The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1553: 4 conditions to break through Kenshin

Why do you say you want to open up the Jianxin universe in your own body?

Because Liang Yan's advancement method is quite different from other sword cultivators, he needs to fuse more than one natal flying sword, and when these flying swords are fused with the soul, the power of law is too powerful, and different laws They will also conflict with each other, and it is precisely for this reason that they become obsessed.

Ordinary sword cultivators couldn't solve this problem, but Liang Yan came up with a new method after watching "Shen Nong Di Jing".

That is to use the physical body of the sword cultivator as the foundation, and open up a sword heart universe in the body.

This sword heart universe can be said to be his second dantian, but Liang Yan will not use it to store spiritual power, but to hold his sword soul and the sword law born after the fusion of sword soul!

Only after creating the sword heart universe, can the power of law be perfectly integrated, so that it will not conflict with each other, nor will it tear your soul.

Although Liang Yan couldn't verify this theory, it was the only way he could think of that could break through Jian's state of mind!

In order to achieve this goal, Liang Yan finally summed up four conditions after years of deduction.

The first condition: Possess the ability to split the soul.

If you want to break through the sword state of mind, you must let the natal flying sword absorb the sword baby, and then fuse with your own soul, and finally form a "sword soul".

Since Liang Yan had multiple natal flying swords, it meant that he had to divide his main soul into multiples and fuse with each flying sword separately, so as to finally obtain his own law of swordsmanship.

The splitting of the soul mentioned here is not simply splitting the soul, but completely tearing the soul apart. Each soul is its own, and there is no distinction between primary and secondary.

To achieve this step is even more difficult than cultivating an incarnation outside the body!

Fortunately, by chance, Liang Yan obtained secret techniques such as "Soul Separation Jue", "Soul Seeding Jue", and "Mirror Soul Jue". There are countless connections between them.

Liang Yan speculated that this might be a practice that had been split into different chapters, similar to the "Daojian Jing". I have got most of it now, but I just faintly feel that there is still one article missing. If I can make up the last article, I can practice the real soul splitting technique.

At that time, the first condition can be easily fulfilled.

As for the second condition, it is a strong physical body!

If you want to open up the Jianxin universe in your body, your physical body must be tempered and tempered. If your physical body is not strong enough to withstand the power of opening up the world, then your physical body may collapse when you break through.

At that time, even if he was forcibly resurrected by "Tianlong Immortal Body", he would forever lose the opportunity to go further on the road of swordsmanship because of the damaged sword heart.

Regarding this condition, Liang Yan already had some foundations.

He has practiced "Babu Yanyuan" for hundreds of years, and his physical strength is comparable to physical cultivation of the same level.

However, in order to meet the conditions for breaking through Jianxin, the current strength of the physical body alone seems not enough. It is necessary to go further and refine the physical body to the extreme, so that it is possible to withstand the power of opening up the world in the body.

The third condition is to master the power of various laws and integrate them into one's own way of swordsmanship.

Ordinary sword cultivators don't need to master the power of law when breaking through the state of mind of the sword, because they only need to fuse the flying sword and soul to create their own Dao law.

But Liang Yan is different, he needs to open up a brand new universe in his body.

How difficult is it to open up the world? In addition to the need for a solid physical body, it also needs the power of external laws as a foundation.

It’s like building a house for the first time. It’s impossible to build a tall building on flat ground. You need to use bricks and tiles from the outside world and learn from the laws of the outside world, so that you can build your own house.

If the power of the law is not enough, the universe created in the body will easily collapse, and then it will not only go crazy, but may be annihilated on the spot!

In order to successfully open up the Jianxin universe in the body, Liang Yan repeatedly deduced, and finally came to a conclusion: at least the power of five laws is needed to support the existence of the universe in the body.

Of course, the power of law is not the more the better.

According to Liang Yan's conjecture, to open up the Jianxin universe, you can only use the power of nine laws at most. If this number is exceeded, it will have an impact on your own Jianxin. Although I don't know what the consequences will be, it is definitely not a good thing. .

As for the amount of power of law, Liang Yan didn't need too much. He only needed to master five of them to achieve the goal of breaking through Jian's state of mind.

As for Liang Yan now, he already has the "Shenxiao Seal" in his hand, as long as he is willing to spend time to participate in the research, one day he will be able to master the law of thunder and lightning. As for the power of the remaining four laws, he needs to find them slowly.

