The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1516: Michenjize Great Formation

On the banks of the underground Yin River, the fierce beast "Poison" reappears.

Its two heads roared again and again, and with a wave of its sharp claws, countless poisonous mist spewed out, turning into a grimace in mid-air, biting Weilong's "Sanhua Land Spear".

There are hundreds of types of poison in the ghost face, which continuously invade the spear through the fangs, trying to corrupt the spirituality of this magic weapon.

However, the "Three Flowers Earth Spirit Spear" was not afraid at all. He shook the spear flower in mid-air, and a force of the earth came out vigorously, instantly smashing the grimace biting the tip of the spear to pieces.

Zilan and "Poison Fei" have a telepathic connection. At this moment, she feels that what is being stabbed is not a long spear, but a giant mountain that holds the sky! The power of the back soil is surging and unstoppable. In front of this power, I am like a mantis holding a chariot, and I am overwhelmed!

"how is this possible?"

Even if Zi Lan was in a good mood, she couldn't help but screamed at this moment.

She has been lurking in Shennong Mountain for many years, and the cultivation level of the three elders has long been clear.

Among the cultivators in the Transformation Tribulation Realm, Wei Long's aptitude can only be regarded as mediocre. He has cultivated for almost two thousand years to achieve his current cultivation level, and his realm has been stuck here, and he has never dared to face his second... disaster.

Just now Zi Lan fought the three of them alone, and it was Wei Long who gave her the least pressure. If it wasn't for the special secret technique of Shennong Mountain, Zi Lan wouldn't take this person seriously at all.

However, in just a blink of an eye, Wei Long's strength has grown to this point?

"You're not Weilong! Who are you?"

Zi Lan's face was serious, and she pinched the spells with both hands. While asking questions, she manipulated "Poison Fei" to block Sanhua's ground spear, so as to buy herself some time.

However, Wei Long in the distance remained expressionless from the beginning to the end, as if he hadn't heard her voice, his eyes were indifferent, without any fluctuation.

The next moment, Wei Long waved his hand, and the aura of "Sanhua Land Spirit Spear" suddenly surged, and the power of the earth was endless, like a yellow dragon, directly piercing through the chest of "Du Fei".


Zi Lan screamed.

She and "Du Fei" are connected by essence and blood. "Du Fei" suffered such a serious injury, and Zi Lan couldn't escape the fate of being backlashed. With a sharp pain in her body, the woman spit out a large amount of blood.

Sanhua's ground spirit spear pierced through the "Drug Fei", without any hindrance, turned the tip of the spear in mid-air, and stabbed directly at Zilan's eyebrow.

Faced with this irresistible shot, Zi Lan knew that if she hesitated for a moment, she would be buried in this underground palace.

At this moment, Zi Lan's eyes narrowed slightly, and a decisive look appeared on her face.

The next moment, she took out a jade pendant from her bosom, and with a slight force on her right fingertips, she crushed the jade pendant directly.


The moment the jade pendant shattered, a blue light shot out, covering Zi Lan's entire body.

At this moment, the Sanhua Earth Spirit Spear had already reached the top of her head, but Zi Lan's face was not panicked, only a trace of regret.

"That's all! As long as the green hills remain, I don't worry about running out of firewood. As long as I'm still alive, there will always be a chance to get Xuan Mizhu!"

With the last thought in my mind, a cyan glow flashed around me, and Zi Lan had disappeared the moment Sanhua Land Spirit Spear fell...


And at the same time that Zilan disappeared, thousands of miles away from the underground palace, there was a certain peak on Shennong Mountain.

There is a huge magic circle here, and there are four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter in the circle at the same time. The four seasons reincarnate alternately, evolve continuously, and finally give birth to infinite mysteries.

"What a big array of Michendize!"

In the center of the formation, a bald old man in a purple robe sat cross-legged. This man had a deep breath and a face like a jujube. It was Ai Zhong, one of the three elders of Shennong Mountain. Around him, the four seasons are changing, seemingly beautiful, but in fact there are hidden murderous intentions!

"Junior Brother, I admit that you are a rare genius in Shennong Mountain in a thousand years. Only this 'Michen Dize Great Formation', and I have participated in research with Wei Junior Brother for many years, cannot reach this level... Your talent and understanding, indeed He is the head of the three of us."

As soon as Ai Zhong finished speaking, a voice in the distance sighed: "Senior Brother, what's the use of saying this now..."

The person who spoke was located at the eye of the big formation in Michendize. He was dark-skinned and tall and thin. He was Yun Shengtian, one of the three elders of Shennong Mountain!

He held a flag in each hand, and while speaking, he was still manipulating the operation of the large formation.

