I don't know how long it has passed, the place where the teleportation circle of the Bloody Moon Mountain Welcome Peak is now covered by a layer of red clouds.

   Inside the red cloud, although there were people fighting fiercely, there was still no bit of breath to the outside world.

   After about a half scent of incense, the red clouds covering this area gradually dispersed, revealing the scene inside.

   I saw two men standing side by side, one of whom was in a black robe and gown with a grim face. The other person was dressed in red and was tall, and his appearance was a little bit masculine and feminine.

   And under his feet, five corpses were already lying down.

   Old man in yellow shirt, couple with double repair, middle-aged man in red robe, and young woman in palace costume. The five people responsible for defending the formation have completely lost their breath at this moment.

   The black robe man looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes seemed to fluctuate slightly.

The red monk beside    glanced at him, and said with a smile: "Falling Moon Daoist, this is the end of the matter, I can't look back!"

   "You don't need to talk nonsense!"

   Can Yuezun snorted coldly, and his eyes became firm again.

   He turned around and walked to the side of the magic circle, put the things he had already prepared into the corresponding positions one by one, and embedded a whole hundred spirit stones in the magic circle, and then stepped back.

   The red cultivator smiled when he saw it, and raised his hand to play a few magic tricks. The teleportation circle that had been dim and dull, instantly began to operate.

   It didn't take long for a dazzling blue light to shoot out from the center of the magic circle, and dozens of strange and powerful auras slowly descended in this blue light.

   Can Yuezun looked at the figure in the circle, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if a little frightened, but the red-robed monk beside him had a look of excitement.

   The blue light gradually faded, revealing the figure standing inside.

   was the first to be seven feet tall, with a tiger back and a bear waist, wearing a golden unicorn armor, and holding a red king's spear. His breath was deep as the sea, and he looked like a **** of war!

  Behind him, there are more than a dozen figures standing, and without exception, the cultivation realm of these people has reached the peak of the Ju Yuan realm.

   Looking at the man in front of him, the corners of Wan Yuezun’s mouth twitched slightly, but he immediately went forward and bowed respectfully:

   "See the leader of Xiang League!"

The fire lion king beside him laughed and took a step forward, and bowed to the man with the golden armor and spear: "Congratulations to the leader Xiang, he finally entered the Blood Moon Mountain as he wished. From now on, here is our crazy The Lion League’s territory is now!"

"Without further ado!"

  The man with the golden armor spear coldly snorted: "Continue to open the teleportation circle, and open the channel for the elites in our league!"


   Can Yue Zun and the Fire Lion King responded at the same time.


   At the same time, on the Lanyue Peak of Bloody Moon Mountain, the battle to win the championship is still going on.

  The battle in the performance of Wutai is fierce, and the two foundation-building monks are doing their best. The aftermath of various dazzling spells spreads, opening some young disciples with relatively shallow cultivation skills.

   "It's really the momentum of thunder, so happy and happy!"

   "I didn't expect this Li Yuan to be so strong, I think he is the top three in this battle!"

   "His trick is quite mysterious, after I carefully study it, I will get something!"

   There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and several ambassadors from the Ju Yuan realm also nodded frequently. Obviously, they were quite satisfied with the two people on the martial arts stage.

   "Leader Nie, the younger cultivators of our Blood Moon League are now stronger than waves. It seems that we are not far from the day when the Blood Moon League will be rejuvenated!" An old man with white hair hehe laughed.

   After listening to Nie Ziming, he smiled slightly and said: "Yuan Yuezun has a good vision. This Li Yuan has been cultivated by you, and the future is unlimited!"

   "Where and where, Yuan'er can have today's achievements depends on himself. The old man only clicks a little bit. There is nothing to cultivate or cultivate." Yuan Yuezun said with a smile.

