The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 817: 0 League of Rebellion

In the following ten days, more and more monks came to the Galaxy Palace, and on the last day, the Feixing League had a total of 128 powers of all sizes.

   Liang Yan looked out of the attic, and saw the beautiful clouds outside, the drums and music, and the people all around, all coming to participate in the ceremony. It was really lively.

   It's a pity that under this glitzy surface, there is a raging dark tide.

   Liang Yan sighed slightly, turned and walked down the attic, into the hall.

   Wuxin and the monks of Yigan Yunyanhui are all ready to go, they are all waiting here.

"Let's go."

After Liang Yan finished speaking, he led them out of the attic and hurried towards the center of the Galaxy Palace.

The entire Galaxy Palace is divided into three areas. The outermost layer is where the major trading houses in the alliance trade, and the second layer is the monk’s cave house in the Galaxy Palace. As for the central layer, it is a private area exclusively owned by the leader. .

   The venue of the Baimeng Conference is the "Splendid Terrace" located in the central area.

   Liang Yan, as one of the Seven Star Venerables, naturally received various courtesies along the way. Soon the monks of the Galaxy Palace came to pick them up and brought them to the most central area of ​​the Galaxy Palace.

   After arriving here, they knew that the so-called "Splendid Terrace" was actually a huge mahogany sailing boat suspended in mid-air.

   This huge boat is several miles long from the bow to the end of the bed, and it traverses the entire head of everyone at this moment, really covering the sky and the sun.

   And on the sailing boat, the banquet had already been arranged, and some beautiful female nuns were dancing on the boat at this moment. Everyone was chatting and laughing, and it was full of fun.

   Liang Yan led the crowd to fly onto the huge redwood boat, and soon found the position of the Yunyanhui, which was close to the edge of the main stage, and together with the other six stars, surrounded the vicinity of the main stage like stars holding the moon.

   "Hahaha, Liang Zunji, you can count it!"

   A rough voice suddenly sounded, Liang Yan turned his head and looked, only to see a big red-faced man sitting in the banquet of the Admiralty Club, looking at him with a smile on his face.

   "Liang has the shortest time on stage, I don't know who you are..."

   The man laughed, patted his chest and said, "Under Tan Gong, the current leader of Jin Zhonghui is a certain family!"

   "It turned out to be Tan Zunshi, disrespectful and disrespectful!"

   "The envoy Liang Zun is too polite. I have heard about your name for a long time, but unfortunately I have never seen it. Today I can finally have a good drink with your Excellency!"

   Tan Gong said, pointing to a few people in other positions, and said with a smile: "Come on, I will introduce you to you, this is the leader of Qingshuangtang, Ye Feng."

   Liang Yan looked in the direction he was pointing, only to see a man in Tsing Yi, holding a glass of sake to signal to himself in the distance.

   "I have seen Envoy Ye Zun." Liang Yan smiled and gave a salute.

   Next, Tan Gong introduced the other four stars to him again.

   Among them, the envoy of Tianyuan Pavilion is a middle-aged Taoist priest who calls himself Yuanzhongzi;

  Bai Fengxuan’s envoy is a young and beautiful female sister named Feng Xuan'er,

The envoy of    Kamikaze Villa is a middle-aged man dressed as a martial artist named Ma Qingnian

   As for the envoy of Nandouyuan, he was an elderly man with a childlike appearance and named "Nantianweng".

Except for Feng Xuan'er and "Nan Tian Weng", the others greeted Liang Yan with a smile. As for Feng Xuan'er, this girl had a cold expression from beginning to end, while Nan Tian Weng remained closed. Sitting upright, seemingly indifferent to the things around him.

   Liang Yan secretly ran the mixed power and looked at everyone, and found that although the six stars are at the peak of the Ju Yuan realm, there is still a big gap in the strength of their supernatural powers.

   Among them, Ye Feng from Qingshuangtang and Nan Tianweng from Nandouyuan felt the most difficult to deal with, and their strength should be far surpassed by Li Yanzhi and his ilk.

   As for the remaining people, although there are some remarkable generations, with this formation, Meng Qibai, who wants to win the Golden Core Stage, is still far behind.

   Just as Liang Yan was thinking secretly, there was a soft noise on the stage, and then someone shouted:

   "Leader Meng of the Flying Star Alliance is here!"

  As soon as this person's voice fell, Yukong, a middle-aged man wearing a Confucian robe with an immortal temperament, came and fell lightly on the chairman of the league.

   "See the leader!"

   Hundreds of envoys on the Fairview Stage stood up at the same time and bowed their hands to Meng Qibai.

   "Haha, your envoys are welcome!"

