The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1469: Withdraw!

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"Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger can't be said, it's just meddling in other people's business." Facing Lingyao's gaze, Liang Yan's expression remained unchanged, but he was thinking secretly.

The three people in front of me are all at the Tongxuan realm, especially Lingyao, who has reached the late stage of Tongxuan, and his strength is unfathomable.

On my own side, even if I release Lao Jin and fight Tang Zhen, I am afraid there is little chance of winning.

Unless the power of Tianji Pearl is used to stimulate the two springs of "Yin" and "Bitterness", there is only a trace of life.

But in that case, the secret of the Tianji Pearl may be exposed, and once used, one's spiritual power will be emptied, and in case of any danger, there will be no self-protection ability.

Liang Yan's thoughts turned, and he kept thinking about how to deal with the next situation, but Lingyao didn't give him time to think. At this moment, he smiled slightly and said, "So you are Liang Zhidao. I have heard that you are a little weird. It's a pity that we didn't give up before. I was too careless, I didn’t get rid of your hidden danger in time, which created today’s situation.”

Although she was talking with a smile, everyone could clearly see the vicious look in her eyes.

"Hmph, this kid hides too deeply, even I was deceived by him! If I had known this, I should have killed him that day at Baifengpo." Zheng Qiu narrowed his eyes and said.

"Hehe, I don't blame you. After all, everyone is negligent." Ling Yao smiled, and her face gradually turned cold: "But it's not too late to mend the situation. Everyone here is going to die today!"


A sinister smile appeared on Zheng Qiu's face. He took a step forward and slapped his right hand in the air. His spiritual power shot up into the sky, condensed into a red palm print, and went straight to Liang Yan's direction.

"Hmph, do you think I don't exist?"

Tang Zhen snorted coldly, poured spiritual power into his fingertips, and pointed forward.


With the sound of piercing the air, a green light galloped away, submerged into Zheng Qiu's red palm print, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.


Zheng Qiu frowned, and before he could take a closer look, the red palm print he had condensed with his spiritual power had been torn apart, and under the glow of the sky, an inconspicuous green light galloped out, heading straight for his dantian.

"The pulse sealing finger!"

Zheng Qiu's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly turned on the spot. The surrounding winds surged up and turned into a tornado, swallowing Tang Zhen's green light into it.

Click, click!

A series of fine sounds came, and the tornado condensed by the strong wind could not last long, and soon fell apart under Tang Zhen's finger.

But Zheng Qiu got a chance to breathe because of this, with a light tap of his toe, he lightly avoided Tang Zhen's pulse sealing finger.

Seeing that Tang Zhen broke two of his supernatural powers in a row, Zheng Qiu had a hint of envy in his eyes.

"Shennong Mountain's unique skills are really powerful! It's a pity that the master only taught us the superficial, and never got the essence, so we couldn't practice this supernatural power to great success." Zheng Qiu said with emotion.

"Hmph, as long as we succeed in our career, you can learn whatever you want from Shennongshan's supernatural powers!" Lingyao snorted coldly, glanced at Qin Ming beside her, and said, "Go and help him!"


Qin Ming took the order and took a step forward, exuding a domineering aura, and his figure more than doubled in size.

"Physical cultivation!" Liang Yan squinted his eyes. Physical cultivation in the Tongxuan realm is rare!

But Qin Ming didn't seem to care about him, but went straight to Tang Zhen.

"Zheng Qiu, I'll help you block Tang Zhen! Quickly kill Liang Zhidao, and these monks from the top ten tribes!"

"it is good!"

Seeing Qin Ming enter the stage, Zheng Qiu didn't say much, raised his hand and pinched it, and nine hundred and ninety-nine silver daggers appeared behind him, scattered around him like broken stars in the sky.

The fierce murderous aura came from the dagger, and all the monks in the Golden Core Realm of the top ten tribes felt the breath of death at this moment.

In this situation, the fool also knows that Zheng Qiu will attack all of them, and they will not let anyone who knows the secret of Ye Mingjiao be spared.

"I have a water dragon shield, please help me!"

of the crowd

In the middle, Ye Xiangping from the Tianshui tribe suddenly shouted loudly.

At the same time, she waved her sleeve lightly, and a water dragon flew out of the sleeve, turning her body into a huge blue shield in mid-air.

"Water Dragon Shield!"

The cultivators of the ten major tribes have all recognized this magic weapon. It is said that its defensive ability is determined by the amount of spiritual power injected into it. As long as the spiritual power is sufficient, it can even withstand the attacks of cultivators in the Tongxuan Realm!

"I come!"