"Although Li Yuan is strong, his opponent is not weak. Then Mo Haoran is a body of weak water, and what he learned is the authentic Confucian School of "Flowering and Flowing Water Jue". The two work together, and the power should not be underestimated. "Ling Yuezun, who was wearing a green dress, smiled beside him.

"The blooming of a hundred schools is the sign of the resurgence of our Blood Moon Alliance. If there is only one genius, then he would be too lonely. There is no rival among his peers. How can he make progress?" , The man with three-point evil in his eyes said lightly.

   "Xie Yuezun is absolutely right!"

   Nie Ziming nodded, seeming to agree with the evil man just now.

   Just when he was chatting with these few Yue Zun, the battle method on the stage had already decided the winner. In the end, it was Li Yuan who was better at it and beat Mo Haoran by half.

   "In this round of fighting, Li Yuan won, and was among the top three!" The monk who was in charge of the notification had already shouted loudly in the audience.

  On the stage of performing martial arts, Li Yuan looked excited, saluted in Nie Ziming's direction, and bowed deeply in the direction of Yuan Yuezun, looking quite like a secular man returning home.

   "This kid...has a fluctuating mind, he needs more polishing..."

   Yuan Yuezun pretended to sigh. Although all he said were derogatory words, the corners of his eyes and brows were full of joy, and it seemed like he was complaining about his disciples.

   Everyone present knew that he was stealing amusement and did not expose him. Nie Ziming gave a light cough and was about to get up to announce the ranking of the Fighting Contest.

   But at this moment, the entire Blood Moon Mountain suddenly shook.


   A dull sound came from the soles of everyone's feet, and immediately on the periphery of the Blood Moon Mountain, nine golden light beams rose into the sky and gathered in mid-air into a large golden net, covering the entire Blood Moon Mountain.

"what is that?"

   Everyone present was taken aback, even Nie Ziming's expression changed drastically.

   Among the nine golden lights, a three-headed, two-winged evil tiger flew out, flying domineering in mid-air, watching the crowds.

   And the whole golden net, also because of the appearance of these nine evil tigers, exuded a more majestic aura, and a coercion fell from the sky and directly fell on everyone.

   "It's the ‘Crazy Lion Supporting Heaven Array’ of the Mad Lion League!" Yuan Yuezun shouted, hurriedly mobilizing the spiritual power in his body, trying to resist the pressure that fell from the sky.

   However, he had just used the magic technique, he was shocked to find that his cultivation was actually suppressed by this magic circle, and his magical powers could only exert 70% of the power.

   In the same situation as him, there are the other five moon veterans and the envoys of the major forces. All the cultivators of the Blood Moon Alliance have been suppressed by this "mad lion entrusting the sky", and their supernatural powers are greatly reduced.


   Amidst the wild laughter, a burly man wearing a golden unicorn armor and holding a red-winged overlord spear appeared on the horizon. And behind him, there is also an army of black and overwhelming cultivators. Among them, there are as many as three hundred cultivators in the Ju Yuan realm!

   "Xiang An!"

   Nie Ziming's pupils shrank, his eyes filled with fear.

  The visitor is Xiang An, the leader of the Mad Lion League. He stood with his gun and laughed, "Nie Ziming, haven't seen you for many years. I don't think you have been sitting down yet. Today, I am here to see you off!"

   "What a crazy tone!"

  The people of the Blood Moon League are indifferent, and those loyal to Nie Ziming's Yue Zun and his envoys are full of indignation. If the leader has not given the order, I am afraid that they will rush into the air and fight with the people of the Mad Lion League.

   Nie Ziming's gaze at this time swept over the invaders one by one, and finally stayed on the three of them.

   These three people are the three moon venerations of the blood moon alliance in the past: the red moon veteran, the dragon moon veteran and the star moon veteran. And they are also the "Huangquan Dao" monks marked in the roster brought by Linghuyu.

