The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1620: search

Latest URL: "Take it away?"

Liang Yan was taken aback, and calmed down after a while, his eyes fell on Yang Feng's body, he looked at Yang Feng carefully for a while, and asked in a deep voice, "How did you know about this?"

"Because I have a good relationship with Prince Feng, he set off to find the 'Shuangyu Qingyu, who revealed it to me inadvertently before." Yang Feng replied.


Liang Yan's gaze was as sharp as a knife, and fell on Yang Feng, as if he wanted to see through his inner thoughts.

Prince Feng is dead, so there is no way to verify what this person said, but Liang Yan couldn't think of the reason why he lied to him, so he still believed it 70%.

"Did the Crown Prince tell you about the identity of the man in black?" Liang Yan asked suddenly.

"No." Yang Feng replied: "He called him the "messenger", and his attitude was more respectful, but he didn't say a word about the identity of this "messenger". ""messenger?"

Liang Yan frowned and groaned in his seat.

After a long time, he raised his head, waved his hands and said, "Got it, you have contributed to the information, and I will reward you for your merits when you come back from carrying out the 'Punishing Evil Order'." "Thank you senior!"

Yang Feng's face was calm from the beginning to the end, without any fluctuations.

He bowed to Liang Yan and slowly exited the palace.

As soon as Yang Feng left, Luo Tianxiang couldn't bear it anymore, and asked eagerly: "Master, did Brother Gu show his feet and be discovered?"

Liang Yan was silent for a while, then shook his head and said, "It's not like that. If Gu Xing revealed his secrets, Master Xuanzhen would use him to find out my truth, and even threaten me with his life. But Xuanzhen has nothing. Do it, and go to the meeting alone in the end, which means that Gu Xingyun has not been exposed." "Then why was Senior Brother Gu taken away?" Luo Tianxiang frowned.

Although he and Gu Xingyun didn't get along for a long time, they were undercover together, cooperated with each other in a dangerous environment, cherished each other, and already had a deep friendship. Now that Luo Tianxiang has worshiped under Liang Yan's sect and became a fellow sect with Gu Xingyun, he is even more concerned about his safety.

It's hard to say now..."

Liang Yan stood up from his seat and paced back and forth in the palace.

"Prince Feng is the son of the lord of the Seven Star City. Those who can be respected by him must either have a very high level of cultivation, or have a special status. Why did such a person come to the Sea of ​​Lost Souls? What is the relationship between him and Master Xuanzhen?" plot?"

Liang Yan muttered to himself, and after a while, he suddenly stopped and asked, "Tianxiang, I remember you said that there is a star-catching and moon-catching tower in the center of Pengdao, which is exclusively for the residence of Master Xuanzhen. Outsiders approaching?"

"That's right, there is such a place, I went there when I came to deliver the battle invitation." Luo Tianxiang replied.

"Come on, let's go take a look."

As Liang Yan said, with a wave of his sleeve, Luo Tianxiang was swept up by the light, and flew out of the palace the next moment.

His speed was extremely fast, and he crossed mountains and ridges in the blink of an eye, and soon came to the most central position of Peng Island.

Looking from a distance, a loft hangs high in the sky. There are three floors up and down. There is a hexagonal bell hanging on each floor. The stars around the bell are shining and the moonlight is gathering, which fits the name "Zhaixinglanyuelou".

Liang Yan urged Dunguang to move, and soon landed in the attic.

The restriction left by Master Xuanzhen may be able to stop the ancestors of the Nine Great Masters, but it cannot stop Liang Yan's light blow.

He easily broke the restriction and walked into the room.

The inside is quaint, the bookstore is full of Daoist scriptures, a touch of sandalwood is burning on the case, and there is a picture of Tai Chi hanging on the wall.

The moment Luo Tianxiang saw this picture, his eyes suddenly became a little confused, and he walked forward blankly, as if he had forgotten who he was.

With a flick of Liang Yan's sleeve, a soft breeze flew out and circled around Luo Tianxiang.

Luo Tianxiang woke up quickly, with a strange look in his eyes.

"Master, just now I seemed to have a sense of enlightenment. I caught something in the dark, but when I was about to step forward to take a closer look, the thing flew away again..."

"Enlightenment? I'm afraid you are enlightened by demons!"

Liang Yan sneered, flicked his right hand, and the sword energy shot out, piercing the Tai Chi diagram.

"Excuse me!"

The Taiji diagram was pierced by the sword energy, and it actually let out a strange scream.

Immediately afterwards, the gossip pattern rotated rapidly, turning into a cloud of black air, falling from the wall, and flying towards the window again!

