The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1394: ink dye array

Facing Ling Tiandg's allegiance, Liang Yan nodded slightly, stretched out his hand to support the other party, and said at the same time:

"My cultivation base is not high, and there are still many tests from the **** zone. I need you to open the way for me."

Ling Tianzhe knew that he didn't want to reveal the Heavenly Secret Bead, so he also transmitted his voice: "Young Master, don't worry, since you have the Heavenly Secret Bead, it means that you are the next head of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion. !"

"it is good!"

Liang Yan smiled slightly, and then said, "If that's the case, then ask Senior Qiling to lead the way."

For his order, Qi Ling naturally would not refuse, nodded and turned to lead the way.

The Lishen District is located in the downstream area of ​​the Soul River. The surrounding area is filled with a strange atmosphere. The dark space is like a huge mouth from the abyss. If it wasn't for the protection of the saints near the Soul River, Liang Yan would not dare to be rash. Hit the road.

Now that Ling Tian Dagger is leading the way, everyone is relieved.

A group of people walked along the river and went upstream, but the route was not straight.

Ling Tianzhe seemed to know the arrangements here very well, and took them to bypass many formations and mechanisms, without encountering any danger along the way.

In the darkness, I don't know how long I walked until a black stone pillar appeared in front of me.

Although those stone pillars are old, there is no crack on them, as if fingers extending from the ground are holding this piece of land.

"This is the ink dye formation. It was created by a talented senior from Tianji Pavilion. There are powerful killing moves in the formation. You must have the strength to overcome the disaster in order to break through." Ling Tianzhe introduced.

Everyone has not encountered formations and institutions for so long in front of them, but now they suddenly meet, and they can't help but feel a little suspicious.

Liang Yan glanced at him and said nothing.

Seeing this, Ling Tianzhe immediately explained: "Young Master, the Lishen area is full of traps. Although I am familiar with the distribution of the entire area, it is impossible to find a perfect path to avoid all the tests. This ink dye formation is our way forward. There is a formation that must be passed on the road, as long as you pass this formation, there will be no great danger behind."

After listening to his explanation, everyone pondered for a moment and nodded slightly.

Ling Tianzhe did take them around many traps. Now that they have traveled nearly three hundred miles, they have encountered this great formation. According to its explanation, it makes sense.

"The strength of turning a catastrophe into a catastrophe...... A killer move of this level is not a threat to us." Yang Jianying said ponderingly.

"No! The ink dye formation is more than this!"

Qi Ling shook his head and said: "The special thing about this magic circle is that every time the fighters use a magical power, a stone pillar will absorb part of their spiritual power. If there is no strong spiritual power foundation, I am afraid that even the magic If half of the formation can't be reached, the spiritual power will be exhausted."

"It turns out that there is another mystery in this formation!"

Yang Jianying looked surprised and frowned slightly.

As one of the top ten geniuses, his spiritual power is naturally far superior to his peers, and he is proud of any place in the Antarctic Immortal Continent.

But not here alone.

As an ancient great sect, Tianji Pavilion has only a handful of disciples who have been able to reach the fifth floor since its founding. May I ask, which of these disciples is not a peerless genius?

The test here is precisely for those geniuses.

Compared with the cultivators of the same generation outside the tower, Yang Jianying's spiritual power is naturally far superior, but if it is compared with Tianjiao who also reached the fifth floor, it is difficult to say.

It's not just him who has this doubt in his heart, but also Wuxin and Zhao Xunzhen.

Only Liang Yan was not so afraid.

There is something special in his body. He combines the spiritual power of the four major lineages with the power of Hunyuan Jindan. The spiritual power is more than double that of ordinary Tianjiao. The strongest organ of the "ink dye array" is not for him. too big a threat.

The problem is, even if they pass by themselves, they may not be able to pass by Wuxin.

Just when Liang Yan hesitated, Ling Tianzhe said again: "Don't worry, everyone, since I brought you here, I naturally have my intentions. To deal with this magic circle, I can help you reduce the spiritual power that has been sucked away."

"Is this true?" Yang Jianying's eyes lit up and she found a savior.

"Hmph! Young master is here, how can I talk nonsense!" Baiyi Qiling turned his face to the side, showing a bit of arrogance.

"Okay, I believe in your methods." Liang Yan smiled and said to the other three: "Let's enter the battle at the same time. If there is an accident in the battle, everyone must take care of each other and not leave anyone behind."

