The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1520: Dreaming back to eternity, the past is like smoke (2)

Shen Nongtuo absorbed thousands of poisons from the toad by himself in order to prevent the life from being overwhelmed. From the beginning to the end, his expression did not change at all. However, just as he was frantically absorbing the poison, something suddenly fell from the poisonous cloud above his head.

This thing is an exquisite pagoda, only the size of an ordinary person's palm, with seven floors in total, and seven skeletons are hung on each floor, which looks full of evil spirits.

Compared to the sky full of poisonous clouds, this pagoda can only be said to be insignificant, but Shen Nongtuo's divine consciousness is so powerful, it can be said to be pervasive, and he was aware of it almost the moment the pagoda appeared.

"this is……"

Shen Nongtuo narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little bit of something wrong.

At this time, the voice of the candle dove came from afar:

"Haha, Shen Nongtuo, you've been tricked!"

Before the words fell, the pagoda rapidly grew in size in mid-air. In the blink of an eye, it was already as high as a thousand blades, covering the sky and the sun.

Shen Nongtuo's face was slightly condensed, and he raised his light, trying to get out of the envelope of the pagoda

However, under the pagoda, there was a powerful suppressing force, which prevented Shennongtuo's escape light from cohesively, and slowed down by at least 30%.

It was this slight delay that caused Shennongtuo to not escape from the pagoda's envelope.

The pagoda fell from the sky, and a black whirlwind swept out, rolling towards Shen Nongtuo's location, and sucked him into the pagoda...

In just a short moment, the situation in the arena was reversed.

Zhujiu, who had been suppressed by Shen Nongtuo just now, showed a smug smile.

"Shen Nong Tuo, Shen Nong Tuo, you are good at everything, but you have too many things to worry about! When you were fighting with me, you actually cared about the life and death of those ants. The old man has seen through your weakness long ago, this time it is just With a little trick, I'll let you fall into my hands!"

Zhujiu was talking to herself, she seemed to be in a good mood, and continued to play the spell with both hands, sinking into the exquisite pagoda in the distance.

This pagoda is his strongest trump card, "The Exquisite Pagoda of Ten Thousand Poisons"!

It took a full eight hundred years to refine this magic weapon. During this period, in order to improve the quality of the magic weapon, Zhujiu brutally slaughtered more than 300 sects and seized their unique refining resources. Later, he even plotted against a saint. , obtained the superb material from that saint, and integrated it into his magic weapon.

The "Ten Thousand Poisons Exquisite Pagoda" was refined, and it almost condensed the most poisonous poison in the entire Antarctic Immortal Continent. Even if they are both saints, as long as they are trapped in this pagoda, they will not be able to escape.

Zhujiu was very considerate. In fact, the magic weapon had already been forged during the last fight with Shen Nongtuo, but he knew that due to various reasons, life and death could not be distinguished in that fight, so he deliberately hid this trump card.

It wasn't until Shennongtuo took the initiative to chase him this time that Zhujiu became murderous.

He calculated Shen Nongtuo's mind, knowing that in order to prevent the poison from spreading, the other party would definitely absorb the toxin in the toad's body. If the "Ten Thousand Poisons Exquisite Tower" was reduced countless times and hidden in the toad's blood, suddenly Shennongtuo must have no time to respond to the attack.

And that's exactly what happened.

While Shen Nongtuo was absorbing the poisonous blood, Zhujiu suddenly activated the "Wan Poison Exquisite Pagoda". The latter had no time to escape, and he was finally collected in the tower.

"Shen Nong Tuo, Shen Nong Tuo, you have entered my 'Wan Poison Exquisite Pagoda,' you just enjoy it!"

Candle Dove's face was gloomy, he licked his lips, and he continued to perform magic tricks with both hands, and he poured spiritual power into the distant pagoda...

At this moment, in the pagoda.

Shen Nong Tuo stood with his hands behind his back.

In front of him were nine stone pillars, surrounded by countless gales, poisonous clouds filled the entire space, and there was no telling how many murderous intentions were hidden in the clouds.

"Is this your trump card?"

Shen Nongtuo's face was calm, and he didn't seem to be panicked at all.

He walked around among the nine stone pillars, and secretly deduced in his mind. He calculated a hundred ways to break the formation in an instant, but no matter which one, it would be a dead end in the end.


Shen Nongtuo smiled slightly, and pulled out a bamboo flute in his hand

, Put it in your mouth and play it gently.

As the flute sounded, circles of ripples centered on him and spread out in all directions. In the dark, those strong winds seemed to be guided and changed direction, and the poisonous miasma that filled the sky also began to move regularly.

At this moment, the entire interior space of the Wandu Linglong Pagoda underwent earth-shaking changes.

