The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 796: Miao Yan shot

At this time, the two elders of the Juyuan Realm of the Cold Stone Society had already rushed over, and the two of them held Shi Jingtian at the same time, their eyes full of hostility when they looked at the blood knife.

   The two were almost about to do it together, but they were stopped by Shi Jingtian.

   "That's it!"

Shi Jingtian let out a long sigh, his face full of helplessness. He looked at Liang Yan who was sitting in the distance, and smiled bitterly: "There is such a tiger under the seat of Ambassador Liang Zun. , Then return it to the emissary Liang Zun."

   "Haha, Fellow Shi Daoist is a man who keeps promises." Liang Yan smiled and raised his hand, and the Blood Swordsman returned behind him.

   "Liang's trip was originally for peace talks. Unexpectedly, he acted recklessly and broke the body of fellow Daoist. Liang would punish himself for a cup and make up for him."

   Liang Yan drank the wine in the cup, then turned his eyes, and smiled at Feng Yueer who was sitting at the west end.

   Seeing him looking at her, the woman couldn't help but stiffen her face. Then she looked at the blood knife behind Liang Yan with a long knife in her arms, and a trace of deep jealousy appeared in her eyes.

   Liang Yan put down the wine glass, and said casually: "Father Feng Yueer, I heard that your "Wind Spirit and Variety" magical powers..."

   Before he finished speaking, Feng Yue'er rolled her eyes and interrupted with a smile:

   "Emissary Liang Zun, the little girl has shallow magical powers and low realm, but she doesn't like to fight and kill. If you want to find someone to fight, then you find the wrong person. Why don't we drink two cups together and live up to the beautiful scenery?"


At this time, Li Yan, who was sitting in the main seat, also spoke: "Feng Yue'er Daoist is only in the middle stage of the Juyuan realm. The blood swordsmen under Liang Zunzhi are already masters in the late stage of the Juyuan realm. If they are forced to fight, they can Some are suspected of bullying the small."

   Liang Yan's face showed a hint of sarcasm, but before he could speak, Mrs. Miao Yan behind her smiled and said to Feng Yue'er:

   "Good sister, sister is also in the middle stage of the Juyuan realm, not to be bullied. It is better to come to a gambling fight with the sister, it is to cheer the banquet."

   Feng Yueer's face was uncertain after hearing this, and did not directly refuse, but instead asked, "I don't know how my elder sister wants to be a gambling method?"

   Mrs. Miaoyan covered her mouth and smiled: "These stinky men know how to fight and kill all day long. It's too innocent. Our sisters are fighting against each other. Naturally, we can't fall into the clichés. They are more fresh and refined."

As she spoke, she turned her eyes, pointed her hand to a small hill in the distance of Ziheng Mountain, and said: "There is a ghost vine there, which is unique to the underworld. Although this vine is extremely poisonous, it produces the'ghost vine fruit'. 'But it comes with a warm sun, which can drive away the chills and fill up the blood. We sisters, might as well compare who picks a fruit first, and drink wine for you fellow daoists?"

   Feng Yueer looked in the direction of her fingers, and she saw a ghost vine.

   "Sister Miao Yan is serious about this? Whoever picks the fruit first will win?"

   Fengyue'er's eyes were full of suspicion. You must know that she cultivated the magical powers of the wind element. She was originally known for her speed and body skills, and the "Wind Spirit Variety" was especially famous for her speed and superb speed.

   "This woman doesn't look like a heartless person, how can she use her own shortcomings to attack her human strengths?"

   Just when Feng Yue'er hesitated in her heart, Mrs. Miao Yan nodded and replied: "Sister naturally speaks seriously. Isn't it possible that the younger sister is on the way to the body and is afraid that the older sister will not succeed?"

   Feng Yueer was so agitated by her, and she couldn't hold it anymore. She was confident that among all the people in the room, if her body style was second, then no one would dare to be the first.

"Well, since my sister insists on trying to compare, then Yue'er can only reluctantly accompany her." Feng Yue'er said with a smile: "It's just that this gambling fight will also have a lot of money. If I win by luck, we will only drink for fun today. Never talk about anything else."

  Ms. Miaoyan also replied with a smile: "Sister can say bluntly, if you win, you will take it for granted. But if your sister wins by luck, please return the mine immediately."

   "Okay, it's a deal!" Feng Yueer stood up and gave a blessing to Madam Miao Yan.

   "Good sister, thank you." Miao Yan smiled slightly and pointed to a black fish in the pond and said: "When the fish swims through the center of the pond, it is the time for us to leave."

   "Sister-in-law." Feng Yue'er nodded, her expression was very clever, but there was a trace of cunning hidden deep in her eyes.

   With her fingers enveloped in her sleeves, she hooked it lightly from an angle that no one else could see, and the scorpionfish in the pond immediately jumped and jumped directly out of the water.

   The fish turned over in mid-air, and unfortunately, it landed in the center of the pond.

   At the same time, Feng Yue'er turned slightly in the same place, and the whole person disappeared in an instant. Instead, a gust of wind flew straight to the distant mountain.

   She accidentally manipulated the underworld fish to swim through the center early. She also prepared secretly at the same time, and set off to leave the top of the mountain the first time.

  Compared to Feng Yue'er, Miao Yan always reacted after seeing the vision, so she had to take a shot slower than her in action. Only then, Feng Yue'er had already flown far away.

   But Miao Yan had an unhurried expression on her face. She raised her hand and lightly touched it, and suddenly there was a wave of light in the air.

   Feng Yue'er in the distance seemed to have a sense, and unexpectedly turned her head back, only with this one look, Feng Yue'er stopped and hovered in place.

   Miao Yan giggled, and without hesitation, with one hand, she drove a glare and flew towards the distant mountain.

  The situation in the field was weird. Feng Yueer, who was in the lead, stopped it was still flying, it was spinning in the same place.

   But Miao Yan, who was originally backward, was driving the escape light and chasing afterwards. Although the escape speed was not fast, it didn't take long to catch up with Feng Yueer.

   This weird situation continued for a few breaths, and Feng Yueer, who was spinning on the spot, suddenly frowned slightly, and squeezed her hand.

   The next moment, she seemed to wake up and shouted at Miao Yan who was not far away:

   "You cheated!"

   Miaoyan giggled and said, "My good sister, I only said that I picked the'Ghost Vine Fruit' first, but I didn't say what method was used. If my sister is cheating, just use it!"

   Feng Yueer's face turned pale when she heard this.

   It turns out that the Confucian art practiced by Mrs. Miaoyan can affect people's consciousness in words, which is equivalent to a relatively mild illusion.

  The person in the skill is affected by her in subtle changes, but it will not happen immediately. Only when Miao Yan deliberately initiates the exercise, will she respond.

   Just now, Miao Yan asked Feng Yue'er to talk to her many times. It seemed that it was just an unintentional act. In fact, she had secretly urged her profound arts to make Feng Yue'er hit her own illusion without knowing it.

   After she set off, Miao Yan unhurriedly pinched the tactics to make the woman spin around in place.

   Feng Yueer thought she was smart enough, and secretly manipulated the underworld fish to let herself take the lead. But I don't know that Miao Yan started to calculate earlier than she did, and she actually followed the other side's way before she set off!

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