The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1549: Shennong Hu leaves the pass

Chapter 1549: Shennong Hu leaves the customs

Why, you've discovered something a long time ago, and you've kept a secret in front of me? Unintentionally pretending to be angry.

It's not a joke, but I'm not sure yet.

Liang Yan pondered for a moment, then said slowly: Have you ever thought that although Qingqing is of Shennong's blood, but her blood did not touch the gate of the underground palace, why can she still open the forbidden area?

This... Wuxin was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said: At that time, the situation was urgent, and I didn't have time to think about it. Looking back now, it's indeed a bit strange.

I have a guess in my mind, but I have to meet Shennong Hu to verify it. Liang Yan said lightly.

Isn't this a trick?

Wuxin sneered, and suddenly thought of something, and asked: By the way, I remember that the Enlightened Beast has the ability to track the monk's breath? Why not let Qingqing order the Enlightened Beast to go to Langhuan Continent to find Zilan?

After Liang Yan heard this, he smiled slightly and said: The method you mentioned was already tried when we just returned to Shennong Mountain. It's a pity that the Enlightened Beast behaved very chaotically, and it came up with more than a dozen directions, but none of them were very sure.

how so? Wuxin was a little puzzled.

Not surprisingly...

Liang Yan said lightly: "The reason why the Enlightened Beast was able to find Shennonghu is because Shennonghu didn't deliberately hide himself, and his aura hasn't changed in any way. But Zi Lan is different. This person is very good at disguising. It is also difficult for an enlightened beast to detect her position.

If you analyze it like this, it makes sense. Wuxin nodded slightly.

Therefore, Zilan is always a hidden danger. This woman has a high level of cultivation, she is good at disguise, and she is good at deceiving people. I think she hasn't given up yet, but just hid temporarily, like a poisonous snake hiding in the shadows, ready to strike a fatal blow at any time. Liang Yan said in a deep voice.

Unlike Liang Yan's seriousness, he yawned lazily after listening to his analysis inadvertently.

Fool, are you too nervous during this time?


Liang Yan raised his eyebrows, looked up, and saw that Wuxin was half lying on the wicker chair, looking leisurely.

Why do you say that? Liang Yan frowned.

You think too much about the enemy, but in fact, the overall situation in Langhuan Continent has been decided, so you can wait for Shennonghu to leave the customs and prepare to practice "Shennongdijing". As for the matter of Zilan, I will search for her traces. As long as she is still in Langhuan Continent, she will show her feet one day.

When Liang Yan heard this, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

But soon, he reacted.

This trip to the underground palace, unintentionally gained a lot, not only survived the soul and blood of the demons, but also got the inheritance of Ling Zi's skills!

Today's Wuxin is almost equal to Zi Lan who has already survived the two disasters and seven disasters. Even Liang Yan, without using the magical powers of Tianlong Immortal Body and Yin and Ku Erquan, I am afraid that he is not Wuxin's opponent.

I forgot, but now you are stronger than me. Liang Yan looked at Wuxin, and said with a half-smile.

how? Do you know my sister's interests? Wuxin giggled, and hooked his fingers at him.


Liang Yan coughed, but didn't look at Wu Xin, suddenly waved his sleeves, turned into a ray of light and flew away!

Wuxin's face was stunned, and when she looked up, Liang Yan had disappeared, leaving only a voice echoing in the bamboo forest: I will come to you to discuss the Tao again on the day when I practice "Shen Nong Emperor Jing" and leave the customs!


Seeing Liang Yan leave quickly, Wuxin's expression was a little annoyed.

But then she thought of something again, a blush appeared on her cheeks, and she spat: You idiot, what do you want to talk about with me?

In the following days, Shennong Mountain was calm.

Liang Yan lived in seclusion in a thatched cottage

, While practicing, he taught Gu Xingyun and Qingqing's swordsmanship.

Because the five-color soil gifted by Shen Nonghu was still redundant, Liang Yan distributed it to Zhao Xunzhen and Hongwu, and both of them recovered to their peak cultivation successively.

I don't know if it was a blessing in disguise, after being eroded by the evil spirit of reincarnation and cured by the five-color soil, everyone's cultivation has improved, especially Li Xiaosong, who has faintly touched the threshold of the next level of realm.

Not only that, before, Li Xiaosong could only show people in the form of a monster, but after this catastrophe, this civet cat seems to have opened up the meridians of the whole body, and it can actually change into the appearance of a girl again.

