The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1513: Yinhe source

After Liang Yan put away the magic weapon, he turned his gaze to the passage in the distance.

"It seems that this journey of trials is not over yet, and we don't know what is waiting for us at the end of the underground palace."

"No matter what, it must be related to the survival of Langhuan Continent, otherwise Tiangong City would not be so mobilizing, and Zilan would not go deep alone." Wuxin said slowly.


Liang Yan nodded, his expression no longer hesitating.

"Let's go."

As soon as the words fell, Liang Yan had already taken the lead to walk deep into the passage.

Wu Xin followed closely behind, and Wei Long, as the elder of Shennong Mountain, had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk in in order to stop Zi Lan.

The three of them walked along the narrow passage for about half a stick of incense. The passage ahead had come to an end, and a hole half as high as a person appeared in front of them.

Outside the entrance of the cave, the sound of gurgling water could be faintly heard.

At the same time, a bone-chilling chill rushed in from outside the cave.

"Be careful!"

In fact, without Liang Yan's reminder, everyone was very vigilant, unanimously sacrificed the aura of body protection, and walked slowly towards the entrance of the cave.

Liang Yan was the first to jump out of the hole in the passage.

I saw a huge underground cave outside, with a wide river in the middle of the cave.

The river divides the entire underground space into two halves. The half near Liang Yan has dozens of passage entrances. The other side of the river is pitch black, and it is difficult to spread the spiritual consciousness. You can only see a range of about three miles.

Behind him, Wu Xin and Wei Long also drilled out of the passage.

"It's so cold!"

This is everyone's first feeling.

The bone-chilling chill almost froze the blood in the blood vessels, and even the movement of spiritual power slowed down.

"This chill."

Wuxin's face was slightly surprised, because she was no stranger to this chill. Back then, in order to get rid of the vajra power in her body, Shen Nonghu took her to the underground Yin River, and the chill here was almost exactly the same as that time.

If there is any difference, it is that the cold air here is more overbearing, far more than ten times better than that day!

"It seems that we have reached the source of the underground Yin River."

Liang Yan's voice came from the front, which attracted Wu Xin's attention.

Following his gaze, he saw a jade bed of ice floating in the calm river, and all the cold air around him came from this jade bed.

"It turns out that the source of the so-called underground Yin River is actually a bed of white jade!"

Wuxin's eyes fell on the middle of the river, and she found that the water in the Yin River was not special at all, but as soon as it passed through this white jade bed, it immediately became extremely cold.

"This is a good treasure. It's as powerful as the previous 'Ziwei Star Magic Disk', why don't we take it too?" Wu Xin looked at the jade bed in the glacier and said secretly.

After Liang Yan heard this, he stretched out his hand to stop Wuxin, who was eager to try, and shook his head slightly.

The next moment, he made a tactic with one hand, flicked his fingers, and a cyan sword energy shot out, heading straight for the position where the white jade bed was.


The sword energy piercing the air was extremely fast at the beginning, but after only flying a distance of about thirty feet, the speed suddenly slowed down.

The next journey was extremely long for this sword energy.

The closer it was to the ice jade bed, the slower it was, and finally it was blocked in midair, becoming a floating ice sculpture

Seeing this scene, the other two gasped.

How overbearing is the power of ice in this white jade bed? Even the sword qi can be frozen, and this ray of sword qi was not even close to the white jade bed, it was frozen at a distance of hundreds of feet!

If a body of flesh and blood came to this position, it would be unimaginable what would happen.

"The Ziwei Star Magic Disk is the initiative to recognize the owner, otherwise I would not be able to collect it. The grade of this white jade bed may be higher than the Ziwei Star Magic Disk. If you approach it rashly, I am afraid that you will die." Liang Yan looked serious. said.

After hearing what he said, Wuxin could only sigh in dismay, and gave up her plan to collect the white jade bed.

"I remember Shennong Hu once said that this underground Yin River was opened up by the second generation owner of Shennong Mountain. If he didn't lie to us, this white jade bed should be left by Shen Nongtuo's heirs and not belong to it. Part of the inheritance of the underground palace." Liang Yan speculated again.

"Then why did he put the white jade bed here?" Wu Xin looked puzzled.

"There is no way of knowing. After all, this happened ten thousand years ago. Perhaps only Shen Nongtuo and his son know about it. Now what we want to think about is how to cross this underground river."

