The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1460: Vessel finger

Gu Xingyun's eyes were full of disbelief.

He didn't understand and didn't believe that the woman he was willing to protect with his life would actually betray him.

But the pain in the chest is so real.

The dagger that pierced the heart was glowing faintly with purple awns, obviously containing highly poisonous.

Gu Xingyun felt a piercing pain. This pain did not come from the poison of the dagger, but from the betrayal of his beloved.

The moment he was attacked, he instinctively raised his palm, as if he wanted to hit Mu Ying, but looking at the face he once loved most, he couldn't do it at all.

"Why. Why are you doing this?"

Gu Xingyun staggered a little, looking very weak.

The palm he raised failed to fall after all, and "Mu Ying" took advantage of this opportunity to retreat tens of feet.

"Why? Because we have different ways!" Mu Ying's voice became very cold.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Gu Xingyun asked hoarsely.

"Of course, everything I do is for the great divine religion!"

Mu Ying looked at Gu Xingyun in the distance, her eyes fluctuated slightly, but soon, this fluctuation was replaced by firm belief.

"Gu Xingyun, I admit that during the years when I played 'Mu Ying', I did have some feelings for you. But this kind of feeling is not what I want! I have dedicated my life to the gods, For the great wish of the Divine Cult, I will do whatever it takes, including you!"

"What kind of **** religion, Mu Ying, why did you become like this?" Gu Xingyun's vision was a little blurred, and he suddenly felt that Mu Ying in front of him was so strange. Tell him it's all fake.

"Shut up! I'm not Mu Ying. Mu Ying died thirty years ago. I used her identity to approach you just to take advantage of you!"

"No! You lied to me! You lied to me, right? Quickly tell me that all of this is fake!" Gu Xingyun couldn't bear it anymore, broke down and yelled like crazy.

Seeing Gu Xingyun's crazy look, Mu Ying's eyes flashed a look of unbearable.

However, there was a voice behind her with a sneer and said: "What? It's all come to this point, don't you feel sorry for this kid?"

For this sudden voice, Mu Ying was not surprised at all, but said lightly: "Mu Ying's mission has been completed, and the rest will be left to you."


With a smirk, a man in black with a black cloth mask came out of the forest.

This person is seven feet tall, with a girth of ape and a wasp waist. He is carrying an ancient black gold knife behind his back, and his movements are very capable.

He came to Mu Ying's side, looked at Gu Xingyun who had fallen into madness with her, and said with a mocking smile: "This is the genius monk of the Stone Spirit Clan? Tsk tsk, it's nothing more than that! 'Voldi Golden Bowl', you don't need to do anything extra, I can kill him by myself!"

"He's already crazy, why bother to ridicule him? Give him a good time." Mu Ying said, turning around, as if she couldn't bear to see the next scene.

"Hey, don't worry, my knife is fast, your old friend won't feel the pain." The man in black smiled, pulled out the ancient black gold knife from behind, and walked slowly towards Gu Xingyun.

Although Gu Xingyun is insane at the moment, he is a monk at the Golden Core Realm after all, and even when he is insane, he will instinctively protect himself.

Although the man in black said it easily, he did not take it lightly.

As the distance got closer, a crimson flame rose from the knife of the man in black.

"Gu Xingyun, die!"

The man in black shouted loudly, swung the long knife in his hand, and slashed at the top of Gu Xingyun's head.

Gu Xingyun had already fallen into madness at this time, dancing and shouting on the spot, suddenly a fiery red knife light struck from the top of his head, subconsciously circulated spiritual power, and condensed a stone statue in front of him.


The long knife of the man in black struck the stone statue condensed by Gu Xingyun's earth-type spiritual power, but it was not cut in half immediately. Instead, the tip of the knife was stuck in the crack of the stone, unable to enter or retreat .

"Damn it, are you a member of the Stone Spirit Race belonged to the tortoise? The shell is so hard!"

The man in black cursed, and the fingers of his right hand suddenly moved forward, and a green glow shot out, instantly breaking through Gu Xingyun's aura of body protection, and penetrated into his meridians.

With the entry of Qingmang, all the meridians in Gu Xingyun's body were sealed, and his spiritual power could not flow, and naturally the stone statue blocking his head could not be maintained.


Without the blessing of spiritual power, the man in black cut the stone statue in half with just a little force with his long knife.