As for the fourth condition, which is also the most critical step, that is how to make the "five souls unite"!

As mentioned earlier, in order to fuse the sword soul, Liang Yan planned to divide his soul into five parts and fuse with the five natal sword pills respectively.

Although the fused sword soul possesses five different kendo laws, they are created with the help of external laws, not really Liang Yan's own laws.

To take this last step, Liang Yan had to unite the split "five souls" into one, and through his own understanding of the way of the sword, create his own rules of the way of the sword.

This step is very important!

It's a pity that Liang Yan still has no clue.

In his deduction, he might not be able to unite the split five souls with his own strength. To achieve this step, he must rely on some kind of heavenly and earthly treasure or magic weapon of spirit and soul. It's just that he hasn't been cultivating for a long time, and his knowledge has its limits, so he hasn't thought of a suitable treasure yet.

At this moment, Liang Yan sat on the "Preaching Stone", looked down at the various runes and records he had left behind, and couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

In my current situation, the possibility of breaking through Jian's state of mind is very small, and the road is extremely difficult.

To sum up, in order to break through the sword state of mind, four conditions must be met, namely: the ability to split the soul, an extremely powerful body, the power of the five laws, and the ability to "unify the five souls"!

Each of these four conditions is difficult to achieve, and it is as difficult as heaven to satisfy these four points at the same time!

However, Liang Yan was not discouraged.

At least he found a path of his own in desperation. Although the path was long and difficult, it at least gave him a hope, a hope for him to go further on the path of swordsmanship!

If he can use this method to finally break through Jian's state of mind, then he will have created an unprecedented path!

Thinking of this, Liang Yan's heart gradually became firm.

"The road of sword cultivation is full of difficulties and obstacles. I have already reached half of this road, and I have no reason to give up. Although my sword state of mind will be a hundred times more difficult than others, but as long as I break through successfully, my supernatural power is far from ordinary sword cultivation comparable!"

After the idea in his heart was confirmed, Liang Yan was no longer confused.

He flicked his sleeve lightly, and the traces on the "Preaching Stone" were immediately erased. Then he reached out and tapped the rock three times, and then sat on the ground beside him, waiting quietly.

After half a quarter of an hour, the sound of breaking through the sky came from outside Xianyun Valley.

Following the sinking of a formula, the stone gate of Xianyun Valley, which had been sealed in dust for 25 years, finally opened again.

There were five people standing outside the door, besides Shen Nong Hu, Wei Long, and Ai Zhong, there were also Qing Qing and Gu Xingyun, standing side by side, they seemed a little close.

The moment he saw Liang Yan, Shen Nong Hu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist, I didn't expect you to really comprehend the exercises on the mountain wall, and even cultivated the 'Sacred Body of Shennong'!"

As soon as this remark came out, Wei Long, Ai Zhong and others beside him all looked surprised.

As the guardian elders of Shennong Mountain, they all know some rumors about the "Shennong Dijing". In the past, disciples other than Shennong were allowed to enter this place, but not everyone can comprehend the exercises on the mountain wall, even those who can comprehend Even the best monks may not be able to cultivate the "Sacred Body of Shennong".

Unexpectedly, this young foreign monk in front of him could really do this.

"Liang Daoyou, you are the youngest person in the 'Shen Nong Holy Physique' that I know of!" Shen Nong Hu laughed.

After hearing this, Liang Yan also smiled slightly.

With a tap of his toes, he flew out of the Immortal Cloud Valley the next moment.

Following his departure, the stone door behind him closed automatically, and the entire Immortal Cloud Valley was once again isolated from the outside world.

"Now I know that Shennongtuo is worthy of being an ancient 'medicine fairy', and the "Shennongdijing" is extensive and profound. It is a great honor for Liang to comprehend this wonderful book." Liang Yan said slowly.

"The injury of the Great Dao on your body."

"It has been cured."

Having said this, Liang Yan clasped his fists and bowed solemnly to Shen Nong Hu.

"Thank you, Mountain Master. Without the "Shen Nong Emperor Jing", my wounds on the Great Dao would not be healed, and this book is all-inclusive, and it will be of great help to my cultivation. If Shen Nong Mountain encounters any troubles in the future, Liang is willing to help the mountain." A helping hand from the Lord."