   Meng Qibai waved his hand and smiled: "Today's Hundred League Conference, you are rare to gather together, drinking and having fun, Meng Mou first respect you a glass!"

   As he said, he raised the wine glass on the table and bowed to everyone.

   "Thanks to the leader!"

   Everyone drank the wine glasses in their hands at the same time, and sat back on their seats again.

   At this moment, a female cultivator came to the scene and began to dance lightly, and the sound of silk and bamboo wind rang again.

Meng Qibai looked very happy. He looked around and said with a smile: "I think I was introduced to the Flying Star Alliance when I first arrived in Hell. Among all the stars present here, there are those who worked with Meng. People. Later, the old leader drove Hexi to the west, and Meng had a chance to break through, and then he inherited the Galaxy Palace."

When he said this, there was a trace of reminiscence on his face, and he slowly said, "Meng has superficial supernatural powers. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of several star veterans, this has stabilized the thousand-year foundation of the Feixing League! I am always grateful, and I want to say thank you today."

   His words were sincere and his expression was sincere. If Liang Yan had already known the dark tide under the water, he would really have to believe it.

   "Leader is serious!"

   Ye Feng said with a shame on his face: "As a member of the Feixing League, I should do my best for the League. Now that these tasks have not been done well, how can I be the leader of the League and thank you!"

   "Yeah, yeah! I'm ashamed of waiting!"

  Ma Qingnian, Yuan Zhongzi and others also all spoke up and pleaded guilty to Meng Qibai.

   Liang Yan has been watching with cold eyes, only to see that between the banquets, Meng Qibai and the six stars are happy to talk to each other, or to reminisce about the past, or talk about the future in the alliance, it is a happy and harmonious scene, and there is no atmosphere of tension.

   "Hmph, let's see when you are acting!" Liang Yan sneered, but did not speak. Wuxin and others beside him naturally remained silent at this time.

  After the third wine tour, the atmosphere in the court gradually became lively. At this time, Meng Qibai touched his chin, and suddenly said: "According to the rules of the previous Hundred League Conferences, should it be the treasure appraisal next?"

   "Not bad!"

   Tan Gong replied with a smile: "I don't know what the leader has prepared? Let me wait to open my eyes too?"

   "Haha, Meng has indeed achieved something occasionally in the past few decades, and I want to taste it with you." Meng Qibai clapped his hands as he spoke, and a white light immediately lit up under the Fairview Stage.

   Everyone looked back and saw four beautiful and fair-skinned female nuns, carrying a huge square table together, and flew onto the Fairview Terrace.

   There is a white cloth covering the square table, which cuts off the consciousness of everyone, and no one knows what's inside.

   "This thing is extraordinary, I personally seized it from the territory of the Mad Lion League, and for this reason I fought with the old lion." Meng Qi said lightly and lightly.

   "Leader of God!"

   The six stars at this moment, whether they like it or not, they all flattered.

   Meng Qibai laughed and winked at the audience. The female nuns immediately understood, they stepped forward almost at the same time, and took off the white cloth on the wooden table.

   As the white cloth fell, a huge ancient bronze mirror was revealed in front of everyone.

   Strangely speaking, the ancient mirror was rusty and did not have much light. It looked like an ordinary mirror, but everyone at the scene held their breath at the same time, and Tan Gong cried out aloud:

   "Taiqing Zhaoxin mirror!"

   Liang Yan was stunned for a moment. Tai Qingzhao's mood is a treasure in Taoist legends. It is said that practicing in front of this mirror allows you to visualize the gods, but you can not see inwardly.

   All the gates and bottlenecks of cultivation techniques can be easily broken through in front of this mirror. It is definitely an artifact of cultivation and longevity.

"Envoy Tan Zun was joking, what a treasure the Taiqing Zhaoxin Mirror is, how can it fall into Meng's hands!" Meng Qibai smiled and said, "This is just a copy of Taiqing Zhaoxin Mirror, and it provides assistance in cultivation. It's a lot worse, and it can only work on the techniques below the Golden Core Realm."

Tan Gong and others all came back to their senses at this time, and said with envious expression: "Even the imitation of Taiqing Zhaoxin mirror, in our hell, it is a first-class treasure! Congratulations to the subordinates, Congratulations, leader, with this mirror in hand, the magical powers will surely increase in the future!"

Meng Qibai waved his hand and smiled: "Envoy Tan Zun does not have to be envious. Although this treasure was obtained by Meng by chance, it is also a thing in the alliance, and Meng does not dare to enjoy it alone. Every ten years in the future, you can come to my galaxy. Gong uses this mirror to practice once!"

  As soon as this statement came out, the six stars present here, except for the frosty Feng Xuan'er and the closed eyes of Nan Tian Weng, the other four showed a hint of joy.

