The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1566: confusion

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"Good swordsmanship!"

In the Star Demon Palace, Lian Xin saw Liang Yan's sword from a distance, and couldn't help but praise him.

The "Three Sons Sword" was created by Liang Yan. He integrated the law of thunder and lightning into the way of swordsmanship.

Using the "Shenxiao Sword Seal" in the body to activate the sword art, it is possible to switch between the three major divine thunders of "Zhanxie", "Taiyin" and "Wugou", and the swordsmanship displayed also combines the characteristics of the three major divine thunders .

"Slaying Evil God Thunder" is infinitely powerful and extremely fast, like a punishment from heaven, it is a sword that kills the enemy.

"Taiyin Shenlei" penetrates through every hole, turning the enemy's supernatural powers, it is a sword that breaks moves. "Wugou Shenlei" has a clear state of mind, and it is the sword of defense.

The three major sword styles switch back and forth, and contain infinite changes. Only by integrating the "Three Sons of Swordsmanship" can one comprehend the mystery.

Liang Yan, as the pioneer of this sword technique, of course no one understands the subtlety of this sword technique better than him. Just now, in an instant, he changed from "Zhanxie" to "Taiyin", breaking Lian Xin's first move. .

But Lian Xin was not depressed, instead she chuckled, jumped up, and came to Liang Yan and Wu Xin in a split second.

"too fast!"

Wuxin's face changed slightly, and he pinched the magic formula in his hand.

The magic energy turned into a huge palm print, and slapped it towards Lian Xin!

"It's nothing more than a trick!"

Lian Xin snorted coldly, flicked the sleeve of her left hand, as if dusting off the dust, and wiped away the huge palm print of the real devil out of thin air!

"Eat me too!"

Before the words were finished, Lian Xin stretched out both palms, and the Buddhist spiritual power surged out, turning into a hundred-foot-tall golden mountain, which descended from the sky and suppressed on top of the two of them.

Before the golden mountain fell, there was the sound of Buddhist Sanskrit singing, and beams of golden light fell on Liang Yan's body, making his speed suddenly slow down.

"not good!"

Liang Yan's pupils shrank slightly, and the sword light turned into Wugou Divine Thunder, and the sword energy surged towards him, quickly releasing the restraining force.

Immediately afterwards, he tapped the Taixu gourd lightly, and Lao Jin appeared instantly, carrying Liang Yan and Wuxin on his back, and galloped away in a direction away from Jinshan.

"Hehe, Junior Brother, you can't escape!"

Lian Xin smiled slightly, turned her palm into a finger, and pointed at Liang Yan's back. The spiritual power of Buddhism condensed between the fingers and turned into a golden light that was as sharp as a sword. The golden light pierced through the air and reached the back of Liang Yan's head in an instant.

Although it was just a light finger, it made Liang Yan feel the threat of death. Without the slightest hesitation, he cast the "Three Sons of Swordsmanship", turned around and slashed out with a sword, Wugou Divine Thunder turned into Taiyin Divine Thunder, the sword energy was mighty and endless, and soon involved the golden light.

Zheng! Zheng!

In mid-air, there was the sound of gold and iron clashing, and Lian Xin's golden light was like a flying sword. In just a short moment, Liang Yan and Liang Yan fought dozens of moves in mid-air. Lian Xin didn't lose the slightest bit of wind!

"Haha, my good brother!" No self and no Buddha is the supreme aspect of "Babu Yanyuan". After realizing this aspect, one can return to the original, and every punch and kick has great power. This is the real unrestrained , feel at ease!"

Amidst the loud laughter, Lian Xin's moves became more violent. The golden light turned into two with two, and turned into four with two. The location of Feijian and Jin Guang cannot be revealed.

Wuxin wanted to help, but was firmly pressed down by the golden mountain above her head, and the Buddhist spiritual power surged in wave after wave, almost pushing her into the ground.

At this moment, a white and fat spirit beast with the head of a bull and the body of a pig suddenly appeared beside Wu Xin.

The body of this spirit beast swelled hundreds of times in an instant, and at the same time opened its mouth wide, swallowing the golden mountain on Wuxin's head in one gulp!

"Huh? 'Sea Swallowing Mountain Beast!'"

Lian Xin saw this scene from afar, with a look of surprise on her face.

This sea-covering mountain-swallowing beast is quite famous. It is said that it can swallow everything, and it also masters the power of space, which can transfer space in an instant.

After swallowing this mouthful just now, Lian

He could feel in his heart that the golden mountain was already hundreds of thousands of miles away from him, and it should have been transferred by this spirit beast with the magical power of space!

"Fellow Daoist's spirit beasts keep coming out one after another, could it be the monks from Wanshou Mountain?" Lian Xin narrowed her eyes slightly.


Li Banxi's figure flashed, and suddenly appeared behind Lian Xin.

