The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1474: Anti-kill


Deathly silence!

In mid-air, Lingyao and Qin Ming's eyes widened, their faces full of disbelief.

Just now, a cultivator at the Tongxuan Realm died without warning in front of them, in the blink of an eye, without even ashes left...

Looking at the gray-clothed man standing opposite him with his hands behind his back, the two had the same question in their hearts:

"What did he do just now?"

I didn't see any movement at all, I just felt a breeze blowing by, and the next moment, Zheng Qiu's head had landed on the ground!

"What kind of supernatural power is this?"

"Who the **** are you?"

Lingyao and Qin Ming subconsciously asked questions, but found something wrong as soon as the words came out.

Because the man in gray on the opposite side was looking at him indifferently.

They were the ones chasing and killing Liang Yan before, so they haven't switched roles for a while, until now they suddenly realize that the roles of the two sides have already been switched, and the one standing opposite is the hunter!

"Aren't you going to kill me? Why don't you do it?" Liang Yan smiled slightly, his eyes fell on Lingyao and Qin Ming.

"Hehe, Xiaoyou Liang misunderstood, we have absolutely no malice towards you." Qin Ming, who was still flaunting his power before, lowered his posture at this time, and said with a smile: "We know that you are neither a member of Langhuan's clan nor Shennong. Cultivator of the mountain, the fight here has nothing to do with you, so you don’t need to get involved at all. If Qin has offended him before, I’m here to accompany you, and I hope you don’t take it to heart.”

Liang Yan laughed and said, "You guys are clever, how did you realize that I'm not from the Langhuan Continent?"

"On the Langhuan Continent, apart from the Shennong Mountain, the monks' supernatural powers and spells come from the totems of various tribes. The method my friend used just now, I have never seen before. It is neither the magic of the Lunhuan Hundred Clans nor the Shennong Mountain. That's why I judged that you are not from the Langhuan Continent..."

"Oh? That's interesting!"

Liang Yan showed interest on his face, staring at the two of them, he said slowly: "Since you say I'm not from Langhuan Continent, where do I come from?"

Lingyao and Qin Ming glanced at each other, the latter's face was a little stiff, and after thinking about it for a while, he said cautiously: "If I'm right, my little friend should be..." A visitor from outside the sky"


Liang Yan was noncommittal, with an unpredictable smile on his face all the time: "It seems that you are different from those monks. They think this world is the whole universe, but you have a clear understanding."

"Hmph, of course those fools don't know."

When mentioning the monks of the ten major tribes, Qin Ming showed a sneering smile: "A frog at the bottom of a well sits in a well and looks at the sky, how do you know the mysteries of heaven and earth? We serve the divine religion to overthrow the rule of Shennong Mountain and lead everyone out of the cage. See the real world!"

"So you are going to massacre the monks of the ten major tribes?" Liang Yan asked.

"Of course! Some sacrifices are unavoidable in order to achieve great things, let alone these foolish people! They have followed the group training for generations and don't know how to adapt. Even if you tell them the truth of this world, they will only be stubborn and conservative, hindering the great cause of our divine religion. It's better to clean them up together!" Qin Ming's face was indifferent, and he didn't feel any guilt for massacring the monks of the ten tribes.

"What a ruthless one!" Liang Yan clapped his hands and laughed.

Qin Ming and Lingyao couldn't figure out his intentions, looked at each other, and said tentatively: "My little friend doesn't belong to our two camps, so there's no need to get involved. We did something wrong just now. As long as you are willing to reconcile , we can offer spirit stones and pills as compensation, what do you think?"

"Let you go, and tell the Yeming Cult of my existence, and let the Yeming Cult send more powerful experts to hunt me down, right?" Liang Yan said with a half-smile.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Ling Yao and Qin Ming quickly turned cold.

Lingyao, who was silent for a long time, said slowly: "Xiaoyou Liang talks like that, so there is nothing to talk about?"

"Talk any further and you'll inspire

The magic circle under the Longding Mountain Range?"


Lingyao, who had been enduring silence all this time, finally changed her face at this time, and her right hand, which was hidden in her sleeve and kept making tricks, also trembled slightly.

"Liang Zhidao, so you already knew it? I advise you not to push people too far! Although your supernatural powers are powerful, your realm is the same as ours, at the Tongxuan realm. Zheng Qiu was just killed by your sneak attack, and we waited You have already prepared, if you really want to fight to the death, you may not be able to retreat completely."