As Liang Yan spoke, he looked around again, and found that the Yin River divided the entire cave into two halves, and above the Yin River, the icy air was extremely dense, and there was no weakness at all.

After pondering for a while, Liang Yan said slowly, "With our strength, if we cross this underground Yin River, the body protection aura can only last about ten breaths at most, and we must stop breath adjustment after ten breaths."

"Ten breaths?"

Wuxin looked at the calm river in front of him, and shook his head slightly: "It's too short! Once we reach the sky above the river, our escape speed will be greatly reduced, and the time of ten breaths is far from enough."

"indeed so."

Liang Yan showed a thoughtful look, and after a while, his eyes fell on the river.

There, there are many floating lotus leaves scattered all over the river in a chaotic manner.

"Since this white jade bed was left by the second generation of Shennong, it should not belong to the trial assessment of the underground palace. If my guess is correct, these lotus leaves are the steps leading to the other side of the river."

After listening unintentionally, I instantly understood what he meant.

"You mean, the second generation of Shennong didn't leave the white jade bed here to make things difficult for those who came after him, but he left these lotus leaves so that those who came after would cross the river?"


Liang Yan pointed to the nearest lotus leaf, and said again: "Look, due to the icy air, the entire Yin River seems to be a pool of stagnant water, and the ancient well is not moving. But near the lotus leaf, the river water is slowly The slow flow shows that the lotus leaf itself is a treasure of pure yang, although it cannot resist the white jade bed, but at least within a square inch, it can drive away part of the cold air."

"It makes sense!"

After Liang Yan's reminder, Wei Long also noticed that the water flow near the lotus leaf was abnormal, and immediately agreed.

"On the river, the distance between each lotus leaf is not too long. With our state of mind, it only takes about three breaths to reach the next lotus leaf. After adjusting the breath for a while, we can continue to move forward. " Liang Yan said again.

"That's right, crossing the river can't be rushed, as long as we step on the lotus leaves one by one, I believe we can reach the other side of the river safely." Wu Xin smiled slightly.

"Let's go, I'll try first, and if it works, you can follow."

Without the slightest hesitation, Liang Yan pinched the magic formula in his hand, and the "all dharmas and emptiness" were displayed, and the golden light of body protection enveloped the whole body.

The next moment, he turned into light and flew straight to the nearest lotus leaf.

Due to the powerful icy air above the Yin River, the escape speed of the light was greatly slowed down. With Liang Yan's cultivation level in the Transformation Tribulation Realm, although he could barely move forward, his speed was comparable to that of a monk in the Foundation Establishment period.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths.

After three breaths, Liang Yan stepped on the lotus leaf with both feet, which was exactly the same as the previous calculation.

As soon as he landed, he immediately mobilized the spiritual power in his body and poured it into his feet to prevent the cold from invading his body.

However, Liang Yan soon felt that there was no cold air above the lotus leaves, like a natural barrier, blocking all the cold air in the Yin River under the lotus leaves.

"Sure enough!"

Liang Yan's face brightened, he looked back at the two of them, and said with a smile: "The lotus leaf is indeed a step leading to the opposite bank. Our previous calculations are correct."

After hearing this, Wuxin and Weilong also showed joy.

Without the slightest hesitation, the two chose a lotus leaf each, activated the aura of body protection, performed escapism, and quickly jumped on it.

The distance between each lotus leaf is about the same, just like Liang Yan, it only took about three breaths for the two of them to settle on their respective lotus leaves.

After settling down, the three of them did not continue to talk, but each operated the spiritual power in their bodies and began to adjust their breath.

After a while, the three of them finished adjusting their breathing, activated the aura of body protection again, and jumped to the next lotus leaf.

In this way, the three of them stepped on lotus leaves and walked slowly towards the opposite bank of the river. It took less than a quarter of an hour to reach the center of the river.

Just as everyone was crossing the river cautiously, there was a slight breath fluctuation behind them.

Liang Yan was the first to react, without looking back, his backhand was a sword, and at the same time reminded loudly:

"Be careful!"

After getting his reminder, Wu Xin and Wei Long also reacted.

The two stood still on their respective lotus leaves, activated the aura of body protection, turned around and slapped out with a palm, the real devil's energy and the power of the back soil burst out at the same time, and hit the target behind them.

However, the breath behind him was extremely fast, and he didn't choose to fight recklessly with the magical powers of the three, but turned around and rushed towards the feet of the three.

"not good!"

