The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1600: Tiandaomeng

Sixty-four huge islands are distributed in the sea area of ​​Luohun Sea.

Due to the danger of the Falling Soul Sea, these sixty-four islands are isolated from each other, forming independent cultivation worlds.

However, the strengths of these comprehension worlds are not the same.

For some remote islands, such as Nanchui, there are only four or five Tongxuan Zhenjun sitting on the entire island. They are located on the edge of the Luohun Sea and have scarce resources. They seldom deal with other islands. none.

On the contrary, in the middle of Luohun Sea, there is a huge island: Peng Island.

Peng Island is the largest island among the sixty-four islands, and it is also the most powerful island.

It is said that there are nine major sects on the island.

These nine great sects all have Tongxuan Zhenjun sitting in command, and some of them are powerful, and even have two Tongxuan Zhenjun at the same time!

Once upon a time, the name of "Peng Island" resounded in all directions. The monks on other islands in the Luohun Sea regarded this place as a holy place for cultivation. Find an opportunity online.

But now, Peng Island has lost its former vitality.

All around the sea, a blue flag was planted on all the ships passing by. On the flag, there are seven silver stars fluttering in the wind

Peng Island, Lingxu Sect, in a magnificent palace.

A man in brocade clothes sat on the main seat with a big horse and a golden knife.

On both sides of him, eleven Tongxuan Zhenjun gathered. These people have deep auras, and they are all the ancestors of the sect. But at this moment, they are all standing in front of the man respectfully, reporting something one by one. .

"Prince Feng, this is the soul stone collected by our Gen Mountain Gate, please have a look." An old man in Taoist robes came out and carefully delivered a delicate wooden box to the man.


The man known as "Prince Feng" took the wooden box, glanced at it casually, and put the wooden box aside.

"Hehe, there are quite a few soul stones, but did you find the person I wanted you to look for?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the palace looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Prince, we have tried our best to find them, but these two female cultivators seem to have disappeared out of thin air. They never showed up again, and there are no traces left." Among the crowd, an old man in a red robe lowered his head. Said loudly.

"Aren't you the Nine Great Sects who claim to be the strongest in the Lost Soul Sea? What's the matter? You can't even do this little thing well?" Prince Feng snorted coldly, with a very ugly expression on his face.

At this time, another person said: "Prince, that's not what you said... You also know that almost all of our disciples have been sent out to mine soul stones, and there is no manpower to do other things."

"Old man Huo, if you say that, it's the prince's fault?"

Prince Feng raised his eyebrows and glanced at the speaker. He was a white-haired old man in a Confucian robe.

"I don't dare!"

The old man apologized again and again, with a look of panic on his face: "The old man just wants to give the prince a little more time, and we will definitely do our best to investigate. "Waste, they are all a bunch of waste!"

Before the old man finished speaking, Prince Feng yelled: "It's just two female cultivators at the early stage of Jindan. I have told you for so many days, but I haven't found it yet! Such a **** Shangzong, I think it is A group of waste alliances!" It is strange to say that he is only at the Golden Core level, but there are so many Tongxuan Zhenjun present, but no one dares to speak back, so he can only let him scold.

Everyone lowered their heads, the atmosphere was tense, and after a while, a black-robed man came out of the crowd.

This person has a strange appearance, skinny as a stick, skin shriveled like dead wood, no nose on his face, and two sunken eye sockets, like a mummy.

"Mummy" rolled its eyes, and slowly said: "Return to Prince Feng, I have a guess about the whereabouts of these two girls."


Prince Feng had just finished scolding, and his anger subsided a little. At this time, he glanced at him and said coldly: "Master Yang, what do you guess? Let's hear it!"

The man in black robe said slowly:

"According to my previous investigation, these two female cultivators have bought some medicinal materials from Yunxi Island and other nearby islands.

Before he finished speaking, Prince Feng interrupted impatiently: "Okay, okay, what are you talking about with me? I just want to know where my two beauties have gone! If you know, tell me quickly, If you don’t know, just stay aside!”


The black-robed man nodded, and continued: "To be honest, there is a poison called 'Shinao Pill' in our 'Tianshi Sect', and the medicinal materials purchased by those two female cultivators happened to be the prescription of 'Shinao Pill.'"

