The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1583: The Battle of the Pavilion Masters (Part 1)

The man in white clasped his fists, his majestic voice spread throughout the valley. In the valley, someone laughed and said: "As soon as this person finished speaking, another person responded: "Everyone speaks to me, most of them are sycophants. At this moment, a very soft voice suddenly resounded in the crowd. : Although this voice is soft, but the foreign monks who can participate in this grand event are at least at the Gathering Realm, who can't hear it? The valley suddenly became quiet. After a while, a thick voice shouted: The person before answered. The hoarse voice sounded again, seemingly apologizing for his junior brother. In mid-air, the man in Tsing Yi slowly opened his eyes, as if he had just woken up from a trance. He looked over and saw that the two who spoke just now were monks. One of them was playing bad face and the other was singing bad face, and they were actually helping Feng Shanyuan speak. The Divine Cauldron Sect is a sect that was only established in the last hundred years. Its roots in Zhao State are not deep, but it has a close relationship with Feng Shanyuan. If there is nothing tricky about it, no one will believe it. Thinking in this way, the man in Tsing Yi glanced at the surrounding mountains again, and saw a lot of people on the top of the peaks, among them were many familiar faces, these people were probably bought by Feng Shanyuan, and today they said they were here to be witnesses, In fact, it is to cheer. The man in Tsing Yi sighed secretly in his heart, then he also stood up from the stone platform with a flick of his sleeves. The man in white glanced at him, and sneered in his heart, but on the surface he was in harmony: The man in blue sighed lightly, cupped his hands and said: The man in white smiled slightly, then turned to the crowd, and said loudly: As soon as this statement came out, all the monks who came to witness There was some surprise, and they all whispered to each other, only to hear someone say: As soon as he finished speaking, an old man with white beard and hair next to him laughed and said: When he asked this, other monks around him also looked at the white-haired old man, obviously Everyone wants to know his opinion. Wu Daozi felt very proud, twirling his beard with his hands, and said with a smile: Everyone was a little surprised when they heard this, and asked, "Wu Daozi nodded, and said in a low voice: After listening to Wu Daozi's analysis, all the people around showed their faces." The color of emotion. Someone said: Just as the words fell, someone retorted: Everyone on the top of the mountain was discussing, just as they were whispering, a bronze bell suddenly rang in the valley. The bell rings seven times, and it is distant and clear. Accompanied by the sound of the bell, twelve young men and women in Confucian robes walked into the valley. These Confucian scholars had burned incense and bathed for three days, and their expressions were serious at this time, some were holding incense burners, some were holding rulers, some were holding scrolls, and one was holding a tablet, on which was written: eight big characters! Soon, a tall altar was built in the valley. The patriarch of Yixing Pavilion is the real Yixing. In the valley there is a stone statue of him, about five hundred feet high, embedded on the cliff. The altar was built right under the statue of the patriarch! Twelve Confucian scholars lined up on both sides, and one of the handsome young men cleared his throat and said loudly: The sound came from far away, and the Yixing Valley, which was still a little noisy, became quiet in an instant. Not only the Yixing Pavilion disciples, but even the foreign monks who came to watch, shut their mouths wisely at this time, not daring to make a sound. At the same time, Feng Shanyuan put away his smile, and his face became extremely serious, and Lu Zizhen was no longer lazy, and his expression became serious. The two of them got off the stone ladder at the same time, landed under the statue of the patriarch, and then respectfully kowtowed three times to the tablet of Master Yi Xing in front of everyone. Confucian scholar's voice sounded again. Feng Shanyuan and Lu Zizhen stood up separately, and Confucian scholars had already rushed over to present sandalwood to them. Somewhat strangely, the sandalwood they got was different. The sandalwood in Feng Shanyuan's hand was fiery red, while the one in Lu Zizhen's hand was navy blue. Feng Shanyuan glanced at Lu Zizhen, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. He took the first step, bowed three times in front of the statue of the patriarch, and