The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1439: Suddenly I heard the singing in the forest

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Thinking of this, Liang Yan felt a little irritable.

But fortunately, although Wuxin was seriously injured, after she named her meridian and divine soul, the divine power of King Kong could not spread, so she had no worries about her life for the time being.

Liang Yan took a deep breath.

He knows that at this time, he must not be distracted and must stay awake.

The first thing that came to mind was to give Wuxin the "Sanqing Holy Spirit Pill", but soon, this idea was denied by him.

The situation at that time was very critical, and she had no choice but to self-proclaim her meridians and spirits, so she didn't have any consciousness now.

If she were to take the "Sanqing Holy Spirit Pill" at this time, it would be impossible to refine this medicinal power, and because of the self-enclosed meridians, the medicinal power would have nowhere to be vented, and it might cause damage to her body.

Therefore, the primary task now is not to rescue Wuxin, but to expel the evil spirits in his body, and then repair the injury.

As long as his strength is restored, Wuxin will naturally be saved.

Thinking of this, his consciousness withdrew from the Taixu gourd, then took out a "Sanqing Holy Spirit Pill" and swallowed it himself.

The medicinal pill entered the abdomen, and a gentle medicinal power spread out, and quickly repaired some of the meridians.

As the medicinal power spreads, Liang Yan's aura is gradually improving.

When he just woke up, his whole body was weak, and his spiritual power was dry to the bottom. If he fought with others at this time, I am afraid that he would not even be able to exert his strength in the foundation-building stage.

Fortunately, the "Sanqing Holy Spirit Pill" was given by a saint, and its medicinal effect was extraordinary.

Liang Yan refined the medicinal power, meditated on the spot for a long time, and his cultivation gradually recovered, and he soon had the aura of the early stage of the Golden Core Realm.

But at this stage, the medicinal power is also difficult to play.

Because the "Sanqing Holy Spirit Pill" is a detoxification elixir, although it also has the effect of restoring spiritual power and repairing injuries, the "Reincarnation Evil Qi" is not an ordinary internal injury.

These evil spirits seemed to have their own consciousness. After being suppressed by the medicinal power of the medicinal pills, they immediately shrank the battlefield, and now they are entrenched in several main meridians.

In these meridians, the suffocating energy was so intense that even Liang Yan's own consciousness could not enter, and the medicinal power of the "San Qing Holy Spirit Pill" was naturally powerless.

"The Sea of ​​Bitterness in the West... It really isn't a place that ordinary people can set foot in!"

Liang Yan sighed softly, opened his eyes, and stood up from the ground.

"Sanqing Holy Spirit Pill" is after all a medicinal pill given by a saint. Although it cannot completely repair the injury, it at least restores a little strength for himself.

It's just that the cultivation base of Jindan's early stage is still a little lower, especially in such an unknown place.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan checked the situation of everyone in the Taixu Hulu again.

In addition to Wuxin, Li Xiaosong was also injured by Lianxin's "Four Noble Truths".

However, she was much better than Wuxin. She didn't take that slap directly, but was swept away by the golden light ripples of the "bitter" Dilian Xin, sealing part of her strength, and she was still sleeping.

Zhao Xunzhen was the worst. She entered Taixu Gourd a step late, and was eroded by the evil spirit of Samsara. Now that she was seriously injured, it was impossible for her to fight again in a short time.

Although Hongwu's puppet body can withstand part of the evil spirit of reincarnation, it has been guarding Liang Yan at the last moment, and in the end it was not lightly injured, only slightly better than Zhao Xunzhen.

Of all the people, only Lao Jin is still awake.

In addition to the flying escape technique, his natal supernatural power was a means of defense and life-saving, so he was not injured by the "Four Noble Truths" at that time.

Later, the evil spirit of reincarnation broke out, and he was also the fastest person to see the opportunity, and safely sent Li Xiaosong and Wuxin back to Taixu Hulu on behalf of Liang Yan.

However, he also inhaled a small amount of reincarnation suffocation, unlike Liang Yan who has the blood of the "undead dragon", he can only rely on his own cultivation to suppress, so that his strength regresses and falls to the realm of the early stage of Tongxuan.

"Lao Jin, it seems that you and I are the only ones who can still play a role now."

Liang Yan appeared in front of Lao Jin and sighed softly.


Lao Jin was meditating to heal his injuries, and when he saw Liang Yan coming, he nodded solemnly.

"The most urgent task is to figure out what exactly this place is first, and then

Make the next step... Of course, no matter where you are, you must find a way to restore your strength, otherwise we will all be in danger. "

"I understand."

Liang Yan agreed, and told Lao Jin, "You are my biggest trump card now, take good care of your wounds here, and don't come out without my order..."

Having said that, he seemed to remember something, raised his hand and typed a magic formula, and brought in the green-clothed girl outside.

"This person is a bit mysterious, I don't know why she appeared in the space crack... Now she is hurt by the space turbulence, and she shouldn't wake up for a while, you should take a good look at her for me, if you find that she has What's weird, let me know right away"

"Do not worry."

Lao Jin nodded and said, "This person is an ordinary low-level cultivator, and he can't find any If there is really something strange about her, as long as you give an order, this old man will help you immediately. Kill her!"

"it is good."

Liang Yan was very reassured about Lao Jin. This 10,000-year-old monster acts more prudently, not as impulsive as Li Xiaosong, and generally does not cause any trouble.

After dealing with the matter in Taixu Hulu, Liang Yan's consciousness withdrew.

Now that he has recovered a part of his cultivation, he can also control the power of consciousness to explore the surrounding fog.

Standing on the spot, I glanced around, and found that there was no sign of life in the vast white fog, and the fog was very thick, so I could only explore a radius of 100 meters, and I couldn't see clearly any further.

Liang Yan observed carefully for a long time. Although he couldn't figure out where he was, he came to a conclusion.

"These fogs... don't seem to be dangerous, they can only block the detection of consciousness."

Since there is no danger, you can continue to go deeper, but you can't stay in place all the time, right?

Thinking of this, Liang Yan pinched a magic formula, sacrificing the golden light of "empty aspects of all dharmas", and then decisively set off into the depths of the white fog...

The white fog is very thick and wide.

Liang Yan estimated that he had been gone for three days and three nights, but he still couldn't see the boundary.

"This white fog is a bit weird... It doesn't look like the fog in the formation, but it looks like a natural formation."

Liang Yan looked around, and there was a question he couldn't understand. How did the space crack that appeared above Shattered Void Mountain come about?

Generally speaking, there are only three possibilities for the formation of space channels.

The first is the teleportation array.

This is obviously wrong. If the space channel is opened by teleporting the magic circle, there must be a giant magic circle here, but Liang Yan has never seen it since he woke up.

The second is that someone used the great magical power to open the space channel.

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