He didn't say much, and stretched out his hand to pat lightly on the spirit animal bag at his waist, but seeing a flash of inspiration from the mouth of the bag, a huge, two-headed and eight-legged red-skinned spider appeared out of thin air.

The spider spun silk from both heads, and the white thread was coiled around Lian Xin's body, binding his hands and feet.

Li Banlai's face was serious, he made a formula with both hands, and muttered something.

As he cast the spell, small runes appeared on the white line, and the spiritual power spread outward, like a giant net, trapping Lian Xin in the net.

"Two friends, do it!" Li Banxi shouted.

Seeing this scene, Liang Yan and Wuxin did not hesitate at all, and each used their supernatural powers. They saw the sword light howling, the devilish energy flying freely, and their supernatural powers fell on Lian Xin's body almost at the same time!


Amidst the loud noise, a golden light shot out from the net, and even scattered Liang Yan's sword light and Wuxin's devilish energy!

Immediately afterwards, surging vajra divine power surged out, sweeping the entire hall in an instant!

I don't know what kind of material the Star Demon Palace is made of. It just shook a few times in front of such a powerful force, leaving a few cracks on the wall, other than that there is no other damage.

But Liang Yan and others are different.

They were hit head-on by this vajra power, and their blood surged, and they all flew upside down involuntarily.

"Is this the eighth phase... Even if you just stepped into the threshold, it has such a powerful power!"

Liang Yan was shocked and looked forward.

I saw that Lian Xin's whole body was covered by golden light, like an ancient Buddha, with great power in every gesture!

With a slight force in his hands, he tore off the spider silk wrapped around his body in an instant, and then he held one end of the silk thread and pulled it with his backhand, even pulling the two-headed spider in the distance.


Li Banxi looked panic-stricken. He poured a lot of effort into every spirit beast. Some of them had been carefully cultivated for hundreds of years, and some even lasted for thousands of years. A spirit beast was injured.

Seeing this, Liang Yanhe Wuxin immediately used his spiritual power to suppress the divine power of Vajra in his body, and planned to make another move to help Li Banxi regain the spirit beast.

At this moment, countless starlights suddenly lit up in the Star Demon Palace, and powerful restraining powers descended from the sky and landed on everyone, like a huge mountain, making everyone breathless.

Lian Xin is no exception.

He was suppressed by this restraining force, and the golden light from his body shrank sharply, as if there was an invisible big hand holding his whole body, making it impossible for him to fully display his supernatural powers.

Liang Yan, Wu Xin, Li Banxi and Zi Lan were all suppressed by the restraining force to varying degrees.

At this moment, a strange scene appeared in the Star Demon Palace. The people who were fighting fiercely just now stopped, silently resisting the restraining power of the hall.

Silence, eerie silence!

In the Star Demon Palace, there was only the gasp of the crowd, and everyone was trying their best to resist this restraining force, even Li Banxi's spirit beasts were struggling.

Suddenly, Liang Yan's lips moved, as if he was transmitting a voice to someone.

The next moment, Qingqing, who was lying on Wuxin's back, was slightly taken aback. After a moment of hesitation, she slowly closed her eyes

The silence in the Star Demon Palace only lasted for half an hour.

After half a quarter of an hour, Wuxin took the lead in launching the attack!

She jumped up and stretched out both palms, and the star energy turned into a huge vortex, enveloping Lian Xin's whole body.

Immediately afterwards, Liang Yan and Li Banxi also started at the same time.

Liang Yan urged the sword light to use the evil thunder sword in the "Sword of the Three Sons", and the sword light roared

, Straight to the top of Lianxin's head. Li Banxi made a single-handed tactic, gathering all the remaining ancient ice soul insects, and burrowed into Lian Xin's body.

Seeing this scene, Lian Xin's face changed drastically.

"Why are these people moving?"

He was full of doubts. You must know that the restraining power in the Star Demon Palace does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and it falls on everyone equally. Now that he is still resisting this restraining force, why can Liang Yan and others move freely?

Lian Xin couldn't figure it out, her thoughts suddenly fell on Qing Qing.

"Could it be her?"

From the beginning just now, he felt strange why Liang Yan, Wu Xin and the others were carrying such a drag bottle during the battle.

Until now, Lian Xin suddenly realized that maybe this child is the key to this battle!

"Damn it!"

Lian Xin roared angrily, and the spiritual power in her body was running, and she used the golden light of Buddhism to resist the restraining force of the main hall, and at the same time stretched out her right hand, and slapped Qingqing's position with her palm.

King Kong surged out with divine power, and was about to land on Qingqing, but was stopped by Li Banxie's Ice Soul Ancient Worm.


Amidst the loud noise, most of the ancient ice worms were killed or injured!