Liang Yan was very curious about this, and asked Li Xiaosong several times.

Unexpectedly, this silly girl is not clear about the situation in her body, she just feels a faint power appearing in her body, but every time she tries to feel it, this power disappears without a trace up.

You silly cat, don't you even know what's going on in your own body? Could it be that he slept for too long before and made himself sleepy? Liang Yan was really angry with her.

How can this be my fault? It's as if you have no father or mother since you were a child. Can you know your name? Li Xiaosong responded confidently.


Liang Yan couldn't refute for a while.

After a while, Liang Yan waved his hand and put Li Xiaosong back into the Taixu gourd.

In fact, he had a guess in his heart that the power that Li Xiaosong sensed was probably a kind of awakening of blood, but the degree of awakening was not high, so she felt that it was vague.

What kind of breed is this girl?

Liang Yan sighed secretly, but unfortunately he had never been to the Yaozu Continent, and he knew too few types of Yaozu, so he really couldn't see Xiaosong's background.

But no matter what, the power of the bloodline is only awakened in the Creation Realm. The conditions for the awakening of the bloodline are too harsh, right? If she had fallen before, wouldn't she not be able to know what she was in this life?

That's all, that's all... Xiaosong's identity, there will always be a chance to figure it out in the future, so let's focus on our own practice now.

Liang Yan shook his head, got rid of distracting thoughts, and began to meditate.

Ten more days of such peace have passed.

In the early morning of this day, the sun had just risen, and two rays of light fell in front of the thatched hut one by one, but it was Gu Xingyun and Qingqing who came to practice as usual.


Brother Liang!

One thick, one light, two completely different voices sounded outside the thatched cottage at the same time.

Liang Yan opened his eyes from the trance, opened the door and went outside.

I saw Qingqing and Gu Xingyun standing with their hands behind their backs in the courtyard, among them, Qingqing looked a little excited, but Gu Xingyun was as serious as ever, or bored.

Yes, Not Bad.

Liang Yan just glanced at the two of them, and he could already see how advanced their sword practice was.

The **** is hidden inside, the sword is hidden in the heart... It seems that you have all successfully passed the introductory stage, starting today, I will teach you the second step...


Before Liang Yan finished speaking, Qingqing interrupted him with a smile.

Is there a problem? Liang Yan raised his eyebrows.

Brother Liang, my father is leaving the customs today, he wants to invite you to sit in the cave for a while! Qingqing laughed.

What? You said that the mountain master has left the customs today? A look of disbelief appeared on Liang Yan's face.

The reason why he was so surprised was that he was very aware of Shennonghu's injuries. In the twelve-element magnetic formation that day, Shennonghu was almost exhausted, and killing the bone star official exhausted his last spiritual power .

It can be said that if it weren't for the four major personal disciples who guarded him all the way, he might not even be able to return to Shennong Mountain.

According to Liang Yan's prediction, such a serious injury would not take half a year to recover. No matter how impatient Shen Nonghu was, it was impossible for him to leave the customs in ten days?

you sure? Your father has already left customs, you want me to see him? Liang Yan once again confirmed that



Qingqing looked very happy, and said with a smile: Dad has almost recuperated, he is so anxious to see you, he must thank Brother Liang personally! After Liang Yan heard this, a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

Since it was the Lord of the Mountain who invited me, then of course I will go

As he spoke, he took out a roll of bamboo from the storage ring, gathered the spiritual power of his fingertips, and lightly tapped on the bamboo.

Countless spiritual power condensed on the bamboo silk, and finally turned into a series of formulas. In just a moment, a basic sword formula has been made.

Although this sword formula is not a rare skill, it is Liang Yan's tailor-made cultivation path for Gu Xingyun and Qingqing. It is divided into two parts, the first half is suitable for Qingqing's cultivation, and the second half is suitable for cultivation. Gu Xingyun practiced.

He handed the bamboo and silk to the two of them, and said: "I went to see the mountain master as a teacher, and the date of return is uncertain. You two must practice hard and don't slack off for half a day!" yes!

Qingqing and Gu Xingyun responded at the same time.

Seeing this, Liang Yan nodded slightly.

The next moment, with the pinch of the magic formula in his hand, the whole person turned into a ray of light, and disappeared in place in an instant.

The Shennong Mountain Range covers an extremely wide area, and one-tenth of the entire Langhuan Continent is bounded by the Shennong Mountain Range.