Everything was tampered with by Shen Nongtuo in the dark, as if he was the real master here!

In mid-air, Shennongtuo's unique seal appeared, and a layer of blue light swept out, covering the nine stone pillars, and at the same time formed a layer of enchantment, concealing everything that happened here.

At the same time, outside the Wandu Linglong Pagoda, Zhujiu was casting spells with all her strength, urging her natal magic weapon in an attempt to refine Shennongtuo.

Although he had an absolute advantage, he did not relax.

Because of the battle of saints, it is difficult to distinguish between life and death.

Especially Shen Nong Tuo, who has already achieved the Holy Body of Shen Nong, there is no way to take him with ordinary poisons, only the Ten Thousand Poisons Linglong Pagoda in his hand has a slight chance to refine this person.

However, if you want to completely erase Shen Nongtuo, you can't do it overnight. At least you have to practice him here for seven to forty-nine days, and then see if there is any effect.

Zhujiu has already made long-term refining plans. As long as she can kill Shennongtuo, let alone stay here for seven to forty-nine days, even if it takes decades or even hundreds of years, Zhujiu will not hesitate at all.

It's just that he still doesn't know that earth-shaking changes have taken place in Wandu Linglong Pagoda at this moment.

The large formation that was supposed to refine Shen Nongtuo has now been tampered with by the opponent, and it can no longer pose a threat. However, Shen Nongtuo has not yet found a way to escape, so he used his unique magic seal to condense a layer of enchantment to blind the tower. Candle dove outside.

Zhujiu didn't know it, and was still desperately pouring spiritual power into the Wandu Linglong Pagoda, feeling extremely proud.

At this moment, a delicate laugh suddenly came from behind, and only a woman's voice was heard laughing:

"Tsk tsk, what an idiot! The magic weapon is about to be broken, and I'm still complacent here."

After hearing this, Zhujiu's face changed suddenly.

Although he didn't know who the person behind him was, he was extremely confident in his divine sense. Even if he fought with Shen Nong Tuo, he would never let people lurking behind him without noticing it!

"Another saint!"

Zhujiu's face was solemn, and he continued to use magic tricks with both hands. He still manipulated the Wandu Linglong Pagoda to refine Shen Nongtuo, and at the same time released his consciousness and looked behind him.

It was a woman, not tall, but well-born, wearing a long purple dress with three thousand black silk coiled behind her head, she looked both charming and heroic.

There is a crane under the woman's seat, that crane is very strange, with two eyes on the forehead, it looks domineering, no one looks down on it.

Zhujiu's face remained unchanged, but she cursed secretly in her heart:

"It's strange! There are not many saints in the Antarctic Immortal Continent. Why are they gathered here today? Shen Nongtuo is my great enemy. I can't rest assured that this person will not die for a day. Today, I finally have the opportunity to eliminate this serious worry. , but another saint ran out... No matter what the origin of this person is, don't let her hinder my plan."

Thinking of this, Zhujiu forced herself to calm down, squeezed a flattering smile on her face, and asked, "Forgive me for my stupid eyesight, I don't know what to call a fairy?"

"The generation of camp dogs is not worthy to ask my real name."

The woman in purple didn't give any face, and the crane under her was very cooperative

He raised his head and looked up at the sky, and sprayed a puff of gas from his nose, with a look of sneer

The shape of the nose.


Zhujiu's face was tense, and she cursed endlessly in her heart.

He practiced Taoism all his life, went through ups and downs, and finally became holy with poison. There are different sects in the Antarctic Immortal Continent. When the head of the Antarctic Immortal Continent sees him, can't he respect him as a "poison saint" senior?

However, the woman in front of him actually called him "the generation of dogs", which was a humiliation that he had never had since he was sanctified.

Such as

If it is an ordinary monk, he will definitely turn his face on the spot, but Zhujiu is a saint and strong man who has cultivated for thousands of years, and this man is scheming and good at forbearance. Facing the provocation of the woman in purple, even though he was angry, he did not show it .

After weighing the pros and cons, Zhujiu quickly suppressed the anger in his heart.

Compared to the woman in purple, Shen Nongtuo is his unending enemy. Just now, he managed to bring this enemy into the Wandu Linglong Pagoda. The most important thing now is to completely refine him.

Until then, it is not advisable to make extravagant branches!

After figuring it out, Zhujiu suppressed the anger in his heart, and squeezed a smile on his face again: "Hehe, I don't care about the origin of fellow Taoist. I am the master of the Wandu Sect, 'Bei Ming Weng', who met an enemy today. I am gambling for life and death here, I hope my fellow daoists will not interfere in our grievances."

