The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1397: Luo Qing Shenwei

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The voice that suddenly appeared came from Ling Tian Dagger's artifact spirit.

Before accepting the "God Illuminating Wall" assessment, for safety reasons, Liang Yan sealed the Ling Tian dagger back into the Frozen Jade Box, leaving only Wuxin and Zhao Xunzhen to guard nearby.

Because Ling Tiandg's artifact spirit is a bit crazy, and only listens to his own dispatch, Liang Yan is afraid that after he enters the illusion, this artifact spirit will not obey the control, and will conflict with Wuxin, Zhao Xunzhen and others, so he will do this.

I didn't expect it to suddenly make a sound at this time.

Thinking of Ling Tiandagger, Liang Yan's eyes lit up slightly.

The artifact spirit of this magic weapon is not simple, it is almost equivalent to the strength of a human race cultivator, if it is willing to take action against Luo Qing, it must be his greatest help.

In the blink of an eye, Liang Yan had already taken out the Frost Ice Jade Box from the Taixu Gourd.

He raised his hand and played a magic trick, and then tore off the seal on the box lid. A white light immediately lifted the box lid and flew out from the inside, turning into a young man in a white coat and a white hat.

"The thief, how dare you disrespect the young master! Quickly die!"

The moment the white-robed man appeared, the icy aura spread out. Within a radius of 100 feet, both the ground and the walls were covered with a thick layer of frost. The bone-chilling chill made everyone feel cold.

At this moment, Luo Qing's "No Light Sutra" has been operating to the extreme.

The black glow spreads like a tidal wave, and everything it passes is dark. The unintentional magic pattern seal falls into the black tide, and instantly becomes dark and dull, as if all the supernatural powers have been sucked away and can no longer be exerted. half power.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Yang Jianying was terrified to the extreme.

He understands the power of the "No Light Sutra", ordinary magical powers and spells will be swallowed by the black tide, even if it is his own flying sword, as long as he enters this black tide, I am afraid there will be no return.

Unlike Liang Yan, he only had one flying sword of his life, and it was impossible to risk it if he regarded his own life.

In desperation, Yang Jianying hurriedly pinched the magic trick in his hand, quickly recalled his white scale sword, and switched to using sword energy to attack from the air.

However, just a few sword qi, like Wuxin's magical power, could not break through the blockade of the "No Light Sutra", and were all swallowed up by the strange Kuroshio.

Luo Qing forced the two back with one move, and the black tide spread rapidly, trying to involve everyone in it, but saw a white light flying in the sky.

In the white light is a young man in a white coat and a white hat. Wherever this person passes, everything is frozen. Even the Kuroshio of the "No Light Sutra" encounters him and is frozen in place, unable to move at all. .

In just a moment of effort, a frozen passage was formed wherever he passed, like a sharp blade, straightly inserted into the depths of the Kuroshio, heading straight for him!

"Are you the spirit of Ling Tian Dagger?"

In the depths of the Kuroshio, Luo Qing's figure is looming, as if hiding in the deepest darkness.

"It's this seat! If you dare to disrespect my young master, I will make you splatter blood on the spot!" The white clothed man raised his eyebrows in anger and raised his hand with a wave. love location.

"Young master? Ridiculous! The Tianji Pavilion has been destroyed for many years, where is there any young master!"

Luo Qing sneered again and again. Although she didn't show up, a huge palm stretched out from the Kuroshio, bounced off Ling Tian Dagger's Frost Blade, and slapped him.


A powerful sense of oppression descended from the sky, and the void above his head was suppressed and twisted and deformed, but Ling Tiandagger was completely unafraid and stretched out his hand to take a shot.

Xuan Bing Jin!

The moves that had tried Liang Yan and others appeared again, and I saw a huge ice vortex condensing in the air, and the surrounding Kuroshio seemed to be pulled by some kind of force, and began to slowly flow towards the center of the ice vortex.

As for the huge palm that fell from the sky, slapped on the ice vortex, it was instantly frozen, the powerful breath disappeared, and only a giant ice wither was suspended in the air.

Card! Card! Card!

With the rotation of the ice vortex, the huge palm was also ruthlessly ground, and finally torn apart, turning into countless ice crystal fragments and falling down.

Ling Tiandg cracked Luo Qing's "No Light Sutra" in one move, and his own momentum was extremely strong, and then he took a step forward.

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, is shot again.

"Ice King Strength!"

The powerful ice-blocking power gathered in his palm, and all the cold energy around him gathered inward, eventually turning into an ice phoenix, wearing a snow coat and tassels, with a mighty aura, rushing to the depths of the Kuroshio. Luo Qing.

Wherever Bingfeng passes, everything is frozen, even the Kuroshio of "No Light Sutra" is no exception!