"Okay, Liang Daoyou is indeed a lover!"

Shennonghu laughed, as if he could get a promise from Liang Yan, which made him very happy.

"Brother Liang, what about me? When will you teach me how to practice swords again? You have been here for twenty-five years. Qingqing has been waiting until all the flowers withered!" Qingqing looked excited, as if waiting for this day It's been too long.

Not only her, even Gu Xingyun, who has always been prudent, was a little uncontrollably excited at this moment.

It was only then that Liang Yan remembered that twenty-five years had passed since his retreat!

Before the retreat, although Gu Xingyun and Qingqing were taught the sword art, but with their aptitude, they can learn it within ten years. After all, before entering Xianyun Valley, Liang Yan didn't think that he could realize the way to break through Jian's state of mind, let alone that he would stay here for twenty-five years.

"You two, have you practiced the sword formula I left behind during my retreat?" Liang Yan coughed and asked.


Qingqing responded first, and Gu Xingyun nodded slightly.

Liang Yan didn't speak, put his hands on the shoulders of Qingqing and Gu Xingyun respectively, nodded after a while and said: "Yes, both of them have drawn swords into their bodies and entered the 'sword embryo stage'. But Qingqing The degree of nurturing the natal flying sword is far more than Gu Xingyun Xingyun, from this point of view, you are already behind."

After hearing this, Gu Xingyun was a little surprised.

He glanced at Qingqing beside him, and seeing the latter sticking out his tongue at him, he couldn't help but blushed slightly, lowered his head, and said softly: "Master, I have been practicing hard for more than 20 years, and I have never had any problems." Slack off a bit."

"You don't have to blame yourself."

Liang Yan interrupted him, and said lightly: "Everyone's aptitude and talent are different. Your 'Suppressing Evil' needs to be carefully crafted. Although the speed of refinement is slow, in the future, after entering the Sword Astral Stage, it will be more powerful than ordinary people. Sword repair."

"Thank you, Master, for your guidance!" Gu Xingyun said respectfully.


Liang Yan nodded slightly, turned to meet Shen Nong Hu's eyes, both of them were of a penetrating generation, and they each smiled knowingly.

Obviously, Shennong Hu also saw the relationship between the two.

Gu Xingyun and Qingqing have a crush on each other, but they both learned swords under Liang Yan's seat, and they developed a desire to win. They both admire each other and want to beat each other at the same time. This kind of relationship is indeed a bit complicated.

In fact, Qingqing is not human, she is transformed by Xuan Mizhu's weapon spirit, but this does not prevent her from having human emotions.

For a long time, Shennong Hu regarded Qingqing as his own daughter. He didn't want to restrict Qingqing too much, but hoped that she could have her own happiness.

Therefore, when he discovered the subtle relationship between Gu Xingyun and Qingqing, Shen Nonghu did not stop him.

Because Qingqing had already paid too much for Langhuan Continent in her previous life, she should not bear such a heavy responsibility in this life.

As for Liang Yan, he was of course in favor of his apprentice's marriage.

Although Qingqing is a weapon spirit, she has already condensed a human body for herself, and now she is no different from a human monk, and because she is a weapon spirit, she has a special affinity for Feijian.

Gu Xingyun is already a rare talent, but compared with Qingqing, it is still a little bit worse.

If his apprentice is really capable of abducting Qingqing from the Langhuan Continent, then he, the master, will never object.

However, whether this marriage will be successful in the end depends on Shen Nong Hu's intentions. At least for now, Shen Nong Hu should turn a blind eye, otherwise he would not have such an attitude just now.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan smiled slightly, bowed his hands to Shen Nonghu and said, "Shanzhu, I once promised you that I would teach Qingqing swordsmanship. Now that I have been in seclusion for 25 years, this matter has been delayed. I want to let Qingqing Qing and Gu Xingyun moved to live in my cave, and I will guide them with all my heart from tomorrow."


Shen Nong Hu's face showed a smile that was not a smile, and secretly said: "You Liang Daoyou, you have just left the customs, and you are thinking about how to abduct Qingqing from me, isn't that bad?"

After Liang Yan heard this, he smiled and laughed, and said in the same voice transmission: "Shanzhu, that's not what he said, fate is destined, we just have to let nature take its course, Shanzhu should be more cautious. "

(end of this chapter)

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