Liang Yan's heart trembled, and he looked down, only to see a black demon flower, which had avoided his own sword light and landed on the lotus leaf under his feet.

The originally emerald green lotus leaves gradually became as black as ink, and within a few breaths, they had already begun to rot.

Seeing this scene, he didn't bother to adjust his breath, stimulated his spiritual power again, forcibly cast the aura of body protection, and jumped to another nearby lotus leaf.

At this moment, another ray of black light shot over, trying to get ahead of him and land on the lotus leaf first.

"Want to repeat the old trick?"

Liang Yan sneered, this time he was well prepared, he saw where Wu Guang was, raised his hand and a sword light slashed out.

The mayfly sword ball turned into a blue rainbow, accurately intercepting the black light in mid-air, and the mayfly sword energy criss-crossed, quickly smashing the black demon flower inside.

Looking behind him again, a ray of light galloped towards him, stepped over several lotus leaves one after another, and soon came behind everyone.

Seeing the poison contained in the black demon flower, one doesn't need to guess who is coming.

"Zi Lan!"

Liang Yan, Wu Xin, and Wei Long all looked at a coquettish woman at the same time.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect you to be faster than me!" Zi Lan didn't show any weakness when facing the three of them, still smiling.

"Hmph, demon girl! Do you think a mere poisonous mist seal can stop us? Don't you know that my Shennongshan technique is the nemesis of your 'Poison Saint Gate'!" The moment Wei Long saw Zi Lan, he immediately became angry Upwelling, eyes wide open.

"Nemesis?" Zi Lan smiled slightly, with a look of disdain on her face: "Water can overcome fire, and fire can also overcome water. Since ancient times, the strength of means has been compared. How can there be any reason to overcome each other? If you are not convinced, we can If you win a fight, I will admit that Shen Nong Tuo is better than my teacher, if I win, then it means that Shen Nong Tuoxu has a good reputation, and he is not even worthy to carry shoes for the teacher!"

"You fart!" Wei Long blushed and scolded angrily: "Bei Mingweng fought against the ancestor of Shennong several times, which one did not escape in a disastrous defeat? If the patriarch had no scruples, Beiming Weng would have passed away long ago. He saw After seeing our Patriarch, it’s like a mouse seeing a cat, and it’s too late to run away, so how dare you speak such big words?”


After Zilan heard this, she was not angry at all, instead she said with a smile: "No one knew what happened back then, and you dare to say that the records of Shennong Mountain are true? Anyway, I only know one thing, Shennongtuo is dead. Xiao, and the ancestor of our "Poison Saint Sect" is still alive, if you have the ability, you can call Shen Nongtuo out of the grave and make gestures with my master?"


Wei Long's mouthful of old blood was almost spurted out by anger.

He has lived in Shennong Mountain for a long time, he is humble and rarely argues with others. Facing the eloquent Zi Lan, he is no match at all.

But when the other party insulted his ancestor, his blood still surged up, and he pinched the magic formula in his hand, wanting to go up and fight the demon girl.

At this moment, Liang Yan's voice suddenly sounded in his mind:

"Elder Wei, be safe and don't be impatient. This woman intends to provoke you, just to make you mess up. The most important thing now is to stop Tiangongcheng's conspiracy. There is no need to argue with this witch."

Hearing Liang Yan's voice, Wei Long gradually woke up.

He's not a fool, it's just about the reputation of the patriarch, he was a little excited just now, but after Liang Yan's reminder, he calmed down quickly.

"When this demon girl fought with us before, she used 'Poison This kind of poisonous skill is very counterproductive. When she escaped, she was already at the end of her battle. Now that the three of us have teamed up, I believe it can be done without any effort." Kill her right here!" Wei Long sent a voice transmission to Liang Yan and Wuxin at the same time.

As soon as the words fell, Wuxin's voice came over: "Elder Wei, don't be careless. From time to time, Zi Lan now is a little different from just now."


Wei Long frowned slightly after hearing this, and looked at Liang Yan who was not far away, with the same serious expression.

"Fellow Daoist Liang, do you think so too?" Wei Long secretly said via voice transmission.

Liang Yan didn't answer Wei Long, but stared at Zi Lan's direction.

The next moment, without any warning, an invisible sword light appeared behind Zi Lan's head. At the same time, the surrounding void split, and the four devils summoned unintentionally also appeared at the same time, and they all rushed towards Zi Lan on the lotus leaf.

(end of this chapter)

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