The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1407: painting world

【Blue Gourd Sword Immortal】【】

In the secret room, Yan Blind, the King of Fire, had a grim expression on his face.

After fighting with Liang Yan, he suddenly took out a scroll from his sleeve, bit the tip of his tongue, sprayed a mouthful of blood on it, then waved his sleeve and threw the scroll into the air.

As the scroll slowly unfolded, a bizarre picture scroll appeared in the air......

The scroll was a hundred feet long, and it was painted by fire from beginning to end. There were hundreds of totems in the painting, and each totem had a flaming beast on it.

The appearance of these beasts is extremely ferocious, like evil ghosts from hell. With Yan Xiazi's magic trick, the eyes of all the flame beasts turned at the same time, and finally fell on Liang Yan's body together.

Being stared at by so many eyes, Liang Yan suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and he had a bad premonition.

The next moment, the picture scroll in the air was full of fire, and all the beasts flew out of the picture together. Their goals were very clear. As soon as they appeared, they flew straight to the direction of Liang Yan!

"not good!"

Liang Yan was extremely vigilant in his heart, and at the same time as he retreated sharply, he pinched the sword art in his hand, and four sword pellets flew instantly, creating a vortex of sword energy in front of him.

However, those flaming beasts don't know what their origins are, and they have no real body. Even if they were swept by the sword energy, they did not leave any injuries!

In just the blink of an eye, these flaming beasts passed through the blockade of the sword energy vortex and came to Liang Yan very strangely.

"how can that be?"

Liang Yan was terrified to the extreme. He wanted to use the "All Dharmas" of "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" to resist these flaming beasts, but suddenly felt that his body was a little out of control, and even his thinking became slow. .

It's a very bad feeling, especially in the middle of a fight like this.

Liang Yan desperately wanted to step back and distance himself from these strange flame beasts, but his feet just didn't obey!

After a while, the flame beasts in mid-air swooped down, like carrion-eating vultures, burrowing into his body one by one.

"Liang Yan!"

An unintentional exclamation came from a distance.

This series of changes was too sudden, from Yan Blind being suppressed by the two of them, to his throwing the ancient scroll of flames, to the fact that these flaming beasts burrowed into Liang Yan's body.

Everything, although it is a long story, it is only a few breaths of effort.

At this time, Liang Yan was staggering, his eyes were confused, and he looked very strange.

Wuxin saw this scene, and was extremely worried in his heart. He hurriedly put away the "Tianmo Guqin", urged the "Purple Flower Magic Sutra", and continuously released various magical powers, trying to rush over to rescue Liang Yan.

However, Blind Yan did not allow her to do so.

With the power of flame rushing out, the surrounding sea of ​​fire all gathered inward, and finally turned into a big hand of flame, blocking all the unintentional magical powers.

Wuxin wanted to break through the sea of ​​​​fire and rushed to Liang Yan's side, but Yan Blind's moves were extremely ruthless, and he wanted to take her life, so he couldn't break through in a short time.

At the same time Wuxin and Yan Xiazi fought fiercely, Liang Yan had already fallen into boundless darkness.

Around him, there are hundreds of flaming beasts, like evil spirits from hell, constantly tearing at his arms, legs, neck... People were torn into countless pieces.

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【Blue Gourd Sword Immortal】【】

"Babu me defend against the enemy."

Liang Yan recited the formula of "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" in his heart, and a layer of golden light appeared around him, and quickly suppressed some of the weaker flame beasts.

However, this is only a drop in the bucket for the current Liang Yan.

More and more flaming beasts approached, some of them with strong breath, directly passing through the golden light of Liang Yan's body protection, tearing at his body.

An indescribable pain appeared in Liang Yan's soul, even though his will was extremely firm, he was tortured a little absently at the moment.

At this moment, hundreds of flaming beasts exerted force at the same time, actually dragging his body and flying into the sky!

"Liang Yan!"

Wuxin saw this scene from a distance, and his face became extremely anxious.

With a tactic in her hand, she wanted to fight back with serious injuries and unblock the "Wonderful Magic Hand" again!

However, before she could make a move, Yan Blind in front of him suddenly turned his body and turned into a stream of flames, and disappeared in place in an instant.

