The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1525: Dreaming back to eternity, the past is like smoke (7)

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Outside the hood of the golden light and divine fire, a river of galaxies soared into the sky.

In the Milky Way, there is endless demonic energy, and the powerful force rushes in all directions, as if the Milky Way poured down, from bottom to top, it came to the Taoist robed old man in an instant. This change was unexpected, even the old man in Taoist robes was a saint, he didn't react for a while.


Endless magic energy, mixed with the power of the stars, washed over the old man in Taoist robes.

The latter's complexion changed drastically, and he no longer cared about refining Shennongtuo. He swung the "Big Five Elements Extinction Banner" upwards, and the power of the five elements rotated alternately, turning into five bright lotus flowers, and the magic energy of the stars washed away Destroy them all.

But even so, the Taoist-robed old man was sent flying backwards by the billowing galaxy.

While his figure retreated sharply, his hands waved like water waves.

Circles of spiritual power flowed strangely in front of him, like ripples on the surface of the water, dispelling waves of devilish energy, and finally let the old man in the Taoist robe fall to the ground safe and sound.

Although the Taoist-robed old man was fine, this momentary delay caused him to lose control of the "Golden Flame Cover", which weakened the power of this magic weapon a lot.

In the woods, Ling Zi's figure flashed past.

The next moment, she had already arrived in front of the "Golden Flame Cover", with the demonic energy gathered in the palms of both hands, one left and one right, respectively patted on both sides of the magic weapon.

boom! boom!

There were two loud noises in a row, and the "Golden Flame Cover" vibrated violently. In just a moment, a crack opened in the magic weapon, and a little spark gushed out from it, instantly turning the entire forest into a sea of ​​flames.

Caused such a big commotion, Ling Zi didn't even blink her eyelids, from the beginning to the end, only the figure in Tsing Yi was in her eyes.

The next moment, she pinched the magic formula in her hand, and a burst of spiritual power entered from the crack in the "Golden Flame Cover", and landed on Shen Nongtuo who had fallen into a coma, trying to pull him out.

At this moment, a sinister breath came from behind!

This aura was tricky and vicious, and it instantly broke through Ling Zi's body-protecting aura and penetrated into her extraordinary meridians.

The heart-biting pain of ten thousand ants appeared in Ling Zi's consciousness.

But she didn't look back, and she didn't have time to resist the supernatural powers behind her, and she still made quick moves with both hands, until Shen Nongtuo was pulled out of the crack in the "Golden Flame Cover" by her.

"Tsk tsk, before coming here, Queen Mother Xi reminded me that you might have betrayed Xianting. I didn't believe it at first. I didn't expect that you would really do such a thing for a traitor!"

The voice of the bearded man came from behind Ling Zi, and there seemed to be some schadenfreude in his tone.

"Of course you won't believe it, because you are just a dog of Queen Mother Xi! In your eyes, everyone is your rival for favor. You wish that others would offend Queen Mother West, so that you can make trouble!"

Ling Zi didn't turn her head back, she turned her back to the bearded man, while speaking, she made quick moves.

"You are so brave!"

Enraged by Ling Zi, the bearded man raised his hand and slapped again, black spiritual power surged out, turning into countless grimaces in mid-air, and finally all penetrated into Ling Zi's body.

Ling Zi felt severe pain all over her body. The left half of her body seemed to be in flames, and the right half of her body seemed to be in an ice cave. There were fine beads of sweat all over her forehead. It was obvious that she was in extreme pain.

But she was biting her lips tightly, without any intention of dodging, she was always standing between the bearded man and the unconscious Shen Nongtuo, and at the same time pinched the magic formula with both hands, and spiritual power swarmed out, wrapping Shen Nongtuo's whole body in in.

"Ling Zi, you still dare to laugh at me? In fact, you are a dog yourself! Your 'Sacred Court' is nothing more than the Queen Mother's murder tool. Even if you sit in the position of 'Sacred Court Lord', you can only be in front of the Queen Mother." Begging for mercy!"

I don't know if Ling Zi poked the sore spot, but at this moment the bearded man's face was a little excited.

"Before I came, I had received a secret order from the Queen Mother of the West. If you show any rebellious heart on the way, let Taoist Gan and I take you back to the Immortal Court! I didn't expect you to hide so deeply, even at the last moment just showed his feet

. "

"But it doesn't matter, what happened today, Queen Mother Xi has long expected, what do you think it is?"

When the big bearded man said this, a stern look suddenly appeared on his face, and then he turned his right hand, and there was a nine-color long knife.

