The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1450: fighting chess

【Blue Gourd Sword Immortal】【】

The latest website: www.i "Destroying the National Chess..."

Liang Yan murmured to himself, and then showed a smile, "Patriarch Mu is really leisurely and elegant, and it is rare to create such a gameplay!"

"Hehe, old man Xianyun Yehe, most of the affairs in the village are left to Yi Yin, and he usually plays chess, fishes, and fiddles with puppets."

When Mu Chunhua said this, he stroked his beard and sighed, "Unfortunately, it's hard to find friends. Those people in the village didn't like to talk to the old man for a long time. When I met a little friend today, I would like to learn a thing or two."

"Since Patriarch Mu has warmly invited him, then Liang will accompany him for a game. I also ask Patriarch Mu to teach me how to play this "Kingdom Destruction Chess". "

"It's simple, the seven kingdoms are fighting in chaos, and they have entered the world. They have their own different ways of playing, and they don't belong to any country."

What is the difference between "vertical" and "horizontal"? "

Wherever he goes, he can turn the puppets around him into his own chess pieces. The difference is: "Vertical" can strengthen the fighting ability of the surrounding puppets, while "Horizontal" can lobby puppets from other countries as its own allies, "Vertical" has limited mobility, and can travel three times a day, while "Horizontal" is good at running attacks , can travel ten squares a day..."

Mu Chunhua explained the detailed rules of "Destroying the Country" to Liang Yan. Although the rules were extremely cumbersome, both of them were cultivators. Just listened to it once, and his consciousness had already been firmly remembered.

"So that's the case... This chess for destroying the country" imitates the chaotic struggle for hegemony in the secular world, but it is not very funny. "Liang Yan nodded slightly.

"Hehe, the game of destroying the country is not groundless. The old man has consulted the literature of the clan. When the world first opened, the world was mostly mortal, and there really was such a history of nations competing for hegemony. It took tens of thousands of years of evolution to have the Langhuan Continent today.”

Mu Chunhua casually talked about the past, but it caught Liang Yan's attention.

The monks on the Langhuan Continent did not know that the place where they lived was a small world, but there are more or less handed down documents here, which recorded the origin of the continent.

Documents like this might help him understand the origin of this continent.

Just when Liang Yan was thinking about it, Mu Chunhua spoke again, interrupting his thoughts. "Liang Xiaoyou, you have already understood the rules, let's start the selection."

"it is good."

Liang Yan retracted his thoughts, glanced at the old man opposite, and asked, "Who comes first?"

"This..." Mu Chunhua pondered for a moment, then his eyes swept away and landed on a nearby peach tree.

"Let's take a guess. There are several leaves on this tree. The one who guesses right is the first to choose."

"Okay, I guess there's only one leaf on this tree!"

As soon as the words fell, Liang Yan raised his hand and punched, a powerful force poured out, and a strong wind blew in the forest, causing the leaves on the peach trees to fall continuously.

"Ha ha."

Mu Chunhua twitched his beard and smiled. He gently fanned his left hand hidden in his sleeve, and a gentle breeze blew out from his sleeve, and instantly reached the vicinity of the peach tree.

The two forces intersected, one was fierce and domineering, the other was soft and endless, and they couldn't argue with each other. An ordinary peach tree seemed to become a battlefield for the two of them.

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【Blue Gourd Sword Immortal】【】

Liang Yan used the magical powers in "Eight Parts of Yanyuan". Although it was only in the early stage of Jindan, he was not weak in the face of Mu Chunhua in the later stage of Jindan.

The two sides fought with dark energy for a moment, the surrounding wind howled, and in just a moment, all the leaves on the peach tree had fallen, leaving only a bare trunk.

"Little friend lost."

Mu Chunhua received his supernatural powers and smiled slightly: "Little friend is more than tough, but not soft enough, but now there is not a single leaf on this tree."

"Not necessarily!"

Liang Yan also accepted the magical power, with a faint smile on his face.

The next moment, he raised his hand and swiped in the air, and he cut a hole in the trunk of the peach tree. Mu Chunhua looked at it intently, and saw that there was actually a leaf stuck in the crack of the tree trunk!

"Not much, not much, just one piece. It seems that I chose first and accepted it?" Liang Yan laughed.

"You kid, you are really capable!"

Mu Chunhua saw the leaves hidden in the trunk, his face changed slightly, and then he laughed loudly. "The old man is willing to admit defeat, please choose first."

"Just choose "vertical". "

Liang Yan had already thought about it for a long time, raised his hand and played a tactic, injecting his spiritual power into the chess piece with the word "vertical" engraved on his body.

"Then the old man can only choose "horizontal". "

Mu Chunhua nodded and pulled "Heng" to his side.

