The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1467: unfinished game

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In the poisonous miasma forest, more than thirty figures shot at the same time.

Seven of them are at the Jindan Realm, and the rest are at the Yuanju Realm.

Liang Yan was not surprised by this, because Ye Xiangping was going to take Fang Yun and Pang Diao's souls, both of them were true Yeming Cultists, once they were taken in, the truth would be revealed to the public immediately.

Instead of sitting still and waiting to die, it is better to take the initiative to attack. If it were me, I would choose this way.

He glanced in the air and saw Luo Tian from the Tianshui clan, Huo Guang from the Panlong clan, Wuma from the Dan royal clan, and a one-eyed man from the Heini clan... These people just added fuel to the flames and wanted to frame Tang Zhen, but now they are attacking at the same time. Liang Yan must be put to death!

In the face of everyone's joint blow, Liang Yan's face remained as calm as water, and he didn't even have any intention of making a move.

Almost at the same time, a loud shout came from behind:

"Brother, back off!"

Before he finished speaking, a figure in Tsing Yi stood in front of him.

The visitor raised his palms together, and his spiritual power soared into the sky, turning into a green hill, horizontal in mid-air, and bounced away all the magical powers coming from all directions.

Immediately afterwards, he rubbed his palms together, and the blue hill split into pieces again, turning into more than 30 huge boulders of different sizes, shooting towards all directions around.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of muffled sounds came, and the boulder broke through everyone's spells, and fell on those Yeming Cultists who were trying to attack Liang Yan.

Among them, seven of the largest boulders slammed into Luo Tian, ​​Huo Guang, Wuma and other Jindan monks respectively. The bodies of these seven people were slightly shocked, and then they spit blood and flew back backwards!

The rest of the small broken stones fell on the monks in the Yuan Gathering Realm, and immediately shot them with sores and holes, and fell from mid-air, all of them were dying!

"Ye Ming Cult? Hmph! You guys are so brave!"

The person standing in front of Liang Yan was Tang Zhen, the envoy of Shennong.

He snorted coldly, turned his back to Liang Yan, and said slowly, "Don't be afraid, little brother, with me, Tang Zhen, here today, no one can touch a hair of yours!"

"Thank you very much!" Liang Yan said with a slight smile.

"Thank you for what? I should be the one to thank you!"

As Tang Zhen said, he flicked his big sleeve, and a green light shot out from the sleeve, divided into seven in mid-air, and shot at the seven monks at the golden core level at the same time.

Huo Guang, Luo Tian, ​​Wuma and the others all changed their faces drastically, and each used their tricks to press the bottom of the box, but they still couldn't stop Tang Zhen's random finger.

The "Maid Sealing Finger" is easy to learn but difficult to master. Different people use it with different powers. Han Caidie, Huo Guang and others, although they can barely activate this supernatural power, they can't exert its real power.

For example, just now, when Huo Guang was in danger, he instinctively used the "Main Sealing Finger", but it only sealed the time for Liang Yan's breath. After one breath, he was completely broken through by the vajra divine power in Liang Yan's body.

Now, Tang Zhen uses the "Main Sealing Finger", which is far more powerful than everyone before.

As soon as he pointed it out, blue light burst out, coming and going without a trace, instantly breaking the magical powers of the seven people, and penetrated into their bodies.

Huo Guang felt a powerful force seal all his meridians, and the spiritual power in his body could no longer be mobilized. The two black dragons that had just rushed into the air disappeared at this moment, completely disappearing.

He looked around and saw that his six companions were all the same, their spiritual powers were all sealed, and they could no longer use their supernatural powers.

Looking at the monks from the top ten tribes, they had all dispersed at this time, and in turn surrounded the people of the Ye Ming Sect.

The friends who used to be of the same clan as me now have expressions of grief and indignation, and the faces of other clans are even more vicious, wishing to swallow him alive.

Huo Guang knew that what he and his group had done had already committed a heinous crime, and there was no way out.


In the desperate situation, Huo Guang suddenly laughed wildly.

"Tang Zhen!"

He yelled sharply, looked at the envoy of Shennong in the distance, with a look of madness on his face: "Do you think that

Why, have you already won?"

Tang Zhen frowned slightly, glanced at Huo Guang, and said calmly: "This is the end, you still want to fight trapped beasts?"

"Hahaha! Tang Zhen, I laugh at your short-sightedness. Now here, who is the "trapped beast" is not sure!"


Tang Zhen raised his eyebrows, and was about to say something more, but he saw the expressions of determination on the faces of the seven people opposite.

The next moment, these seven people took out a dagger from the storage ring at the same time, and then stabbed it into their hearts.


Tang Zhen never expected that these people would commit suicide directly.