At the same time, the flame picture in mid-air became brighter and brighter, and the crimson flames illuminated the entire secret room red. Liang Yan and Yan Xiazi were both enveloped by the flames at this time, and the speed was surprisingly fast, only one-thousandth of a breath. , the two were sucked into the flame painting at the same time.

The secret room, which had been fighting endlessly, became quiet in the blink of an eye.

Wuxin frowned, looking at the ancient scroll of flames floating in the air, with a dazed look in his eyes.

In fact, her first reaction was to attack the picture scroll and rescue Liang Yan from it.

But she thought about it, Liang Yan had already been sucked into it, if she attacked rashly, would she hurt the other party?

Wuxin is not a reckless person, she doesn't allow her sweetheart to make any mistakes, she pondered for a moment, and suddenly clenched her hands to release all the true devil energy in her body.

These true demonic auras seem to have spirituality, turning into thousands of shredded purple tobacco, like spring breeze and drizzle, slowly merged into the ancient flame scrolls in mid-air......

At the same time as the unintentional shot, in the flame scroll, in a crimson space, Liang Yan stood with his hands and hands.

After experiencing the pain of tearing his soul for a while, when he woke up, he found that he was already in this crimson space.


Liang Yan glanced down at his body, remembering that he was drilled into his body by those flaming beasts just now, obviously destroying his own body, why is it intact now?

After trying to run the exercises, he found that the spiritual power was flowing freely in the meridians. Liang Yan was finally able to be sure that he was not injured.

"How is this going?"

Liang Yan frowned, looked around, and found that there was a red fog around, and the fog was churning violently, as if something was about to come out.

With vigilance in his heart, Liang Yan raised his hand and pinched a sword trick, guarding him with four sword pills.

It didn't take long for the red fog in the front to disperse slowly, and the flame beasts came out from the fog.

These beasts are ferocious and terrifying, some look like wolves, with sharp claws; some have three heads and six arms, like gods and demons, and some are shaped like giant kun, with wings spread out, covering the sky and the sun!

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【Blue Gourd Sword Immortal】【】

Moreover, their breath is very strange, they are clearly conscious spiritual bodies, but this consciousness is very limited, it seems that they are manipulated and turned into puppets.

"I see......."

The moment he saw these flame beasts, Liang Yan suddenly understood.

The scene I just saw outside the picture scroll was actually half-truth and half-truth. Those flaming beasts were not real at all, and Yan Blind used some means to make Liang Yanxin believe it was true, and felt that he was seriously injured, and then disturbed it through his soul. This technique made Liang Yan feel that his spiritual power had been sealed.

Only the supernatural power that finally sucked Liang Yan into the picture scroll is real, and the others are all illusions of Yan Blind, which made Liang Yan feel that he was severely injured and sealed, and his consciousness appeared temporarily dazed.

And all of this is to pull Liang Yan into this weird space.

Those flaming beasts are only real here, because Liang Yan can feel the breath on them, which is completely different from outside before.

Every flame beast has an extremely powerful aura in its body, almost no less than the monks in the human race, and some are powerful, and they have even reached the strength of the human race!

"Is this your plan?"

After figuring out the whole process, facing the powerful flame beasts around him, Liang Yan did not panic, but opened his mouth and said:

"I said why you are so confident that you dare to fight one against two. It turns out that you have this kind of supernatural power. After separating me and Hu Chenyu, it became a one-on-one situation between the two of us, right?"

While using his divine sense to investigate the surroundings, he tried to talk to Yan Xiazi, trying to find out the opponent's location.

The surrounding fog was rolling, and flame beasts continued to appear from the fog, but no Yan Xiazi's breath leaked out, and there was no response at all.

"Yan blindzi, I'm a little curious. When you fought with my master, how did you flee from him in a hurry?"

"You didn't get the Heavenly Secret Pearl, how did you get back to Zongfu?"

"And all these years, how did you hide in Lin Fan's ancient ring, and how did you make a fool of yourself?"


A series of questions came from Liang Yan's mouth, many of which were sarcastic.

After a few questions, a deep voice finally sounded in the red mist: "Little baby, sharp teeth and sharp mouths are not a good thing, it will only make your death more painful!"

The voice was very erratic, sometimes in the east, sometimes in the south, as if there were people talking all around, and everyone only said one word.

"Yan blind man, are you so afraid of me?"

Liang Yan looked around and smiled sarcastically: "I entered your space alone, but you are still hiding in the dark, dare not show up?"