Apparently, the "Michen Dize Great Formation" that traps Great Elder Ai Zhong was set up by this person.

"I have been secretly investigating the traitor of Shennong Mountain these days, but I never thought that this traitor is actually you... Junior brother, the mountain master treats you well, why did you betray Shennong Mountain?"

After hearing Ai Zhong's words, Yun Shengtian's face showed a complex look.

But soon, his eyes became firm again.

"The owner of the mountain is very kind to me, but he has been hiding his secrets. I begged him many times to lend me the "Shen Nong Di Jing", but he still refused to agree. If I can learn the "Shen Nong Di Jing", maybe it will last a thousand years." Afterwards, if there is a chance to become a saint, all the disciples of Shennong Mountain will be born and practice, and they will no longer be stuck here." "So you chose to betray Shennong Mountain?" Ai Zhong's face was full of disappointment.

" don't understand!"

Yun Shengtian's tone suddenly became agitated, and he continued: "Yun's abilities are all taught by the previous generation of mountain masters. If it is only because of the "Shen Nong Emperor Scripture", I will never betray Shen Nong Mountain."

"Then why do you still do such a foolish thing?" Ai Zhong asked with a gloomy face.

"That's because... because they are too strong!" Seemingly recalling some terrifying memory, Yun Shengtian murmured with his eyes blank, "You guys don't understand the horror of Tiangong City at all. In front of them, our Shennong Mountain Just like ants, if you resist to the end, once the city is broken, everyone will be slaughtered."

"So you took the initiative to open the city and surrender?" Ai Zhong was so angry that his face was livid.

"They promised me that as long as I help them get the Xuan Mi Bead, Juntian City will not be wiped out. Brother... give up, we can't beat them, as long as we hand over the Xuan Mi Bead, all of us will be safe."


Ai Zhong's eyes widened, and he shouted angrily: "Don't you know that once Xuan Mizhu leaves our Shennong Mountain, the enchantment of the entire Langhuan Continent will be loosened, and when the Tiangong City army enters, that will be the real death without death." Burial place!" "No, no!"

Yun Shengtian shook his head again and again and said: "They just want the Xuan Mizhu, what good will it do them to kill all our monks from Shennong Mountain, besides, that person promised me that as long as he handed over the Xuan Mizhu, not only will he be able to spare the Shennong Mountain monks All monks can also provide external cultivation resources and exercises, as long as we serve Tiangong City from now on.”

"Are you going to be a dog slave?"

Ai Zhong gritted his teeth in anger, but he was trapped in the "Michen Dize Great Formation", and there was nothing he could do with himself as a junior.

After Yun Shengtian heard this, he shook his head and sighed softly: "Brother, you have never seen Tiangongcheng's methods, so I don't expect you to understand me, you can scold me as you like...Since the death of Master , you are my only relative, I don’t want to see you die in this catastrophe, I am just saving everyone in Shennong Mountain in my own way.”


Hearing this, Ai Zhong let out a long sigh, finally gave up persuading Yun Shengtian, and slowly closed his eyes.

As my junior, although my aptitude and comprehension are top-notch, my temperament is too bad.

The previous Yun Shengtian was full of arrogance, because none of his peers in the entire Langhuan Continent could be his opponent. This also made Yun Shengtian blind and arrogant, and was not even satisfied with his own cultivation. I want to spy on the "Shen Nong Di Jing", which is a single biography of Shen Nong's lineage.

This seemingly hard-edged self-confidence is actually the easiest to be destroyed.

When he came into contact with foreign monks and saw the strength of the enemy, he finally realized that he was just a frog in a well.

The previous self-confidence collapsed overnight, and the cowardice in his heart was revealed. This genius monk who was placed with high hopes by Shennong Mountain became the fastest traitor!

Now think about it, God

Miyagi is really good at playing tricks, they didn't make any attempts on themselves and Wei Long, but chose Yun Shengtian, a talented monk in his prime, as their breakthrough point.

"In this catastrophe, Mount Shennong is in danger."

Ai Zhong sighed secretly in his heart. It's not that he didn't know that something happened in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain, but the "Michen Dize Great Formation" was so mysterious that he couldn't penetrate it, so he had to use a thousand years of cultivation to forcibly break the formation.

You Yun Shengtian presided over the formation here, and it would take at least three days for him to break through the formation.

At that time, I am afraid that Xuan Mizhu has fallen, and even if I come out, I will be powerless

"Ai is ashamed of the patriarch..."

Just when he was full of guilt, a strange sound suddenly came from a distance.

"What the **** are you trying to do?"

Ai Zhong frowned slightly, and slowly opened his closed eyes.

