The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 798: Dou Li Yan

Li Yan stood up from the banquet room as he spoke, and dozens of flames immediately appeared around him.

   These flames lightly turned in mid-air, and each turned into a crimson flamingo about three feet long. Li Yan's face was indifferent, stepping on the flamingo, and slowly ascending into the air.

   "Since Liang Zunjia puts down his cruel words, the old man will want to see how much catty you have! Come on, fight with me." Li Yan said sarcastically.

   "But disrespectful!"

   Liang Yan arched his hand slightly, and the person also flew into the air.

   "Don't even say that the old man oppresses you a new noble envoy, today's fighting method, as long as you can persist in a hundred moves and undefeated, even if the old man loses, you will take the three veins!"

   When Li Yan said this, he turned around and said with a sneer: "But if you can't hold on to a hundred moves, you need to give up three of the original Skyhawks."

   Liang Yan shook his head and said: "It's too unfair to compete like this!"

   "Boy, don't get into it!" Li Yan said angrily: "I bet you three veins with three veins, why is it unfair?"


Liang Yan smiled and said: "What I mean by unfairness means'undefeated with a hundred moves.' It's better to be like this. If you can take Liang's hundred moves undefeated, then I will immediately abandon the sword and leave, and I will never mention the mineral vein. !"

   When he said this, Li Yan's face changed.

   "What a stand! It's so crazy! Okay, the old man will fight with you!"

   As soon as Li Yan's voice fell, he played a magic trick with one hand, and dozens of scarlet firebirds suddenly jumped into the sky, screaming at Liang Yan.

   Liang Yan narrowed his eyes, raised his hand and took away the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword, and slapped the storage bag around his waist again, and a jet of black light shot out, fighting against the swarms of firebirds in mid-air.

   Li Yan glanced intently, and saw that the sword intent was vertical and dead in the black light, and he couldn't help but be surprised secretly.

"This kid's method is not bad. There is death spirit in the flying sword. My firebirds are all made by the red flame gold essence, and they are born to the sun, but if they are entangled in this death energy, they will also be troublesome. Tight."

   Li Yan thought for a moment, suddenly raised his hand to play a magic trick, all the firebirds in the air immediately disappeared, and the heavy flames turned into thousands of threads.

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   Only a small part of these flame threads were left to fight with the flying sword, and the rest extended in different directions, bypassing Liang Yan's black lotus sword, and attacked his deity.

   "Good job!"

   Liang Yan saw his imperial flame bypassing his black lotus sword, instead of panicking, he smiled.

   I saw spiritual power surge in his body, his hands were drawing circles back and forth in front of him, a light blue aura appeared around him, and it turned faster and faster, like a spinning top.

   The flame threads of Li Yan reached about ten feet in front of him, and instead of being able to advance, they were turned away by him.

"Heartless Willing Method" was originally the method of Jin Danqi. Liang Yan's cultivation level reached the present level, and he gradually understood the true meaning of this method. Now he uses the "turning circle method" and "distraction method" in it. , Really mellow and free, without flaws.

  While he tried to break the opponent's supernatural powers with undecided methods, he also single-handedly pinched the tactics, the black lotus sword's black light soared, and he went straight to Li Yan to cut it off.

   Li Yan just took a trick and bypassed the frontal battlefield with the flame thread transformed by the Red Flame Gold Essence, but he never wanted to be entangled by Liang Yan's supernatural powers. At this moment, there was no time to return to defense.

   The black lotus sword was extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye it was less than a hundred feet away in front of him. Li Yan narrowed his eyes and suddenly stretched out his hand to pat the storage bag on his waist.

   I saw four gray lights flying out of it, falling in the air, turning into four stone pillars.

   These four stone pillars do not slip away ashes, and the surface is covered with cracks. They look almost ordinary.

   But as Li Yan pinched the tactics in his hand, the four stone pillars immediately lit up with a crimson light. These lights joined together, and they actually blocked Liang Yan's sword abruptly.


   Liang Yan was also slightly surprised when he saw this. He naturally knew the power of his black lotus sword, but this sword was blocked by the opponent.

   "It seems that the four stone pillars are of extraordinary origin, and they are definitely not ordinary products."

   Liang Yan whispered secretly. He was about to change his sword skills and attacked Li Yan again, but at this moment, he suddenly felt vigilant.

   His "Hun Hun Gong" swiftly moved, and he heard a slight blasting sound behind him, and immediately without thinking about it, his whole body soared towards the sky.

   Just when he left the place, a flame spear whizzed past, stabbing the afterimage he had left in place.

   "What a poisonous magic weapon!"