"it is good!"

Wuxin, Yang Jianying, and Zhao Xunzhen naturally had no objection. They nodded their heads and walked side by side with him, entering the "ink dye array" at the same time.

The moment they entered the magic circle, the Item Spirit pierced into the Lingtian dagger and rose into the air, split into four in mid-air, turned into four streams of frost, and shot at everyone.

Yang Jianying and Zhao Xunzhen's expressions changed, but soon, they realized that Ling Tiandg was not malicious. Because despite the cold wind around him, these cold air did not invade his body, but stayed near them.

As the cold light fell on the top of the head, the cold air gathered more and more, and finally all turned into a layer of ice spirit shield, shrouding each of them inside.

In the blink of an eye, everyone has a layer of ice spirit shield on their bodies.

"It seems that this is Ling Tian.

The protection provided by the dagger. "He smiled unintentionally.

"Let's go."

Liang Yan did not hesitate, and led the crowd to the depths of the array.

Not long after they walked into the magic circle, a cloud suddenly condensed in the air, lightning flashed in the cloud, and the sound of filial piety was deafening.

"It's Mo Guanglei! Young Master, be careful, this thunder is powerful, and it will be attached to the magic weapon, and the ghost will not disperse." Ling Tiandg's voice sounded above everyone's heads.

As soon as its voice fell, the clouds and mists in the sky exploded, and four black thunderbolts with the thickness of the water tank shot out, hitting the four people at the same time.

In the face of the magical attack of the magic circle, everyone was well prepared.

Wuxin pinched a magic formula, the purple magic energy condensed into a magic head magic image on the top of the head, holding various magic weapons and sharp blades, and roaring towards the black thunder and lightning again and again. Zhao Xunzhen took out the ghost lamp, and the ghost fire flew into the air, and quickly became entangled with the black lightning. As for Yang Jianying, of course, she sacrificed her life flying sword and slashed at "Mo Guanglei" in mid-air.

Everyone showed their magical powers, and Liang Yan was not idle. He blocked the Zilei Tianyin Sword over his head. The Zilei Tianyin Sword fused the power of the law of lightning and was almost immune to the magical powers of the thunder attribute.

"Mo Guanglei" blew up on the sword body, only a little light appeared, and was quickly smashed by the sword energy of the Zilei Tianyin Sword, and finally disappeared without a trace.

The first wave of magical powers of "Ink Dyeing Array" was quickly repelled by everyone.

However, when they were using magical powers, they all felt that a strange force had taken the opportunity to drill into their bodies, and then part of the spiritual force left them uncontrollably and floated towards the nearest black stone pillar.

"Sure enough, it will absorb the spiritual power of the intruders."

Yang Jianying narrowed her eyes, and suddenly slashed at one of the black stone pillars with her sword.


The flying sword penetrated through the stone pillar, but did not leave a single scratch.

"How could this be?" Yang Jianying looked surprised.

"These stone pillars were forged by that senior back then. It's definitely not something that you can destroy with your current strength. It's better to break the formation with peace of mind, so as not to cause changes." Ling Tiandg's voice sounded above his head.


Yang Jianying nodded, he just had a whim, to see if he could destroy these stone pillars first, but now it seems that this is impossible.

These strange stone pillars seem to have no entity, but they can absorb their spiritual power. When they used the magical power just now, some of the spiritual power was sucked away.

Fortunately, the Ice Spirit Shield with Ling Tian Dagger froze a part of their spiritual power that was sucked away, and now it is slowly returning to the original owner's body, which is equivalent to reducing the spiritual power they were sucked away.

"Mo Guanglei" was scattered by the crowd, the magic formation moved again, the surrounding earth shook, and it seemed that something was hidden below and was about to burst out of the ground.

"Speed ​​up, as long as you are still in the formation, the attacks of the ink dye formation will emerge in an endless stream and will never stop! Only by passing in the shortest time can you ensure that your spiritual power is sufficient."

Ling Tiandagger's voice sounded again, and after everyone heard it, there was no hesitation, and they flew at the same time.


With a few loud noises, four tall figures climbed out from the ground.

These four people were more than ten feet tall, with big arms and round waists. They used hammers, axes, steel forks, and iron locks as weapons. They looked like farmers in the world. No one dares to underestimate.

"It's all puppets!"