His eyes followed the direction of the voice, but his face changed slightly the next moment.

I saw Yun Shengtian knelt down on the ground at this time, his face was full of pain.

This kind of pain is not like a disguise, and Yun Shengtian has the advantage at this time, there is no need to pretend at all.

"what happened to you?"

Although Ai Zhong was completely disappointed with this junior, but the two had a friendship for many years, seeing him like this, he still couldn't help asking.


Yun Shengtian knelt on the ground, covered his throat with one hand, and stretched out the other hand towards Ai Zhong's direction, his expression became more and more painful, as if he was seeking his help.

At this moment, Ai Zhong can almost be sure that Yun Shengtian is not pretending, but really encountered an accident.

"What's the matter with you?" Ai Zhong's face was serious, he thought for a while and said, "You first spread the 'Michen Dize Great Formation, brother is here to help you!"

Yun Shengtian's face was extremely pale at this time, he knelt on the ground and couldn't speak, he could only struggle to straighten up, and continuously played spells in his hands, as if he wanted to untie the "Michen Dize Great Formation" on the top of the mountain ".

But at this moment, Yun Shengtian's throat was suddenly broken in the middle, and a crack spread from his throat to his chest, and then went all the way down until the upper abdomen. Looking from a distance, it seemed that someone had centered Yun Shengtian with a small knife. Break open!

Immediately afterwards, a head slowly protruded from the crack in his neck.

This head is a woman, with almond eyes and peach cheeks, graceful and charming, although her face is stained with blood, it is hard to conceal her charming appearance.

As the head protrudes, the arms, torso and long legs follow.

In just a few breaths, a graceful female cultivator with a national beauty and a variety of styles walked out of Yun Shengtian's body.

"It's you!"

Ai Zhong recognized the person who came at a glance, it was Zi Lan, an outstanding disciple selected by Yun Shengtian from the Langhuan clan two hundred years ago!

"Hehe, Elder Ai, are you safe?"

Zi Lan smiled slightly, if it wasn't for the blood on her face, she would be considered charming.

" killed Junior Brother Yun?"

Ai Zhong looked behind Zi Lan, where Yun Shengtian had been disembowelled, his body was empty, only an empty shell remained, and even the remnant soul could not be sensed.

"Hehe, you're talking about this useless guy?" Zi Lan kicked Yun Shengtian's body indifferently, and said with a smile, "This idiot ate my 'Huanmeng Pill' and thought it was some panacea, but he didn't know This is a seed I planted in his body, as long as I move my mind, I can use his flesh and blood to carry out space transfer."

"You witch!"

Ai Zhong shouted loudly, his expression extremely angry.

"Yo!" Zi Lan frowned, and said with a grin: "It seems that Elder Ai is a person with a lot of feelings? Yun Shengtian has already betrayed you like this, and you still want to stand up for him?"

"Junior Brother Yun is not in a good state of mind and is easy to be used by others, but he never thought of harming us. In the final analysis, it was all you **** from Tiangongcheng who provoked it. If it weren't for you, I, Langhuan,

How could Lu and Shennong Mountain have such a catastrophe? The old man is at odds with you! "

Ai Zhong roared, the purple robe on his body fluttered, and a powerful breath spread out, even Zi Lan was slightly startled.

"As expected of the Great Elder of Shennong Mountain, he really has some abilities!"

Zi Lan squinted her eyes, looking serious, but there was a smile on the corner of her mouth: "But... this 'Michen Dize Great is not an easy formation, even if Yun Shengtian has Die, there is no one in charge of the formation, and with your strength, it will take at least half a day to break through the formation, right?"

"Half a day?"

Ai Zhong's face was gloomy, and the spiritual power in his body burst out vigorously, constantly impacting the surrounding formation restrictions, and at the same time angrily shouted: "It doesn't take half a day, the old man can break the formation in an instant! When I break the formation, it's you Time to die!"

"Tsk tsk, Elder Ai doesn't need to be so excited! Although I helped you get rid of Yun Shengtian, the female gangster, you don't have to be so grateful to me. The so-called green mountains do not change, and green waters flow forever. Maybe we will meet again in the future opportunity!" At this point, Zi Lan raised her hand and pinched a formula, which turned into a ray of light soaring into the sky.

"Stop the witch! This old man will tear you to pieces!"

Ai Zhong stared at the direction where Zi Lan was leaving, and roared to the sky, his eyes wide open, the spiritual power in his body crazily impacted the surrounding formation restrictions, and he seemed to be extremely angry.

"Hee hee, Elder Ai is so broke, I will go on my own, so I don't have to send it far away..."

Zi Lan's voice came from far away, and it disappeared after just a few breaths...

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