   He originally wanted to wait until the Blood Moon Conference was over before dealing with the rebellion in the League. He didn't expect the three of them to get the news from nowhere. Instead, he took a step ahead and secretly introduced the people of the Mad Lion League into the Blood Moon Mountain.

   "It seems that there are still many'Huangquan Dao' monks lurking in the league. The few people found by Linghu's family are just the tip of the iceberg."

   Nie Ziming figured this out, and he couldn't help but feel cold. He turned his head, looked at the lord of the wild lion league, and shouted:

   "Xiang An, do you and I have to fight for life and death? Now that the turmoil in the underworld is treacherous, have you ever thought that everything that happened here today may have been instigated by someone behind?"


Xiang An exaggeratedly smiled and said: "No one in this world can instigate Xiang, I want to destroy your Blood Moon League, but the planning has been a long time. Now half of the blood moon alliance's main force is trapped here. After this battle, , What are you doing to turn over?"

"Xiang'an, have you ever heard of the'Huangquan Road'? This organization is hidden inside our four major leagues, deliberately inciting disputes between the leagues. In today's battle, I am afraid that it is for others to make wedding dresses! "Nie Ziming said, holding back his anger.

After Xiang An heard this, he sneered: "I didn't expect that he hadn't seen him for many years. Leader Nie actually made a tortoise with his head shrunk. If you are afraid of our Mad Lion League, then just say, why look for these unnecessary excuses, don't you think Will I believe it?"

   "This man really doesn't make sense to him!"

   Nie Ziming cursed secretly in his heart, and was about to find some words, but when Xiang An waved one hand, the cultivator of the Mad Lion League behind him shot at the same time, attacking the cultivator of the Blood Moon League.

   Seeing that the war has begun, and there is no room for maneuver in this matter, Nie Ziming is sad and can't help but shout: "Xiang An, after this battle, you will regret it!"

   Xiang An haha ​​laughed and said: "When someone does something, I never know what regret is! After this battle, the Blood Moon League was removed!"

   He said that with a wave of the Overlord's spear in his hand, countless shadows of the spear fell from the mid-air, as if thousands of troops and horses had slew towards the blood moon cultivators in the battle group.

   Nie Ziming narrowed his eyes, raised his hand and shot a palm in the air.

   Only this palm stirred up the wind and clouds in all directions, and countless violent winds rushed in, shattering the phantoms of the long spears that rushed in the forefront.

   Xiang'an didn't feel discouraged when he saw this, instead he looked excited.

   He picked the spear in his hand, and an overwhelming aura pressed across, like a sharp sword, rushing towards Nie Ziming's position.

   A bit of cold light cut through the sky and pierced Nie Ziming's forehead directly. The next moment, this monk wearing a Confucian robe was pierced by a shot, and there was no way to fight back.

   However, when Xiang An saw this, his brows were slightly frowned, and there was no joy on his face.

   Suddenly, he moved his ears and slammed the spear behind him.


   A circle of yellow halo spread out, it seemed to collide with something, and a loud noise erupted.

   When the light dissipated, I saw a person standing behind Xiang An, in a Confucian robe and long gown, and handsome and handsome. It was Nie Ziming who had been pierced before.

   At this moment, he was holding a book in his hand, his face was calm, as if he was not on the battlefield at all.

   "What a great trick to escape from the void!"

   Xiang An sneered and said, "Try another shot!"

   As soon as his voice fell, he raised his hand forward and another shot was pierced. A violent force came surging, making everyone present a little breathless.

   Nie Ziming was the first to bear the brunt. He was almost forced to open his eyes by this force, but he didn't panic at all. Instead, he threw the booklet in the air.

   The book slowly opened, and all kinds of weird runes flashed one by one, forming a mantra circle in the air, and Xiang An's spear was firmly resisted.

   Nie Ziming’s book is his "Killing Book", which contains the mantra of Confucianism.

   Following his technique, countless rune mantras flew out from it, like a huge killing array, trapping Xiang An to death.

