The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1476: Rescue

Hearing Qingqing's voice, Liang Yan finally stopped.

But he didn't turn around, turned his back to Qingqing, and said lightly: "What do you mean by that? Do you know how to get out of here?"

Seeing him stop, Qingqing showed a cunning look on his face, coughed, and pretended to be deep: "Of course! Otherwise, why would I appear in that place? And if you didn't knock me back at that time, I'm already out of here?"

As soon as the words were finished, Liang Yan turned around abruptly and glanced over, which startled her.

The girl subconsciously took a step back, folded her hands on her chest, and said vigilantly, "What are you going to do? Don't try to force it, I have mystic skills, even if you kill me, you won't be able to search for my soul."

After Liang Yan heard this, he snorted coldly, and said lightly, "What do you think of me as? Liang does something and doesn't. Since you helped me once, I won't do anything to you."

"Oh, it's okay..." Qingqing showed a relieved expression, patted her chest, and said with a smile: "For you, you still have a little conscience."

"Tell me, what are the three wishes. "

"You agreed?" Qingqing beamed with joy.

"Tell me first." Liang Yan's face was a little cold.


Qingqing hugged her chest with her left hand and rested her chin with her right hand, with a pensive look on her face, she seemed to be thinking very seriously.

After a while, the girl's eyes lit up, and she clapped her hands and said, "Yes! About eight thousand miles to the east from here, there is a high mountain named Riyun Zhongshan. It's amazing. It's usually hidden. Even Zhenjun Tongxuan can't find it. But when he meets someone who is destined, he will take the initiative to show up and offer spiritual wine. My first wish is to take me to Yunzhongshan , catch an enlightened beast!"

"Is there such a beast?"

Liang Yan frowned, with suspicion on his face.

"Of course! It is said that enlightened beasts are spiritual beasts that can bring good luck to people. They are very rare. Someone once saw them on Yunzhong Mountain. Unfortunately, this mountain is very steep and there are many powerful monsters. Ordinary monks dare not up the mountain."

"A journey of eight thousand miles... is too far!" Liang Yan still shook his head, not looking very moved.

Qingqing seemed to see through his thoughts, and said with a smile: "Aren't you going to Shennong Mountain? Shennong Mountain is to the east of Shiling Village. If you start from here, Yunzhong Mountain is the only way to go. It's just a trip to the mountain. That's all, it won't waste your time."

"But you also said that this enlightened beast is good at hiding, and it will only show up when it meets someone with a predestined relationship. Otherwise, even Zhenjun Tongxuan will not be able to find it. If we are not its predestined person, then this Wouldn't the wish be fulfilled?"

"Don't worry!" Qingqing patted her chest and said, "I'm very reasonable! The monsters on Yunzhong Mountain are too strong, and I can't climb up by myself, so I asked you to take me up the mountain. If I reach the top of the mountain , if the Enlightened Beast still refuses to show up, it can only mean that it doesn't belong to me, Qingqing won't force it, even if you fulfill my first wish directly, how about it?"

After hearing these words, Liang Yan's eyes finally loosened a little.

After pondering for a while, he nodded and said, "Since you said that, I can help you fulfill this wish... As for the other two wishes, you should also say it."

"That can't be done! I haven't figured it out yet, I'll tell you when I think it over!"

Qingqing said, with a pitiful expression on her face, she pulled Liang Yan's sleeve and said, "But don't worry, I promise that the latter two wishes will not be too difficult for others, and the difficulty of fulfilling is basically the same as the first wish, is it ok? ?”

Liang Yan didn't expect her to act like a baby suddenly, so he frowned, but in the end he didn't refuse, nodded and said, "Okay, as you wish! But after fulfilling the three wishes, you must answer all the questions I want to know, and tell me How to leave this continent."

"Haha! Don't worry, as long as my wish comes true, I will tell you whatever you want to know!"

Qingqing looked very happy, stretched out her little finger of her right hand, and smiled at Liang Yan: "A word from a gentleman

, four horses are hard to follow! Let's pull the hook! "

Looking at the childish girl, Liang Yan felt very helpless.

He didn't want to use strong means to search for the soul, but at the same time he wanted to get the information he wanted from Qingqing. After thinking for a while, he did what the other party wanted, stretched out his little finger of his right hand, and hooked Qingqing.

Although Liang Yan's actions were a little perfunctory, Qingqing was in full bloom.

"Brother Liang, you are so kind! No one wants to play with me like this for a long time."

