The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1464: dead end

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Tang Zhen hurried, but in the end he couldn't save Zhu Xi.

His face was extremely angry, and he shouted: "You two juniors are so arrogant, you dare to continue killing people in front of me, do you want to die?"

"Ha ha."

Han Caidie turned around with a strange look on her face. "We have devoted ourselves to the religion, and we have put life and death aside!"

"That's right." Diao Zhongguang also nodded, and the wretched smile disappeared, replaced by a firm look. "If you want to achieve great things, why don't you sacrifice yourself? Everything we do is for the Langhuan family. Today's matter is nothing more than death!"

After hearing the two people's answers, Tang Zhen's face gradually became gloomy.

"It seems that the two of you have already decided to die... Tell me, who founded the **** religion you are talking about? Where is the main helm? What is the purpose? If you are willing to tell the truth, I can give you A joy!"

"Do you think we'll tell you?" Han Caidie smiled sarcastically.

Tang Zhen suddenly sensed that something was wrong, because there was a slight fluctuation in the aura of the two people. Although the fluctuation was very slight, his realm was much higher than the two, and he was keenly aware of it at this time.

"What are you doing?"

Tang Zhen's face turned serious, and he asked in a deep voice.

But Han Caidie and Diao Chongguang didn't speak, they just had a weird smile on their faces.

Tang Zhen took a closer look and found that the vitality in Han Caidie and Diao Chongguang's bodies was rapidly disappearing, and blue and red rays of light appeared behind them respectively. These two rays of light were very weak, sinking down their legs. Into the ground, and finally disappeared.

"not good!"

Tang Zhen hastily released his consciousness, and after a while, his face suddenly changed.

"You are forming an formation in the dark!"

"Hey, I just found out now, it's too late!" Han Caidie laughed, looking a little crazy.

At the same time, the rays of light behind the two of them no longer concealed it, and suddenly surged, all sinking into the ground.

On the land with a radius of hundreds of feet, a huge skull mark appeared, and powerful spiritual power emanated from the ground, forming a solid cage that enveloped all three of them.

Tang Zhen's consciousness spread out, feeling the powerful power contained in the cage, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

"What kind of magic circle is this? There is no such magic among the Langhuan Hundred Clans, and our Shennong Mountain does not have this kind of inheritance. Where did you learn it from?"

"This is the magic circle that will kill you. As for its origin, you don't need to worry about it." Diao Chongguang laughed.

Tang Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly: "You two don't think that you can beat me with this magic circle, do you?"

"Of course we can't beat you, but the enchantment formed by the two of us with our lives can trap you for at least a quarter of an hour." Han Caidie said lightly.

"A quarter of an hour? So what?" Tang Zhen raised his eyebrows.

"A quarter of an hour is enough."

A smile appeared on Han Caidie's face, and he and Diao Chongguang looked at each other without any hesitation. At the same time, they raised their right hand and pointed their fingertips at themselves.


Tang Zhen suddenly understood something, and his face changed drastically.

He also disregarded the rules of Langhuan Continent not to allow flying escape, so he raised a beam of escape light and flew to where the two were.

However, Han Caidie and Diao Chongguang had planned for a long time, and before Tang Zhen arrived, a blue light burst out from their fingertips at the same time, piercing into their hearts.

"The pulse sealing finger!"

The supernatural power used by the two is exactly the "Main Sealing Finger", one of the seven unique skills of Shennong Mountain!

This blue light not only sealed off their meridians, but also severed their own heart meridians. The vitality of the two of them disappeared quickly. Essence and blood flowed from the soles of their feet and merged into the large formation underground.

The skull imprint deep in the ground absorbed the blood essence of the two, and a ray of light lit up, blocking Tang Zhen in place, unable to get close to the two of them at all.

Tang Zhen could only watch the two die in front of him.

All this changed too suddenly, from Han Caidie and Diao Chongguang

Suicide by hand, until he realized it, it only took one-thousandth of a breath. Although Tang Zhen's cultivation level was much higher than the two, he didn't expect the two to be so crazy, and they committed suicide directly. If they reacted a little slower, there was no chance to stop them.

"Crazy, really crazy!"

Tang Zhen looked at the corpses on the ground, and the two people who had just committed suicide, his expression changed again and again.

"What kind of organization is this **** religion? Why have I never heard of it before? Why are their followers so crazy?"

Thinking of what Diao Chongguang said before, if you want to achieve great things, you must sacrifice, and what they do is for the Langhuan clan...

"They want to use me to stir up grievances between Shennongshan and the ten major tribes!"

Tang Zhen is not stupid, of course he knows their purpose at this time, although these two committed suicide, but the spell they used to commit suicide is "Main Sealing Finger"!

Fengmai refers to Qijuxue, and Qijuxue is the secret of Shennong Mountain.

Once people see this scene, they will definitely regard themselves as the murderer, and then they will really be speechless!

Tang Zhenxin turned to the telegram. As an envoy of Shennong, he was not slow to react. The countermeasure that came to his mind at this moment was to destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces!

As long as the bodies of the few people present are destroyed, no one will see that they died from the "Main Sealing Finger".

Thinking of this, UU Reading Tang Zhen immediately made a tactic with both hands, using spiritual power to condense a ball of flame above his head, and burned it towards the corpses of the people.

However, the flame had only just flown three feet, when a puff of black air emerged from the depths of the ground, dragging the flame down from mid-air, sinking into the ground, and finally disappeared without a trace!

"Damn it, what kind of magic circle is this!"

Tang Zhen's knowledge is not weak. He has already seen that this magic circle is very mysterious, and there are many changes in it that even he can't understand.

The cultivator who created this formation is afraid that his cultivation base is much higher than his own.

In addition, Han Caidie and Diao Chongguang took the initiative to sacrifice their lives, which strengthened the magic circle and made it extremely strong. Even with the cultivation base of the Tongxuan realm, it may be difficult to break it in a short time open.

Although Tang Zhen cursed in his heart, he was unwilling to fall into the trap of others like this. With a pinch of the magic formula in his hand, he condensed a green spear in front of him.


With a wave of his big sleeve, the spear pierced through the air, and just after flying three feet, it was stopped by a cloud of black air from the ground.

"Break me!"

Tang Zhen didn't hold back the slightest bit, the spiritual power in his body gushed out crazily, urging the spear, trying to pierce the black mist and rush out of the magic circle.

The black mist was indeed broken by the spear a lot.

But there are so many of them and their range is extremely wide. Although they can't stop the spears in place, they can minimize the speed at which the spears advance.

In this way, Tang Zhen broke through with all his strength, forming a stalemate with the black mist spit out by the underground skeleton...

Time passed bit by bit, and a quarter of an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

Tang Zhen's supernatural power has broken through most of the black mist, and it is not far from the time when he completely breaks through.

At this time, the underground skeleton suddenly disappeared strangely, all the black mist sank into the ground, and even the barrier that trapped Tang Zhen disappeared.

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