However, Gu Xingyun's meridians were sealed, and the spiritual power in his body could not be circulated. He fell to the ground and woke up from his madness.

Sensing the abnormality in his body, Gu Xingyun's face changed drastically!

"How could this be?!"

Before he could think about it, the black long knife on top of his head had already fallen, and the spiritual power in his body was empty, unable to resist the knife of the man in black at all.

Just when he was about to be split in half, a breeze suddenly blew by, and then his eyes blurred, and there was an extra figure between himself and the man in black!

The person who came was dressed in gray and long gown. He was tall, with broad shoulders, and one arm exuded a faint golden light. He even held the blade of the man in black with his bare hands!

"It's you!"

Gu Xingyun looked at this scene in surprise.

He never thought that when his life was dying, the person who came to save him was actually a person who had a grudge before!

"It seems that I came at the right time." The man in gray turned his face to him, and smiled slightly: "If I arrive later, I'm afraid you will become a victim of the sword."

"Friend Liang Daoist" Gu Xingyun smiled wryly, with a helpless expression on his face.

The black-clothed man was about to succeed, but Wu Chengxiang suddenly killed a man halfway and caught his long knife with his bare hands, his expression changed drastically.

"Who are you?"

As the man in black said, he wanted to withdraw the long knife, but found that his weapon was not moving at all in the opponent's hand, and he could not withdraw it at all.

"Zhidao in Xialiang, monk of the Stone Spirit Clan, you seem to have violated the iron law of the Langhuan Continent by killing people in front of my eyes?"

"What? You are Liang Zhidao?"

The man in black was slightly startled, let go of the long knife in his hand, retreated sharply, and returned to Mu Ying's side in an instant.

"Is he the new mysterious monk from your Stone Spirit Clan?" the man in black asked in a low voice.

Mu Ying nodded, and said solemnly, "His supernatural power is unfathomable, even Gu Xingyun in his heyday can't do anything to him."

"Hmph, what is Gu Xingyun in his heyday? Today I want to try his tricks!"

Before the man in black finished speaking, he pinched a magic formula in his hand, and a cloud of fire appeared directly above Liang Yan's head, hooding his head.

"Tianhuoyun! You are a monk of the Scarlet Fire Clan!"

Seeing this scene, Gu Xingyun immediately guessed the origin of the man in black.

"Hmph, so what if you know? You all have to die today!"

The man in black made mudras with his hands and muttered something.

The sky fire cloud expanded rapidly in mid-air, and when it reached Liang Yan's head, it was already tens of feet in radius, and the flames soared into the air, burning blazingly!

"It's just a trick."

Liang Yan glanced at the fire cloud above his head, his face was calm, a golden light burst out from his right hand, and he punched the fire cloud in midair.


There was a loud noise, and the divine power of Vajra soared into the sky, sweeping away the sea of ​​flames with a radius of tens of feet!

"how is this possible?"

The man in black saw this scene from afar, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"This person's strength is unfathomable. I am by no means his opponent. Let's go!"

With this idea in mind, the man in black turned around and ran without any hesitation, and went straight to the depths of the mountain forest at a surprisingly fast speed.

"Want to run?"

Liang Yan sneered, tapped his feet lightly, his whole body was like a wild goose flying in the air, and he caught up in an instant.

The vajra divine power gathered in his right arm, Liang Yan clenched into a fist, and punched in the direction in which the man in black was running away.

Although he has fallen to the lower realm, but the vajra divine power is rare in the same rank. This punch is as powerful as a bamboo, splitting mountains and cracking rocks. With the cultivation of the man in black, it is impossible to resist.

Seeing the punch coming from behind, the man in black suddenly grabbed Mu Ying beside him and threw her behind him.

Mu Ying never dreamed that she had just betrayed Gu Xingyun, and turned around and was betrayed by others.

The cultivation level of the man in black far surpassed that of Mu Ying, so she had no strength to resist at all, so she was thrown over like a sandbag.

Of course, Liang Yan would not pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, let alone a trace of pity.

His punch didn't relax at all, and it directly hit Mu Ying's body.

As far as Mu Ying is a woman, she is also good at dancing with long sleeves, and has a glib tongue. With her charming skills, many male cultivators of the Stone Spirit Tribe fell under her skirt, including geniuses like Gu Xingyun, who were willing to die for her.