   Liang Yan secretly smacked his tongue, this flame spear is silent, and it is definitely the best magic weapon for sneak attacks.

   He just thought about it for a while, and then he came to understand. Li Yan just used the line of fire made by the Red Flame Gold Essence to entangle him, it was just a false move.

   The real killer move was the magic weapon he hid in the line of fire.

On the surface, Liang Yan dissolved Li Yan's magical powers, but he did not know that this person had hidden the magical treasure beside him. Only when Liang Yan attacked Li Yan and became distracted, he sacrificed the magical treasure to him. Kill one blow.

   If Liang Yan had not possessed the Buddhism supernatural power of "Hun Hun Gong", and replaced him with another monk, I am afraid that he would have followed his way at this moment.

   The fighting method between the two people, although only between the moments, is full of cruelty and calculation, which really means no distinction between them.

   But Liang Yan didn't panic at all. He has the biggest hole card unused. As long as the mayfly sword is out, these little calculations are meaningless.

   It's just that he didn't intend to kill him during this trip. After all, he was already a member of the Feixing League. There were hundreds of large and small forces in the alliance, and he could not be an enemy of everyone.

   What's more, there is also a Meng leader of the Golden Core Stage!

   As long as he wants to develop Yunyanhui, he has to consider the rules of the league.

   The annexation of the Skyhawk Society had already offended the anger of the public. If the three envoys and their elders are killed here today, I am afraid that they will be condemned by the entire Flying Star Alliance.

   Mayfly Sword Gang is his biggest hole card, the less people know, the better, so if this sword is made, it must drink human blood. But at this moment, he was just gambling with Li Yan, and he hadn't used the mayfly sword for the time being.

   As for Li Yan, he carefully ambushed him, but Liang Yan dodged him with his physical strength, and his face couldn't help showing a dignified look.

   At this moment, where does he dare to look down on each other?

   "Good boy, he is quite capable, see if you can live up to the old man's trick!"

   Li Yan shouted, his body suddenly soared, and he slapped his hands forward.

   The four stone pillars seemed to have received his order, and they were immediately scattered around, occupying the east, south, west, and north directions respectively, enclosing Liang Yan in the center.

   Following the pinch of Li Yan's technique, the four stone pillars immediately spun up. At the same time, bursts of fire light rose from the top of the stone pillars into the sky, forming a sea of ​​fire all around them.

   "Good magic weapon!"

   Liang Yan couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and praised.

   "Envoy Li Zun, does this magic weapon have a name?"

   "Hahaha!" Li Yan laughed and said, "Do you still have the heart to ask this and that? Well, so that you know what you lost to. This is the'Tianlong God Fire Pillar', you can remember it!"

   Li Yan was talking about pinching the tactics with one hand, and punching a magic tactic into the surrounding "Tianlong God Fire Pillars", a dragon chant suddenly sounded out of the billowing flames.

   Liang Yan looked intently, and saw that the four seas of flames were all turbulent, and only a moment later, a dragon head emerged from each.


   A few dragons chanted, and these dragon heads opened their mouths, and the fierce flames rushed into the air, burning towards the place where Liang Yan was.

   Before the flame came close, Liang Yan felt a scorching air, and this scorching air started to burn his internal organs and original essence at a distance of hundreds of meters.

   "What a domineering magic weapon!"

   Liang Yan whispered secretly, and immediately pinched the tactics with one hand to unfold the "empty aspects of all dharmas".

   A layer of golden light curtain covered him, and the original feeling of burning heart was only slightly relieved.

   At this time, the sea of ​​fire in mid-air has been connected, trapping Liang Yan's whole person in it. These flames are enough to melt gold and stone, and even ordinary magic weapons cannot withstand the burning of this flame.

   Liang Yan knew that as long as he was in the flame dojo of the square fire pillars, he would not be able to avoid the burning of these flames. Over time, he would always be at a disadvantage.

   He made a decisive decision, pinched the sword in his hand, and the black lotus sword turned into a black light to open the way, and he walked with the sword, closely following behind.

   "Want to come out? It's not that easy!"

   Li Yan gave a sneer, and the tactics in his hand also changed. He only heard the dragons chanting around, and the four fire dragons raised their heads, and they all flew out of the sea of ​​fire!

   "Boy, taste the taste of the fire dragon!"

As Li Yan's voice just fell, the four fire dragons dived down from high altitude at the same time. A fierce and unmatched force spread with the scorching heat wave. Even Miao Yan and others, who were far away from the battlefield, felt it. There was a breath of danger.

  The four fire dragons each occupy one side, forming horns of each other, forming a lore formation. Liang Yan looked up and couldn't help but move slightly.