And behind Bingfeng, there was a grey-clothed figure following him.

This person is Liang Yan.

When he saw Ling Tiandagger's shot, he knew that the strength of this artifact spirit was far beyond his estimation, but he was still a little worried about leaving Luo Qing to deal with it alone.

Luo Qing's moves are weird and supernatural powers are emerging one after another. Liang Yan didn't want to give him any chance to breathe. He wanted to take advantage of the flaws he revealed when he fought against Ling Tian Dagger to give this person a fatal blow!

And this flaw, he has seen!

Just now, Luo Qing's Kuroshio was sealed by Ling Tiandg's icy vortex, and when he had to use the magical power of the black big mudra, he had already exposed his own position.

And when Ling Tiandg used the more domineering "Ice Emperor Strength", Luo Qing was already unable to deal with it. As a last resort, she could only use all her spiritual power to condense a "Lightless Shield" in front of her in an attempt to resist Ling Tian. Dagger's killer move.

This "Lightless Shield" can absorb the power of any magical power and turn it into nothingness. It has a strong defensive ability. However, under the pressure of "Ice Emperor Strength", Luo Qing still dare not be slighted. Most of the mana in the body is poured into it.

The flaw that Liang Yan saw was exposed at this time.

At this moment, behind Luo Qing, there is no defense at all. If he can get close to Luo Qing, with the speed of Jianwan, he can quickly circle behind him and launch a thunderous strike!

Therefore, Liang Yan did not choose to watch the battle at this time, but while the two masters were fighting, he went deep into the center of the Kuroshio along the ice tunnel opened by Ling Tian Dagger.

In the blink of an eye, he was already less than thirty feet away from Luo Qing.

At this distance, as long as his mind moves, Jianmaru can immediately circle behind the opponent, avoid his "Lightless Shield", and give this person a sure-fire blow!


Facing Luo Qing in the center of the darkness, Liang Yan did not hesitate. With a pinch of the sword in his hand, the blue, purple, silver, and black sword lights pierced through the sky, rushing towards Luo Qing like a shooting star.

At this moment, in the air, the huge ice phoenix and the dark "Lightless Shield" have collided together.

A violent ice storm swept through the entire space, and the power of darkness poured out like a tide. The frontal confrontation between the two masters caused the entire space to collapse, and countless spatial turbulence swept through it, as if the end of the world.

Ling Tianzhe and Luo Qing each poured their mana into their magical powers to the extreme, and they both wanted to kill each other. However, at this time, four sword lights lit up at the same time in the darkness, like four meteors, bypassing the "Lightless Shield" and coming behind Luo Qing.


Feijian smashed through the air, without giving Luo Qing any time to react, and slashed behind him at the same time.

"A good draw!"

Luo Qing, who was fighting with Ling Tiandagger, shouted loudly, and the ancient book behind him quickly flipped, and soon stopped on one of the pages.

It was a handsome man with a slender figure and a wide-sleeved long coat. He sat cross-legged in the book, his left hand quickly made a gesture, and his right hand was erected to form a seal, and a white dharma seal was looming on his forehead.

The next moment, the white seal flew out from his forehead, and also flew out of the ancient book, rushing into the air, getting bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a full moon.

When Liang Yan saw this full moon, for some reason, his consciousness suddenly became blurred, his eyes became more and more blurred, and finally he stopped in place, and there was no next move.

Affected by him, the four sword pills, which were originally imposing like rainbows, also slowed down at this moment, and the sword light gradually faded away, and there was no longer the previous momentum.


Under Liang Yan's bewildered gaze, the full moon in mid-air suddenly shattered, and a seal fell from the sky and was printed on his forehead.

"Be careful! This is the "Broken Heart Seal" of Yun Simiao, a scattered cultivator of Bihai.

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Seven emotions and six desires, as long as there are distracting thoughts in your heart, no matter how deep you hide them, you will be drawn out by this Dharma seal and become the first step to destroying your Dao heart! "

Yang Jianying's voice sounded directly in Liang Yan's consciousness, and at the same time made him wake up from his confusion.

"Broken Heart Mark...a good trick!"

Liang Yan's heart was awe-inspiring, and he didn't dare to be careless. "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" moved his whole body, and the golden light of Buddhism came out through his body, and instantly forced a white seal from the top of his head.

The white seal was purely condensed by spiritual power. After leaving Liang Yan's body, he could no longer be a demon, but was rushed by the golden light of Buddhism and instantly turned into nothingness.

Although Liang Yan avoided danger, Ling Tiandagger's artifact spirit was not so lucky.

At this time, the tool spirit, under the action of the broken heart mark, has fallen into complete madness, its eyes are wildly rolling, and its mouth is even more muttering.

