The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1532: Dreaming back to eternity, the past is like smoke (14)

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On the lifeless island, the violent wind gradually stopped.

Everything seems to be quiet at this moment.

There is only a chilling feeling permeating the world!

The weird man gradually put away the smile on his face.

And as his smile disappeared, the tides of the entire sea area began to roll violently, the sky lost its color, the sun had long disappeared, and the dark clouds gathered over the lifeless island, as if to crush the island.

The next moment, the strange man put his hand on the handle of the knife and slowly pulled the long knife out of the boulder.

All I saw was a rusty broadsword, without the slightest spirituality or arrogance, just like an ordinary hatchet, only ten times bigger than the hatchet.

However, just such an ordinary long knife, held in the hand of that strange man, gave people a feeling of being able to open up the world.

In the strange stone forest, neither Shen Nongtuo nor the strange man said a word.

Shennongtuo stood quietly on the spot, with blue light flowing all over his body, as if he was waiting for his own destiny.

The weird man took one last look at him, slowly closed his eyes, bent down and bowed his head, holding the long knife back to the original progress, and made a gesture of drawing the knife ready to go.

The dark clouds in the sky became more and more gloomy at this moment, the sea outside the island set off huge waves at this moment, and even the strange rocks on the entire island trembled uncomfortably at this moment.

Clouds, waves, strange rocks, everything around them seemed to come to life at this moment, they each held their breath, quietly waiting for the man to draw the knife. The next moment, the man held the knife in his right hand and slashed forward across the air!

The powerful killing intent tore apart the entire space!

A huge explosion sounded, and the hundreds of strange rocks that served as the "cage" of the inanimate island turned into powder at the same time.

In the midst of the smoke and dust, a fierce and domineering knife light brushed out from the smoke, and slashed at Shen Nongtuo with incomparable ferocity!

Facing the light of the knife, Shen Nongtuo's pupils shrank suddenly.

But he didn't mean to use any supernatural powers, he just used the exercises to cover the vital parts of his body with the spiritual power in his body, and then he stood with his hands behind his back, not dodging or evading, it seemed that he wanted to take the knife forcefully !

The light of the knife pierced through the air, and it fell on Shen Nongtuo's body in an instant!

The powerful killing intent came through his bones, and Shen Nongtuo felt as if he had been torn into billions of pieces. The great pain made him groan, and his face turned pale to the extreme.

But even so, Shen Nongtuo still stood with his hands behind his back, his feet seemed to be rooted on the ground, and he didn't take half a step back.

boom! boom! boom!

A series of explosions came, and Shen Nongtuo's saintly body was torn back to the original progress at this moment

Dozens of wounds were opened, and blood gushed out from his body, instantly staining his clothes red.

The strange man's knife cut Shen Nong Tuo into a blood man...

"Cough cough...cough cough!"

Shen Nongtuo coughed violently, his chest heaved and fluctuated, and the breath in his body was extremely sluggish.

He spat out a mouthful of blood from his throat, and the next moment he actually laughed: "Friend Daoist's "The Book of Killing Immortals" is overbearing and unparalleled. Every time I saw it before, I felt a sense of amazement, but I never thought that I would experience it personally one day." ... "How does it taste?"

"It's like falling into hell, suffering the endless torture."

"It's cheaper for you."

The weird man glanced at him, seeming to be a little annoyed.

The two were silent for a moment, the weird man put the knife back into its sheath, and said lightly, "I blocked a knife for you back then, and today you received a knife from me, and we are both settled. From today onwards, you and I owe nothing to anyone." Who, everyone goes their own way, if I meet you again, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Thank you..." Shen Nongtuo said softly.


The weird man didn't even look at him, turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait..." Shen Nongtuo suddenly stopped him again.

"What else is there?" The strange man frowned, but did not turn around.

"I have a word of advice..."

Shen Nongtuo said with a serious face: "Be careful of Queen Mother Xi, she has changed, she is no longer the Che Jiuying we knew back then, and the inside of Xianting... where you can't see, it has already changed beyond recognition, so don't believe it easily Anyone."

"Oh?" There was a playful smile on the strange man's face: "What about you? Have you changed?"

"My original intention has never changed."