The moment the long knife appeared, a murderous aura permeated the air.

The surrounding flames seemed to have sensed something, and they retreated spontaneously. A sea eye appeared in the billowing sea of ​​flames, centered on the bearded man, within a radius of a hundred miles, there was no flame left.

"Xuandu Immortal Sword?"

Although Ling Zi's back was facing the bearded man, her spiritual sense had already seen everything behind her. The moment she saw the long knife, Ling Zi's body trembled uncontrollably.

"Hey, you should recognize this magic weapon. After all, the previous controller of your 'Sacred Court' died under this knife. Today I will use this 'Xuandu Immortal Slashing Knife' to see you off for this pair of desperate mandarin ducks ,Hahaha!"

At the end, the bearded man was so proud that he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The moment he saw the "Xuandu Immortal Sword", Ling Zi already knew that today's battle had no chance of winning.

But her complexion didn't change much, she was calm from beginning to end.

Because she never thought of fighting with him, the Queen Mother of the West had no plans to spare, and she should have guessed that she might betray her. Apart from the two saints of "Sin Court" and "Dragon Court", there must be other arrangements.

Today's situation is a test for her by the Queen Mother of the West. As long as she dares to rescue Shen Nongtuo, it will be the end of life or death.

Ling Zi guessed this point, her heart was at war with heaven and man, she wanted to make a move several times, but in the end she hesitated.

But at the last moment, she still abandoned her years of principles as a killer and made the most unfavorable choice for herself

"Last time you saved me, this time I save you, we're both clean." Ling Zi stared at Shen Nongtuo who was unconscious in front of him, and murmured.

From the time she broke the "Golden Light Flame Shield" until now, even though she resisted several attacks from the bearded man, she still did not stop making tactics. The appearance of silkworm chrysalis.

The next moment, Ling Zi opened his mouth and spat out an ancient bronze coffin, and put Shennongtuo who had fallen into a coma into it.

The moment he saw the ancient bronze coffin, the bearded man suddenly realized that his expression changed suddenly.

"***, you want to send him away?"

The bearded man did not hesitate at all, he pinched the magic formula in his hand, and the "Xuandu Immortal Slashing Knife" shot out, and went straight to slash Ling Zi's back.

Ling Zi still didn't look back.

She used 70% of her spiritual power to evolve into a galaxy of demonic energy, brushed out from behind, and blocked the way of "Xuandu Slaying Immortal Knife". At the same time, the remaining 30% of the spiritual power rushed out, and she poured it all into the ancient bronze coffin.


Above the ancient bronze coffin, the void shook, and a crack appeared after a while. Following the introduction of Ling Zi's formula, the ancient bronze coffin turned into a stream of golden light, which instantly slipped into the crack and disappeared without a trace!

At the same time, the "Xuandu Immortal Slashing Knife" came galloping, rushed into the galaxy of demonic energy, opened and closed all the way, where the blade passed, all the nebulae were chopped into pieces, and the demonic energy became invisible.

The nine-color sword light is unstoppable, destroying all the way, and quickly cut off the galaxy of evil energy in the middle.


The "Xuandu Immortal Slashing Knife" slashed at Ling Zi's body, instantly breaking her body-protecting aura, and cutting her body in half.

Ling Zi's face was pale, she gritted her teeth and endured it, and she didn't let out a scream from the beginning to the end.

She has the body of a saint, even if her body is cut off, she will not fall so easily.

As the light of the knife slashed across, Ling Zi's magic power was running, and the two severed bodies were quickly connected together.

It's just that her waist was bleeding continuously, and her breath was extremely weak, and she lay down on the ground as if she had collapsed. Obviously, the "Xuandu Immortal Sword" had caused irreversible damage to her, and she was no longer able to fight.

However, there didn't seem to be much sadness in Ling Zi's eyes.

She was lying on the grass in the forest, looking up at the sky full of stars, at this moment, she felt extremely peaceful in her heart.

"At least... at least I got him out."

"A person like him should be liked by many people, right? Compared to a killer like me who hides in the shadows, he is the sunshine that shines on this world..." "I touched your face last time, if I have the chance , I want to touch it again..."

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Ling Zi's vision was a little blurred.

She looked up at the sky, and saw that under the starry sky, light and shadow intertwined, and a familiar man in Tsing Yi appeared in the dimness.