Luo Tianxiang was caught off guard, and was hit by this black air, and suddenly felt that his bones were about to fall apart, and he took a dozen steps back to stabilize his figure.


Luo Tianxiang yelled.

Looking up, the black air was extremely fast, and it had reached the window in the blink of an eye, and it was about to rush out of the room, but a golden light flashed at the window.


The black air collided head-on, making a muffled sound, and then the golden light exploded, turning into a huge handprint, firmly grasping the black air in his hand.

"Excuse me! Excuse me! Excuse me!"

A series of ear-piercing strange screams came out from the black air. It seemed that the things inside were trying to break free, but despite the black air rolling, they still couldn't escape the enveloping range of the golden light handprint.


Liang Yan snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and made a move. The golden handprint grabbed the black air and returned to the two of them.

Due to the suppression of King Kong's divine power, the black air quickly dissipated, and the thing inside was revealed to be a macaque!

The whole body of this macaque is red, there are strange symbols on his hands, and there is a sarcoma on his back. The strangest thing is that he has three eyes lined up on his face. At this time, his eyes are turning, revealing a sly look.

"Master, this is..." Luo Tianxiang also saw this kind of spirit beast for the first time, with a look of surprise on his face.

"It's a three-eyed macaque."

Liang Yan said in a calm voice: "This is a strange beast with strange pupils, which can lead monks into illusions. The so-called 'Great Way' you saw just now is just an illusion built by this beast for you."

"What? What I just saw is all fake?"

Luo Tianxiang was taken aback. Just now he concentrated on observing the eight trigrams diagram, and comprehended a trace of the truth of the Dao from it. He thought he had successfully enlightened the Dao, but he didn't expect it to be an illusion constructed by this beast.

Liang Yan recalled the information he saw in the Bihai Palace, and said with emotion: "You should be lucky, this 'three-eyed macaque is still in its infancy, and the strength of this monster is huge. If it is an adult' three-eyed macaque ,, pupil technique can trap monks in the realm of catastrophe, just because of your just one glance, I am afraid it will make my heart collapse."

"There are such strange monsters!"

Luo Tianxiang exclaimed, and when he looked at the three-eyed macaque again, his eyes were already full of vigilance.

The three-eyed macaque was baring its teeth at this moment, staring straight at Liang Yan with three eyes, as if it was not convinced that he restrained itself, its eyes were full of provocation. However, Liang Yan didn't pay attention to its provocative actions, but turned his attention to its belly, as if something caught his attention.

After being quiet for a while, Liang Yan suddenly raised his eyebrows, his eyes showing surprise.


He walked slowly in front of the three-eyed macaque, observed it carefully for a while, then suddenly stretched out his right index finger, and gently tapped the three-eyed macaque's abdomen.

Before the fingertips touched the opponent, a black and white glow lit up on the macaque's abdomen. The glow turned slightly and turned into a Taiji diagram, blocking Liang Yan's fingers. "Is there a restriction?"

Liang Yan's expression was even more surprised.

Judging from the forbidden aura, it should be left by Master Xuanzhen. It seems to be protecting something?

"I'd like to see what you left behind."

With a thought in Liang Yan's mind, a sword qi shot out from his fingertips and pierced into the Taiji diagram. After a while, the Taiji diagram collapsed, and the three-eyed macaque's body suddenly twitched. Its three eyes focused on one point, and three rays of red light shot out, converging into a blurred figure at the focal point.

Liang Yan was startled, and instinctively took a step back.

But he immediately realized that this was just a projection, not the monk himself. Looking intently, I saw the projection

His whole body was covered by a layer of turbid air, and he couldn't see his appearance clearly, nor could he figure out his cultivation realm.


The scene in front of him was extremely strange, Luo Tianxiang couldn't help opening his mouth, but was interrupted by Liang Yan waving his hand

"Don't talk yet." Liang Yan's voice sounded directly in Luo Tianxiang's mind. "Yes..." Luo Tianxiang managed to calm down, and stood beside Liang Yan, observing intently.

After a while, the figure in the turbid air actually spoke:

"Fellow Daoist Xuanzhen acted prudently, which is admirable! Now the amount of "depressed soul energy" is enough to maintain the operation of the Shenwei army, but just in case, a part of "depressed soul energy" is needed as a reserve. The sea of ​​souls will continue to be mined for ten years, and after ten years, we will plan a big event together."

After saying these words, Liang Yan and Luo Tianxiang were slightly taken aback.

"Master, who is this person? What is he talking about?" Luo Tianxiang asked secretly through voice transmission.