He took a closer look and found that there was a strange skull pattern on the end of the handle of these daggers. As the dagger tip was inserted into the hearts of the seven people, their blood and souls were drawn out at the same time, and finally all merged into the skull pattern.

"They're sacrificing themselves!"

Liang Yan's voice suddenly sounded behind Tang Zhen.

Just now, in order to draw out Huo Guang's "Maid Sealing Finger" supernatural power, he took the initiative to suffer the opponent's attack. Although the meridians have already been unblocked, the spiritual power in his body is still a little disordered, so he has been practicing exercises and breathing adjustments during this time.

Unlike Tang Zhen, Liang Yan has long experienced the madness of the Ye Ming Sect.

When he saw Huo Guang and the others take out their daggers, he immediately thought of their purpose.


Tang Zhen was taken aback for a moment, then his expression changed drastically. He wasn't stupid, so he naturally thought of what the other party was going to do.

It's a pity that it's too late now...

I saw that the seven strange daggers drank blood and soul, then sank at the same time, and inserted into the ground.

The skull imprint that had disappeared for a long time reappeared on the ground under everyone's feet. A greedy and bloodthirsty breath came from the depths of the ground, which surprised everyone.


Suddenly, there were several exclamations among the crowd.

Everyone looked around, only to see those Yeming Cultists who were injured by Tang Zhen.

They were already dying, lying on the ground. At this time, the vitality was sucked away by the ground under their feet, the blood in their bodies continued to flow out, and finally penetrated into the ground, while their physical bodies gradually decayed, and finally turned into a pile of white bones.

Seeing this scene, the monks from the top ten tribes all felt their scalps go numb.

This feeling is as if there is a huge mouth deep in the ground, as long as one of them is injured, the blood will be sucked up immediately, and only the bones are left in the end...

"What kind of magic circle is this..."

Tang Zhen frowned slightly, as an envoy of Shennong, with a cultivation level of Tongxuan Realm, he didn't even recognize this formation.

At this time, Liang Yan had fully recovered, stepped forward, and stood side by side with him.

"Let's understand the way of formation. In my opinion, this formation is very mysterious. The person who created this formation has unfathomable strength. I'm afraid it is far above you and me!" Liang Yan said slowly.

After Tang Zhen heard this, his face became more serious.

"It seems that the people behind the Yeming Sect are not simple...they have a big plan, and the matter of Longding Mountain is just the tip of the iceberg. I must report this matter to Shennong Mountain as soon as possible!"

"You still want to return to Shennong Mountain? Today's chess game is not over yet, let's talk about leaving alive..." Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, a terrifying force came from the depths of the ground.

With a radius of hundreds of feet, the rays of the sun burst out, dazzling and dazzling, all kinds of spiritual energy gathered in midair, and finally formed a strange killing formation, covering Tang Zhen, Liang Yan and all the monks of the ten major tribes...


At the same time that the top of Longding Mountain was undergoing great changes, at the foot of Longding Mountain.

In an open space, the patriarchs, high priests, gods, and elders of the ten major tribes all sat on the ground, quietly waiting for the end of the hunt in Longding Mountain.

Mu Chunhua, the Patriarch of the Stone Spirit Clan, was also among them.

He sat cross-legged on a boulder, and behind him were the high priest Yi Yin, Shenwei Lin Yi, and several clan elders.

Although they are both monks of the Stone Spirit Clan, they don't talk much,

They seem to have their own ideas.

Mu Chunhua didn't pay attention to the people behind him. He remained calm and looked up at Longding Mountain in the distance. His eyes seemed to pass through the mountains and forests, and landed on the top of Longding Mountain.

No one knew what he was thinking.

Suddenly, Mu Chunhua frowned slightly, because a voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Time has passed..."

The voice was very soft and the words were short, but the information conveyed made Mu Chunhua's face a little gloomy.

Mu Chunhua turned his head, glanced casually, and finally met Qin Ming, the patriarch of the Panlong Clan.

The sound just now came from this person's sound transmission technique.

"The agreed time has passed, and I haven't seen the signal sent by Huo Guang. It seems that the operation on the mountain has encountered an accident." Qin Ming's voice sounded again.

"Hmph, didn't you say that Huo Guang is worthy of a big job? It seems to be exaggerating!" Mu Chunhua said calmly on the surface, but secretly said angrily through sound transmission.

"Everyone has misjudgment. Besides, the people you arranged are also in there, so it doesn't help? Don't blame each other at such times?" Qin Ming said lightly.

After Mu Chunhua heard this, he sighed softly, and said via voice transmission: "This is the end of the matter, we can only get to the bottom of it..."

When the two said this, they looked at each other calmly, then turned their eyes, and looked in the direction of the Shadowless Clan at the same time.