then inserted the sandalwood he got into the incense burner. Lu Zizhen sighed and did not say much. After worshiping like Feng Shanyuan, she also inserted her own sandalwood into the incense burner. The two retreated to the side, and the Confucian scholar from before shouted again: Feng Shanyuan nodded and smiled: Lu Zizhen didn't have much reaction after hearing this, but just nodded slightly, indicating that everyone can start. On the seven white jade high platforms, only the Dao Master of Chess is vacant, and the other six Dao Masters have already arrived. These six people looked at each other, as if they were unwilling to be the first to offer incense. There was a stalemate like this for a moment, and suddenly a loud laugh was heard, but it was Wei Sheng, the Taoist master of Fumai, who jumped down from the high platform. He flew to the statue of the patriarch, kowtowed three times respectfully, then took a joss stick from the Confucian scholar's hand, and put it in the incense burner. Qingxiang! Everyone saw the color of the joss stick clearly, and it was as Wu Daozi said, the talisman Taoist supported Lu Zizhen. After Wei Sheng offered incense, he bowed his hands to Feng Shanyuan. Feng Shanyuan smiled slightly, his face was kind, and he didn't seem to be angry at all. Wei Sheng nodded, turned into a rainbow light, and returned to his position. After him, Chi Mengyun also jumped down from the high platform, with Qing Xiang also on top. She didn't mean to make amends, but just nodded to Lu Zizhen, and then returned to her seat. In the distance, on the top of the mountain, Wu Daozi looked smug, twirling his beard, and said with a smile: Just as the words fell, someone beside him sneered, "Wu Daozi was slightly taken aback, looked down, and found that the moment of effort, the altar There are two more sticks of incense on the censer, and they are red incense! Someone in the crowd laughed. Wu Daozi rolled his eyes at the man, shook his head and said: "Just as I was talking, a ray of light lit up below, but it was Wu Zimo, the master of calligraphy, who got off the white jade platform and came to the patriarch tablet. He respectfully kowtowed three times in front of the memorial tablet, but he didn't reach out to pick up the sandalwood. Instead, he took a deep look at Feng Shanyuan, then turned and returned to his high platform. This move caused an uproar. Around the valley of Yixing Pavilion, monks from all sects and sects showed surprise. It was obvious that Wu Zimo's move made them completely incomprehensible. Electing the leader is not a child's play, everyone should cast their own vote, Wu Zimo, as the master of calligraphy, actually chose to abstain? Even the disciples of Yixing Pavilion didn't understand. The twelve Confucian scholars all looked at Lu Zizhen and Feng Shanyuan. Lu Zizhen was still unmoved, from the moment everyone offered incense, he kept his hands behind his back, eyes closed, as if an old monk had settled down, and everything around him had nothing to do with him. Feng Shanyuan sighed pretendingly, and said slowly: With Wu Zimo's abstention, there are two sticks in the incense burner, two sticks, the two sides are temporarily equal, and Liu Shuyuan, who has the remaining pulse, has become the most important person. Liu Shuyuan walked down from the high platform and bowed three times in front of the memorial tablet, with a complicated expression on his face. After he got up, he didn't go to pick up the incense candles, but bowed to the ground in the direction of Lu Zizhen. Liu Shuyuan's face was so ashamed that he didn't dare to look up at Lu Zizhen. As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into a rainbow and flew away, leaving Yixing Valley directly! When everyone saw this scene, they all stood in place. After Wu Zimo, Liu Shuyuan, the master of the veins, also abstained! These two priests are monks who have the closest relationship with Lu Zizhen. They should have firmly supported Lu Zizhen, but at this critical moment, they all chose to abstain. Feng Shanyuan, who had no chance of winning, unexpectedly tied with Lu Zizhen at this time! This dramatic scene cheered up the monks of all sects. Obviously, the battle for the pavilion master is not easy. Good show, just started. The only thing that is strange is that Lu Zizhen, who is the person involved, closed his eyes and rested his mind from the beginning to the end. Even when Wu Zimo and Liu Shuyuan abstained, he did not respond at all. It seems that he is not surprised by the current situation? Feng Shanyuan glanced at Lu Zizhen, smiled softly and said: Lu Zizhen said flatly. Feng Shanyuan touched his chin and said with a smile:

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