"No need for sound transmission, it's just a projection, it doesn't have a consciousness of its own." Liang Yan said, releasing his consciousness to observe the three-eyed macaque carefully for a while, and soon he found that there was a sense of space in the monster monkey's body The power remains, which seems to be a means of communication.


There was a smile on the corner of Liang Yan's mouth: "It seems that the three-eyed macaque has some special talents besides illusion. Master Xuanzhen took advantage of its talents and refined it into a kind of information-transmitting method." magic weapon."

"Send message?"

Luo Tianxiang frowned, and seemed a little puzzled: "If it's just for sending messages, then there are many kinds of magic weapons available. At the level of Master Xuanzhen, it shouldn't take so much trouble, right?"

"No." Liang Yan shook his head and said with a smile, "If it's the ordinary method of sending messages

Bao, there is a great possibility of being spied on secretly, especially monks who are proficient in the technique of deduction. If they deliberately target them, their messages may be intercepted secretly. "

"Then this monkey..."

"This monkey is an excellent thing to convey messages." Liang Yan said slowly: "The three-eyed macaque is naturally proficient in illusion and can disguise itself. This kind of disguise is not a trick to deceive the eyes, but actually integrates itself into nature. Even the breath has changed. Just like just now, it has become a Taiji picture, it is really a picture, if you have not been enchanted by it, even if I am close at hand, it is difficult to find it Existence." "So that's how it is..." Luo Tianxiang showed an expression of enlightenment, nodded and said: "The three-eyed macaque blends into nature, and its breath has also changed. Even if there are experts who are proficient in calculation, it may be difficult to calculate To its head, it has become an excellent communication' magic weapon!"

"Yes, your understanding is very good."

Liang Yan showed satisfaction on his face, then narrowed his eyes slightly, and fell into deep thought. "Desperate spirit... This should be the reason why Master Xuanzhen arrived at the Sea of ​​Falling Souls, and the aforementioned 'Shenwei Army, I have never heard of it before, could it be the new army cultivated by Seven Star City?"

Liang Yan fell into deep thought, while Luo Tianxiang rummaged through the room. After a while, Luo Tianxiang suddenly called out: "Master, look!"

Liang Yan was awakened, temporarily put aside his thoughts, turned his head to look, and found that Luo Tianxiang was walking towards him holding a roll of bamboo slips.

"Master, look at what is written on this bamboo slip."


Liang Yan took the bamboo slips, and after unfolding them, he found a paragraph written in small characters: "Take six taels of soul stones, ten yang fires, nine yin fires, roast for seventy-seven forty-nine days, and get dark red crystals, put them in the In the furnace, add two taels of five poisonous flowers, five coins of stone heart marrow, a little bit of Bauhinia copper essence, and a little bit of red training magic water. Finally, use pure spiritual power to refine it for seven days, and you will get a wisp of "depressed spirit."

This is a piece of experience in refining medicine, the steps are extremely cumbersome, the refining time is extremely long, and the medicinal materials are also very rare.

Seeing this paragraph of text, Liang Yan was stunned, nodded and said: "It seems that the resource secretly collected by the Tiandao League in the Falling Soul Sea is the 'soul stone,'!"

Luo Tianxiang was a little puzzled, and asked, "Given the strength of Seven Star City, why do they hide it from others and collect it secretly?"

"Hehe, Antarctic Fairy Continent has seven

Although the Twelve Mountain Cities and the Seven Star City are powerful, they are far from being able to cover the sky with one hand. From my point of view, Seven Star City has their enemies, and this 'soul stone' shouldn't look too conspicuous on the surface, so their enemies didn't care. But Seven Star City has a secret method, which allows them to collect what they want from the soul That is this kind of 'depressed spirit'. In order not to be discovered by their opponents, they ordered the crown prince, the 'devil king of the world, to come here in command. On the surface, they wanted to plunder resources and indulge in pleasure, but secretly they were intensively mining soul stones. "

After listening to Liang Yan's analysis, Luo Tianxiang showed admiration in his eyes, and respectfully said: "Master is thoughtful and thoughtful, which is admirable!"

"Hehe, it's okay. If you are often calculated by others, you will learn it sooner or later."

Liang Yan smiled slightly, and put the bamboo slips into the storage ring.

"Now there are still a few questions. What exactly is this 'depressed soul energy?'

As Liang Yan spoke, he looked at the three-eyed macaque again.

Suddenly, he raised his brows, stretched out his right hand, and actually inserted it directly into the monster monkey's belly!

After groping for a while, Liang Yan took out a transparent emerald vial...


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