A black light flashed in Zhao Xunzhen's eyes, and he quickly saw the details of the four of them.

The auras of the four puppets were all in the calamity transformation realm. At this time, they waved their weapons and rushed towards Liang Yan, Wuxin, Zhao Xunzhen, and Yang Jianying respectively.

Faced with the onslaught of the four puppets, everyone prepared magic weapons to meet the enemy, but Liang Yan took the lead and threw the "Heavenly Workmanship Jade".

A white light pierced the night, and instantly got into one of the puppets. In just a few breaths, the puppet's footsteps slowed down, and finally fell to the ground with a plop, its body shrank rapidly, and was finally swallowed by the white light.

Next, Liang Yan did the same, and smashed the white light transformed by the "Heavenly God Jade" into the other three puppets, and devoured them all before everyone fought.

"Huh? How can the young master have such a baby?"

Ling Tiandg's tone was a bit surprised: "This thing... seems to be the nemesis of our Tianji Pavilion puppet, the person who created it should have a good understanding of our Tianji Pavilion's puppet technique. The puppets in the ink dye formation can't last three breaths in front of this magic weapon?"

After hearing this, Liang Yan felt a little amused. Isn't the master who created this magic weapon the elder of your Tianji Pavilion? He must be familiar with the puppet technique of Tianji Pavilion.

But he couldn't say it in public, he just sneered when he heard it: "I advise you not to inquire about my affairs."

After Ling Tiandg heard it, he immediately shouted, "Young Master, don't blame me! This subordinate is just curious for a while, and has no intention of peeping at all, Young Master, please forgive me!"

"Okay, let's go out first."

Liang Yan waved his hand, and everyone continued to move forward. Because the second wave of attacks was repelled too quickly, even the "Ink Dyeing Array" did not have time to launch the third wave of attacks.

Taking advantage of this gap, everyone rushed all the way, and soon came to the edge of the "ink dye array".

At this moment, the surrounding space suddenly appeared confused.

In the chaotic fluctuations, countless space cracks appeared, and then, rays of light shot out from the space cracks.

Everyone was shocked in their hearts, and they looked at them intently, and found that there were magical weapons and weapons in the glow. At this time, it was as if they were being manipulated, and they all shot towards them.

"What is this?" Zhao Xunzhen frowned.

"This is the strongest attack of the ink dye formation, killing a hundred soldiers! Tianji Pavilion is good at puppets, Qimen Dunjia, and also good at refining. The grades of these magic weapons are not low. It is more than ten times magnified, you have to be careful."

After listening to Ling Tiandg's introduction, everyone present couldn't help but cursed in their hearts.

The assessment of the fifth floor was designed to be so difficult, could anyone really pass it back then?

However, there is no time for them to think about the current situation. It is only a few breaths of effort, and all kinds of magic weapons have already struck.

In the face of the swords that filled the sky, everyone did not dare to neglect them, and they sacrificed their own magic weapons to fight against these magic weapons that were not controlled by their masters.

Liang Yan took out all the four sword pills, and easily blocked the attacks of all the swords. As for the other three, he did not keep his hands. All kinds of magical powers and spells were used, and the "hundreds" were quickly repelled. The first wave of the attack.

But soon, these repulsed weapons made a as if tirelessly, they continued to besiege everyone.

Moreover, these weapons seem to be born with wisdom, and they know how to separate the four Liang Yan and take the tactics of breaking them one by one.

"It's strange, it's just some magical weapons without masters, how can they cooperate so well? It's not good for us to continue like this!"

Yang Jianying asked the crowd while defending against the "hundred soldiers."

In fact, it is not just him who has this doubt, everyone is the same, they are not afraid of "hundreds of soldiers", but in the process of fighting against these magic weapons, their own spiritual power is constantly being absorbed, although Ling Tiandg helps Reduce the loss, but over time, the spiritual power will still be exhausted.

"Because there is a special weapon among these weapons, it is the weapon left by the senior who set up the formation back then, and it can command these sharp weapons." Ling Tiandg's voice was somber.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Yang Jianying said angrily, "It was a waste of us so much spiritual power. It turned out to be useless work, so why don't you tell us the location of the weapon."

"I just remembered it just now, but I don't know its location. I only know that the sword is the head of the Hundred Soldiers, and the Mo Ranjian is the marshal of the "Hundred Soldiers". As long as this sword is destroyed, "Hundred Soldiers" Naturally it broke."

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