The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 806: Bamboo Leaf Sword

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These six weird bamboo people were still attacking Liang Yan with a stormy offensive. At this moment, they stopped in place, as if they were just ordinary bamboo.

Although Liang Yan was able to breathe a little, his eyes were still staring straight ahead, and he dared not relax at all.

He faintly guessed that these six bamboo people should be controlled by the person playing the flute in the forest. This person had clearly been able to let Taketo win the chase, but he stopped for some reason.

When he was puzzled, a figure slowly walked out in the depths of the bamboo forest.

This person is over 40 years old, with a Chinese character face, a black mole on the corner of his mouth, long sleeves in Tsing Yi, walking on mans shoes, holding a jade bamboo stick, and tapping rhythmically on the ground.

Obviously dressed as an unruly scribe, but it gives people a domineering and introverted feeling like a mountain like an abyss.

Liang Yan was taken aback for a moment. This person was walking towards him now, but he couldn't notice his half aura, as if there was no one in front of him.

In this case, there is only one possibility, and that is that this person has achieved the golden core!

Liang Yan's pupils shrank, and he arched his hands towards the person in front of him: "The junior has escaped for his life so far. I accidentally disturbed the senior. Please forgive me."

After hearing this, the man waved his hand and asked blankly: "Where did you learn the sword technique you just used?"

Liang Yan was stunned for a moment. The "Three Jue Thunder Sword" was created by him based on his own three swordsmanships: "Flying Thunder God Sword Art", "Little Three Talent Sword Art" and "Wuxiang Sword Classic".

Among them, the Fei Lei Divine Sword Art is the basis of this move, and then the change of the Xiaosancai Sword Art is taken, and finally integrated into the sword art of the Wuxiang Sword Scripture.

The middle-aged man asked him where he learned it, and he could only bite the bullet and replied: "I'm not talented, I created this sword trick."

"Create your own?"

The man laughed and said: "This kind of sword trick is something you can create? The kid is not honest! Not to mention, let the old man come and try your goodness."

As soon as his words fell, he waved his big sleeve with his right hand, and a strong wind suddenly blew in the bamboo forest, and countless bamboo leaves fell down, forming a blue long sword in the air.

Although this bamboo-leaf sword looks unremarkable, even without a bit of murderous intent, how dare Liang Yan take it lightly?

Without saying anything, he directly pinched the sword art, and the mayfly sword was sacrificed from the pubic field, and in an instant, it turned into a long blue river in the air.


The middle-aged man looked at Jian Gang in mid-air, his face was full of stunned expressions, he seemed to be stunned for a long time before he could react.

"Jiangang! You actually cultivated Jiangang? Hahaha, you, a boy in the Ju Yuan realm, actually cultivated Jiangang!"

The excitement on his face seemed to be more than the surprise, and his gaze stared at the long blue river in the air.

"Not bad! Not bad! Let me try it!"

This person said that the sword tactics in his hand changed, and the sword of bamboo leaves suddenly rushed into the air to meet Liang Yan's mayfly sword gang.

Liang Yan was stunned for a moment. His mayfly sword was transformed from the leftover tree of Emperor Qing. Although his cultivation was not enough to exert its full power, it could not be blocked by a few bamboo leaves.

"This person is so big, I have to take this opportunity to give him a cruel!"

Liang Yan thought of this. Although on the surface it was calm as usual, he secretly urged the Mayfly Sword Gang to the extreme, and the three spiritual powers of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism in his body were running like boiling water.

The mayfly sword rushed down, and soon slashed with the bamboo leaf sword. The two swords intersected without making any sound, and the bamboo-leaf sword actually pierced Liang Yan's mayfly sword gang!

"How can it be?!"

Liang Yan was surprised, the blue light in his eyes flashed, and he saw that the sword of bamboo leaves was torn apart in the long blue river. The scattered bamboo leaves were not shattered. Instead, they were like sharp blades, each stabbing him. The weakest place in Jiangang.

"Hahaha, I'm more than fierce but not agile. I just fight hard, but lose the agility of wood swordsmanship."

The middle-aged man didn't seem to be very concerned about this fighting technique, and he was holding his hands upside down at the moment, commenting on the fighting sword above, as if he was watching a play.

As his words landed, the magnificent cyan river in the midair suddenly burst out of a cyan halo, and then the entire river collapsed, turning into a little stream of light and falling into the air.


Liang Yan murmured, as if he couldn't believe it. Since his mayfly sword gang has been cultivated, it can be said to be unprofitable, and the same-level cultivator can't stop his light sword at all.

However, at this moment, the opponent only relied on a few of the most common bamboo leaves to break his sword gang, which was incredible!

The middle-aged man's face was indifferent as usual. With a light wave of his left hand sleeve, the bamboo leaves circled and flew up, forming a Tai Chi Yin-Yang picture in mid-air.

This Tai Chi Yin-Yang picture composed of bamboo leaves slowly rotates, and the infinite sword intent radiates out, almost sweeping the entire bamboo forest.

Liang Yan was in the meantime, just as if he was under the Wanzhangjian Mountain, as long as there is a slight change, the next moment he will be cut to pieces.

In the face of such a fierce might, don't say the sword fights back, even if you want to move a step, it is even more difficult.

Baizhang, ten zhang...........three zhang

The Tai Chi Yin-Yang picture composed of bamboo leaves finally reached Liang Yan's head. He was short of breath at this time, his face was pale, his eyes were fixed on the Tai Chi Yin-Yang picture above his head, and a heart almost jumped into his throat.

At this moment, a gust of breeze suddenly blew in the The Tai Chi Yin-Yang picture disappeared instantly, and countless bamboo leaves were scattered, falling down from mid-air, unexpectedly spreading Liang Yan.

Liang Yan walked past the gate of the ghost, and couldn't help but let out a sigh, but there was doubt in his heart.

He looked forward, but saw that the middle-aged man was holding his hands upside down, smiling all over his face, and there seemed to be a hint of approval in his eyes.

"Boy, how about Gu's sword of bamboo leaves?"

Liang Yan took a deep breath, then clasped his fists and replied: "It's really the only thing I have seen in my life!"

His words didn't mean to deliberately compliment. If all the Golden Core monks he has seen from the time he entered cultivation to the present are ranked according to their strength, then where is the first Sect Master Mountain to push Yungangzong first.

Next are his master Yu Xuanji, Yixing Pavilion Gu Musheng, and Baiyun Lao Dao, who can be ranked in the quasi-first class among the Golden Core cultivators.

Further down, it is Dongguo Taoist and Witch Wuxin. Although they are not the top in the Golden Core Realm, they can suppress most Golden Core cultivators.

And the coercion brought to him by the monk with the bamboo sword in Tsing Yi has far surpassed that of the Taoists of Dongguo. I am afraid that only the mountain that he encountered in the Sanxing Cave can be compared with it.

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