"Life and death? No way!"

Facing Lingyao's threat, Liang Yan just smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "Okay, I've covered almost all the questions I should ask, and you may not be able to tell the rest, I'll come and search for the soul myself."

Before he finished speaking, Liang Yan raised his hand and pointed, and a cyan sword light flew out of the Taixu gourd, cut through the sky, and went straight to the top of Lingyao's head.

Lingyao has never seen such supernatural powers before. When she looked up, she saw an inconspicuous pill in the cyan rainbow, which cut everything it passed. Even the magic weapon she was most confident in could not be resisted. Live this little pill.

Faced with this strange and inexplicable supernatural means, she did not choose to forcefully accept it, but used escapism and retreated sharply.

While retreating, Lingyao flipped his hands again, and there were two extra flags in his left and right hands, waving them in mid-air, and began to mutter words.

"Qin Ming, help me resist for a while, I will activate the 'Heavenly Impaired Ghost Formation, as long as the formation is formed, this child will be buried here."

Lingyao's voice rang directly in Qin Ming's mind.

Facing the cyan sword light that was galloping towards him, although Qin Ming also had a little palpitation, he had great confidence in the "Heavenly Disabled Ghost Formation" that Lingyao said.

As long as it waits for a moment and a half, until the big formation is successfully activated, the person on the opposite side will undoubtedly die.

Thinking of this, Qin Ming overcame the fear in his heart, and with a flash, he stood in front of Lingyao.

He was originally a physical cultivator of the Panlong Clan, but by chance, he saw through the mysteries contained in the totem of the Panlong Clan. As a result, his cultivation improved by leaps and bounds. Later, he was appreciated by the leader of the Yeming Sect, obtained many resources, and finally broke through to the Tongxuan Realm.

Just based on physical strength alone, Qin Ming is enough to rank in the top three among the Langhuan tribes!

So he is very confident that even if he can't defeat Liang Zhidao, with his strong physical strength, he can at least hold off the opponent for a while, and the "Heavenly Disabled Ghost Formation" is about to take shape at this time, and it is only a matter of time before it can be successfully activated. About ten breaths...

"Ten breaths! Just hold you for ten breaths!"

A fierce look flashed in Qin Ming's eyes, and with the operation of the exercises in his body, the clothes on his body burst, and the nine black dragon tattoos burst into black light.

"Black Dragon Divine Power, help me!"

With a roar, Qin Ming's size more than doubled, and his body was covered by a thick layer of scales.

At the same time, he clenched his hands into fists, gathered enough strength, and blasted forward suddenly.


In mid-air, huge power surged out, the strength of the fist was condensed, and it manifested as a black dragon, baring its teeth and claws, roaring again and again, and rushed towards Liang Yan's sword light.

The next moment, the cyan sword light collided with the black dragon's divine power, and a loud noise erupted.

"Stop it!"

Full of confidence, Qin Ming let out a furious roar, urging his magical powers, arousing his physical strength to the limit, intending to block Liang Yan's sword light in the air.

However, what happened next left him dumbfounded.

I saw that little cyan pill, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, easily exhausted all his divine power! And when it landed on the top of the black dragon, it seemed that a pair of invisible hands ripped the black dragon apart. , from the dragon head to the dragon tail!

"how is this possible…"

Qin Ming's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

In his line of sight, the black dragon had been cut in half, and the divine power he had cultivated for many years was rapidly dissipating, but the cyan glow was like a bamboo, without stopping for a moment, it arrived in front of him in an instant.

At this moment, fear welled up in my heart.

Qin Ming thought of Zheng Qiu's death, and thought it was the reason why he was attacked, but now he realized that the strength of the young man in front of him far exceeded his imagination!

"No I don't want to die...I don't want to die!"

Qin Ming's body trembled, and he could no longer care about Ling Yao behind him, so he dodged instinctively.

However, he just made a move, and the mayfly sword pill has already pierced through his chest, and the mayfly sword energy raged wildly in his body. It was only a few breaths. It fell on Longding Mountain.


Qin Ming fell from mid-air, his eyes widened, and his face was full of unwillingness.

Lingyao also saw this scene, and her face changed again and again.

I thought that Qin Ming's method could at least delay Liang Yan's effort, but I didn't expect that it only took three breaths from Liang Yan's attack to Qin Ming's killing.