But the strength of Lian Xin's palm had already been exhausted, Liang Yan's sword energy and Wu Xin's devil energy took advantage of the void, and hit Lian Xin's body from left to right, causing the latter to stagger and spit out a mouthful of blood. .

Lian Xin already had injuries on her body, and she used to rely on the King Kong divine power of "Babu Yanyuan" to forcibly suppress them before, but now she was hit by Liang Yan's sword energy and Wuxin's true devil energy, and both old injuries and new injuries erupted, making him I can't hold back anymore!

"Zi Lan, hurry up and help me!"

Blood stained the white monk's robe red, Lian Xin's face was pale, her breath was chaotic, and she staggered back dozens of steps.

Although Zilan was also resisting the restraining power of the hall, she had the "Mirror of Ten Thousand Poisons" in her hand, so she was not suppressed too much.

Seeing that Lian Xin was outnumbered, her complexion changed again and again, and she suddenly flew towards the statues of Shen Nongtuo and Ling Zi.

"She wants to collect the Xuan Mi Pearl!"

Everyone understood Zi Lan's thoughts, this girl didn't want to save Lian Xin at all, she just wanted to **** the Xuan Mi Pearl!

But the problem is, if Lian Xin is defeated, even if she collects the Xuan Mi Pearl, it will be difficult for her to do it alone. How will she escape from the siege of everyone afterwards?

At this moment, everyone couldn't figure it out.

Before them, there were two choices: one was to take advantage of Lian Xin's injury and continue to besiege this person until he was beheaded; the other was to immediately change the target to prevent Zi Lan from getting the Xuan Mi Pearl.

How to choose?

Unintentionally looked at Liang Yan.

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression changed again and again, and suddenly he shouted loudly: "Stop her!"

In this short period of time, he had already made a decision, instead of continuing to chase and kill Lian Xin, he pinched the magic formula in his hand and slashed towards Zi Lan with the lightsaber.

At this moment, Zilan was near Xuan Mizhu. Facing Liang Yan's sword light, her face was solemn, and she raised her hand to cast a magic formula, blocking the "Mirror of Ten Thousand Poisons" in front of her.

After the breath adjustment just now, Zi Lan has recovered a lot of spiritual power, and can activate the "Ten Thousand Poison Mirror" to launch the second round of attacks.

As her spell entered, streaks of **** light flew out from the mirror. These **** lights contained the poison of the Poison Sage, stabbing at everyone in the hall at the same time like flying needles killing their lives.

Liang Yan's invisible sword light was quickly swept by these poisonous needles, and his whereabouts were revealed in mid-air, unable to move forward half a step.

The remaining poisonous needles were so overwhelming that everyone had to stop and use their magical powers to save their lives.

With only this moment of delay, Zilan has already got the Xuan Mizhu.

She held this legendary magic weapon in her hand, with ecstasy on her face.

At the same time, with a wave of Zilan's sleeve, a huge red vortex appeared behind the "Wandu mirror". This vortex connected to the ground, and a khaki tortoise shell could be vaguely seen below.


! The mirror has the ability to teleport through space, and the other end is the weakest part of the enchantment. If there is a saint who cooperates from the inside out, he can force Zi Lan out through this weak gap! "

Li Banxi saw Zi Lan's thoughts at a glance, and immediately reminded everyone.

After Liang Yan and Wuxin heard this, their expressions changed slightly!

They wanted to stop Zilan, but the "Mirror of Ten Thousand Poisons" was too powerful. When this magic weapon launched an attack, everyone could only use their supernatural powers to protect themselves, and they couldn't catch up to stop Zilan.

Zi Lan turned her head and glanced at the crowd, her smile became even crazier.

"Haha, I didn't expect that, I was the one who had the last laugh!"

"Jiantian City is doomed to be destroyed, and everything you have done is in vain!" Before the words finished, Zi Lan had already turned into a ray of light and flew towards the entrance of the vortex.

The moment she was about to enter the vortex, a golden light suddenly flew from the side, and the figure in the escaping light did not dodge or avoid, and directly hit Zi Lan's body!


Amidst the loud Lan was hit so hard that her eyes stared like gold stars.

She circulated her spiritual power, stabilized her figure, and took a closer look, and found that the person who bumped into her was actually Lian Xin!

"Are you crazy?" Zi Lan snapped.


Lian Xin gasped heavily, blood flowed from the corner of her mouth, but there was a trace of madness in her eyes.

"No one can get what the little monk can't get!"

Before she finished speaking, Lian Xin charged forward again.

Although he was injured, but the lingering majesty of King Kong's divine power was still there, Zi Lan didn't dare to get entangled with him, and hurriedly drilled into the depths of the whirlpool.

However, Lianxin was extremely fast, and soon caught up with Zilan, and a huge force hit her, causing Zilan to let go of her left hand, and the Xuan Mizhu in her hand flew out...

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