After the two made their choices, Mu Ying, who was watching the battle, smiled slightly and said crisply:

"The vertical and horizontal are divided, the troubled world begins!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she hurriedly squeezed the magic tricks with both hands, and injected several spiritual powers into the chessboard in front of her.

Although Mu Ying's spiritual power was injected, the puppets on the chessboard began to move, and each of the seven countries sent troops to fight for the territory, and launched a tragic battle.

The strength of the seven countries is not the same, some are numerous, some are amazing in combat power, and some are easy to defend and difficult to attack depending on the terrain...

But in any case, even a powerful country has not annexed the strength of the other six countries. The so-called "one country is destroyed, other countries are in danger". Once a strong country attacks a weak country, it will immediately arouse the vigilance of other countries and be besieged by joint siege.

About half a cup of tea has passed, and the battle situation on the chessboard has become anxious. A delicate balance has been formed between the seven countries. The strong country cannot dominate, and the weak country can survive in the cracks.

At this moment, Mu Ying's voice sounded again: "The troubled times are over, please enter the game with "Aspect"! ". Having said that, he turned his head and glanced at Liang Yan, and said with a smile, "Those who practice "vertical" go first! "

Liang Yan nodded slightly.

He had already observed the entire battle situation, and he was constantly calculating in his heart.

On the chessboard at this time, the number of red puppets is the largest, and the territory is the most extensive, but the distribution of red puppets is too scattered, like a pot of loose sand, without cohesion.

The blue puppet shrunk in the open space upstream of the creek. Although the site is not large, it is very cohesive. It has not been damaged until now. Moreover, the fighting power of the chess pieces is very strong, and there are almost no defeats.

But its only weakness is that the geographical environment is not good. Except for the side of the stream, it is surrounded by enemies on three sides, and its strength is not weak, which makes the blue puppet always passively defend, and it is difficult to take the initiative to attack...... .

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【Blue Gourd Sword Immortal】【】

The puppets of the seven kingdoms have their own advantages and disadvantages. After thinking about it again and again, Liang Yan turned his attention to the Tupo in the west.

There is a yellow puppet on the soil slope. Although the number ranks second, its individual combat strength can only be regarded as medium.

"Vertical' itself has the ability to improve the strength of the puppet. If you can control the yellow puppet, then relying on the terrain, you can attack and defend, and it should be an excellent choice."

Liang Yan just thought about it for a moment, then raised his hand and played a magic trick, letting the chess piece with the word "vertical" engraved on his body enter the field, and went straight to the **** where the yellow puppet was.

After his son fell, it was Mu Chunhua's turn.

"Small friendly plan."

Mu Chunhua praised, his eyes narrowed slightly, "Heng" entered the venue, but went straight to the blue puppet.

"Heng" is good at running and attacking, and can form alliances. Although the blue puppet is surrounded by enemies on three sides, it is also an opportunity for "Heng".

As "Vertical" and "Horizontal" each joined the battle, the situation on the chessboard was also undergoing subtle changes.

Liang Yan observed Mu Chunhua in the distance while deducing.

This old patriarch is really a little secretive, not to mention that he easily defused his own King Kong power just now, he said that these puppets are not something ordinary people can make.

But there is one thing, the aura on Mu Chunhua's body makes Liang Yan feel very strange, and he always feels a little unnatural.

Just when he wanted to observe carefully, Mu Chunhua waved his sleeves, and an invisible force blocked his detection.

"Little friend, you have to concentrate on playing chess, otherwise you will lose this game." Mu Chun

Hua looked at Liang Yan from a distance and said with a half-smile.

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes and returned his attention to the chessboard.

Mu Chunhua's alliance strategy is about to take shape. If the three countries form an alliance, it will be a huge threat to himself.

After thinking for a moment, Liang Yan raised his hand a little.

The yellow puppet got his order, rushed down the hillside, bypassed the red puppet on the road, and went straight to the last country of the three alliances.

He wants to send a team of elite soldiers to cut off the connection between the three countries, and at the same time activate the "Zong" son, bypass the three countries, and reach an alliance with the orange puppet in the distance, attacking the three countries from the back and the belly.

Mu Chunhua is good at calculating, and he saw Liang Yan's plan at a glance. He stroked his beard, calmly moved the "Heng" piece, and began to move around the chessboard to defuse the opponent's offensive... .

The two sides came and went, using the power of "vertical" and "horizontal" to stir up the situation of the seven kingdoms, either horizontally or vertically, by arranging troops and setting off a **** storm on the chessboard.

Every move has been carefully calculated by the two of them.