Qingqing looked excited, holding Liang Yan's hand, carefree, cheerful and agile, she looked like a lively country girl, if it hadn't been for her attack to confuse Zheng Qiu two days ago, Liang Yan would almost have thought that I recognized the wrong person in the space crack.

"In that case, you can go on the road with me."

Liang Yan sighed, didn't say anything more, turned around and walked down Longding Mountain.

"Oh, don't go so fast!"

Qingqing chased after, trotting all the way, shouting non-stop: "You haven't told me the name of that spirit beast yet? Where are you practicing in the outside world? By the way, I remember you still have a puppet, then The puppet is amazing, what is its name?"


Longding Mountain has a steep mountain, beautiful scenery, and abundant aura in the mountain. It was originally an excellent place for cultivation and recreation. But now, after two days and two nights of brutal massacre by Ling Yao and others, Longding Mountain was completely devastated and blood flowed like a river.

On the way down from the top of the mountain, corpses can be seen everywhere, and the blood stained the leaves, turning the green forest into a mangrove forest, which looks horrible.

Liang Yan was used to fighting, and had seen even more tragic scenes than this, so he didn't feel the slightest disturbance in his heart.

But the girl next to him was different.

Qingqing originally had a lively and active personality, and she chattered non-stop beside Liang Yan, but when they walked down the mountain and saw the scene along the way, the joy in the girl's eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by deep worry and anxiety. pity.

Liang Yan noticed the change in the mood of the girl beside him, and was a little surprised by her innocence. He sighed and said, "Life and death are impermanent, and it has been like this since ancient times. You have already cultivated to the Yuan Gathering state, and you should gradually get used to it."

"What is the impermanence of life and death?" Qingqing was obviously dissatisfied, with tears in her bright eyes, she retorted: "Langhuan Continent has had no wars or fights for tens of thousands of years. Every monk here is equal, and they are almost equal. Died at their own limit, there has never been such a cruel massacre. If it weren't for the Yeming Cult, they wouldn't have died so miserably!"

After Liang Yan heard this, he didn't take it seriously. He shook his head and said, "The reason why the Langhuan Continent is peaceful is because there is an absolute authority like Shennong Mountain suppressing everyone. In fact, this world is originally a world where the weak prey on the strong. Cultivation has endowed all beings with strength and at the same time given Some people can fight for resources, and some can kill for their own selfish desires. To put it bluntly, the superficial peace of Langhuan Continent is just a manifestation of everyone's submission to Shennong Mountain."

After hearing this, Qingqing was still dissatisfied, and snorted, "Even if that's what you said, doesn't that mean that Shennongshan is in command? If everyone abides by the rules of Shennongshan and cultivates here safely, wouldn't it be How are you doing to everyone?"

"Hehe." Liang Yan smiled, and said softly: "What is it to cultivate immortals and follow the ordinary, and to become immortals against the law? Although the Langhuan Continent has been peaceful for generations, among the hundreds of clans in Langhuan, how many people have surpassed Jin Alchemy realm? To put it bluntly, resources are shared, everyone divides them equally, and the final result is that no one can gain the Tao, and they have been ignorant for hundreds of years, but in the end it is just a cup of loess."

"If you want to succeed in cultivation, you must gather thousands of lucks in one body. The real road to immortality is like a hundred boats fighting for the stream. Thousands of troops and horses cross that line of sky. Even if the river ahead floats countless dead bones, there will be people Go on and on, just to pass through the illusory moat and prove your own way of longevity.”

"So, people like Lingyao and Qin Ming will never disappear. They are only temporarily suppressed under the peaceful rule of Shennong Mountain. Whenever there is a chance, this suppressed depression will erupt and become the overthrowing of everything. wave."



Realizing that he couldn't speak Liang's words, he was at a loss for words, stomped his feet angrily, and searched secretly, trying to find a set of reasons to refute the other party.

But before she could figure it out, she heard a "plop" sound from behind, as if something had fallen from the treetops.

The two looked over at the same time, and saw a man lying under the tree, with a fair face and handsome appearance, but unfortunately he was blind in one eye, his body was stained with blood, and his breath was extremely weak.

"Gu Xingyun?"

Liang Yan recognized the man's identity.

Just two days ago, this person and himself had exposed Ye Mingjiao's conspiracy, but what followed was the massacre of Lingyao, Zheng Qiu, and Qin Ming.