   Without any hesitation, he hurriedly pinched the method and sent the black lotus sword head on.

   This black light rushed into the air, and suddenly it turned into a black lotus that was as high as a person in Li Yan's startled eyes.

   The lotus flower rotates gently, the petals open one by one, a sword intent with death and destruction surges out, and thousands of tiny black lotus flowers bloom in mid-air.


   The fire dragon roared down, strangling with these black lotus flowers, and saw flames tumbling, sword intent vertical and horizontal, the originally gloomy sky, rendered by the red and black light, became extremely dazzling.

   Li Yan and Liang Yan did their best, fighting half a cup of tea in mid-air, and suddenly heard the scream of the fire dragon, and then saw black lotus blooming in layers, crushing one of the fire dragons to pieces.

   "How is it possible!" Li Yan shouted angrily, his eyes full of incredible expression.

   "Although the magic weapon is good, your supernatural powers are unsatisfactory." Liang Yan smiled faintly, and the sword in his hand changed. The black lotus in the air gradually gathered and regrouped into one.

   Now the four fire dragons are missing one, and it is difficult to form a battle. They were attacked one by one by this black lotus. It didn't take long for them to be wiped out, and there was no remnant.

   Without the fire dragon's support, the four stone pillars naturally couldn't trap Liang Yan.

   He escaped together, and in just a moment of effort, he rushed out of the billowing flames and came to the position where Li Yan was less than a hundred meters away.

"go with!"

   Liang Yan shouted, the black lotus turned into a flying sword again, turned into a black glow, and went straight to Li Yan to cut it away.

   Then Li Yan's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly pinched the tactics with one hand, blocking a bronze shield in front of him.

   Although the quality of this shield is also extraordinary, it is more than a little worse than the "Sky Dragon God Fire Pillar".

   The black lotus sword was almost unobstructed, and it smashed the shield easily, and the infinite sword intent burst out, leaving Li Yan's heart cold.

   "My fate is over!"

   Li Yan groaned secretly and closed his eyes subconsciously.

   However, he waited for a long time, but there was no movement. He couldn't help but open his eyes again. This look scared him into a cold sweat.

   I saw a jet-black long sword, hovering in front of me, the tip of the sword was less than three inches away from the tip of my nose!

   "It's the twenty-seventh move now. It seems that Li Zun's ambassador has not been able to survive a hundred moves." Liang Yan said lightly, floating in the air.

   At this time, Li Yan remembered that he still had a hundred tricks with the other party. Before, he boasted about Haikou and let Liang Yan survive the hundred tricks under his hand to be considered a victory.

   Now it seems that the one who can't survive a hundred moves is actually himself.........

   "Liang Zun has amazing supernatural powers and superb swordsmanship, Li Mou is willing to go down!" Li Yan's face was pale, and he arched his hands at Liang Yan.

   "Since admit defeat, those three veins..."

Before Liang Yan could finish speaking, Li Yan nodded and said: "The three mineral veins are naturally owned by the Yunyan Society! In addition, there are two originally occupied by the Cold Stone Society and the Shengling Society. There are five mineral veins in total. Whoever disagrees, that is an enemy of our Fentian Mansion!"

   After he said this, he glanced at Shi Jingtian and Feng Yueer below, and his meaning was self-evident.

   These two people showed a hint of helplessness at the same time, and each nodded, obviously tacitly acquiescing.

   You must know that Li Yan is a cultivator in the false pill realm. Even he can't go through 30 moves in Liang Yan's hands. Even if the people in the field add up, there is nothing to do with the man in front of him.

   "Haha, Daoyou Li must do what he says, he is really a refreshing person!" Liang Yan laughed, and pointed to the four Heavenly Dragon God's Fire Pillars in mid-air.

   "These four pillars are very interesting to me. Why don't you lend them to Liang?"

   After Li Yan heard this, his face changed drastically. The four stone pillars came from quite a long time, and they have been regarded as treasures by him. How can he lend them to others?

   But at this moment, he dare not speak.

  Can you talk nonsense? When Liang Yan questioned, Feijian did not withdraw, but stopped just three inches above the tip of his nose!

   How can this be borrowed, it's obviously grabbing!

   "This.........Liang Zunshi, this magic weapon is my sect token, and it must not be given to others. Can you change something? I will never frown."

   "Are you a beggar for Liang?"

   Liang Yan sneered, and the black lotus sword shook lightly on Li Yan's head, and a chill rushed into his forehead.

   Before his life was at stake, Li Yan couldn’t allow Li Yan to think. He almost subconsciously yelled out:

   "Okay, okay! I borrow it, I borrow it! Please also ask Mr. Liang to take the flying sword!"

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