With the passage of time, the puppets on the chessboard fell one by one. In the end, three of the seven kingdoms had been wiped out, leaving only the four kingdoms. The yellow chess and the blue chess were evenly matched.

Neither Mu Chunhua nor Liang Yan was willing to admit defeat.

Suddenly, Liang Yan issued a new order, and the situation on the chessboard changed instantly.

He loosened the suppression of the red puppets, and made progress by retreating, leading the spearheads of the other two countries to Mu Chunhua's blue puppets.

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【Blue Gourd Sword Immortal】【】

With this move, Mu Chunhua's pressure increased sharply, and his face became solemn.

His eyes were fixed on the chessboard, and he was silent for a long time, for a while he didn't know how to play the next chess.

"There are enemies on the left and right, and Patriarch Mu Ke Chuozi conceded defeat." Liang Yan said with a slight smile.

"Not necessarily!"

Mu Chunhua squinted his eyes, and suddenly raised his hand to play a magic trick. With the influx of spiritual energy, the situation on the chessboard changed suddenly.

The blue puppets that were originally trapped in the siege suddenly increased their combat power at this moment. As these puppets became more and more brave, there was a tendency to break out of the siege.

"Patriarch Mu is cheating?"

Liang Yan's expression changed slightly.

The opponent did not follow the rules of "Kingdom Destroyed Chess" at all, but used his own magical powers to forcibly enhance the puppet's combat power, thus changing the situation.

"Hehe, soldiers, tricks! Since we are playing chess, you and I are naturally in the chess game, but the little friend didn't make good use of it." Mu Chunhua stroked his beard and explained forcibly.


Liang Yan snorted coldly, pinched the magic trick in his hand, and injected a spiritual power into the chessboard. The strength of the yellow puppet skyrocketed, and the blue puppet was suppressed again on the scene.

Seeing this, Mu Chunhua was naturally not to be outdone, and hurriedly pinched the magic trick in his hand, and an endless stream of spiritual power poured into the ground, fighting with Liang Yan's diamond power.

The fighting between the two sides has now become a competition of spiritual power.

On the surface, everything on the chessboard is business as usual, but only the two of them know that the waves are already turbulent below the chessboard! The spiritual power of the two of you comes and goes, and neither of them will give in half a step.

Just when the scene was in a state of anxiety, Mu Ying suddenly came to Mu Chunhua's back and called out:


This shout distracted Mu Chunhua's attention, and also let Liang Yan see the flaws. The yellow puppet's combat power skyrocketed, showing great power and quickly destroying the opponent's blue puppet!


Mu Chunhua patted his thigh and stood up from the stone pillar.

Seeing that the general situation on the chessboard was over, the old patriarch was beating his chest and stomping his feet, weeping loudly on the stone pillar.

"Stinky girl, grandpa, I have a great chance, I won't lose at all, are you okay to call ***?"

Mu Ying was glared by him, but she was not afraid, but said with a smile: "Grandpa is not ashamed! He lost a long time ago, and he has to use cheating to save the defeat. If it spreads out, the people in the village will not be allowed to. laugh at you?"

"you you!"

Mu Chunhua seemed to be annoyed by her, two words "you" in a row, but she was speechless.

"Hee hee, my good grandfather, don't you always say that victory or defeat is a common thing in military affairs? My little brother is very savvy and has superb chess skills. If you lose to him, UU reading is not wrong!"

After listening to Mu Ying's words, Mu Chunhua gradually recovered. He glanced at his precious granddaughter and then at Liang Yan. He seemed to understand something, and shook his head and sighed:

"It's been said that women's colleges don't stay, but now I understand it. That's all, I, Mu Chunhua's wise life, was ruined today."

"Grandpa!" Mu Ying acted coquettishly beside him, pulling Mu Chunhua's sleeve, making the patriarch of the Stone Spirit Clan a little dumbfounded.

"Okay, okay, grandpa, I'm not angry."

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【Blue Gourd Sword Immortal】【】

Mu Chunhua patted Mu Ying's head helplessly, turned to Liang Yan and said, "You have passed my test."

"Assessment?" Liang Yan was a little surprised.

"Nonsense, I'm the patriarch! Yi Yin let you join the Stone Spirit Clan without my consent, and promised to give you 70% of the "five-color soil". Of course I, the patriarch, should investigate it, right? "Mu Chunhua rolled his eyes and said.

"I see."

After listening to Liang Yan, he smiled lightly, and bowed his hands to Mu Chunhua: "I don't know how Liang's performance today, but he can still get into the eyes of Patriarch Mu?"

"You're doing well, old man, I'm very satisfied."

Mu Chunhua stroked his beard and said with a smile, "I was worried that you didn't have the strength before, but now I'm completely relieved...Little friend, follow me to the villa."

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