The strange man smiled slightly, as if he didn't want to say any more, and with the pinch of the magic formula in his hand, his whole body turned into a black light that shot up into the sky, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Brother Ye, take care!"

Shen Nongtuo looked at the direction in which the man was leaving, and muttered to himself.

After a while, he withdrew his gaze and looked deep into the island.

There, a woman was waiting for him.

"Ling Zi..."

Shen Nongtuo muttered to himself.

Twenty years have passed since the last time I had a quick look.

For the past twenty years, Shen Nongtuo has been inquiring about Ling Zi's whereabouts all the time, because he knows that in order to save himself, this poor girl betrayed Kunwu Immortal Court and the "Queen Mother of the West" she fears most!

The "Sacred Court" is the killer organization of the Queen Mother of the West, and Ling Zi, as the master of the "Sacred Court", has received strict training from the Queen Mother of the West since she was a child. She is afraid of this master from the bottom of her heart.

This kind of fear is engraved in her bones, even if she has been sanctified, she cannot resist.

But it was such a woman who chose to let Shen Nongtuo go at the last moment!

Shen Nongtuo didn't know why Ling Zi made such a choice, but since then, he felt a little concern in his heart. This petite woman who was repeatedly tortured by fate had left an unbearable wound in his heart. Obliterated traces.

After twenty years of searching, Shen Nongtuo finally found the island. In the past, he practiced medicine all over the world and formed many good relationships, and now it has played a role. Wen Daoxing, Nangong Ling, Zhu Yuchuan, Linghu Bai... These living monks gathered on Wusheng Island. They used their own methods and showed their magical powers, and finally helped Shen Nongtuo get here.

After passing the last level of "Prison Guard", Shen Nongtuo couldn't suppress his excitement no matter how hard he pinched the magic formula in his hand, and it turned into a ray of light and flew forward.

In just a few breaths, Shen Nongtuo had passed through the stone barrier forest and arrived at the center of Wusheng Island.

Here is a barren swamp.

On the east, west, south, and north sides of the swamp, there is a huge stone pillar on each side, and the stone pillars are engraved with mysterious runes.

Among them, the stone pillars in the east are shrouded in golden light, and thunderbolts as thick as water tanks surround the surface of the stone pillars, which is exactly the "criminal thunder" experienced just now; "; the stone pillars on the west are whistling in the wind, which is "Feng Sha"; the stone pillars on the south are covered with gray mist, icy cold, corresponding to "soul bite".

Four black chains extended from the inside of the four stone pillars, locking a petite woman in the middle of the swamp.

Xing Lei roared, and the wind blew violently!

Four different punishments, through four chains, fell in the middle of the swamp.

The woman lowered her head, her long hair was loose, and her clothes were ragged. She let the four criminal laws act on her, but there was no reaction.

It seemed that she was exhausted physically and mentally, leaving only a soulless shell, enduring endless pain here

Seeing this, Shen Nongtuo suddenly felt sore in his heart.

Without the slightest hesitation, he rushed straight into the swamp, heading straight for the unconscious woman.


In mid-air, Xing Lei, Luo Shui, Feng Sha and many other visions gathered at the same time, forming a powerful barrier, trying to stop him, the intruder. But Shen Nongtuo was not afraid, and with the exercise in his body, the blue spiritual power surged out, condensed into a precious tree, and floated above his head.

Xinglei, Luoshui and many other supernatural powers fell between the treetops of the precious trees,

It was quickly dissolved by a spring-like spiritual power.

At the same time, the branches of the precious tree trembled slightly, and the leaves spread around like catkins, falling on the four stone pillars, and quickly deciphered the runes on them, making the four punishments disappear at the same time.


There was a huge explosion, and four stone pillars exploded one after another. The powerful force swept the entire swamp, but Shen Nongtuo had already released the barrier to protect the woman in the center of the swamp.

Seemingly aware of the movement outside, the unconscious woman raised her eyelids.

She seemed to want to open her eyes, but the injuries in her body were too serious, and she still couldn't open her eyes. Instead, the chains that locked her hands and feet suddenly released a powerful force at this moment.

This force poured into the woman's body, destroyed the meridians along the way, and went straight to the internal organs!


Shen Nongtuo snorted coldly, his left palm was like a knife, and he cut off all the chains with one palm, while his right hand patted lightly on the woman's back.