   Xiang'an was domineering, naturally not afraid, shook his spear and greeted him, and the two did their best in mid-air, and suddenly they fought hundreds of moves.

   Both of them are Golden Core cultivators, and each is the leader of an alliance. They usually have the resources and inheritance of the alliance in the alliance, and their supernatural powers are actually the same.

After    a hundred moves, the two are still equally divided, but the battle group underneath has already shown a lopsided trend.

   Nie Ziming can withstand the suppression of the "crazy lion supporting the sky" by relying on his profound cultivation, but those stars and envoys in the Ju Yuan realm can't do this.

   Their cultivation base has been suppressed by about 30%, while the monks of the Mad Lion League, because they took the "Guyuan Pill" in advance, they were like a fish in the water in this formation, and they were not suppressed at all.

   Under this situation, the cultivators of the Blood Moon Alliance were quickly defeated. Some cultivators were already in different places, and tragic scenes were unfolding everywhere.

   Nie Ziming was in the air, looking at the battle underneath. He couldn't help but his eyes were cracked. He opened his mouth and shouted: "Xiang An, since you want to burn all the jade and stone, then someone Nie will stay with him to the end."

   As soon as he finished speaking, he bit the tip of his tongue and spit a mouthful of blood on the "killing book" in front of him.

In the midair around   , various voices suddenly appeared, some screaming crazily, some murmuring, but all these voices kept repeating one word:

   "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

   Countless rune mantras appeared in the air, flying towards Xiang An with a murderous aura.

   Upon seeing that, Xiang An, instead of having the slightest fear, laughed:

   "Good job!"

   He didn't retreat but moved forward, and with a spear in his hand, a phantom of the **** of war appeared immediately behind him. The phantom had three heads and six arms, holding a spear like him, and directly faced the rune mantra in mid-air.

   Seeing the two golden core masters, they desperately used the trick to press the bottom of the box, and the next moment they were born and died.

   At this critical juncture, suddenly a loud noise erupted from a mountain not far away.

   This loud noise shook the earth, and its momentum actually overwhelmed all the fighting methods on the Moon Peak!

   Whether it was a cultivator of the Blood Moon League or a member of the Mad Lion League, it was a momentary surprise and stopped involuntarily.

"what is that?"

   Before everyone could react, I saw the top of the mountain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Suddenly a golden haze rushed out, vast and mighty, almost covering the entire mountaintop.

   After the golden clouds, red, blue, blue, and yellow rays of light rushed out one by one, and the five brilliances of different colors slowly rotated in mid-air, and finally turned into a five-color light.

   Seeing these visions, even Nie Ziming and Xiang An's eyes widened, and they stopped fighting involuntarily.

  "Five-turn golden pill? Where is the fellow Taoist forming the pill here?"

   "Nanyang Peak? Isn't that the forbidden area of ​​my Blood Moon Alliance?"

   The two made a sound at the same time, with incredible expressions in their eyes.

   Nie Ziming's face changed a few times, and in the end, he pinched the magic formula, drove a light, and flew towards the place where Nanyang Peak was.

   Xiang'an saw this, but not to be outdone, drove a light, and came to the top of Nanyang Peak with Nie Ziming.


   Just when the two people stopped, they heard a loud noise. Amidst the five colors of light, a figure broke out from the top of the mountain and flew straight into the air.

   Nie Ziming and Xiang An released their divine consciousness at the same time, but they couldn't see the figure in the five-color divine light at all, and they could only vaguely identify a man in gray.

   This person was in the air, and with a long whistle, he shouted:

   "A little bit of aura is like the sky's restraint, stepping through the nine clouds and taking the ladder.

   Thousands of avenues and all kinds of methods, I am here with one sword! "

   Before the words fell, there were two sword lights shooting out of the five-color divine light. The two sword lights, one black and the other purple, were in no particular order, and at the same time, they slashed towards Nie Ziming and Xiang An!

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