Xue Feng from the Kamikaze Clan was the first to make a move. With a pinch of the formula, all the spiritual power in his body was sent out and injected into the "Water Dragon Shield" above his head.

With his start, the rest of the people followed suit.

At this time of crisis, the monks of the ten major tribes put aside the prejudices among the tribes, united as one, and condensed their spiritual power into the "water dragon shield" above their heads.

The blue shield absorbed the spiritual power of everyone, and its size skyrocketed, protecting the monks of the ten major tribes below.


Zheng Qiu snorted coldly, and suddenly took out a black skull from his sleeve, and shook it lightly in mid-air. The skeleton's eyes lit up immediately, shooting out streaks of black light, and finally all of them fell into the dagger behind him.

The nine hundred and ninety-nine daggers were all covered with a layer of black light, adding a layer of strange power to the powerful murderous aura.


With a blank expression on his face, Zheng Qiu waved his hand, and nine hundred of the daggers flew towards the monks of the top ten tribes, while the remaining ninety-nine daggers all stabbed Liang Yan alone!

"Hmph, you want to kill people right under my nose, do you have my consent?"

Tang Zhen snorted coldly, and slapped out with a palm, the blue glow turned into a huge wall, trying to intercept Zheng Qiu's dagger.

However, his spell had just formed, when he heard a voice sneer and said: "Tang Zhen, your opponent is me, and you still have your back to me, isn't it a bit disrespectful?"

Before the words were finished, a powerful force surged from behind.

Tang Zhen sensed this force, dared not neglect, and hurriedly dodged to avoid it.

However, the speed of the person behind him was extremely fast, he had just avoided the first round of attacks, and immediately a stronger force burst out, chasing after him closely, like a maggot attached to the bone.

"Damn it!"

Tang Zhen cursed secretly, turned around in mid-air, and saw that Qin Ming's whole body was covered with scales, like a wild beast, every punch shook the surrounding void.

A few times, he was hit on the cheek by the wind of his fist, which actually cut the skin, leaving light bloodstains.

Facing Qin Ming who was like a mad dog, Tang Zhen could only concentrate on it.

He flicked his fingers with both hands repeatedly, using the supernatural powers of the "Maid Sealing Finger" one after another, green lights pierced through the air, stabbing at many acupuncture points of Qin Ming.

Facing one of the seven great skills of Shennong Mountain, even Qin Ming, who is physically trained, did not dare to take it hard. He could only use his body skills to avoid it, and then find opportunities to get closer to Tang Zhen.

One of the two was trying his best to keep the distance away, while the other was trying to get closer to each other, chasing and fleeing, moving around in the poisonous miasma forest, and started a fierce fight.

Due to Qin Ming's crazy offensive, Tang Zhen no longer has the energy to manage Liang Yan and the monks of the ten major tribes. The blue wall that was originally condensed in mid-air is now just empty.

Soon, Zheng Qiu's black light dagger broke through the wall, and it poured down from midair, like a black rainstorm, covering the top ten tribes and Liang Yan in it.

"Brother Liang, be careful! Get under my shield!"

Ye Xiangping was rescued by Liang Yan before, and he still remembered his kindness in his heart. Seeing that the monks in the Tongxuan Realm had such powerful supernatural powers, he hurriedly reminded Liang Yan loudly.

However, Liang Yan was unmoved.

He has already seen that although the "Water Dragon Shield" condensed by Ye Xiangping and others is powerful, it still can't defend against Zheng Qiu's full blow. !

What's more, there is another Lingyao on the opposite side who did not make a move. This woman has the highest cultivation base, but now she relies on her status and does not end in person.

Even if we guard against Zheng Qiu's attack,

Wave attack, as long as Lingyao makes a move, everyone will still be defeated.

Liang Yan's mind was spinning quickly. In this situation, he had no choice but to avoid the sharp edge for now.

If Tang Zhen is willing to take out the five-color soil to help him restore his cultivation, then these young people are nothing to be afraid of.

The question is, how to take Tang Zhen out of here, and how to buy time for himself to recover his cultivation.

Soon, Liang Yan had the answer.

"Instead of passive defense, it is better to take the initiative!"

Although his realm has fallen, his vision is still vicious. At this time, he can see that Zheng Qiu has injected most of his spiritual power into these black light daggers in order to kill everyone in the shortest time.

Only attacking but not defending is a big taboo in fighting skills, especially in the duel of masters, it is easy to expose flaws and give the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of.

But Zheng Qiu didn't regard them as his opponents at the Golden Core Realm and Yuan Gathering Realm.

In his eyes, these people are no different from pigs and dogs. Being able to barely guard against his supernatural powers is already the limit, so how can he fight back against him?