A gentle force poured into the woman's body, like a lingering spring breeze, completely disintegrating that destructive force.

Sensing this soft and familiar force, the woman frowned, and then smiled.

She tried to open her eyes, and saw the face engraved in her memory.

"Shen Nongtuo...what are you doing here?" the woman asked weakly. "I'll take you away."

"Take me away?"

The woman stared into Shen Nongtuo's eyes and suddenly laughed.

She originally had a beautiful face, but twenty years of torment had made her lose her former charm. Today's Ling Zi's face is pale, and her hair is disheveled. She is completely different from the magnificent "Holy Court" lord in the past.

"Shen Nongtuo, you are dedicated to serving the people of the world, and you are the guide of the righteous way. And I am just a killer in the shadows, a lackey of the fairy court, and a tool used by the Queen Mother of the West to eliminate dissidents... You actually said you want to take me away?"

Ling Zi laughed while talking, with a bit of sarcasm on his face.

"That was before."

Shen Nongtuo's voice was very soft, and his face was very calm, but his eyes flickered slightly, obviously his heart was not as calm as he showed.

"From the moment you decided to rebel against the 'Xianting, the former Ling Zi is already there, and now you can choose to live for yourself."

As Shen Nongtuo said, he stretched out his right hand to Ling Zi.

"live for yourself"

Ling Zi murmured, and there was a hint of wavering in his eyes.

But soon, she shook her head.

"It's useless, Queen Mother Xi has great powers. I was able to become a saint because of her. Even if we join hands, it is impossible to escape her grasp." "You are wrong."

Shen Nongtuo shook his head and said: "There are hundreds of families in the Antarctic Immortal Continent. I have visited secretly over the years and found many heroes. Although the Queen Mother of the West has great powers, she can't cover the sky with one hand. As long as the fire of righteousness is passed on Going out, one day it will form a prairie fire, and at that time, Antarctic Immortal Continent will usher in a new pattern, and the common people in the world will also get a new order.”

"A new pattern, a new order..."

Ling Zi repeated Shen Nongtuo's words, her face was a little dazed: "What kind of world will the new world be like?"

"I do not know either."

Shen Nongtuo shook his head, looked into the distance, and said leisurely: "I can't imagine what the new world will be like. But I guess, in that world, not too many people will experience the suffering you have experienced. "

Hearing this, Ling Zi was slightly taken aback.

The suffering she experienced was endless darkness and endless fighting.

In the past thousands of years, betrayal and killing have been almost the whole of Ling Zi's life. She can't believe anyone, because if she misses once, she will die without a place to bury her.

Even now that she has achieved the body of a saint, in the eyes of Queen Mother Xi, she has changed from an ordinary butcher's knife to a slightly sharper butcher's knife. But in the eyes of other saints in Xianting she is just a

Just a dog.

"It seems that the world without fairy garden will be a little bit better."

Ling Zi muttered to herself, and her eyes fell on Shen Nongtuo's face. At this moment, she suddenly discovered that the face of the man in Tsing Yi in front of her had already been engraved into her bone marrow, and the gleam in his eyes seemed to have become what she was after.

"Are you really willing to take me away?"

Ling Zi tilted her head, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and looked at Shen Nongtuo provocatively.


Shen Nongtuo didn't answer redundantly, just two simple words, but it made Ling Zi's nose a little acidic.

"Hmph, you..."

Ling Zi murmured softly, raised her palm weakly, and placed it in Shen Nongtuo's palm.

"Since you sincerely invited me, then I will do what I can and help you out once."


Shen Nongtuo smiled slightly, and at the same time clenched the catkin in his hand, his voice was very soft.

A man and a woman in the swamp slowly embraced each other at this moment. Above the Wusheng Island, the long-lost sunlight emerged from the dense clouds, slowly elongating the shadows of the two.

Time seems to have come to an end, everything has come to a standstill at this moment...

Arriving here, Wuxin finally read this memory as a bystander.

This is the memory shared by Shen Nongtuo and Ling Zi. It tells the whole process of their acquaintance and love. As the battle of Wusheng Island came to an end, the picture in the memory will always be frozen in the moment when the two embrace each other...

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