"Hmph, why should I come out to see a dead man?"

Yan Blind's voice sounded again, and his tone was full of disdain: "This is the secret treasure of our Fire Spirit Peak 'Tianxie Tu', every fire spirit in it has a lot of origins, now you are caught in the picture, just need my heart If you move, you will immediately be wiped out!"

"Then why don't you do it?"

In the face of Yan Blind's threat, Liang Yan did not panic at all, but instead showed a smile that was not a smile.

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【Blue Gourd Sword Immortal】【】

"Let me are still standing still, is it possible that it is because...the Heavenly Secret Pearl!"

When the words "Tianjizhu" were mentioned, a gleam suddenly burst out in Liang Yan's eyes!

The next moment, he saw the sword tactic in his hand, and among the four sword pellets beside him, the purple thunder sword pellets flourished, turned into a thunderbolt, and slashed towards the red mist somewhere.

The sword light whistled, smashing the nearest flaming beasts into pieces, and Jianwan continued to penetrate deep into the red mist, and after a while, a loud noise broke out.


The sword light danced wildly, and the red mist exploded! A blind old man in sackcloth and a high hat with a high crown revealed his figure from the mist.

This person is Yan Blind who is hiding in the dark!

"Sure enough...Although you claim to be calm, once you talk about the 'Tianjizhu', you still can't hold your breath!"

Looking at the enemy he had forced out of the dark, Liang Yan's face was full of teasing.

Just now, he deliberately talked with Yan Xiazi to determine the enemy's hiding place, but Yan Xiazi used a special secret method, and no matter how much he spoke, he would not reveal his position.

It was not until Liang Yan mentioned the "Tianjizhu" that his breath fluctuated for a moment, and this fluctuation was immediately captured by Liang Yan, and he used a sharp sword to force Yan Blind from the dark to the light.

"I think you have been obsessed with this treasure for the past two hundred years, right? The reason why you didn't act immediately was because you were afraid that I would die and the net would be broken and destroy the Tianji Pearl?" Liang Yan asked with narrowed eyes.

"Hmph, boy, you look down on yourself too much!"

Although Yan Blind was found to be hiding, he didn't show much anger. He just snorted coldly: "Do you know the origin of this celestial pearl? It can be destroyed by you? I tell you, just be obedient if you are sensible. Hand over the treasure, and I can also let your soul go to reincarnation, otherwise I will torture you forever, so that you will never be reborn!"

"That's unfortunate. Back then when my master gave me the Heavenly Secret Bead, I never thought of giving it to others. Now this Heavenly Secret Bead has been integrated into my body and has become a part of me... "

Liang Yan looked at Yan Blind in the distance, and suddenly laughed:

"The way of heaven is really interesting. If you say it exists, you usually don't notice it. If you say it doesn't exist, it seems to have a certain number in the dark... The dispute between you and From the 'Tianjizhu', and now returning to the 'Tianji Pavilion', perhaps this is also the arrangement of the heavens, only one of us is destined to leave this place!"

Liang Yan's voice was unusually calm. Although he was laughing, he exuded a strong killing intent. The four sword pills around seemed to sense the master's state of mind.


Yan Blind laughed in anger, with two "good" words in a row, but his eyes were full of ferocity.

"Two hundred years ago, you were just an ant-like mortal. If I hadn't tracked the Heavenly Mystery Pearl to the land of the south, I'm afraid you would have turned into a pile of loess. At that time, I would never have dreamed that two hundred years later, You ants have actually become my opponent!"

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【Blue Gourd Sword Immortal】【】

At the same time as he was talking, Yan Blind's figure was gradually changing, and he seemed to want to blend into the surrounding red mist again.

"Want to hide?"

Liang Yan saw Yan Xiazi's intention, without any hesitation, with a pinch of the sword in his hand, the mayfly sword pill turned into a blue light, cooperated with the purple thunder sword pill, and slashed at the other side at the same time.

"Ha ha........"

Yan Blind's face was gloomy, the palm of his right hand was raised, and he held it lightly in the air.

The surrounding fire spirits seemed to have received his order, swarming from all directions, and one of them, a Kunpeng-shaped fire spirit, spread its wings and firmly guarded it in the middle.

There was another nine-eyed vajra, the fire soaring into the sky, and it turned into a hundred arms, falling from the sky, hitting Liang Yan like a gust of wind and rain.

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