Lingyao cursed loudly, but the formula in her hand didn't stop at all.

At this point, she didn't have any illusions, she knew that Liang Yan and herself were immortal, and only by killing each other would she have a chance of survival.

"Liang Zhidao, you are too deceitful, I will fight with you!"

As soon as the words fell, Lingyao bit the tip of her tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the banner in her hand.

The four flags got her blood essence, and the surface of the flag flashed, revealing four hideous grimaces.

"Heavenly Ghost Formation! Help me kill the enemy!"

There was a hint of madness on Lingyao's face. With the pinch of the magic formula in his hand, the blood in his body kept gushing out, and he actually sacrificed his essence to the flag in his hand

"Are you going to die with me?" Liang Yan looked at Lingyao in the distance, and said calmly.

"Hehe, Liang Zhidao, you forced me!" Lingyao's eyes glowed with blood, and she gritted her teeth: "You are an "extraterrestrial visitor". As long as you live, it will be a variable after all! Clear your variable!"

As soon as the words fell, Lingyao pointed her right hand together to form a sword, and slashed her chest with her backhand, and her snow-white skin was cut open by her, revealing her still beating heart.

"Heavenly Remnant Ghost Formation, open!

Plop! Plop!

Her heart beat twice suddenly, the blood from her whole body gushed out crazily, and was completely absorbed by the four flags in her hand, and those four flags turned into four red rays of light, sinking down into the ground.


There was a loud noise, and the ground under his feet split open, and a huge ghost hand protruded from the crack in the ground.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Liang Yan frowned slightly.

"Is this kind of ghostly supernatural power also the spell of the Langhuan Hundred Clan? What kind of cultivation level do the people behind the scenes have?"

Two questions in a row made him suspicious.

But now is not the time to worry about these problems. Seeing that Lingyao is about to succeed in casting a spell, he no longer hesitates, and he points to the sword formula in his hand, and the mayfly sword pill turns into a blue cloud again, and goes straight to where Lingyao is.

"Well done!"

There was no fear on Lingyao's face.

She knew that Liang Yan's methods were extraordinary, but she also knew how powerful the "Tiancan Ghost Formation" was.

Just hold on for a few more breaths, and the big formation can be fully activated.

"The Tiancan Ghost Formation was given by the leader, Liang Zhidao, you can't stop me!"

Lingyao's face was firm, and her whole body was shrouded in a strange red glow. It was the supernatural power of the "Tiancan Ghost Formation" to protect the sacrificer. As long as ordinary spells or magic weapons were swept by this red light, they would immediately dissolve. For soot.

She is very confident now, no matter how powerful Liang Yan's methods are, it is impossible to break the red glow around her, because it is bestowed by the leader of the **** religion.

"You trust your leader too much."

A cold voice suddenly sounded in Lingyao's heart.

She was startled suddenly, and looked back subconsciously, only to find that there was nothing strange behind her.

"It's not right!"

Although no abnormality was found, the spirit

Yao was extremely vigilant at this time, because she remembered Zheng Qiu's death!

Just when she was in doubt, a breeze blew head-on, Lingyao's pupils shrank suddenly, without the slightest hesitation, her whole body turned into a ray of light, soaring upwards into the sky.


Just when she left, Lingyao felt the breeze blowing over her waist, her heart was trembling, and she hurriedly looked down.

I saw that the part below my waist had been cut off by an invisible magic weapon. At this time, blood spurted wildly and fell from midair.

At this moment, there was a piercing pain.


Ling Yao screamed, her face pale to the extreme.

She continued to use magic formulas in her hands, and urged herself to escape, trying to avoid the invisible killer move below.

However, while dodging, she ignored the sword light coming from above her head.

The mayfly sword pill has already roared towards at this The cyan sword energy is surging, and with just one sword, it broke Lingyao's bodyguard Hongxia!


Ling Yao's eyes widened, looking at Jianmang who was getting closer and closer, knowing that she was bound to die, her eyes suddenly showed confusion.

"How could the protective Hongxia given to me by the leader be broken by a cultivator at the Mysterious Realm? Who the **** is he?"

Lingyao fell into deep confusion. She couldn't figure out that the omnipotent leader, the leader whom she worshiped all her life, would let herself lose to a monk of the same realm.

"Master, are you no longer protecting me..."

The last thought flashed in her mind, and Lingyao watched weakly as the sword light above her head fell.

This sword cut her remnant body to pieces!

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