But all of these have no effect at all in the face of the divine power of Vajra.


With a loud noise, this charming woman was blasted into countless fragments by the divine power of Vajra, and she didn't even say a word before she died.

Liang Yan punched Mu Ying to death, the strength of the fist was still alive, and he still rushed forward.

However, after Mu Ying's dismembered corpse, there was an inconspicuous blue light galloping towards him, the speed was surprisingly fast, and in the blink of an eye, it had already reached his chest.

"Be careful!"

Gu Xingyun behind him suddenly yelled: "That's the 'Maid Sealing Finger'!"

"The pulse sealing finger?"

Liang Yan remembered the name, but before he could think about it, the blue light penetrated into his body.

For a moment, Liang Yan felt that the meridians in his body seemed to be sealed by some kind of power, and his spiritual power could not function for a while.

Part of his meridians had already been occupied by the evil spirit, and there were only a few meridians he could use, but now he was sealed by this mysterious force, "Ba Bu Yan Yuan" could no longer function, and the surging fist energy dissipated instantly.

"This supernatural power is weird!"

Liang Yan's face changed slightly. He didn't expect the other party to have such supernatural powers that he could seal his own meridians.

But this power was only temporary. Liang Yan adjusted his breath on the spot for a while, and soon broke through the seal in the meridians, and the spiritual power in his body could flow freely again.

And the man in black took this opportunity to run hundreds of feet away, almost disappearing in the depths of the woods.


Seeing that the other party was about to escape, Liang Yan snorted coldly, pinched the sword formula in his hand, and an invisible sword light slashed out.

The man in black who was running in the distance suddenly felt that his body became much lighter.

He looked down subconsciously, and found that his body below the waist was gone, his legs remained in place, and only the upper half of his body was still flying in the air.

"That's... my leg?"

The man in black suddenly came to his senses, and only then did a piercing pain surge into his mind, which made him let out a miserable scream.


Half of the man in black fell from mid-air, but he was still crawling with his hands, as if he wanted to stay away from Liang Yan.

After climbing a few steps, someone stopped in front of him.

It was Liang Yan who rushed over with Gu Xingyun.

"Are you a member of the Yeming Cult? Tell me, what is your Yeming Cult's plan?" Liang Yan looked at the man in front of him who was only half body, and his tone was very cold.

"Hehe." The man in black let out an indistinct laugh, as if he didn't bother to answer his words.

"not good!"

Liang Yan came to his senses suddenly, and suddenly reached out his hand to touch the man in black, and then pried his mouth open, only to find that there were some poisonous residues inside.

"Hahaha! It's useless, I've already taken the 'Breaking Soul Pill', even if you search for the soul, you can't find anything!"

Black blood started gushing from the seven orifices of the man in black, and his whole body twitched, obviously he couldn't survive.

"The night is over, and the dawn is approaching! The religion will last forever!"

The man in black yelled out these words with the last of his strength, then his neck tilted and he completely lost his vitality.

"Is he crazy?" Liang Yan frowned.

"He is Lie Tao from the Scarlet Fire Clan!"

Since the mask of the man in black had fallen off, Gu Xingyun recognized his identity at a glance.

"I remember that Lie Tao is also a genius monk in the Scarlet Fire Clan, with a bright future, why did he do such a thing?" Gu Xingyun's eyes were full of puzzlement.

"And just the trick he used to sneak attack on you was actually one of the seven great skills of Shennong Mountain, the 'Main Sealing Finger'!"

"Sealing finger"

Liang Yan recalled Lie Tao's move just now, it was really powerful, with his early Golden Core state, he was able to temporarily seal his meridians!

"Friend Liang Daoist."

Gu Xingyun's voice interrupted Liang Yan's thoughts, and he saw the man bowed to the ground with a respectful face.

"Thank you for saving your life just now!"

"You don't need to be too polite, saving you is just a matter of convenience, but it's a pity that Lie Tao died too quickly, so I can't ask anything." Liang Yan shook his head, then thought of something, and asked: "You said 'Main Sealing Finger' It is one of the seven great skills of Shennong Mountain, as a monk of the Scarlet Fire Clan, how could Lie Tao use this supernatural power?"

"This is also what I want to ask. It's too unreasonable!" Gu Xingyun said with a puzzled face.

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