When Prince Feng heard this, his eyes lit up: "Is there such a thing?"

"It's true!"

"Then how many people know about the formula of 'Corpse Brain Pill'?" Prince Feng asked again.

The black-robed man shook his head and said: "'Corpse Brain Pill is an extremely precious poison, it can even plot against Zhenjun Tongxuan, as long as the other party takes this pill, corpse worms will grow in his mind, and the corpse worms will come out without knowing it. Unknowingly invading the monk's spiritual consciousness, and finally turning the other party into his own zombie puppet. Such a precious poison, even if it is our "Heavenly Corpse Gate", only me and my junior brother know the formula."

"How did those two beauties know about Danfang?" Prince Feng frowned. "Fifty years ago, there was a Tongxuan Zhenjun who came to the 'Heavenly Corpse Gate'. At that time, he brought a lot of treasures to trade with us, and the formula of 'Corpse Brain Pill' was also on the list of trade. "

"Oh?" Prince Feng felt that he had found a clue, his face was excited, and he asked impatiently: "Quickly tell me! Who is this person and where did he come from?"

"He called himself Grand Master Wen, and said he came from a small island in the south, which seems to be an unknown island."

"Unnamed Island?"

Prince Feng frowned, and murmured: "The sixty-four islands of the Fallen Soul Sea are almost all under the control of our Heavenly Dao League. Only some remote and unnamed islands have not been visited. If it is in the south... I remember only two an island."

"That's right!" The black-robed man nodded and said, "In my opinion, the person Prince Feng is looking for is likely to be on one of these two small islands."


Prince Feng laughed loudly: "The Nine Sects of Pengdao is still the 'Tianshi Sect', with some strength! Sect Leader Yang, don't worry, if you can find my sweetheart during this trip, I will give you a first credit when I come back!"

After hearing this, the man in black robe didn't change his expression, he just lowered his head slightly and said, "Thank you, Prince."

In the center of Peng Island, there is an antique castle in the sky.

With this building as the center, within a radius of thousands of miles, there are few people and no birds. It seems that this is an inviolable area, no matter whether it is the Nine Great Sects or monks from various sects, they dare not approach here.

In the pavilion, sandalwood is curling up.

A huge picture of Yin-Yang and Eight Diagrams hangs in the middle of the wall. There is a futon under the Eight Diagrams, and a Taoist priest sits on the futon.

This Taoist priest looked more than seventy years old, with white beard and hair, and a pale appearance.

He was wearing a seven-star Taoist robe, with his eyes slightly closed, and he sat in meditation. And as he breathed out, the seven stars on the Taoist robe were also flickering, which looked extremely strange.

Suddenly, there was a piercing sound outside the door, followed by a respectful voice: "Master, you called your disciples to come here, do you have any orders?"

Hearing this voice, the Taoist robed old man slowly opened his eyes.

"Yun'er, come in and talk."


The door was pushed open, and a handsome, tall and thin man in a silver robe came in from outside.

"See Master!" The man bowed deeply.

The old man in Taoist robe nodded slightly, waved his sleeves, and helped the man up.

"I called you here to ask how the matter with the Soul Stone is going?" "So far, nothing unusual has happened."

The man lowered his head and said slowly: "The entire Luohunhai is under our control, and those forces that are unwilling to submit to us have also been removed one by one. Now all the major islands have joined the mining of soul stones."

In the team, everything is going according to plan. "

"The city lord, did you send an envoy to receive the soul stone?"

"Yes, just ten days ago, an envoy came to take away the latest batch of soul stones."


There was a hint of satisfaction on the face of the Taoist robed old man, and he warned: "You have to remember that the search for resources is just to deceive people, and the real purpose of our trip is to collect soul stones. No matter what happens, there must be no mistakes!"

"Master, what is the use of these soul stones? Why do we have to travel thousands of miles to such a remote sea area, and stay for decades." The man in silver asked puzzled.

"You don't need to know that much. The task here is an order given by the city lord himself. We just need to carry it out. Now that the relationship between the seven mountains and twelve cities is tense, and the Antarctic Immortal Continent is undercurrents, this false peace can't be concealed for long, so We need to be more careful and cautious.”

"All right."

The silver-clothed man sighed helplessly.

"What's going on with Shuang'er?" the Taoist robed old man asked again.

