The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1456: Shennong Messenger

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There was a man Liang Yan had seen on the dragon boat that the Shadowless Clan was riding on.

This person is tall and thin, wearing a black robe, it is Fang Yun who appeared at Baifengpo that night!

That night, Liang Yan hid outside the courtyard and heard the plan of several people clearly.

This Fang Yun is also a member of the "Ye Ming Sect", and during the hunt in Longding Mountain, this person is likely to come to hunt and kill him.

Just as Liang Yan was secretly looking at Fang Yun, Fang Yun seemed to feel something, and looked in his direction.

Liang Yan immediately looked away.

He knew that the reason why Fang Yun looked at him was not because he had noticed something, but because he had sensed the "Dagu" puppet in his storage ring.

Zheng Qiu made a mark among the puppets, members of the Ye Ming Cult can find themselves through this mark, and then clear themselves as an uncertain outsider.

Liang Yan knew this well, but on the surface he pretended to be ignorant.

He did not urge the Tianji Pearl to cover up the aura of "Da Gu", because doing so would arouse suspicion, and after entering Longding Mountain, he would "disappear" under Ye Mingjiao's nose.

Fang Yun had a ghost in his heart, so he just glanced at Liang Yan from a distance, and immediately looked away.

The two dragon boats came from different directions, but finally arrived at the foot of Longding Mountain at the same time and landed in front of everyone.

The monks of the Tianshui tribe and the Wuying tribe got off the dragon boat. The monks of the two sides didn't say hello. They were far away from each other, and there was a hint of hostility.

Liang Yan was as careful as a hair, and naturally noticed something strange.

"What? The Tianshui Clan and the Wuying Clan are at odds?" Liang Yan asked Lu Dayou beside him.

"That's not true." Lu Dayou shrugged and said, "The strengths of these two tribes are about the same. Say they can make peace?"

"Didn't it mean that there were no disputes among the clans of Langhuan?"

"Of course there is no dispute among the clans of Langhuan, but this involves a romantic past..."

Lu Dayou sighed and said: "To put it simply, the patriarch of the Tianshui clan is a passionate woman. She once fell in love with the patriarch of the Wuying clan and even gave up her position in the end, but the patriarch of the Wuying clan moved away. Falling in love and finally abandoning the head of the Tianshui clan, the grievances between the two clans arose from this."

"It turned out to be like this!"

Liang Yan didn't expect this to be the reason. Looking around, he saw a graceful lady in palace attire at the very front of the Tianshui tribe.

This **** is the cultivation base of Jindan peak, she has a pretty appearance, but her eyes are as cold as ice, she seems to be the girl who Lu Dayou said was abandoned by the head of the Shadowless Clan.

As for the Shadowless Clan, they are led by a tall, handsome man, and beside him is a beautiful woman who is as gorgeous as a peach blossom. They seem to be a Taoist couple.

People from both sides walked towards the intersection of the mountain road. The intersection was tight and narrow, and the two sides refused to give in to each other.

"Bold! You monks of the Shadowless Clan, seeing our Tianshui Clan here, don't you hurry to step aside?" A young man in white among the Tianshui Clan shouted loudly.

"Hehe, I said who is barking here. It turned out to be Duan Tao from your Tianshui clan! What's wrong? I didn't beat you enough last time, and your skin was itchy again?" A voice from the Shadowless crowd sneered.

Liang Yan looked intently, only to see that the speaker was Fang Yun.

Duan Tao of the Tianshui Clan was so angry that his face turned red, and he shouted loudly: "Fang Yun! Don't be ignorant! Last time I asked you on purpose. If we have the ability, let's do another gesture?"

"Do you want to make gestures again?" Fang Yun showed an expression of interest on his face, he laughed and said, "Success, you will enter Longding Mountain later. When you meet me, don't be scared to pee your pants!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the monks of the Shadowless Clan burst into laughter immediately, and some people shouted: "I heard that Duan Tao was timid before, so he won't be scared to death right away, right?"

"Is it true? Scaring others to death is a violation of the rules? The Shennong envoy will not punish us?"



The monks of the Shadowless Clan laughed unscrupulously. Amidst their laughter, Duan Tao's face turned livid, his clenched fists exposed with blue veins, and he suddenly yelled:

"Fang Yun, I

I'll fight with you, I'll come if I have the guts..."

Before he could finish speaking, someone pressed his shoulder.

Duan Tao came to his senses, looked back, and found that it was his patriarch.

The female cultivator in palace attire and with cold eyes shook her head at him, who immediately understood, suppressed the anger in her heart, and retreated back into the crowd.

"Situ Wen, are your clansmen like this?" the nun's cold voice sounded, and she looked at the head of the Wuying clan in the distance.

"What's wrong with my people? Didn't you people from the Tianshui tribe provoke you first?" Situ Wen said slowly, facing the questioning of the Tianshui tribe's leader, he didn't back down in the slightest.

"Sister Lanli, this is your fault." Beside Situ Wen, the pretty-looking female cultivator said with a smile, "Let's go on each side of the road. It's not like the water in the well. But why did you instruct Duan Tao to come here?" Provoking us? Don’t tell me you’re still obsessed with Brother Situ and angry with my sister?”

"I bother!"

Lan Li said angrily: "You couple, don't you take a picture of yourself without urinating? What kind of a guy is Situ Wen? I still miss him? And you little bastard, don't You thought that if you hooked up with Situ Wen, you would be able to rise to the top, and when he got tired of playing, you would also be kicked away."

"shut up!"

Situ Wen yelled angrily, and suddenly slapped out a palm from the air, a palm made of black shadow appeared in front of Lan Li, and moved towards her chest.

Seeing this, Lan Li smiled instead of anger.

"Situ Wen, Situ Wen, you did this first. I have been waiting for this day for a long time!"

As soon as the words fell, Lan Li made a gesture with both hands, and a drop of water appeared on his chest.

The water droplets spun around and rushed into the air, turning into eight water dragons, baring their fangs and claws with terrifying momentum, biting towards Situ Wen's black palm print at the same time.

Situ Wen originally had the upper hand in the sneak attack, but the eight water dragons were so fast that they stopped the black palm prints before they hit Lan Li.


There was a bang, and the black palm print was scattered by the water dragon, turning into a faint black smoke and dissipating. But the eight water dragons were unscathed, surrounded by Lan Li, full of momentum.

"Tianshui Shenlong Jue?"

Seeing this scene from a distance, Situ Wen narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I didn't expect that there are still people in your Tianshui tribe who can realize the 'Tianshui Shenlong Jue' from the totem! I remember that the last person who realized this technique was Chief Lin. Counting the time, it should be a character from three thousand years ago." ?”

"Huh! If the ancestors can realize it, so can I, and I will surpass the ancients and make the Tianshui clan the strongest among the ten clans!"

Lan Li snorted, looked at Situ Wen in the distance, and said coldly: "Situ Wen, you will regret your decision at the beginning! I will let you know today that I, Lan Li, are above you!"

As soon as the words fell, Lan Li already made a formula with both hands, controlled eight water dragons, and rushed towards Situ Wen.

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