Therefore, Zheng Qiu used most of his spiritual power to attach to these black light daggers, with the purpose of beheading all the monks present.

"The power of the underground magic circle is getting weaker and weaker, and it won't be long before it will completely lose its effect. As long as Zheng Qiu is killed, they will definitely panic, and then order everyone to disperse and flee, and I will take Tang Zhen to the west to break through !"

In just the blink of an eye, Liang Yan had already made up a complete plan in his mind.

He squinted his eyes, but did not hide under Ye Xiangping's "Water Dragon Shield".

"Liang Daoyou, why are you still in a daze? Come here quickly!"

Seeing that Liang Yan was left alone, Ye Xiangping thought he was scared out of his wits and cried out anxiously.

However, as soon as her words fell, Liang Yan disappeared in a blur before her eyes.


Everyone present was taken aback for a moment, and before they could react, they saw that Liang Yan had bypassed the daggers all over the sky and came to the edge of the magic circle.

"What a speed!"

Zheng Qiu was taken aback. He knew that Liang Yan was different, so he used ninety-nine daggers to assassinate Liang Yan alone, but he didn't expect that the other party still exceeded his expectations.

Under his surprised gaze, Liang Yan reached out and patted the green gourd on his waist.


Zheng Qiu's pupils narrowed slightly, and he seemed to hear a slight sound of piercing through the air, but there was no abnormal image in mid-air, let alone any fluctuation of spiritual power.

"What is he going to do?"

Zheng Qiu's face was puzzled, and he released all his consciousness, but he couldn't figure out Liang Yan's purpose.

Just when he was in doubt, there was a shout from behind: "Be careful!"

Lingyao's reminder made Zheng Qiu wake up, and a crisis of dying appeared in his heart.

At this moment, all the spiritual power in his body has been used to attack, and he has no way to use defensive supernatural powers at all. He can only use the remaining spiritual power forcibly, and the whole person turns into a red ray of light, and retreats sharply.

However, he had just retreated three feet when he felt an invisible sharp air across his chest, blood spewed out wildly, his flesh rolled up, and even his bones were chopped to pieces by some invisible force!


Zheng Qiu let out a scream, flying backwards like a kite with a broken string, and finally hit a boulder, his aura instantly weakened a lot.


Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

He hid his strength before because of this unexpected blow.

Zheng Qiu underestimated himself, only attacking but not defending, already exposed a huge flaw, but unfortunately at the critical moment, Lingyao saw through her "Xingyue Invisible Sword Art" and reminded Zheng Qiu in time. Saved a life.

"After all, I still suffered from the realm..."

Liang Yan sighed softly. If it wasn't for him only having the early Golden Core stage, Lingyao wouldn't be able to see through the trajectory of her flying sword, and Zheng Qiu would definitely die.

Although he said he felt a little helpless, Liang Yan did not

I don't have the mind to worry about Zheng Qiu didn't die, but he was also cut off half of his bones by Liang Yan's sword. At this time, he collapsed on the ground and was unable to fight again for a short time.

The black light dagger that was going to kill the ten tribes lost control at this time and fell from mid-air, raising a large cloud of dust.

"The underground magic circle has weakened, we scattered to break through"

Liang Yan suddenly yelled, turned around, and when he reappeared, he was already beside Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen and Qin Ming, who were fighting, did not expect Liang Yan's strength to be so powerful. With his Jindan early stage realm, he was already infinitely close to Tong Xuan's early stage strength.

"let's go!"

Liang Yan shouted loudly, and at the same time pinched the sword formula in his hand, the mayfly sword ball shot out, and slashed towards Qin Ming's position.

"What kind of spell is this..."

Qin Ming's pupils shrank suddenly.

There is no sword cultivator in Langhuan Continent, he has never seen such a method, and Zheng Qiu's tragic situation is still vivid in his mind, even though he is a physical cultivator, he dare not take this sword light.

Tang Zhen was staring at him on the left, and Jianwan was approaching on the right. Qin Ming was caught between two breads, without any hesitation, he stepped on his feet, his body turned into light, and he retreated sharply!

Liang Yan and Tang Zhen worked together to force Qin Ming back, and they looked at each other with one thought in their hearts:


No need to say much at this time, Tang Zhen pinched the magic formula in his hand, and it turned into a cyan light, followed behind Liang Yan, and fled in the direction he had chosen long ago.

At the same time, the monks from the top ten tribes also came to their senses, driving a ray of light one after another to break through in different directions.

At this moment, the law of Shennong Mountain has lost its effect. In order to survive, everyone chose to fly in the sky...


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