"The secret pavilion has been destroyed? Impossible.... What about the young master? What? The young master is also fake? You lied to me, you lied to me, right? Impossible, impossible The dao lineage of our Tianji Pavilion will be passed down from generation to generation, who can destroy our Tianji Pavilion!”

At the end, Ling Tiandagger almost roared out.

It jumped into the air and shot with both palms. The terrifying power of ice was indistinguishable between enemy and foe.


One of the ice flowers exploded on top of Liang Yan's head. The terrifying power of ice made him shiver, and his bloodlines were almost frozen.

Liang Yan's heart froze, and he quickly stepped back. Looking at the scene in front of him, he was helpless.

You must know that you have Buddhist supernatural powers such as "Babu Yanyuan", and you are born to restrain such supernatural powers, and only after Yang Jianying's voice transmission reminder can you crack it dangerously.

But Ling Tiandg was different. He was crazy, obviously he had suffered some kind of blow, and his intelligence was not sound, so he couldn't resist the magical power of "Broken Heart Mark" at all.

Although his strength is not inferior to Luo Qing's at all, he is ultimately limited by his intelligence. Luo Qing also saw this and chose this magical power to defeat the enemy.

It can only be said that Luo Qinghui has too many spells, and his fighting skills are rich, and he can always choose the simplest, most direct and effective means to suppress his opponents.

Silently weighing the situation on the field, Liang Yan knew that the general trend was over, and he could not stay here for a long time, and he had to retreat quickly.

Without hesitation, he took the four sword pills back to his side at the same time, and while the artifact spirit that had just fallen into madness could still disrupt the situation, he ran wildly outside the Kuroshio.

However, his thoughts have long been seen through by Luo Qing.

At this time, Luo Qing had stabilized Ling Tiandagger, and her attention was all on Liang Yan, so he had just moved a step, and Luo Qing already knew his plan.

"Boy, you are indeed a character! Unfortunately, I don't like to let tigers go back to the mountains. If you kill people, you will burn your bones and ashes to avoid future troubles!"

Luo Qing narrowed her eyes and pointed her right hand lightly.

Without the seal of Lingtian Dagger, the black tide of "No Light Sutra" all flew out of the icy vortex, and condensed again into a black light big handprint in mid-air.

This big handprint condensed all the Kuroshio, and the momentum reached its peak.

And its target is only locked on one person, that is Liang Yan!

Even if Liang Yan, Wuxin, and Yang Jianying joined forces, Luo Qing's strength was not enough. The reason why Liang Yan dared to go deep alone was entirely relying on the cover of Ling Tiandagger, wanting to give his opponent a fatal blow.

But he didn't expect that this choice would now ruin himself.

"Fight him!"

In the desperate situation, Liang Yan's heart sank.

In this situation, I can only expose my "Dragon Immortality". I just hope that I can consume Luo Qing as much as possible before being killed for the first time, and give Wuxin and Yang Jianying a chance to escape.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan didn't back down any more, turned to face Luo Qing, the power of Jiuzhuan Jindan and Jianying in his body activated at the same time, and his right eye also turned gray.

Luo Qing had suffered a loss before, and when she saw Liang Yan's Tong Kong, she immediately understood.

With a tactic in his hand, the "Lightless Shield" shifted slightly to block in front of him.

A ray of gray death appears in the black

Provide you with the fastest update of "Blue Gourd Sword Immortal" by the great **** Zhulin Jianyin!

Chapter 1397 Luo Qing Shenwei Free reading: https://,!

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On the shield, it was quickly absorbed by the endless darkness and did not appear on Luo Qing's body.

At the same time, the big hand condensed by the Kuroshio has already fallen from the sky and landed on the top of Liang Yan's head!


Although the magical power of "Wuxiang" failed, Liang Yan's expression did not change at all. At this time, he manipulated four sword pills and slashed towards the **** handprint on the top of his head.

The four sword pills broke through the air, and were soon held by the big hands of black light. A force of law of nothingness poured out from the depths of the darkness, as if to wipe out everything in this world, so that all glorious things could be restored. return to nothingness.

Liang Yan and Benming Feijian had the same mind, and he could finally sense that powerful force at this time, and he could also understand why Yu Dongyang's four puppets disappeared in an instant after falling into the black tide.

It is the power of the law of nothingness, which comes from the "No Light Sutra", and at the same time is inextricably linked with his own "No Phase Sword Sutra".


Liang Yan's eyes lit up slightly, and there was an indescribable complex color in his eyes, and there was still a hint of excitement....

Provide you with the fastest update of "Blue Gourd Sword Immortal" by the great **** Zhulin Jianyin!

Chapter 1397 Luo Qing Shenwei Free reading: https://,!


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