The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1556: starry sky

The relationship between Gu Xingyun and Qingqing is somewhat ambiguous. They have a good impression of each other, and at the same time they have a competitive heart.

Although Qingqing was only at the realm of gathering Yuan, she was extremely talented in the way of swordsmanship. The two practiced at the same time, but Qingqing was ahead everywhere, which made Gu Xingyun feel sullen.

For the past ten years, Gu Xingyun practiced diligently and fought hard all day long in the kendo dojo left by Liang Yan, in order to comprehend the higher realm of kendo.

He originally thought that with his hard work and talent, he could catch up with Qingqing in ten years.

But today, in the comparison, I found that I was still behind in the way of swordsmanship. Compared with the little junior sister who only had the Gathering Realm in this realm, I might just be a person with mediocre aptitude

Thinking of this, Gu Xingyun felt a little discouraged, and his face became much darker.

Liang Yan had a keen mind, and he could see what he was thinking at a glance. He couldn't help but smiled and said: "Xingyun, don't think too much, everyone's situation is different, and the speed is also different. You have just started the road of swordsmanship. There is still a long time to go, when you reach the realm of being a teacher, it will not be too late to distinguish between the superior and the inferior."

After Gu Xingyun heard this, the haze in his heart gradually dissipated. He nodded and said: "Master is right, the road to the great road is bumpy and tortuous. You can't just stick to the victory or defeat in front of you. It's because your vision is low."


As soon as his words fell, Qingqing snorted and said, "Don't say anything that wins in front of you!"

If you lose, you lose! Even in a hundred or a thousand years, I can beat you! "

"Oh?" Gu Xingyun smiled instead of anger, and said, "Then I'm looking forward to it,

There is an opponent to accompany you on the road of practice, so you will not be lonely! "

"Wait, I will definitely step into the 'Sword Pill Stage' before you!" Qingqing stared wide-eyed, with a look of reluctance to admit defeat.

Seeing this scene, Liang Yan and Wuxin both smiled.

In fact, Gu Xingyun's talent is not weak at all, he is also a person like Tianjiao on the outside, but Qingqing is a physical body condensed with a spirit of weapons, and his aptitude is too monstrous, and it is simply not comparable to ordinary monks.

However, Qingqing's special physique will also bring her a bottleneck in her cultivation in the future, and she will be much slower than Gu Xingyun in improving her own realm.

The path of swordsmanship ultimately depends on her own cultivation. If Qingqing can't improve her cultivation, then the "Sword Pill Stage" is almost her limit.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan felt a little regretful.

"It seems that you care about these two apprentices." Wuxin sent a voice transmission to him, looked at Qingqing and Gu Xingyun, and said with a smile: "You are Liang Yan's disciples, and I didn't give you a meeting gift before. , I happen to be free today, so I’ll give this to you.”

As he spoke, he took out a piece of jade pendant from the storage ring, tapped it lightly with his finger, and the jade pendant split into two in mid-air.

The next moment, Qingqing and Gu Xingyun each got half of the jade pendant.

"This is Huiguangyu, I got it from a powerful enemy. It can't be activated normally, but it will save your life at a critical moment." Wuxin said slowly.

After hearing this, Qingqing and Gu Xingyun were all happy.

Especially for Gu Xingyun, for a monk like him who is about to leave the Langhuan Continent and go to the outside world, the "Huiguang Jade" is a life-saving talisman, so it shouldn't be too precious.

"Thank you, Mistress!" Gu Xingyun almost blurted out.

"Yo, I can't tell, you're pretty good at talking."

Wuxin leaned against Liang Yan, her bright eyes smiling like crescent moons.

"Cough cough."

Liang Yan coughed, and said, "Since your mistress gave such a great gift, then I, as a master, can't be stingy... How about this, I will teach you another set of sword skills."

As he said that, with a wave of his sleeve, the two spiritual powers submerged into Gu Xingyun and Qingqing's sea of ​​consciousness respectively, and turned into a series of mysterious formulas.

At the same time, the mayfly sword pill also flew out of the Taixu gourd, and under Liang Yan's control, it turned into a blue sword light, demonstrating the various changes of this set of sword techniques for the two of them.

Gu Xingyun and Qingqing looked at each other, and they both saw happiness in each other's eyes.

The color of excitement.

Ever since they stepped into the Jian Gang stage, Liang Yan has seldom taught the two of them in this way. In the past ten years, he has almost left them in the sword dojo, and seldom personally taught them like today.