There, Situ Wen, the patriarch of the Wuying Clan, was drinking and having fun surrounded by everyone, holding a young female cultivator who was as gorgeous as a peach blossom in his arms, looking very happy.

Anyone who is familiar with the Wuying Clan knows that the female cultivator is Situ Wen's current dual cultivator, named Lingyao, and her cultivation is at the early stage of Golden Core.

It was because Situ Wen was fascinated by her beauty that he abandoned Lanli from the Tianshui tribe, which eventually caused a estrangement between the Tianshui tribe and the Wuying tribe.

"Husband, you seem to have a plan in mind?"

Lingyao giggled in Situ Wen's arms, fed the wine into his mouth with a jade cup, and continued, "Don't you worry about being defeated by the Tianshui people in this tribal competition? When the time comes, Sister Lanli But it’s on top of us.”

"Xiaoyao, you don't know about that." Situ Wen shook his head, and said somewhat mysteriously, "The biggest support of the Tianshui Clan is Yu Yi. Unfortunately, although this child has excellent talent, his training time is too short. Recently, Xinji made a magic weapon, which can not only restrain Yu Yi's skills, but also enhance the combat effectiveness of our monks. I have already made arrangements before entering the mountain, and you are waiting for the blessings of our Shadowless Clan News!"

"Wow! It turns out that everything is under the control of my husband. He really planned a strategy and won a thousand miles. Yao'er admires it!" Lingyao smiled and buried her head in Situ Wen's chest, looking very delicate.


Situ Wen laughed, took another drink, and held Ling Yao in his arms, looking very satisfied.

"I'm so lucky to be able to be my husband's Taoist companion. It's a pity that Sister Lanli doesn't have this blessing. In fact, if she doesn't give up, Yao'er doesn't mind two daughters serving one husband together." Lingyao's voice became lower and lower, and her expression became slightly Some blush.

When Situ Wen heard "two women serving one husband", his heart was moved, and the evil fire suddenly arose, but on the surface he still looked like a gentleman, shaking his head and said: "Yaoer, don't talk nonsense, I and that old witch have already killed each other. Duan, now I only have you in my heart..."

"Old witch! Situ Wen! How dare you call me an old witch!"

Among the crowd, there was a loud shout suddenly.

It was Lan Li, the patriarch of the Tianshui clan, who jumped out of the crowd, staring at Situ Wen with wide eyes, as if he was going to eat him alive.

"Can she hear this?"

Situ Wen's expression changed drastically. Although the conversation between him and Ling Yao did not use sound transmission, he also used a little sound insulation. The distance is so far, it is impossible for Lan Li to hear.

But now, Lan Li came over angrily with his clansmen.

"Damn it, the old witch's ears are getting better and better!"

Situ Wen cursed secretly, but did not show weakness on the surface, and also led his clansmen to meet him.


Situ Wen, come out and die!" Lan Li shouted in the crowd.

"Lan Li, the envoy of Shennong is in Longding Mountain, have you considered the consequences of doing this?" Situ Wen said lightly.

"Hmph, I, Lan Li, do things alone and act has nothing to do with the Tianshui tribe. Even if I don't kill you today, I will make you peel off!"

Lan Li roared angrily, and suddenly jumped forward, pinching the magic formula in his hand, and the eight water dragons gathered around her again, and rushed towards Situ Wen at the same time.

She was struck with fury, and the spiritual power in her body surged wildly, with almost no reservation.

Situ Wen didn't dare to neglect, he raised his hand and typed out a formula, as if he wanted to sacrifice some magic weapon from the storage ring.

However, just as he moved, there was a heart-piercing pain behind him.

Situ Wen's eyes widened. He didn't understand what happened for a while, but the next moment, he felt a huge force coming from behind him, pushing him towards Lan Li in the distance.


There were exclamations from the Shadowless Clan crowd.

In their sight, colorful spots appeared on Situ Wen's skin, and these spots spread all over his body, which was extremely weird.

At the same time, Situ Wen's stomach swelled, and his whole body became more than three times bigger. Like an inflated ball, it flew towards the Tianshui people.

Lan Li, who was originally furious, was also stunned at this moment.

She couldn't figure out what happened, and at first thought that Situ Wen had practiced some evil skills, but after a closer look, she immediately found something was wrong.

In mid-air, Situ Wen had a painful expression, his eyes turned white, and the corners of his mouth were drooling.

All of this shows that what is happening now is not voluntary at all.

Lan Li suddenly realized something, his face changed drastically, and he screamed:

"Everyone spread out!"

However, it was too late. Situ Wen flew extremely fast and rushed into the crowd in an instant, and then heard a loud "bang!", and Situ Wen's body exploded in the crowd...


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