"Your opponent is Shen Nongtuo, right?" the woman in purple said suddenly.

"What? Do you know him?" Candledove's face was vigilant, while casting a spell in his hand,

Secretly punched a ray of poisonous mist into the void.

"Haha, of course I do! And coincidentally, I'm also here to kill him!" said the woman in purple without hesitation.

"What? You came to kill him too?!"

After Zhujiu heard this, she was taken aback for a moment, and then her face was overjoyed!

"Shen Nong Tuo, Shen Nong Tuo, it seems that you are destined to die on the 'Upside Down River'! Usually you eat herbs to save sentient beings, but have you ever thought that one day, when you die, who will come to save you?"

Thinking of this, Zhujiu's face was extremely smug. He glanced at the purple-clothed woman in the distance, and said with a smile: "Since fellow daoist's purpose is the same as mine, why don't we cast spells together and inject spiritual power into the pagoda. To tell you the truth, My Ten Thousand Poisons Linglong Pagoda contains the essence of ten thousand poisons, and it contains the Heavenly Killing Formation. If there is a Taoist friend to help, it will take ten days or seven or eight days, and Shennong will be refined in the pagoda .”

After hearing Zhujiu's words, the woman in purple also laughed.

Her smile is very bright, and there are two small dimples on her cheeks. She looks very cute, but there is a bit of sarcasm at the corner of her mouth.

"Old poison, you are such an idiot, you still want me to join forces with you?" Zhujiu immediately froze in place as soon as the words came out.

At this moment, he couldn't figure out what the position of this weird woman in front of him was.

Just when he was puzzled, the woman in purple's smile suddenly became cold, and the speed of changing her face was jaw-dropping.


There was only one word, spit out from her red lips, with a chilly air.

No matter how deep Zhujiu's scheming was, she couldn't help but change her face at this moment.

"What is the purpose of your trip, aren't you going to kill Shen Nongtuo?

Now he is trapped in my Ten Thousand Poisons Linglong Tower, as long as the two of us work together, Shen Nongtuo will definitely die! "

"Since you also want to kill Shen Nongtuo, you think highly of yourself, don't you?"

There was a cold light in the eyes of the purple-clothed woman, and she said coldly: "Shen Nong Tuo is my prey, I will kill him with my own hands, but I will not join hands with a maggot. While I am in a good mood, quickly disappear from my presence, If you still stay here after three breaths, don't blame me for being ruthless!"


Zhujiu's face was gloomy, and she was a little speechless from the anger of the woman in purple.

He never expected that, being both a saint, the other party would not give him any face at all. In all these years, he had never seen such an arrogant person except at the Pan Peach Festival in Kunwu Immortal Court.

"Fellow daoist, no matter what your background is, today is the grievance between the old man and Shen Nongtuo. If you want to find trouble, you can wait for the old man to refine Shennongtuo, and come to 'Poison Saint Gate, come to me, no matter what way you draw Come on, the old men will continue!" After hearing Zhujiu's words, the expression of the purple-clothed woman did not change at all, she just uttered a word in an indifferent tone:


"Fellow Daoist, don't deceive others too much..."


"Friend Daoist, you want to..."



As soon as the clothed woman finished speaking, before she could make any movement, the void behind her suddenly split open, followed by a large amount of poisonous mist gushing out, turning into a hideous grimace.

This is the supernatural power set by Candle Dove in advance.

As early as when the two of them had just talked, he had already done something in secret, pushing a ray of poisonous mist into the void, and ambushing behind the woman in purple clothes. .

Hearing the countdown of the woman in purple, Zhujiu knew that the two of them had no chance of peace talks, so she secretly activated the Poison Technique, and launched a surprise attack at the moment when the other party counted to "one"!

These poisonous fogs are the essence of his lifelong practice, and their power is second only to the "Ten Thousand Poisons Exquisite Pagoda". After appearing in the air, they quickly condensed into a ferocious grimace, opened their **** mouths, and swallowed the purple-clothed woman in one gulp.

Seeing that the move was successful, Zhujiu's expression was very gloomy.

This sneak attack was really smooth, he deduced the opponent's countless back moves in his mind, but he didn't expect that she would be swallowed directly.

Before Zhujiu could think about it, the ghostly face of the poisonous mist in mid-air suddenly wailed in pain.

In just a split second, this grimace was riddled with holes, and countless starlights came out through the body, like mercury pouring down the ground, beautiful and beautiful.

The next moment, the ghost face exploded from the inside, and a river of stars gushed out.

In the Milky Way, there are countless demonic clouds tumbling, and the power of mountains and tsunamis swept all around, instantly washing away the poisonous mist and miasma, leaving no residue...

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