Such an excellent opportunity, the two couldn't wish for more. Standing side by side in the courtyard at this time, they both stared intently at the sword light in midair, for fear that they would miss the subtle changes in the sword technique...

The valley, thatched cottage, the night sky, and the courtyard.

Liang Yan demonstrated the sword technique and accompanied Wuxin with a smile, while Gu Xingyun and Qingqing looked up at the change of sword light in midair, their eyes intoxicated.

Such a wonderful night scene can be said to be a microcosm of the past decade.

Ten years in the valley, away from disputes, accompanied by beautiful women, and practiced quietly.

If possible, Liang Yan hoped that this time could last forever.

But he knew it was impossible.

Langhuan Continent, also known as "Juntian City", was built on the back of the divine turtle "Juntian".

"Jun Tian" breathes out every fifty years, and will create hundreds of aura channels between Langhuan Continent and Antarctic Immortal Continent. Only at this time, will there be a chance to leave Langhuan Continent.

Counting the time, it has been forty-seven years since I arrived in Juntian City.

It was less than three years before the next time the tortoise breathed.

After three years, will Wuxin stay here with him? Impossible, she has a **** vengeance to avenge, and the fate of her people is waiting for her to save, if she chooses to stay, it is not unintentional.

What about Gu Xingyun?

Probably not. He is already tired of life in Langhuan Continent. The reason why he worships himself as a teacher is because he wants to see the outside world, explore the end of the road, and find the meaning of life.

What about yourself?

Thinking of this, a self-deprecating smile suddenly appeared on Liang Yan's face.

I'm afraid I'm the one I don't want to stay the most, right?

Seeking the way, seeking the way, is indeed a road of no return... Did the people who sought the way back then finally comprehend the true meaning of the way of heaven?

Liang Yan sighed lightly.

Tonight, why is my heart so heavy?

Looking at the mid-air, Mayfly Jianwan and his mind are connected, a set of ordinary swordsmanship does not need to be manipulated at all, as long as the mind moves, it can be displayed in mid-air.

Both Gu Xingyun and Qingqing were concentrating on observing, but Liang Yan felt that his mood was up and down, and he couldn't calm down.

Is it because you are leaving here soon?

The Antarctic Immortal Continent is turbulent undercurrents, and all forces are ready to move. The catastrophe predicted by Wei Wenxiang and Li Yuxian may be coming soon. I am afraid that I will be thrown into a pit of fire...

You know it's a fire pit, but you still want to go in?

Liang Yan smiled wryly in his heart.

Sometimes, people really can't seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, because there are some things you can't let go of, and some responsibilities you can't shirk.

"It's ridiculous!"

Liang Yan sighed, and suddenly felt a soft touch coming from behind him, two plump lumps were pressed on his back, and a faint fragrance hit him from behind.

"Is something on your mind?" Wu Xin hugged Liang Yan from behind.

"It's nothing but trouble."

Liang Yan smiled lightly, held Wuxin's catkin, and gradually calmed down.

"I know what you're thinking!"

Wuxin giggled behind Liang Yan, and said, "Actually, I also thought about it, just staying in the valley like this and not going out... away from the dust of the world, away from the chaos of war, just me and you, this kind of life should be happier than the outside world. many."

"But... this kind of happiness is only temporary. You and I are like the stars in the night sky. If they can't shine forever, they are just short-lived meteors. When we fall into the darkness, the happiness we once had is just a fleeting cloud. .”

"I got you."

Liang Yan clenched Wuxin's hand, and said with a smile, "You and I are not people who are greedy for pleasure for a long time.

"Slick tongue!"

Wuxin let out a coquettish snort, but her arms holding Liang Yan tightened even more.

"Idiot, look, the starry sky tonight is so beautiful...


Liang Yan smiled slightly and looked up at the starry sky.

Today's night sky is really extraordinarily bright. Countless stars are twinkling like bright pearls, sprinkled on the dark sky, forming a beautiful picture.

Liang Yan was engrossed in watching it, and unconsciously became a little crazy.

Suddenly, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, the induction between heaven and man was activated, and a strange feeling emerged in his heart.


Liang Yan said softly.

Wuxin behind him was still intoxicated by the atmosphere just now, when he suddenly heard Liang Yan's voice, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"What's wrong?" Wu Xin asked.

"This starry sky is wrong!"