The man didn't look at himself, but lowered his head and fiddled with all kinds of medicinal materials, bottles and cans, all kinds of them, and the familiar medicinal fragrance seemed to come from the tip of his nose. Ling Zi took a greedy breath, stretched out her right hand to the night sky, and gently stroked the face of the man in Tsing Yi.

The man also seemed to have a feeling in his heart, raised his head, and the two looked at each other.

At this moment, Xinghui was extraordinarily gentle.

"You have to live well..."

This was Ling Zi's last thought.

Before she lost consciousness, she vaguely heard a cold snort, followed by the voice of the big bearded man: "You **** is really a bitch, you don't even want your own life, and you want to send that mistress to run away." Holy Court, It’s really embarrassing for the Lord to do this for your sake!”

Speaking of this, he spat again and sighed: "Forget it, everyone is a member of the Immortal Court after all, and the old man will not torture you, so I will send you on your way!"


Another voice sounded, it seemed to be the old man in the robe.

"Friend Daoist Gan, what do you mean by this?"

"She is the Lord of the Holy Court. Without the order of Queen Mother Xi, we must not kill her!"

"The Queen Mother of the West has spoken a word, but you don't know that's all. This girl has now been convicted of betrayal. As the master of the 'criminal court,' I have the right to convict her here!"

"No matter what you say, she is still a saint, how can she be convicted at will? Even if she wants to

If you want to kill her, you have to detain her back to the 'Xianting Court' first, and let the Queen Mother of the West send her down. "

"Gan, are you making things difficult on purpose? Don't think that I don't know what's going on in your mind. You're afraid that I'll gain power in the Immortal Court, and you want to save this ****'s life, so that it can be used as a **** to restrain me in the future." ,right?"

"Hmph! Think whatever you want, the laws of the Immortal Court are set by the Queen Mother of the West, don't you dare to openly violate them?"

The quarrel between the two became louder and louder, but Ling Zi's consciousness had weakened to the extreme.

Following a wave of tiredness, Ling Zi was exhausted both physically and mentally, and then his eyes went dark, and he no longer had the slightest sense of consciousness.

The story ended here, the surrounding starlight gradually faded away, and Wuxin's consciousness returned to the darkness again.

At this moment, she can already guess that the owner of this underground palace is Ling Zi, and this section of memory should be left by Ling Zi and Shen Nongtuo together.

Although I don't know why Ling Zi's statue chose him, it must have something to do with the inheritance of this place.

"That Taoist priest surnamed Gan has magical powers similar to Mount Wuzhuang. Could it be that he has something to do with Mount Wuzhuang of later generations?"

Wuxin muttered to herself, she is now full of interest in this story that has been covered in dust for thousands of years.

Did Ling Zi die at that time? If she died, what would happen to the palace now?

Wuxin had a lot of doubts in her heart. After a while, she took the initiative to approach the next light sphere and let her consciousness blend into it.

The darkness dissipated, and Wuxin, as a spectator, returned to the ancient wild time over an isolated island.

I saw howling winds, thunder and lightning around the isolated island, and even the nearby sea water was strangely black, looking extremely dangerous.

In addition, there are clouds of cold gray smoke floating over the isolated island, as if they are ghosts guarding the island.

Wuxin's observation skills are very keen, she just stared at the

After a while, it was discovered that this isolated island seemed to be a prison, and a certain monk with a very high cultivation level might be imprisoned in it.

Suddenly, she noticed a wave of breath near the isolated island.

Without the slightest hesitation, with a thought of Wuxin, the consciousness quickly leaned over. What I saw was a huge reef with a radius of a hundred feet. There were dozens of monks standing on it. The clothes were very different, and the spiritual power on their bodies was also very different. Obviously they did not come from the same sect.

One of the old men was wearing a felt hat, his face was numb, and he was holding an armillary sphere in his hand, looking at the distant island, as if he was calculating something.

Behind him, there was a tall, red-faced man who was also staring at the old man's armillary sphere.

However, different from the calmness of the old man, this burly man looked so impatient that he scratched his head and even tore a few hairs from the top of his head in the end.

"Old man Fang, why are you fussing about? You've been calculating for a long time, and you haven't come up with a result yet?" The red-faced man finally couldn't help it, and said in a rough voice behind the old man.

As soon as he finished speaking, another woman's voice in the crowd said:

"Fellow Daoist Chixiao, please stop saying a few words. The calculation technique of Wuji Academy is famous all over the world, and Daoyou Fang is also the Supreme Elder of Wuji Academy. With his ability, as long as you don't disturb him, he will be able to calculate the correct direction." .”


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