There is a canyon in the depths of the mountain range, named: Jinxiu Valley, where the seasons are like spring, and a hundred flowers are in full bloom. Along the Jinxiu Valley, you can see a cave. It is the place where Shennonghu healed his wounds.

Liang Yan rode the light and came to the outside of Jinxiu Valley. From a distance, he saw two figures standing guard on both sides of the canyon, but they were his old acquaintances, Jia Yi and Ding Feng!

Brother Liang!

The two had fought side by side with him before, so they were no strangers to meeting each other.

Especially Ding Feng, although he was rebellious, he admired Liang Yan from the bottom of his heart after the battle of the Twelve Yuan Magnetic Formation, so he showed great respect.

It turned out that the two guarded here, it was hard work. Liang Yan smiled slightly. Where does Brother Liang say that, as Master's direct disciples, we should be here to guard him while he is recuperating from his injuries. Jia Yi laughed lightly.

Ding Feng also laughed: "Brother Liang, I heard that there is a word in the outside world before, which is 'real people don't show their faces!'" I didn't know what it meant until I met you, and Ding realized that it really means "There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky"!

Congratulations Brother Ding!

Liang Yan laughed and didn't say much, but Jia Yi next to him stopped Ding Feng who wanted to continue, shook his head and smiled wryly, "Brother Liang, you don't care about him, the master has already left the customs and is waiting for you inside." .


Liang Yan nodded slightly, his whole body shone brightly, passed Jia Yi and Ding Feng, and flew towards the depths of the canyon.

Jinxiu Valley is like spring all the year round, with beautiful scenery.

Along the way, I saw many treasures of heaven and earth, such as Nine Sun Nightshade, Rotten Bone Spirit Flower, Qinglong Ginseng, Thousand Magic Blue... and so on, which are extremely rare in the outside world, but they can be seen everywhere here.

Seeing this, Liang Yan felt a little emotional.

It has to be said that Shennong's lineage does have some unique secrets in planting natural treasures, and through the efforts of several generations of Shennong, Shennong Mountain has also become a treasured place outside the world.

It's just that there are no saints in Juntian City, it's like a child sitting on a treasure mountain, once someone breaks through the barrier, what awaits everyone is probably a catastrophe.

Shen Nong Hu obviously understands this truth very well, so no matter how many people in Tiangong City

No matter what temptation, he is always firm and will never open the enchantment.

It's just that this kind of firmness, how long can it last in the dispute that is about to sweep across the entire Antarctic fairyland?

Liang Yan was thinking a lot, but suddenly he heard a familiar voice from ahead, he laughed and said: Fellow Daoist Liang, I have been waiting for you for a long time!

He recovered from his contemplation and looked forward.

The front has reached the end of the canyon, there is a huge spiritual spring, and a cave can be vaguely seen under the A trace of medicinal fragrance wafts out of the cave, Liang Yan just took a sip, and he felt a kind of breath Blood congestion, ears open

A sense of clarity. Shennonghu had already left the customs at this time, and was sitting on the ground by the bank of Lingquan.

Liang has seen the mountain master.

Liang Yan stopped to escape the light, and bowed his hands in salute, but secretly scrutinized Shen Nong Hu. Strange, the wound on his body seems to have really healed?

As soon as this idea came up, Liang Yan felt a little unbelievable. Obviously, this person was almost exhausted when he was in the Twelve Yuan Magnetic Formation before. It's only been ten days. Could it be that the other party has fully recovered?

Shennong Hu seemed to see the doubts in his heart, at this moment he smiled slightly and said: Fellow Daoist Liang must have many questions, right? I invite you to come here this time, one is to thank you for saving your life, and the other is to clear up your doubts, no matter what the fellow Taoist wants to know, just ask.


Liang Yan nodded slightly, randomly found an open space beside Shennong Hu, and sat on the ground.

Lord of the Mountain, forgive me for being a little curious. You were seriously injured in the 'twelve-yuan magnetic formation. You couldn't even maintain your own realm. If I read correctly, your original power has been damaged. It hasn't lasted for more than half a year. It is impossible to recover in the short time, why is it back to normal in just ten days?

This question, if placed in normal times, is a hostile question.

Because this is tantamount to asking other people's background, let alone whether they can get an answer, the grumpy monk may have already started fighting.

But Shen Nong Hu was always calm, and he didn't mean to get angry at all.

Daoyou Liang, you have saved my life, so it’s okay to tell you. In fact, I can only maintain this state when I am in Shennong Mountain. Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter

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