Wuxin raised his head and looked intently.

Gradually, the gentleness and tenderness on Wu Xin's face disappeared, replaced by a sharp look.

"There is a problem! I have never seen so many stars before, and the light of this star is a bit weird!"

"You can see it too." Liang Yan narrowed his eyes and said, "Langhuan Continent is a small world created by Shen Nongtuo. They all have their trajectories, and there will never be such a huge change!"

"You mean someone is trying to change the rules of this world?" Wu Xin frowned.

"Not trying to change, but already changing!"

Liang Yan's face was very serious.

As if to confirm what he said, the full moon in the midair gradually changed its color, a strand of blood appeared in the center of the full moon, and then quickly spread to the surroundings, just a few breaths, the full moon hanging above the head had turned into There's a blood moon!

"Brother Liang, what do you think is that?"

Qingqing and Gu Xingyun also noticed the change, but they didn't realize the seriousness of the problem. Qingqing thought it was some kind of spectacle, and her face was full of curiosity. "Something is wrong, stop practicing, come to me!" Liang Yan raised his hand to collect the Mayfly Sword Pill, and said in a deep voice.

"What's wrong?"

Qingqing muttered, although she didn't understand, she followed Liang Yan's intention and came to his side with Gu Xingyun.

At this moment, a star fell from mid-air and landed in the courtyard. The surrounding void twisted and changed, and a figure appeared after a while.


Liang Yan's eyes showed vigilance, and he looked intently, only to see that the void gradually returned to calm, and a human figure appeared, which turned out to be a headless body!

The whole body of this headless body is blood red, the arms are strangely long, and covered with pustules, it looks very disgusting.


A strange sound came from the belly of the headless body.

Immediately afterwards, the headless body jumped up, stretched out its long nails in mid-air, and grabbed Wuxin with one claw.

"Corpse refinement?" Liang Yan frowned slightly, and suddenly shouted, "No, be careful, it's poisonous!"


Wuxin was about to use her supernatural powers when she suddenly smelled a sweet scent, and her expression changed slightly.

"It's really poisonous! And the poison is invisible and invisible, making it impossible to guard against!"

Wuxin knew that she had inhaled a little poisonous gas, so she didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly used her magic skills, while suppressing the poison in her body, she displayed her supernatural powers.

Violet devilish energy burst out of her body, turning into a huge real devil's hand in mid-air, and slapped the headless body with a palm.


There was a loud noise, and the entire mountain was wiped flat by the hands of the real devil.

But the headless and remnant body stood still in place, with both palms raised upwards, holding the unintentional hand of the real devil in the air, without any damage! "How can it be?"

Unintentionally surprised.

Although she didn't use her full strength, this palm also used 50% of her power. If the monks who are below the catastrophe level and do not have special magic weapons or supernatural powers are close by, they will probably be killed by this palm.

But the headless body in front of him was unscathed?

Not only that, the toxin that invaded her body just now seemed to be alive, entrenched in her meridians. Although it was only a small amount, even with Wuxin's supernatural powers, he couldn't remove these toxins in a short period of time. "This is not an ordinary corpse refining technique, this is a poisonous person!"

Liang Yan stood in front of Wuxin, pinched the sword formula in his hand, and the mayfly sword pill flew out of the Taixu gourd.

"What kind of poisonous person is this? It's too domineering! Just now I just inhaled a little bit, and my meridians were almost blocked!"

Wuxin exclaimed, thought for a while and said: "Could it be that Zi Lan has made a comeback? No... I've seen her poisoning skills before. Although it's powerful, it's not so domineering!"

"It's not Zilan..."

Liang Yan had a serious and said in a deep voice: "I have the 'Shen Nong Holy Physique,' the poisonous kung fu of the same level cannot hurt me, but I sense danger from this poisonous man..."

When Wuxin heard this, his face suddenly changed: "You mean..."

"If my guess is correct, a saint in Tiangong City has made a move."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's face changed drastically.

"How is it possible? Juntian City has an enchantment, the Queen Mother of the West couldn't find the location of Juntian City back then, if Tiangong City could break the barrier, she wouldn't have tried her best to stir up civil strife in Langhuan Continent." Wu Xin frowned.

"I can't figure it out either, but it's true now."

As Liang Yan said, he looked up at the vast starry sky, and saw countless stars flickering and dimming. In just a moment, dozens of stars fell from the sky.

Two of them happened to land near everyone...

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