow my method and destroy it at the same time. Five formation eyes can crack this great formation."

After listening to Luo Qing's words, everyone in the palace did not answer immediately, but pondered.

"Friend Luo Qing, I have a question."

Yu Dongyang, who had been silent until now, suddenly asked, "Even if what you said is true, there is still one question. After the great formation is broken, who owns the treasures in the tower? "


Luo Qing laughed and said: "Do you need to say it? Since ancient times, the treasures of heaven and earth have been obtained by those who are destined. We will see whoever is destined to this magic weapon will get it."

The so-called "those who are destined get it" actually means the strong get it. The meaning of Luo Qing's words can't be understood any more. This inheritance magic weapon, whoever grabs it will belong to whoever grabs it!

Yu Dongyang smiled and said with narrowed eyes: "Daoist friend Luo Qing, you just came in, you may not know it yet, in fact this Daoist Liang Yan, Daoist Hu Chenyu, and Yang Jianying of the Yang family, the three of them have already made a decision. Offensive and defensive alliances. I'm afraid you are still in the dark, and when the time comes, you will work hard to break the big formation, but instead make wedding dresses for others."

"It turned out to be an alliance..."

Luo Qing smiled slightly and said nonchalantly, "Since they can form an alliance, we can also form an alliance. Besides, this magic weapon is the key to the next floor, will you give up?"

His words caused a few people in the field to be slightly taken aback.

"This magic weapon is the key to the next floor?" Yang Jianying and Yu Dongyang both looked surprised. Obviously they didn't know the root of this place, they just thought it was a magic weapon of good quality.

As for Liang Yan and Wuxin, they learned the truth from the eight-armed sword ape, but they didn't expect Luo Qing to know the same. Obviously, this person also has special experience.

"The key to the next floor, you didn't lie to me, did you?" A suspicious look appeared on Yu Dongyang's face.

"I can swear by my heart demon, what I said just now, I never lied to you!" Luo Qing said solemnly.

"That's right." Liang Yan also nodded and said, "The magic weapon in the building is indeed the key to the next floor! In fact, we don't have to be so stiff. Let's break the formation according to the Taoist friend Luo Qing. Let the artifact spirit of this magic weapon open the space channel for us, and after everyone has entered the next floor, we will discuss the ownership of this magic weapon, how about it?"

" a good proposal." Yu Dongyang was moved, he could not use this magic weapon, but he could not give up the opportunity to enter the next floor.

"If that's the case, then ask Luo Qing to tell you how to break the formation." Seeing that Dongyang was moved, Wuxin immediately opened his mouth and asked Luo Qing's method of breaking the formation.

Luo Qing nodded. Next, he explained in detail how to decipher each array eye. There were many ingenious methods, which made Liang Yan refreshing.

"Okay, that's all the way to break the formation. As long as you follow what I said and perform your duties, you can break this mysterious dust formation without a cup of tea." Luo Qing said with great certainty.

"In that case, let me decipher the formation eye in the north." Yu Dongyang picked one first.

"Leave it to me from the east." Yang Jianying said secondly.

"I'll crack the middle one." Liang Yan thought for a while.

Luo Qing and Wuxin each chose one of the West and South array eyes left.

In the palace, everyone has already taken their place.


Following Luo Qing's signal, the five Tianjiao chanted spells almost at the same time, and played a magic trick towards the middle platform.

Card! Card! Card........

It seems to have sensed something, the rays of light burst out above the building, and the blue vortex appeared again, as if wanting to destroy the invaders.

However, Luo Qing had expected this for a long time, and the method he taught the rest of the people cleverly avoided the shroud of the blue vortex, smashed Huanglong inward, and sent the mana directly to the eye of the formation.

With the casting of the five arrogances, auras of different colors penetrated into the eyes of the tower from different directions.

Originally solid, without flaws, the ban on the platform was broken by the joint efforts of five people.

, began to loosen.


The whole building began to shake, the eyes were loose, the spiritual light was dark, and the power of restraint was rapidly weakening.

With just a cup of tea, this ice tower is already crumbling, but the jade box on top of it is full of radiance.

Obviously, after the ban was loosened, the power of the seal could no longer suppress the magic weapon in the jade box.

"The ban is about to be broken!"

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes and looked at Wuxin not far away.

Wuxin's face was solemn, and he secretly voiced to him: After the ban is completely broken, Yang Jianying and I will hold these two people, you go to get the treasure first! "

"it is good!"

Liang Yan nodded without a trace, and saw Wuxin's eyes flashing again, apparently transmitting a voice to Yang Jianying.

Yang Jianying naturally had no objection to the arrangement of the two of them.

The three quickly made a plan to **** the jade box as soon as the ban was broken!

A few more breaths passed, and as the five people kept casting spells, finally, with a crisp cracking sound, the ice tower was torn apart and collapsed into a pile of broken ice.

The jade box containing the magic weapon was suspended in mid-air at this time, and there was no forbidden seal around it.


Wuxin let out a low drink and took the lead in launching the attack, slapped both palms in the air, and the demonic energy surged out of the body, turning into three hideous demon heads in mid-air.

One of them was red-faced and had one eye, opened his mouth and spit out angrily, and endless demonic fire surged out, instantly surrounding Luo Qing's location.

Another has no eyes, no nose and no ears. He was born with a big mouth, which almost occupied the entire head. At this time, he flew over and bit his mouth when he opened his mouth.

The last devil was born with three heads and six arms. He was mighty and majestic.

Compared with Yu Dongyang, Wuxin was obviously more afraid of Luo Qing, so she made her own move, and it was her own killing move.

At the same time Yang Jianying also started. With a pinch of the sword in his hand, the "white-scaled sword" turned into a white sword light and slashed towards Yu Dongyang from a strange angle.

Although everyone had made an agreement before cracking the big formation, everyone knew that it was just empty talk.

Just a joke, do you let others get the keys first, and then look at other people's faces?

Only when you hold the key in your own hands can you master the real initiative.

Therefore, from the moment the building collapsed, the agreement between everyone had been voided.

Not only them, but Yu Dongyang and Luo Qing also rushed towards the jade box in mid-air, all wanting to take the treasure as their own.

However, Liang Yan has a clear division of labor.

Yu Dongyang and Luo Qing had just set off when Wuxin and Yang Jianying stopped them. All kinds of magical powers and spells were fired at the same time, obviously premeditated.

As for Liang Yan, his eyes locked on the jade box in mid-air, his body flickered, and he disappeared in place in an instant.

When he reappeared, he was less than ten feet away from the jade box. . . .

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