   "Thank you, the leader!"

   These people got up at the same time and saluted Meng Qibai.

Among them, Ye Feng arched his hand and said: "Although I am not a Taoist monk, I have heard of the name of the Mirror of the Heart of Qingzhao for a long time. When I saw it today, it was really itchy. I wonder if the leader can show it in person and let me Wait to see the power of this mirror?"

   "Why not?"

   Meng Qibai smiled slightly, and slapped the tabletop with one hand, and he flew into the air.

   He volleyed and stepped on the empty space, only took a few steps, and came to the top of the mottled ancient mirror, and then he single-handed the tactics, muttering words in his mouth.


   A magic formula was punched into the ancient mirror by him, and the originally dark mirror surface actually shone with a faint blue light.

   "Taiqing preserves the gods, according to whether I have or not, see the clear heart, see the truth. Open it to me!"

   Following Meng Qibai's soft drink, the blue light in the ancient mirror actually flowed out like water, drifting around, and flew towards the location of Meng Qibai.

   However, at this moment, sudden changes occurred in the field!

   The four female cultivators standing next to the ancient mirror were originally quiet and quiet. At this moment, they pinched the tactics with one hand at the same time, and punched the four tactics into the ancient mirror.

   The light in the ancient mirror flashed again, and it turned from pale blue to dazzling white. A huge white beam of light thicker than a human blasted out, Meng Qibai in the middle of the sky!

   The four female cultivators were all in the early stage of the Ju Yuan realm. After playing the magic trick, there was still no pause. The magic trick in their hands changed and their magic treasures were sacrificed.

   These four magic weapons hit Meng Qibai in mid-air at the same time, instantly arousing a dazzling halo.

   This change was too sudden. There were hundreds of envoys in the field, except for a small number of insiders, everyone else was full of shock.

   Everyone can see that the four female cultivators under this leader are definitely not helping him to open the Taiqing Zhaoxin Mirror, but attacking him!

"what happened?"

   "You are so bold!"

   Some of the ambassadors who reacted quickly in the field immediately yelled.

   At this time, six figures flew into the air silently.

   Each of the six people held a bronze mirror in their hands, and six identical white beams of light shot out from it, illuminating Meng Qibai in mid-air almost at the same time.

   With Meng Qibai as the center, a dazzling white aperture burst out, covering the entire "Splendid Terrace" inside.

   At the same time, cyan streamers appeared above everyone's heads, like streamers under the starry sky, flying around in the field.

   "Huh, the play is finally over, and it's about to start." Liang Yan had anticipated this, and only smiled when he saw it.

   At this moment, the monks offering bronze mirrors in mid-air are the six star veterans Tan Gong, Ma Qingyuan, Yuan Zhongzi, Feng Xuan'er, Ye Feng, and Nan Tianweng!

   The people of the Yunyan Club were obviously taken aback, it seemed a little unbelievable, but Wuxin asked in a low voice: "What should we do and who should we help?"

   "I'm not in a hurry, I haven't shown my true ability!" Liang Yan shook his head and looked into the sky with a lively expression.

   In the white halo attacked by everyone at this a thick voice suddenly sounded from it:

   "Tan Gong, Ye Feng! I didn't expect you to do it after all."

   As soon as the voice fell, those white beams of light shattered, and a man in Confucian robes flew out of it. It was Meng Qibai, the leader of the Feixing League!

   It's just that his clothes are torn at the moment, and he looks very embarrassed.

   "Meng asked himself if he treated you badly, why did he oppose me?" Meng Qibai said gloomily.

   "The lord really treats me not badly, but my life is more important!" Tan Gong sneered, and hurriedly pinched the magic trick in his hand, and continuously poured his spiritual power into the bronze mirror in his hand.

   Meng Qibai stared at the blue and white streamers around him, his eyes narrowed slightly.

   "I said you have the courage to turn your face with me, so is this your backing? Dao Sect’s ‘Blue Sky Double Swords and Demon Array’!"

   "The surname is Meng, I blame you for being so confused, you don't even know that the people around you have been bought out! Didn't you expect that we would do tricks on your things, right?" Ma Qingyuan sneered.

"Don't talk nonsense with this person, swiftly mobilize the magic circle, today is a little bit different, I will die and die!" Ye Xuan yelled, put her palm on her chest with one hand, her spiritual power gushing out like boiling water .

   After listening to the other five people, their faces were also solemn, and they urged the spiritual power in their bodies to the extreme, breaking into the bronze mirrors in front of them.

  As the six stars cast spells at the same time, the blue and white streamers in mid-air gradually condensed, and they turned into two huge long swords, slashing towards the top of Meng Qibai's head!

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