"What else can I do? Stay with that idiot all the time! That idiot doesn't do his job properly, indulges in pleasure every day, and barely breaks through to the Golden Core Realm with a bunch of natural materials and earth treasures. He thought he was some kind of genius, and named him 'Prince Feng' ,, is simply ridiculous!"

Speaking of "Prince Seal", the tone of the silver-clothed man became very harsh.

After hearing this, the Taoist robed old man smiled slightly and said, "I sent Shuang'er to protect Prince Feng, do you have a lot of dissatisfaction?"

"The disciple dare not."

"Hehe, you don't have to be stubborn, I know you like Shuang'er, and Shuang'er is also interested in you." The Taoist robed old man said with a smile: "Don't worry, I sent Shuang'er there, there is absolutely no other meaning, even if Feng Wu Yue is the son of the city lord, and I have never thought of being a high-ranking man. After this mission is over, I will arrange your marriage with Shuang'er, how about it?"

As soon as the words came out, the silver-clothed man's face revealed a mixture of surprise and surprise.

He didn't expect this answer.

"Master, please accept my apprentice's bow!" The silver-clothed man knelt on the ground and kowtowed several times.

The Taoist robed old man smiled and helped him up.

"Good apprentice, you also know that once a monk enters the holy land, it is very difficult to obtain heirs, and the skills practiced by the city lord are somewhat special, so the descendants are even rarer. Although this Wuyue is not a weapon, it is still the son of the city lord. We In addition to collecting soul stones on this trip, there is also a task to have fun with him, in a small place like the Lost Soul Sea, he can make troubles as he pleases, but you must ensure his safety."

"I understand." The silver-clothed man nodded.

Hearing that Master is going to give him a marriage, he feels much better now, and he doesn't hate Prince Feng as much as before.

After thinking for a while, he said again: "By the way, Master, this disciple just learned from Ling Xuzong that Prince Feng seems to have taken a fancy to two female cultivators again, and is planning to leave for the small island in the south."

"The small island to the south?"

"Yes, almost all the sixty-four islands in the Lost Soul Sea are under our control, except for a few small islands that are so remote that they don't even have names, and the place where the crown prince is going is exactly two of these small islands."

Hearing this, the old man in Taoist robe narrowed his eyes slightly, stretched out a hand and quickly counted.

After a while, the old man muttered, "Strange! I always feel something is wrong..."Master, what's wrong?"

"I can't say it, there is a feeling in the dark..." The old man closed his eyes and thought for a while, then said leisurely: "How about this, you and Shuang'er go together, be careful on the road, if you encounter any danger, immediately put the 'Prince Feng, bring it back.」


The silver-clothed man raised his brows, and said disapprovingly: "In a place like Luohunhai, there are people who can threaten Shuangmei? Besides, my cooperation with Shuangmei is enough to wipe out the entire Luohunhai. How can there be any danger?" !"

"Yun'er, you are good at everything, but there is one shortcoming that you are too arrogant!"

The old man in the Taoist robe sighed, and said leisurely: "Forget it, a place like Nanchui must be

Can't turn over any wind and waves. But remember, weeds must be eradicated. Once someone offends Prince, we should root out that sect, and don’t leave any hidden dangers behind. After all, we can’t be by Prince Feng’s side all the time. In case he was plotted against by the villain, it would be difficult to explain to the city lord when he went back. "

"Master, don't worry, disciples will never leave hidden dangers when doing things." The silver-clothed man smiled slightly.

Nanchui, inside Yungang Sect.

Liang Yan had been recuperating at Guanyu Peak for several days, and he had fully recovered from his injuries that night.

But he didn't walk around indiscriminately, but stayed at Guanyu Peak to retreat.

The members of the Yungang Sect, including Yu Xuanji, thought that Liang Yan was cultivating some supernatural power, but only he knew that he was hiding here to avoid disaster. According to the warning of "Induction between Heaven and Man", the second and third difficulties will soon follow, but now Liang Yan is not sure where his disaster should be, so he can only hide in the deep mountains and use " The "Tianji Orb" covers up one's aura all the time, temporarily concealing the way of heaven.

He waited for ten days, just waiting for a definite news.

In the early morning of this day, someone from the Yungang Sect suddenly came to report that a monk had come from outside the mountain and wanted to see him by name...

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