At that time, facing the three true masters of Tongxuan Realm, especially Lingyao in the later stage of Tongxuan, Liang Yan couldn't take care of himself, so he could only run away with Tang Zhen, and couldn't control the tribal monks like Gu Xingyun at all.

During the two days when he was recuperating, Qin Ming, Zheng Qiu and others launched a **** massacre of monks from the top ten tribes. Nearly 400 tribe monks were buried here, and Gu Xingyun naturally couldn't escape the murderous hands.

"Cough cough cough!"

Gu Xingyun, who was lying under the tree, had already fallen into a coma, but he unconsciously coughed twice, and it seemed that he was still breathing.

In a flash, Liang Yan appeared directly beside Gu Xingyun, squatted down, and felt for his pulse with his hands.

After a while, his face became a little gloomy, he put down Gu Xingyun's arm, and sighed softly: "Oh! The dantian is broken, the muscles and veins of the whole body are broken, and the soul is also seriously injured. Now there is only a wisp of remnant soul …Unless there are heavenly materials and earthly treasures, it will take less than a quarter of an hour to die."

Gu Xingyun had some fate with him anyway, Liang Yan would not mind taking action if he could be saved, but unfortunately he was injured too badly, and his true spirit was about to scatter, even with Liang Yan's cultivation, he couldn't save this person's life, so he could only save him I sighed secretly in my heart.

Just when he put down Gu Xingyun's arm, Qingqing's voice came from behind: "Leave it to me, I'll try it."


Liang Yan frowned, and looked at Qingqing behind him.

I saw that the woman's face was calm, but her eyes showed a firm look that did not match her age, and she seemed to have made up her mind.

"What... are you going to do?" Liang Yan asked in bewilderment.

"save him!"

This time, Qingqing rarely talked nonsense.

She took a step forward, squatting beside Gu Xingyun, lifted the other's generous palm, and then stretched out her own white and tender hand, and put the palm of Gu Xingyun's palm against Gu Xingyun's.

Although Liang Yan was extremely puzzled, he didn't stop him. Instead, he took a step back and observed silently.

I saw a cyan glow flowing out of Qingqing's palm, and soon penetrated into Gu Xingyun's body. This ray of sunlight is like a little rain that revives all things. Wherever it passes, Gu Xingyun's injuries start to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The broken meridians were slowly connected under the cover of the cyan light, and the destroyed dantian was reborn, and even the spirit that was about to slacken was reunited at this moment, and slowly regained its vitality.

Liang Yan watched this scene quietly from the side. Although his face remained unchanged, a storm surged in his heart.

"how is this possible!"

He couldn't believe his eyes, the girl in front of him obviously only had the cultivation level of Yuan Gathering Realm, but there was a strange power in her body, which was able to raise the bones of the dead!

Surprised, Liang Yan re-examined Qingqing in front of him, and found that she had nothing to hide, and it didn't seem like she had fallen into a realm.

But it is such a monk in the Yuan Gathering Realm who can do things that he can't do!

Although Liang Yan was surprised in his heart, he remained calm on the surface. He stood aside and observed carefully, and soon discovered another problem.

That is, with the gushing out of this mysterious power, Qingqing's breath seems to have become weaker, and as Gu Xingyun's body continues to recover, Qingqing's vitality is quietly passing away...

"Is she sacrificing her life force to save the lives of others?"

After discovering this, Liang

Yan is even more surprised.

Sacrifice his own life to save a stranger. He has never encountered such a thing. The scene in front of him seems to refresh his cognition.

Time passed bit by bit, under Liang Yan's astonished eyes, Gu Xingyun's vitality gradually recovered, his soul was stabilized, and his meridians were restored as before.

Gu Xingyun, who had been sleeping for a long time, slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing that catches the eye is a young girl's face, not very beautiful, but her eyes are very bright, and she looks very watery.

"You saved me..."

Gu Xingyun who just woke up, UU reading www. Although recovered his life, his body was still very weak, and he was weak when he spoke.

Seeing that he woke up, Qingqing showed a gleam of joy on his face, nodded slightly, removed his hand from the opponent's palm, got up and took a step back.

This step was a bit wobbly, as if an ordinary person had used too much force, causing her footsteps to be sloppy. If Liang Yan hadn't supported her in time, she might have fallen to the ground directly.


Qingqing looked back at Liang Yan, her voice was very soft and she looked a little weak.

"Who are you?" Liang Yan asked in a deep voice, looking directly into her eyes.

"Does it matter who I am?"

Qingqing smiled, but her smile was a little pale, which made people feel a little distressed.

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